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Virtual fleet 1.0

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    that is a good idea i back it


      This seems cool, but I think they can best live in a galaxy close to the Ori Galaxy or they Ascended Ori would have started a war with them.

      These races also look allot like the Xindi from Trek. I do hope their tech is nothing like Wraith, human, Asgard and Alterran/Ori/Goa'uld tech.

      Personally, I see great potential in the Deleum and Praesultor. Perhaps the Furlings could have been part of the alliance, but left and after time became friends with the Anchients

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        This seems cool, but I think they can best live in a galaxy close to the Ori Galaxy or they Ascended Ori would have started a war with them.

        These races also look allot like the Xindi from Trek. I do hope their tech is nothing like Wraith, human, Asgard and Alterran/Ori/Goa'uld tech.

        Personally, I see great potential in the Deleum and Praesultor. Perhaps the Furlings could have been part of the alliance, but left and after time became friends with the Anchients
        they DO live close to the ori galaxy. at the edge of their cluster, so a pegasus-MW relation is the best analogy. only the ori one might be closer.

        These races also look allot like the Xindi from Trek. I do hope their tech is nothing like Wraith, human, Asgard and Alterran/Ori/Goa'uld tech.
        ironic. i just searched google image for pics of things and based them off of it. as far as i know, there were xindi avians, but they didnt seem dragon-like. there were xindi-reptillians however. one of them is a robot-species. though their advancedness will place a limit on the rate of duplication. not to mention they can control their expansion rate. one is alot like the Naga from WOW/hydralisk from Starcraft. one is normally human but a bit like an elf. there is a werewolf-species too. so i dont entirely see the Xindi connection


          im a real trekky so, those thing i just know.

          look at my name its a misspelling from Locutus of borg.

          But as said I LOVE the idea of those races.

          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


            ok my head is bursting with ideas.

            ship design:

            The Pessirum.

            advanced machine race. use functional designs. mothership/mobile base is a massive weaponsplatform/docking station/communications array/etc, i was thinking of a big round platform with multiple arrays of big honking spaceguns. weapons are robotic missiles, and i was thinking of some energy weapon. all other ships are designed to their function. IE, a mobile outpost being like the replicator spider ship (only not replicator)

            The Eligdar.

            The Eligdar are a race of half-dragon creatures. they would probably use midsize-large ships, packed with few yet powerfull weapons. probably energy beams.


            the Validus are an amphibious race, best described as snake-like amphibians. their ships are more like cityships, large mobile bases.


            Humanoids, look a bit like elves. they would probably use small-midsize ships. weapons most likely a mix of energy weapons, railguns and missiles


            look like werewolves. they use Mass Accellerator Cannons, IE massive coilguns. they would use ships designed to use these massive guns, so either long, sleek ships, flatter ships like anubis has or ships like the ancient sattelite.


            the efflectae are much like the Zerg and the Wraith. probably use large ships that are carriers (true carriers, not the halfbreed hives), and are designed as refuel, repair and maintenance ships. though the backbone, they are meant to eat alot of damage and have their smaller ships deal the damage. probably use energy and organic weapons


              Hey guys im on holiday in fort william right now and i dont have any time to read over everything so can someone summerise whats happened. Got a few new good ideas and I'll post them whn i get back tomorow

              Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                yell we where all think of ideas for races and the best on was a 3 group of anchents baking 6 races the work much like alince


                  nope, my story idea is that over 50 million years ago, aside from the ori and altera, there was a third group. they were the leftovers, so to speak. they did not believe in total freedom nor the ori religious way. so they left before the others, knowing that it would escalate. they travelled to the edge of their galactic cluster and started to live their own ways there.

                  i called them solvulus, a combo of two latin words meaning freedom.

                  all those names except one are combinations or slight alterations of latin words.

                  the idea is, they ascended, protecting their galaxy from the ori (which shortly after ascended)

                  some solvulus either descended or never ascended as they did not agree with their ways and seeked to stop the ori, who were now really turning into a threat.

