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Virtual fleet 1.0

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    Is anyone apart from me writing anything? I need as much written as possible. Even If it just a small battle defending planet that is going to be culled, It's good enough. If you can and have the time just try write even a small one.

    Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


      after the weekend I'm gonna start, I've got a lot of the thing which is called DAMNED FREAKING HOMEWORK.....

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        started on a Vanaheim assault on the wraith, featuring the Fenrir and the official naming of the cruiser to Valkyrie


          Killman can I ask that you try to use battlecruisers and cruisers. I'm writing something now that will explain why and can I ask when the battle is to see if it will fit with my current story.

          Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


            Fenrir stands already. if you want valkyrie as a name then fine, maybe Nidhogg?
            shall i start adding this fleet to the wiki? (This one)

            Calm Before The Storm
            february 2, 2010

            The Vanaheim General known as Othar sat in his imposing chair. Before him were five soldiers, named Einherjar. Each wore a powerful exoskeleton enhancing their abilities to above-human standards, even surpassing wraith.
            “Othar, the Prototype is ready,” the middle Einherjar said.
            “good,” Othar replied, “have you named the class yet?”
            “Fenrir,” the other replied.
            “take 5 Valkyrie cruisers alongside, show the wraith no mercy.”
            after the last words, Othar turned around and started to work at a console placed behind him. Like ancient consoles, dozens of crystals in various shapes, colors and sizes were sticked in, along with Asgard “stones”. It was clear that the conversation was over.
            The Einherjar turned around and walked out of the room, through the hallway, past an armory with regular suits, past a training room filled with various Einherjar, turned left and used a transporter station.


            4 wraith hives went in for the cull, hovering above a planet. The humans on the ground were oblivious to the situation. Darts moved out and descended. Eight cruisers guarded the hives.

            A hyperspace window opened, as five Valkyrie cruisers moved out. Once, they had been defeated by a Traveller generational ship, but this type was much more advanced, using better alloys and better technologies. Orange beams and bolts moved out, hitting the wraith ships. The bolts exploded on the hull, the beams penetrated and blasted off chunks of armor. The wraith took a moment to respond, as a hailstorm of energy blasted past these ships, brutally impacting Vanaheim shields.
            As the latter's shields were designed to function against penetration, the shield glowed a bright gold as the energy impacted. One of the hive had its arm-like protrusions shot off, as beam after beam hit the hive at tactical positions. As a hive exploded, a hyperspace window opened, and the Fenrir blasted out in its majesty. The Valkyrie were filled with round, smooth shapes, yet the Fenrir was more blocky, and had a more square look. Even then it outsized the Valkyrie ships. It had four wing-like protrusions that were placed in an x-configuration, and each wing had a large cannon attached.
            One cannon fired at full power and a bright golden beam shot out, and cut deep into the hive armor. The hives took a pounding of unmatched proportions, one hive had a cloud of its own debris around it, and still it continued. Then a well-aimed blast shattered that hive and it blew up. Two down, two to go.

            Onboard the Fenrir, Athan sat calmly in his command chair, dressed in Einherjar armor, only the helm missing. His armor was decorated with gold, and the chair he sat on interfaced with the suit to maximize efficiency. It was strange to see the head of an asgard on top of a heavily-armored suit.
            The bridge was quite small, and compact. Two Einherjar were at work at their own consoles.
            “Target: Hyperdrive,” Athan commanded. Within the second the ship responded and fired, a golden beam hitting the hive somewhere at the rear. It had tried to escape, now it was stuck. A secondary explosion ripped the back to pieces as the hyperdrive had overloaded.
            “Athan, the weapons systems are failing,” one of the Einherjar announced. There was a constant beeping.
            “why?” Athan, not impressed, asked.
            “the cooling core is overheated, it can not handle the current situation.”
            “fix it and send the diagnosis to Vanir.”
            Athan was battle-hardened. It would take more than a failing system to bring him down. The bridge momentarily lit up as another hive exploded with a flare.
            “Battlegroup, proceed with annihilation of the wraith ship. Our weapons have failed. After completion, proceed to Vanir.”
            Athan had made the announcement to the fleet already. “set a course, target: Vanir.”
            the Fenrir moved about, made a loop and a hyperspace window appeared a few meters from its nose. A moment later and both were gone.


            John Sheppard walked through the hallway and an alarm sounded, he then picked up his pace and ran to the nearby control room.
            “what's going on?” he said, looking at chuck, while walking over to his console.
            Chuck nodded at the window before them. “we have an incoming.”
            john walked over to the thick glass. At the SGC, it was normal glass, this glass was many times more powerful, many times thicker and dozens of times more expensive.
            He then ran to the side, through a door and then onto the balcony before the glass, a balcony around the entire gateroom. There, he stood and watched the kawoosh, then the gateshield activated.
            “IDC received, coming in hot,” chuck's voice sounded through the gateroom. There was a white-blue shimmer, as a field activated, right before john's nose, before the balcony, upwards to the ceiling and covering it, downwards to the floor and covering that aswell.
            “love those grey guys,” John said under his breath, the gateshield dropped and pulses of energy blasted into the gateroom, hitting the shield and being absorbed. On the balcony, more than a dozen guards were now positioned. Below in the room, the roomshield left a few meters at each wall, with guards standing behind that aswell. The shield had barely dropped and a man rushed through, fell over his own feat and hit the shield on the ground. Pulses of energy shot through the gate in every direction, hitting the shield and becoming harmless. Two more marines jumped through, one being stunned while still in the air. Then a last one ran through, carrying not a rifle but a shotgun, who was still firing even though he was already through. Before the shield could rise, two wraith soldiers rushed through, one being hit by shotgun fire, the other being downed by the guards. The shield was in place.
            “dropping room shield, de-powering Stargate,”Chuck announced. The white shimmer was there again, then the familiar sounds and looks of the Stargate deactivating could be seen, as well as the gateshield dropping the second after.


