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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Class Name: Agean
    Model names: Achiles, Hector, Paris, Ajax, Agamemnon, Patroclus
    Class: Cruiser
    Technology base: Advanced human/Asgard
    Users: Canada, UN, NATO, GATO, HS,tAE, SGC
    make that UNEC and we're done here.

    also human technology is far more than just human/asgard. we stole from practically every race out there.

    Size: 230mL 130mW 60mH
    Hull material: Trinium/Carbon/Titanium alloy ~ Aprx £44 Billion
    Crew: 140 Human
    good size, perhaps a little uber and unnecessarily expensive hull.

    1 x Mark III Naquadah reactor ~£5Billion
    5x Mark I Naquadah reactor ~ £2.5Billion
    6 reactors? on a cruiser! my god. tep that's way too much energy for something like a cruiser.

    2x VASMIR thrusters ~ £6Billion
    4x Ion thrusters ~ £8billion
    2x Earth/Asgard/Goauld Hyperspace nodes. ~£2 Billion per node (Standard, price is flexible)
    2x Reverse manouvering thrusters ~ £30m
    not sure what the ion engines are doing here. cruiser speed perhaps?

    1x Asgard/human Defence shield ~ £20 Billion
    which type/ what kind of absorbtion capability?

    1x Rotary 150mm Rail gun (180 degree arc) ~£12M
    2x 300mm fixed Coil guns ~£56m
    8x VTOL Missile Silos w. Mark 8 20x 4x KNaqSM ~£ 1.6 Billion
    1x Spacemine Hanger and deployment system (250 spacemine) (Usually deactivated and refitted as additional cargo bay) ~£600m
    5x100mm Rail gun ~£230m
    12x Manned Conventional Cannon ~£40m
    i believe we dropped KNQ here.
    also, space mine?
    also, railguns and coilguns only?
    also, conventional cannon?

    These ships will carry a smaller number of fighters but the majority of our fighters will be stationed on dedicated Battlecarriers, a split in the formation of our fleet, creating two classes to replace the single function provided by the Daedalus. The Battle-carrier class, in essence the sister program to the Agean, will be covered later.
    i respectfully disagree.
    the reason is simple: a BC is an excellent class which can be used for many, many things. it's incredibly versatile and adding energy weapons increases that versatility. it's excellent for the job it was intended for: to be versatile. Fighters do not have a real role in space combat but they can be useful. a dedicated carrier is IMO a mistake.


      Why send a 304 when a few smaller and cheaper ships?
      why have 304's then?

      Davidt: CON and networked defence system is redundant


        What do you mean redundant?


          Killman you and others are all posting excat numbers in what ships will be able to defend against with shields and all.. I personally do not understand how to calc or make all such things? Is THAT really necessary? Seems like it needlessly makes a fun project hard for those who have NO background in anything like science or the maths to calc such things..

          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


            Why UNEC If you are going that way may as well have UN or the fleet UNSC


              I just said, Earth militaries and colonial militias XD


              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                Am i right in saying that UNEC stands for United Nations of Earth Command?

                "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  make that UNEC and we're done here.

                  also human technology is far more than just human/asgard. we stole from practically every race out there.

                  good size, perhaps a little uber and unnecessarily expensive hull.

                  6 reactors? on a cruiser! my god. tep that's way too much energy for something like a cruiser.

                  not sure what the ion engines are doing here. cruiser speed perhaps?

                  which type/ what kind of absorbtion capability?

                  i believe we dropped KNQ here.
                  also, space mine?
                  also, railguns and coilguns only?
                  also, conventional cannon?

                  i respectfully disagree.
                  the reason is simple: a BC is an excellent class which can be used for many, many things. it's incredibly versatile and adding energy weapons increases that versatility. it's excellent for the job it was intended for: to be versatile. Fighters do not have a real role in space combat but they can be useful. a dedicated carrier is IMO a mistake.
                  The Major componants that are Alien are Asgard though, so Advanced human/asgard makes sense.

                  The expensive hull is an issue with costing not a flaw in the design, I have revised the hull cost however.
                  6 reactors is not much, one for the ship as a whole a few small ones that are portable and can be used in loads of different ways. Im sure that our ships will have spare mark I's by this point, they are tiny and dont have to be used to power the ship all the time but can be used to set up bases or power up discovered bases and the like.

                  I use Ion engines, they are my preferred sublight engine and they are show cannon unlike all the other sublights you guys use. We know that Earth has a contract with the hebridans for the designs and production of Ion drives for our ships.

                  It says a Deadalus shield in the history...But i can put it as a lower grade shield.

                  Knaq should never be dropped, if you guys are throwing about realism and tactics as critiques Knaq is the cheapest and most effective yeild multiplier and is established stargate canon. not to use Knaq is stupid. Space mine's were the intended use but as it said in the history the cargo bay was retrofitted after the space mine development projects were shelved. This is not a mistake, it was a deliberate error in the design process that in the history allowed me to flesh out the "in canon" conceptual history of the ship. Conventional as in machine gun. These would be very useful in an atmosphere, where rail and coil guns would create vast crators of destruction even if you were aiming for a few troops on the ground or a small base.