                  so they developed weapons, but found out they were neither ori, united, nor altera, scientific. so they turned the life they had seeded to potential weapons.

                  the Union of 6 races is a union of races advanced to a maximum of wraith and a minimum of advanced human/goauld. (bit like earth untill Unending).

                  they attack because of need. within roughly a decade all their resouces will be depleted, and their galaxy is crowded. the six main races have probably already destroyed some smaller races, but an all out war would destroy the 6 races and still leave nothing.

                  so they travelled to other galaxies to find: nothing. their galaxy is terraformed, and thus its conveniently filled with thousands of terra planets. (not exactly terra but quite close).

                  so one galaxy is a bit terraformed by them, you know, adding an atmosphere, increasing/decreasing CO2, increasing/decreasing O3(ozon), etc.

                  only the solvulus were much more advanced and could much easier terraform, so what the Union is doing isnt really spectacular.

                  then, one day, a ship had the guts to go to the ori galaxy, and there they found the ori gone, and what was left was a galaxy filled with terra planets (many tens of thousands, the ori could probably terraform while ascended).

                  so they faced a choice, kill a few billion orists (who they didnt like in the first place) and save tens of billions, or kill tens of billions and still have no resources. or keep terraforming other worlds using more valuable resources.


                    The Wraith War
                    April 5th , 2010

                    Mitchell woke up. he had been tied to a chair and was sitting in what looked like a small storage room. He looked at his hands. They were cuffed together with four metal pieces. He tried to uncuff himself, but he failed miserably. “the cuffs are made of a superconductive material. They are held together by a perpetual magnetic field. Trying to uncuff yourself will result in failure.”
                    mitchel almost jumped off his chair. He hadn't noticed the Einherjar. “you must be laughing yourself to death in that suit, arent you? Killing innocent people, handcuffing people, tying them to chairs, tossing people off buildings, how long is the list?”
                    “we have absolutely no joy in doing this,” the Einherjar replied. “it is merely a necessity. Had your leaders complied with our proposal, this all would not have happened.”
                    “oh, great,” mitchell said, his voice filled with sarcasm. “so you blackmail people, and you call it a proposal. You want the core and give nothing in return. You are willing to kill millions to save your own ass. You are either nuts or extremely selfish.”
                    “your words are of no use. You cannot escape this. Our plan approaches its conclusion. And when it does, not complying will kill many more than we have killed so far.”
                    “great, more deaths. Bring on the torture and bad jokes while you're at it,” Mitchell snapped at the Einherjar. The latter merely turned around and left.


                    Vala woke up. She looked around. She too was handcuffed, and tied to a chair. Only she was in the conference room of the IOA. She looked around. More people were tied up. Only on their temples, small button-like devices were attached and they seemed to be asleep.
                    “i must have missed the best part of this party,” Vala tried to joke. She seemed bored.
                    “so, where's the evil asgard? To rub this all in?”
                    Vala looked around. No response. She looked at her handcuffs. “finally, a challenge,” she said, and started to figure out how to remove them. Only then, her former request was heeded. The door opened and the familiar suited being came in.
                    “alright, shut up, I know what you're gonna say, we're lost, we're doomed, we should give up the core and we're all gonna die. When is someone going to say something fresh, something new?”
                    vala almost seemed desperate.
                    “you finally seem to learn our lesson. But its not why I am here.”
                    vala was gob smacked.
                    “we detected alien knowledge in your brain, thoroughly suppressed yet still present.
                    It is my task to extract it”
                    “You are NOT going to get in my head!” Vala shouted.
                    The Einherjar walked over to one of the bags lying around, pulled out some weird helmet-like device and put it on the head of a protesting vala.


