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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Well until the end of spring when I have finals all over again but I know what you mean and I'm so happy to be done.

    Now it's time for to relax, play some COD MW III, and live it up.
    Vote Anubis for President in 2012
    A Face you Can Trust
    So whats the worst that could happen?
    Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
    It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


      ha ha.

      i play Battlefield 3. (and anno 2070) ((and minecraft))


        I wonder something......... Have we tried anything in terms of starships like the Carrier in Tron Legacy ? Maybe one of those Light Fighters or Lightjets....

        Durr. I hate my muse O.o

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          i have no clue what you are talking about


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            i have no clue what you are talking about

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              why would anyone line their ship with lights?


                ..... At least it is a conversation starter.... anyway

                Personally the lights define where it is in the darkness of space, Assuming the ship is used in space, it'd need areas to provide shielding and otherwise, it'd make a pretty good combat craft I think.... OR, it could make a pretty good basis for a ship design, m inus the lights. Personally I think it looks good even with the lights. But that is just me

                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                  recently watched Thor.

                  my god it's a WAY better movie than i expected. i really liked it. i like the aesthetics, the armors, etc. it was good. especially Bifrost


                    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                    recently watched Thor.

                    my god it's a WAY better movie than i expected. i really liked it. i like the aesthetics, the armors, etc. it was good. especially Bifrost
                    I know eh? I'd never thought of the Yggdrasil as a wormhole network.

                    As to the lights... isn't it like giving your enemy one more emission to lock on to?


                      yes. and how the Aesir have sort-of technological systems with a magical feel to it. the Hammer for example, and powers. given that everyone always wears their armor, i think that the Armor is actually what makes the difference between a God and a Human.

                      it was all very nicely executed in a non-cheesy, almost original way.

                      As to the lights... isn't it like giving your enemy one more emission to lock on to?
                      it depends on how advanced you are. for our asgard sensors it really makes no difference. i don't think goauld sensors would notice a difference.

                      i think that in space, in a realistic setting, the number 1 source is the Engine. especially since it's mostly the engine that powers the entire ship (rather than a generator).

                      in Stargate, the engines, well given how they react to atmospheres i really doubt that is the thing they lock on. a far more likely thing is the reactor, which is needed here for combat operations. even without my Kiron Theory, Stargate has offered enough possible forms of radiation to lock on. hell, Quantum Physics probably allows for the creation of some whacky stuff in the reaction chamber of a Naquahdah reactor.

                      so in short, it's like adding a lightbulb to a rocket engine. or a lightbulb to a jetfighter. (notable exception: a stealth-reliant one).

                      On second thought:

                      most ships will likely have exterior lighting. not just for the Rule of Cool or the Rule of Visible Spaceships. i think the guy in charge of docking would very much like to see the ships properly. plus, when done on the light side i think the reflection from our uber-shiny spaceships would probably blind anyone, making the Dark Side of the Earth the most preferable parking spot.


                        Spaceships aren't that shiny Killman, and docking is most likely to be done with cameras and radar anyways.

                        Now that I think about it through, it could act sort of like how ships in Mass Effect tweak their heat radiators to emit a certain way to make infrared 'war paint'. I just don't see much reason to do it, since combat happens at ranges where a visual is iffy and from your own cockpit you can't see your cool tron lines anyways.


                          Some of them can be shiny, if you want them to be. Now then.

                          Personally I'm using the inital design appearance for some supply/combat/support craft. The one I pictured is the average mobile type craft I am using in one of my stories, actually two of my stories, Ascension War and Entrox, both are stargate stories. so to speak. Anyhow. There are different types of craft, named accordingly each ship name ends with 'tor' in some way. There are different craft types. The one I linked to I am reffering to as a Legacy Carrier, there are others, larger and smaller, the larger are reffered to as the Legacy Bemoths. The correct term however is Breedership. Since normally a family owns one of the many that are in the inital star system of erebus, a city planet overrun with its own population.

