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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Andromeda 4 (DavidT)
    Valkyrie 5 (Killman)
    Jager 2 (Locutes)
    Heroine 5 (PJOZ)
    Agean 2 (Immhotep)
    CL-318 1 (Guppy)

    bradley (1/1), Immhotep (2/2), Fugiman (1/1), RogueRanger (1/1), PJOZ (2/2) Crazy Tom (1/1) Marilynrose (1/1), Thekillman(2/2), locutes (2/2) Davidtourniquet(2/2) Guppy(2/2), Lt. Col. Mcoy (1/1) Princess Awinita(1/1)

    Jack is the the last to vote.
    Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 18 July 2010, 12:26 PM.
    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
      The cruiser/escort ships the ones we were talking about....lots
      refresh my memory, isn't that also the ship type we've been debating about over size requirements? also Admiral you never answered my question about the transports, read up about..... 8 posts I just watched that episode on Tudou, Homecoming I think it was.

      First Prime (of Anubis): As for the rest of you, you will be publicly executed
      Jack: Does it HAVE to be Public?
      First Prime: I could kill you now
      Jack: Public is fine

      Jack is silly on and off camera

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
        Andromeda 4 (DavidT)
        Valkyrie 5 (Killman)
        Jager 2 (Locutes)
        Heroine 5 (PJOZ)
        Agean 2 (Immhotep)
        CL-318 1 (Guppy)

        bradley (1/1), Immhotep (2/2), Fugiman (1/1), RogueRanger (1/1), PJOZ (2/2) Crazy Tom (1/1) Marilynrose (1/1), Thekillman(2/2), locutes (2/2) Davidtourniquet(2/2) Guppy(2/2), Lt. Col. Mcoy (1/1) Princess Awinita(1/1)

        Jack is the the last to vote. I chnaged mine to 6 but was I counted as voting for my own without my knowing it?
        Yes because you are obviously going to vote for your own with one of your votes, that's the whole reason why the submitters have two votes


          Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
          refresh my memory, isn't that also the ship type we've been debating about over size requirements? also Admiral you never answered my question about the transports, read up about..... 8 posts I just watched that episode on Tudou, Homecoming I think it was.

          First Prime (of Anubis): As for the rest of you, you will be publicly executed
          Jack: Does it HAVE to be Public?
          First Prime: I could kill you now
          Jack: Public is fine

          Jack is silly on and off camera
          I gave the humvee as a size calculation nothing more. By the time era of the fleet the humvee will be replaced
          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


            Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
            I gave the humvee as a size calculation nothing more. By the time era of the fleet the humvee will be replaced
            That's a bummer, my adopted brother wants to get a Hummer, but not one of the remakes, "the jeeps on steroids" as he calls them.

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
              Yes because you are obviously going to vote for your own with one of your votes, that's the whole reason why the submitters have two votes
              I edited it Dave, when I tallied the count. so Jack holds the controlling vote....tension builds What happens if we have a 3 way tie?
              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                That's a bummer, my adopted brother wants to get a Hummer, but not one of the remakes, "the jeeps on steroids" as he calls them.
                Plastic crap....any wonder GM sold them to China, it was bringing their reputation down
                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                  It'll go to a second round, personally I think it should anyway since 14 votes at the moment are in only 3 specs (yes I know mine's one behind, but there are enoug people that want it to win).


                    then we pick a non involed party not on this forem to see who is best my opinion


                      Originally posted by guppy338 View Post
                      then we pick a non involed party not on this forem to see who is best my opinion
                      We wait for the last voter and then see what happens after that. Picking a non involved party could be complicated because 1/ you could end up with the "friend" vote or 2/ we won't get anyone interested enough to care and they'll just pick one randomly.
                      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                        It's easier to do a second round of voting. Maybe alternative vote, but we've gotta wait for the referendum on that in the UK (sorry political joke).


                          i already dislike the vote for PJOZ of what he has done before.

                          i mean seriously, can we cut the fanclub crap? i don't have one and i don't need one and i don't want one. vote for what you think fits your vision of the class, and vote for what fits, not for a person, no matter their reputation


                            This is what I fear is happening. Which is why I keep asking people to explain why they voted for a particular set of specs.


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              i already dislike the vote for PJOZ of what he has done before.

                              i mean seriously, can we cut the fanclub crap? i don't have one and i don't need one and i don't want one. vote for what you think fits your vision of the class, and vote for what fits, not for a person, no matter their reputation
                              What has he done????? He has the best ship by far, I voted for that nothing else. Killman you have a thing against PJ and always have, get over it please. And if he has a fanclub, what of it, he didn't create it himself.

                              My reasons for voting for the Heroine class.
                              1/ It was the most balanced or the entries
                              2/ It has the far less "uber" factor
                              3/ It is the most realistic
                              4/ It is the one that you could imagine most in all practicality being built in the not to distant future
                              5/ It has all the atributes you need for a ship of that class


                                So rogue ranger what is it about PJOZ that is soo good, as I pointed out, you can't put these AC401 support ships in the cruiser because it'll take up too much space. I've not nothing against PJOZ at all, but what I've noticed and I'm sure a few others have as well is that it's the same group of people voting for his ship that have been with him in fan fictions on here.

                                Take one example in the battleship vote: "I've worked with PJOZs ship so I'll vote for it". The same went with the fighter vote, his fanclub didn't like the fact that he didn't win the fighter vote, but drew with mine, so they tried to fix the vote.

                                So why was it less "uber"?
                                Why was it more realistic?
                                How does it have all the attributes of that class? (going back to support craft, the fact it has them, takes it out of the cruiser class straight away)

                                If you really think that you need to go back and relook at the definition of a cruiser.