                    There was a flash of light, and O'neill stood inside the shield at the IOA building, dressed in vanaheim armor. In either hand a customized armor-piercing rifle.
                    “carter, here I come” he said calmly to himself.
                    O'neill ran inside, past the einherjar corpse, to the rings and then to the eight floor. There, he ran through the hallway forward, past the rubble, past the destruction. Then, he found a rifle. Aimed at his head.
                    “drop your weapon.”
                    O'neill turned. He dropped his weapon and found.... a human team.
                    O'neill put up his hands, grabbed his helmet and took it off.
                    “what the..” the man said. “General?”
                    “it doesnt say colonel, does it?” O'neill replied. “i'm here cause i'm here. Dont worry about the reason. Can I take my weapons and... go?”
                    O'neill put on his helmet and took his guns.
                    “colonel Hawking, sir, SG-4. We came under attack. No sign of SG-1, or SG-5.”
                    Hawking stepped aside. “One casualty.”
                    O'neill looked at a mess of gore and blood, and some flesh. He saluted and ran off.


                    Vala woke up again. She looked around. The strange device was gone, and she had a headache.
                    Then, an Einherjar entered.
                    “well, learned anything?” she snapped.
                    “yes.” the Einherjar responded.
                    “why are you doing this? Its not like your a parasite that has undergone drastic brain alterations!”
                    “we are doing this for self preservation,”
                    “so for selfish reasons?” vala interrupted.
                    “we can fight the wraith and win. But that war will be long and costly. If we possess the core, so many threats could be wiped from existence with an ease you can not imagine. The wraith will be gone within a few of your years, the pegasus galaxy will be free and most of all, we could finally expand and rebuild that what has been lost. Long ago, the Asgard species stretched galaxies. Now we are confined to a single planet. We want to... stretch our legs again. We are not evil.”
                    the armored being sounded convincing.
                    “then why are you doing this to me, to us?” vala said, still not convinced.
                    “i am not happy, many are not happy. Othar is the leader and Othar has ordered me, us to do this. Some believe there are other possibilities. But this is the simplest, fastest and least costly course of action. Your struggle will only increase the cost.”
                    the asgard sounded somewhat sad.
                    “oh,” vala said, somewhat defeated. She lowered her head, then looked at the asgard again. “you could step up against that othar and show them there are other possibilities. You dont have to do this.”
                    “there is no choice” the asgard replied. “if your leaders do not comply soon, this device will go off, penetrate the shield and destroy most of this city. The casualties will force your leaders to comply.”
                    the Armor-clad said this while pointing at the strange device in the centre. It looked jerry-rigged and was cylindrical in appearance. A circular monitor was put on it, and a small light moved over it, 360 degrees round.
                    The Asgard then walked to a pad close to it, a transport elevator which was used to get here in the first place. He stepped on it and the elevator rose up. A second later the door opened, and annother armor clad being entered. He walked over to vala, uncuffed her and signaled her to follow.
                    “what the?” vala started.
                    “call me jack,” the being said. “grabbed one of the older suits to fool em.”
                    “O'neill???” vala almost shouted of disbelief, only to be silenced by him.
                    “ssht” he said.
                    He ran to the door and opened it.
                    “go down here, run to the bottom floor and get the hell out of the shield.”
                    “jack, they have a nuke.”vala said bluntly.
                    “what? Those little grey buggers! I liked thor better.” Jack replied, his voice morphed by the suit.
                    He looked at the device in the center.
                    “damn. Just when you think it goes smooth for once.. where are sam and the others? And can you get that thing offline and these people out?” he replied.
                    “no idea, probably, yes,” Vala answered shortly. “keep the asgard off my butt.”
                    O'Neil tilted his head a bit right. “its tail, not butt.”
                    “i don't have a tail.” Vala replied.
                    Oneill raised his shoulders and walked to the other door, immediately raising his guns and killing an approaching Asgard. The Einherjar was caught off guard and was killed.
                    Vala took the small devices off the people's temples and then headed to the device, as O'neill moved upwards to take out more Einherjar.


                      Hey guys I'm just back home a few hours and I thought I'd let yous guys in on what I'm going to be working on.

