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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    my personal defnition of one is that it is head of a flotila of frigets or it goes off on its own


      Exactly, something else too:
      You say it's not as uber as the other ships:
      It has 80x Mk III and Mk IX nukes, the most any other ship has got is 48 nukes and nowhere near Mk IXs. Sorry it just doesn't wash with me and that's just one example.


        mine has mine has 24 in tubes and 36 in storage 80 is more of a light battle ship payload


          Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
          So rogue ranger what is it about PJOZ that is soo good, as I pointed out, you can't put these AC401 support ships in the cruiser because it'll take up too much space. I've not nothing against PJOZ at all, but what I've noticed and I'm sure a few others have as well is that it's the same group of people voting for his ship that have been with him in fan fictions on here.

          Take one example in the battleship vote: "I've worked with PJOZs ship so I'll vote for it". The same went with the fighter vote, his fanclub didn't like the fact that he didn't win the fighter vote, but drew with mine, so they tried to fix the vote.

          So why was it less "uber"?
          Why was it more realistic?
          How does it have all the attributes of that class? (going back to support craft, the fact it has them, takes it out of the cruiser class straight away)

          If you really think that you need to go back and relook at the definition of a cruiser.
          What the hell are you talking about Dave? Fanclub? If people vote for a set of specs they like, it's up to them. Every one here has a group of poeple who will side with then no matter what, it's a fact of life. And the naval definition of the term cruiser does not fit entirely here. Secondly the AC401's will fit, I drew both to scale on CAD as I posted earlier, I'm an engineer by profession and every millimetre of space has been acciunted for, I will post the 2D drawings here of both if you like.
          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


            yes that would clear somethings up for me personly


              Is there really PJOZ? There are 4 people in here that I have worked with before on fleet projects like this and I know they look at the specs and vote based on that. The others I can't be so sure of, there maybe nothing in that, there might be. We are using the naval description of the Cruiser, that's the whole point, it is not meant to be a multi-purpose vehicle, it is suppose to have the role of a Cruiser, nothing more, nothing less. So you've done a CAD drawing of fitting, the sublight engines, the bridge/CIC, the hyperdrive engines and every other important room plus a hangar for the AC401s, I am telling you they will take up too much space.
              I'm not getting at you personally PJOZ, your battleship and fighter specs were very good. I'm just being very critical of people when they say one persons is by far the best, when that isn't evident.
              Last edited by Davidtourniquet; 18 July 2010, 01:42 PM.


                Killmans has a total of 114 missiles and he has equal votes, so what is the dealio. It has been said that the specs can be tweaked after the winner has been chosen anyway. It sounds like another round of sour grapes to me. Look all the specs were quite similar, the main factor that swayed it for me was PJ's caarying capabilty. If you had all followed a similar vein, I would have had a harder time choosing and maybe not voted for his. I did not vote for his fighter and looking back it was voted by all of you no one else.

                This is a part of the reason I voted for the Heroine class

                Usage Role(s)

                Attack and Escort Cruisers
                Deep Space Escorts
                Independent Patrol
                Disaster Relief

                That ship fulfills all those requirements.


                  It's got nothing to do with the number of missiles is the power of those missiles.
                  Killman has 119 missiles but they are at most Mk IIIs, let me reiterate: PJOZ has 80 Mk III and Mk IX, the fact he even has one Mk IX on there puts it above the others in uberness. As I've said before, you say specs can be modified afterwards, it's the principle that someone has tried to get something with that level of uberness through is what is the problem, Small tweaks here and there are ok, but the size of the missiles and the number of them is not a small tweak.
                  Stop using the excuse, oh it can be modified later as an excuse.
                  Your list could be said for all the other specs as well. Please elude to what you mean by carrying capability? Because all the ships can carry stuff, but not all of them carry support craft internally. It isn't sour grapes when someone else oh this person's is the best by far and not backing it up with evidence.
                  Last edited by Davidtourniquet; 18 July 2010, 01:53 PM.


                    And since I noted that each captain desides what missiles he wanted to carry, not what he would recieve, but that it was also up to the captain/crew it would give the Jager a possible uberness, which I think keeps the votes down too, next to the fact that I posted a fire arc like thing based on a model to fit the specs and what I thought to be a nice design

                    Also as to why I chose the Valkyrie, I like the feel of the ship, though the missiles are somewhat of a point to haggle about later on. I do just think it suits the bill and would fit the job well. Besides, I just cannot help it but imagine a battle, where we go all cylon in a far lager scale, a nice fleet with cruisers and battleships and all, firing a HAILstorm of missiles XD, including the missiles launched by all the fighters and gunships XD

                    Just try to visuallize it! That would be awesome, a hail of nuclear Death pending on the enemy!


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      Why are we even debating the issue he hasn't won yet. I might not be as technical as you, but I just believe his was the best. I read all the other votes and hardly anyone else has said why they like this or that, why do I have to justify my vote?


                        Because you made the comment: PJOZ's is by far the best one.

                        No he hasn't won, I'm just making the point, if you are going to make that sort of comment then expect to be scrutinised.


                          Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                          Because you made the comment: PJOZ's is by far the best one.

                          No he hasn't won, I'm just making the point, if you are going to make that sort of comment then expect to be scrutinised.
                          Not to be picky on this, but I just read over all the votes, most of them said "I vote for this one...." You asked me why and I told you, twice and you only asked me, no one else did you ask why they voted for such and such. I gave my reasons in my original posts isn't that enough, this is my original post

                          I've read them all and like Fuji I'm torn, I wish there was a way we could combine aspects of all of them each one has there strengths, but the one that seems to have the most potential is PJOZ's Heroine class, my vote is for that.
                          And PJ voted for yours so why are you complaining, he never even considered his own to begin with.


                            That's because people kept messing with the voting system we had already put in place.
                            I've asked everyone to say why they voted for a particular set of specs and I've seen valid reasons given for them, there's a couple of people that still haven't though.


                              Dave here is the comparison drawing you can see how easily 12 AC's would fit. And the MkIX I think is a typo it should have been MK IV


                              And all I said was yours was the closest to my expectations, nothing else. I don't think we need to break it down to the last nut and bolt as to why we like a particular entry.
                              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                                Not at all, I just don't like it when people say oh this is so much better without going into why it is. I hope that Mk IX to Mk IV is a typo and I could see how 8 could fit, but not 12. But I'm still not convinced that cruisers should have support craft.