                          It may seem a bit far fetched, but I have been gathering information on this world and its people. So hopefully soon I will be able to begin the inital story of Entrox {I have three stories planned, titled currently, Entrox, Entrox; Felinity Wars, and Entrox; the Dreaming, along with a guide titled The Complete Insiders Guide to the Digital Worlds of Entrox}

                          Basically Entrox takes place just a few years after the events of the Last Meeting of the Four Great Races, the Furlings go off on their own and are mostly forgotten about the other three, so they are able to grow as they like, overpopulation leading to starships in orbit of their home world, city spires connecting to those same starships, etc.

                          Point being is that by the time of the Stargate being activated in 1994 {The first movie}, the Furlings have been expanding their inital system and are ready to move and explore the galaxy again. However the story series, Entrox, is totally AU. However it has referances to several characters, so it is fanfic. Mostly. For all I know I may publish it. Or attempt to.

                          What do you guys think ?

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            What do you guys think ?
                            i got a headache from reading it.

                            my final stance on lights is this:

                            -the amount of light emitted really won't matter as i very much doubt Visible Light is what most sensors lock on. aircraft are tracked by their exhaust for example. in IR, a spaceship is much more of a Flare than in Visible Light. and with the nuclear reactors going on in Stargate, Gamma is another logical thing to lock on to.

                            -the power consumed by those lights, compared to other SG systems, is a drop in an ocean.

                            therefore, design-wise, it is a totally unnecessary thing to add. but since people like the Rule of Cool, it can be done without much trouble. remember, we build 800m tall buildings because we CAN, not because we have to. if you want to convince someone you're advanced, awesome light tubes definitely help. especially if your builder is a civil contractor showoff who goes for a very flashy design since, relatively, the lights cost 1 buck on a million dollar ship.


                              Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                              Some of them can be shiny, if you want them to be. Now then.

                              Personally I'm using the inital design appearance for some supply/combat/support craft. The one I pictured is the average mobile type craft I am using in one of my stories, actually two of my stories, Ascension War and Entrox, both are stargate stories. so to speak. Anyhow. There are different types of craft, named accordingly each ship name ends with 'tor' in some way. There are different craft types. The one I linked to I am reffering to as a Legacy Carrier, there are others, larger and smaller, the larger are reffered to as the Legacy Bemoths. The correct term however is Breedership. Since normally a family owns one of the many that are in the inital star system of erebus, a city planet overrun with its own population.

                              It may seem a bit far fetched, but I have been gathering information on this world and its people. So hopefully soon I will be able to begin the inital story of Entrox {I have three stories planned, titled currently, Entrox, Entrox; Felinity Wars, and Entrox; the Dreaming, along with a guide titled The Complete Insiders Guide to the Digital Worlds of Entrox}

                              Basically Entrox takes place just a few years after the events of the Last Meeting of the Four Great Races, the Furlings go off on their own and are mostly forgotten about the other three, so they are able to grow as they like, overpopulation leading to starships in orbit of their home world, city spires connecting to those same starships, etc.

                              Point being is that by the time of the Stargate being activated in 1994 {The first movie}, the Furlings have been expanding their inital system and are ready to move and explore the galaxy again. However the story series, Entrox, is totally AU. However it has referances to several characters, so it is fanfic. Mostly. For all I know I may publish it. Or attempt to.

                              What do you guys think ?
                              Not to put too fine a point on this, but, *best Kirk imitation* why are you telling us this, man?

                              If you want fanfic critique, post in the fanfic section.


                                Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemen to all my favorite peoples on Gateworld Forum.

                                I hope you all are doing well and enjoying Christmas break. I apologize I haven't been around. Been getting ready for my deployment coming this January.

                                Hopefully if we have satisfactory internet access where I'm headed, I'll do what I can during my free time when off duty hours to work on the wiki for you guys and maybe see if I can contribute to the forum. No promises though guys. I don't want to make promises to yall and then break them. To do do that would be rather nefarious and mean because I'd be getting you all's hopes up. I'd rather not be a prick and do that again.

                                Anywho! I missed you guys. Anyone doing anything special this Christmas?

                                Talk to you guys soon.

                                You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'” - George Bernard Shaw