                      Janus's time travallers-

                      As we all know Janus is into his time travell and I am going to write an ark that will bring him into our timeline where he will help us fight the wraith.

                      Russian Rebels-

                      As you know my last ark ended with the russian completely rewining the mission and going against orders. Colonel Ivanov is slowly going to turn against Russia and the Tau'ri.

                      I do have a few more but these are going to be my main focus for the next few weeks.

                      Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                        I think I'll drop the über hive idea, I might work a bit more on a political change which will directly effect the Trust and the power base on Earth its self.

                        I was wanting to create a civil war in Indonesia (mostly concerning Jakarta and the Maluku Islands) , Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles (inclu Aruba). Wilders will most likely also be included in this, if I can.


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          The Wraith War
                          April 5th , 2010

                          Mitchell woke up. he had been tied to a chair and was sitting in what looked like a small storage room. He looked at his hands. They were cuffed together with four metal pieces. He tried to uncuff himself, but he failed miserably. “the cuffs are made of a superconductive material. They are held together by a perpetual magnetic field. Trying to uncuff yourself will result in failure.”
                          mitchel almost jumped off his chair. He hadn't noticed the Einherjar. “you must be laughing yourself to death in that suit, arent you? Killing innocent people, handcuffing people, tying them to chairs, tossing people off buildings, how long is the list?”
                          “we have absolutely no joy in doing this,” the Einherjar replied. “it is merely a necessity. Had your leaders complied with our proposal, this all would not have happened.”
                          “oh, great,” mitchell said, his voice filled with sarcasm. “so you blackmail people, and you call it a proposal. You want the core and give nothing in return. You are willing to kill millions to save your own ass. You are either nuts or extremely selfish.”
                          “your words are of no use. You cannot escape this. Our plan approaches its conclusion. And when it does, not complying will kill many more than we have killed so far.”
                          “great, more deaths. Bring on the torture and bad jokes while you're at it,” Mitchell snapped at the Einherjar. The latter merely turned around and left.


                          Vala woke up. She looked around. She too was handcuffed, and tied to a chair. Only she was in the conference room of the IOA. She looked around. More people were tied up. Only on their temples, small button-like devices were attached and they seemed to be asleep.
                          “i must have missed the best part of this party,” Vala tried to joke. She seemed bored.
                          “so, where's the evil asgard? To rub this all in?”
                          Vala looked around. No response. She looked at her handcuffs. “finally, a challenge,” she said, and started to figure out how to remove them. Only then, her former request was heeded. The door opened and the familiar suited being came in.
                          “alright, shut up, I know what you're gonna say, we're lost, we're doomed, we should give up the core and we're all gonna die. When is someone going to say something fresh, something new?”
                          vala almost seemed desperate.
                          “you finally seem to learn our lesson. But its not why I am here.”
                          vala was gob smacked.
                          “we detected alien knowledge in your brain, thoroughly suppressed yet still present.
                          It is my task to extract it”
                          “You are NOT going to get in my head!” Vala shouted.
                          The Einherjar walked over to one of the bags lying around, pulled out some weird helmet-like device and put it on the head of a protesting vala.


                          There was a flash of light, and O'neill stood inside the shield at the IOA building, dressed in vanaheim armor. In either hand a customized armor-piercing rifle.
                          “carter, here I come” he said calmly to himself.
                          O'neill ran inside, past the einherjar corpse, to the rings and then to the eight floor. There, he ran through the hallway forward, past the rubble, past the destruction. Then, he found a rifle. Aimed at his head.
                          “drop your weapon.”
                          O'neill turned. He dropped his weapon and found.... a human team.
                          O'neill put up his hands, grabbed his helmet and took it off.
                          “what the..” the man said. “General?”
                          “it doesnt say colonel, does it?” O'neill replied. “i'm here cause i'm here. Dont worry about the reason. Can I take my weapons and... go?”
                          O'neill put on his helmet and took his guns.
                          “colonel Hawking, sir, SG-4. We came under attack. No sign of SG-1, or SG-5.”
                          Hawking stepped aside. “One casualty.”
                          O'neill looked at a mess of gore and blood, and some flesh. He saluted and ran off.