            Sheppard sat in the Briefing room. Before him sat the team that came through.
            At his left, were Neil Young, and Ron Stasiak. At his right, Jared Nash and James Everett.
            “so, what happened?” John started.
            “wraith are gonna cull a major planet. Our 304's can get there in time, 4 hives,” Stasiak said.
            “you sure?” john asked.
            “damnright I am.”
            john looked at the team. Young had a few wounds from the tripping and combat, and Everett was still staring a bit, as he got stunned.
            “already passed the coordinates,” Young said.
            “good,” sheppard replied. “send a ship there,” he said over his radio.
            There was a confirmation. “anything else,” john asked.
            “yes, the wraith are uniting into more factions, so far we have the Superalliance, Todd's alliance, atleast two more of them and there is word that a new one has unveiled itself to the galaxy. Apparently they posses Keepers.”
            “and why does that matter?” John asked.
            “cause that means we can get pretty screwed. From what research can tell, wraith should've never defeated the ancients, just too terrible odds. The keepers might be the answer, we only saw one that you killed and then no more. Might also explain why the wraith now suddenly have more hives than thought, aside from the obvious probability that they hid some more,” Jared Nash said.
            “with other words, if the wraith have keepers, they have the one thing that tipped the balance against the ancients to their favor. Wraith's not gonna be cleanup, its gonna be war.”
            “just when you think it gets easy for once,” John mumbled.
            “if thats all, then dismissed.”


            The Deadalus dropped out of hyperspace. Orbit was filled with debris.
            “any sign of the hives?” Caldwell asked.
            “no sir. Only a large debris field. I am doing a scan now,” Marks said.
            There was a pause, then a blip.
            “sir, the hives are still here. They're the debris you see.”
            Caldwell looked at the window, stood up and walked towards it.
            “you're saying that, the four hives we should face are... that?”
            “yes sir, positive, radiation's still fresh. They were blown to bits.”
            “find out who did that.”
            Caldwell looked outside once more, then headed to his seat.
            “sir, its impossible, the energy from the hive destruction distorts any other signature.”
            caldwell sat down.
            “do a thorough scan, then get us back,” caldwell finished. “i'll be in the mess.”


            Othar walked up and down, awaiting the results of the battle. Then the doors slid open and a single Einherjar entered. He took of his helmet. All asgard, and all vanaheim, looked the same.
            “the battle went well. The Fenrir needs more powerful cooling. Aside from that its power is according to expectations. Shield depletion of the Valkyrie did not go below 30 percent, Fenrir not below 70. I believe we have created the perfect ship of war.”
            “understood, Athan,” Othar said.
            “what are our next orders, Othar?”
            “build more Fenrir, prepare a fleet. My plan was just green-lit. The Core can, and will be ours.”
            Athan looked somewhat shocked, yet Othar was confident.

            Last edited by thekillman; 08 May 2009, 10:01 AM.


              what you meen keeper if thay are ailens thats my idea ?


                Keepers are wraith. watch Rising and Allies again (SGA)


                  WOW Good story!!!!!!!!!



                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    I liked It Killman thats me just got the chance to read it. I think that you should use the cooling as permenant weakness for the Fenrir I fell that the Vanaheim are becoming over powered. I think that the Valkryne (probably wrong spelling) should not all have beams and only a few of them as a special units.

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                      Keeping the cooling as a grave weakness is good! Those beams do seem really powerful though. But after all they ARE those Little Grey Buggers


                      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                        I just dont like the fact that they have magically went from weak ass pulse weapons to uber beams.

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                          We just didn't see all they had, perhaps in First Contact they had some outdated ships there. Just because we saw one ship, we do not have a complete estimate of their power, there is so much room to expand on that.


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            tell me Dboy. if you have wood, can you make a missile? no. you might know HOW to make it, you just cant. the vanaheim never had ANY neutronium, the key to their technology. its like earth without steel. our modern society would collapse and get back to medieval ages. thats the analogy.

                            besides, i still havent explained WHY their tech gave off an ancient signature. well, let me put it like this. we arent the only ones with ancient tech. their beams are powerfull, cause IMO early asgard, ancient, furling and nox tech were similar. after all, we knew they had alot of contact, and the races did research eachothers tech and changed ideas. the reason the vanaheim would have ancient-looking shuttles would be simple: its not lantean architecture but more Alliance. they had dozens of ideas, so the Asgard could have intergalactic hyperdrives (even though they were said not to have hyperdrives for that long), retrieved from ancient tech, or nox tech, or whatever. the asgard seem more like quantum, and high-energy physicists, IE know alot of energy and matter. explaining their beaming tech, matter converters, etc. the ancients might have benefited from that in annother way.

                            i also think i know how to end the fight between earth and the Vanaheim. after the hostage-taking is over, humanity takes a deep breath, heads to the Vanaheim world, and see: its in ruins.

                            who did this? why? how?

                            check it later.

                            BTW: Dboy you did realise that the hives took quite a pounding, right? no 3 shot kills.


                              ok remember that team in the eppy? im gonna make more eppies with them, i love them. i only need a better name for Stasiak, ill provide a full beatdown of them including pictures.


                                So the Beam Weapons are more like a dumbed down version of the anicent particle cannon (Siege Part 1).

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