                  I agree the BC is a great class, but you need to be clear when you say BC, it covers TWO classes, BattleCRUISER and Battle CARRIER. Which do you mean when you say BC? Like i said i designed this ship to be a Battlecruiser, the fighters are secondary as it states throughout the design and would be used for other purposes for most of the time. The hangers are still very useful and can carry gunships, or alkesh in to battle instead of fighters. I designed this ship to be versatile, but im trying to fit it in to a class below what i was intended to be, which is a BattleCruiser...please tell me what you mean by BC, Carrier or Cruiser If you mean cruiser then this will be my submission in its origional form, if you mean Carrier like the daedalus is then i will be revising Typhon for that class and submitting this in the cruiser vote.
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    Which do you mean when you say BC?
                    Battle Cruiser. i always mean battlecruiser. like in Stargate.
                    not to use Knaq is stupid
                    i think naquahdah is sufficiently overpowered, no need for Knaq. also, if it really is THAT reactive, it would explode when touched, it would explode in the atmosphere, it would always explode regardless of what it touches. it'll probably even explode when it's in a noble gas


                      so that would mean stargates would not excist as they ar emaked out of it



                        i mean, a little bit of naquahdah + potassium explodes with the force of a few C4 packs.

                        the only reaction i can think of is a redox reaction, where K -> K+ and Nq -> Nq-

                        where Nq can be anything from -1 to -8 or more

                        if memory serves, K->K+ + e- was something like -2 standard electrode potential. for this reaction to be so energetic, Nq + e- -> Nq- would have to be a standard electrode potential > 10.

                        which is outrageous: Potassium oxidizes in contact with air and goes boom with water.

                        Fluor, the highest up my list (but that's just a schoolbook), has something like 3 volts.

                        this stuff also reacts with water, and what not.

                        if naquahdah can react with potassium (and if it's a metal, well that's special as it means Nq can be negative while it's a metal), with such violence, it will react with really EVERYTHING.


                        i did a little chemical exploration: metal Anions are not completely rare: the most common is the Carbon Group (carbon, silicon, etc) where practically every member has a -4 state. Naquahdah, based upon the KNq reaction would be a member of that group.

                        thus the reaction would probably be something like 4K + Nq -> 4K+ + Nq4-
                        Last edited by thekillman; 14 July 2010, 08:44 AM.


                          Battle Cruiser. i always mean battlecruiser. like in Stargate.
                          Then I had no need to edit my design, ill leave it til the BC vote although can i submit them in both?

                          I think your overcomplicating the science of this. Naquadah is already inexplicable, being both explosive, conductive, incredibly durable, radioactive and explosive, a metal, a liquid and a brittle ore. Its properties are insanely complex, we also dont know how the reaction or explosive part worked. Only that when mixed they are explosive, now we already know naquadah is explosive, Potassium could just be a catalyst for it setting off.
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            i think your overcomplicating the science of this. Naquadah is already inexplicable, being both explosive, conductive, incredibly durable, radioactive and explosive, a metal, a liquid and a brittle ore. Its properties are insanely complex, we also dont know how the reaction or explosive part worked. Only that when mixed they are explosive, now we already know naquadah is explosive, Potassium could just be a catalyst for it setting off.
                            it's a material with such an insanely high nuclear energy level, that a nuclear bomb easily sets off a fission reaction. also it has low critical mass.

                            nuclear part explained.

                            superconductive: well if we actually knew how it works. but given the quantum soup condition of naquadhah, i doubt the electrons actually physically move when current runs through. i'd consider it more a vague soup of superposition and quantum entanglement where the atoms do not obstruct electron movement, therefore allowing superconductivity.

                            brittle ore: so it's oxide is brittle. different chemical, different properties.
                            Liquid: might be some kind of amalgam
                            Radioactive: appears to be only when fissioning. it's also what isotopes are for.

                            as to the physics of the three wonderful materials (trinium, naquahdah, neutronium), i suspect some kind of energy field.

                            my personal thought is that the Kiron is responsible: a sticky field which keeps the atom together and which also accounts for the insane energies released upon fission.

                            this same energy field allows low density/high strenght of Trinium and the superdensity of neutronium.


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              Tom, behold the AC401

                              What are the specs?

                              Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                              Tom: yes, I got it. Sorry for taking so long; I'm fixing up the Shrin'yar history. I hope you don't mind if I made the Tko-tka-tko (I'm assuming that's double articulation?) serious jerks.

                              I'll try and send you something by next week. I'm slow, I know.
                              It was the closest completely alien sound that I figured a human mouth could produce, since they have mandibles and all.

                              I don't mind, but don't get too carried away, I want to present them as pragmatic and a bit cold, but not to the point of evil space bugs. Say, I'll send you a brief outline of what I'm thinking of and you can tell me what you think, ok?

                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                              also tom can we not add tons of technobabble stuff?
                              Do as you like, but in SG there has been enough technobable to give TNG a run for it's money. It's part of the universe, and I don't see why we can't use it, especially since it's so much fun.

                              May I suggest DavidT that we call your drones decoys to dispel any confusion, and add them to every other ship, the decoys are small so every ship can be equipped with at east a few to help spread enemy fire.
                              Last edited by Crazy Tom; 14 July 2010, 11:13 AM.


                                decoys is good