                          Vala woke up again. She looked around. The strange device was gone, and she had a headache.
                          Then, an Einherjar entered.
                          “well, learned anything?” she snapped.
                          “yes.” the Einherjar responded.
                          “why are you doing this? Its not like your a parasite that has undergone drastic brain alterations!”
                          “we are doing this for self preservation,”
                          “so for selfish reasons?” vala interrupted.
                          “we can fight the wraith and win. But that war will be long and costly. If we possess the core, so many threats could be wiped from existence with an ease you can not imagine. The wraith will be gone within a few of your years, the pegasus galaxy will be free and most of all, we could finally expand and rebuild that what has been lost. Long ago, the Asgard species stretched galaxies. Now we are confined to a single planet. We want to... stretch our legs again. We are not evil.”
                          the armored being sounded convincing.
                          “then why are you doing this to me, to us?” vala said, still not convinced.
                          “i am not happy, many are not happy. Othar is the leader and Othar has ordered me, us to do this. Some believe there are other possibilities. But this is the simplest, fastest and least costly course of action. Your struggle will only increase the cost.”
                          the asgard sounded somewhat sad.
                          “oh,” vala said, somewhat defeated. She lowered her head, then looked at the asgard again. “you could step up against that othar and show them there are other possibilities. You dont have to do this.”
                          “there is no choice” the asgard replied. “if your leaders do not comply soon, this device will go off, penetrate the shield and destroy most of this city. The casualties will force your leaders to comply.”
                          the Armor-clad said this while pointing at the strange device in the centre. It looked jerry-rigged and was cylindrical in appearance. A circular monitor was put on it, and a small light moved over it, 360 degrees round.
                          The Asgard then walked to a pad close to it, a transport elevator which was used to get here in the first place. He stepped on it and the elevator rose up. A second later the door opened, and annother armor clad being entered. He walked over to vala, uncuffed her and signaled her to follow.
                          “what the?” vala started.
                          “call me jack,” the being said. “grabbed one of the older suits to fool em.”
                          “O'neill???” vala almost shouted of disbelief, only to be silenced by him.
                          “ssht” he said.
                          He ran to the door and opened it.
                          “go down here, run to the bottom floor and get the hell out of the shield.”
                          “jack, they have a nuke.”vala said bluntly.
                          “what? Those little grey buggers! I liked thor better.” Jack replied, his voice morphed by the suit.
                          He looked at the device in the center.
                          “damn. Just when you think it goes smooth for once.. where are sam and the others? And can you get that thing offline and these people out?” he replied.
                          “no idea, probably, yes,” Vala answered shortly. “keep the asgard off my butt.”
                          O'Neil tilted his head a bit right. “its tail, not butt.”
                          “i don't have a tail.” Vala replied.
                          Oneill raised his shoulders and walked to the other door, immediately raising his guns and killing an approaching Asgard. The Einherjar was caught off guard and was killed.
                          Vala took the small devices off the people's temples and then headed to the device, as O'neill moved upwards to take out more Einherjar.
                          looks cool, are the Einherjar the warriors of the Vanaheim?


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            to clarify:

                            a Vanaheim is a pegasus asgard. an Einherjar is a vanaheim in the new version of their armor. einherjar means lone warrior


                              anus's time travallers-

                              As we all know Janus is into his time travell and I am going to write an ark that will bring him into our timeline where he will help us fight the wraith.
                              no need to. within the decade the wraith are defeated. we already are too powerfull.


                                I know that, these guys are going to have about 4 ships, by help I meant they will be there and they will be in a few battles. I just think it has so much potential as do the Jaffa which is something I forgot to put on that list. I'm going to work on my Russian Idea first before I work on anything else.

                                Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


