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Anti-S9 thread. For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    If the people posting on this thread find that they enjoy season 9, then I would assume that they would stop posting here.

    As for the rest, what does it matter? Other than your sweeping generalization about Trek antis, who cares if people watch the show and complain about it? You make it sound as if it's a bad thing, but if that's what people want to do, let them. It isn't hurting anyone and if you, personally, don't like to see it then it's easy to avoid this thread and/or put people on ignore.

    You also may wish to take a look at your wording as it doesn't reflect very nicely on us (or anyone who posts in threads "like this"). You imply that there's something wrong with complaining ("you aren't gonna keep complaining, are you??"), you imply that we are nothing more than a bunch of reactionaries who'd rather flame someone than hold an intelligent conversation and even your "pleasant surprise" that such hasn't happened isn't terribly polite.

    I am more than happy to hold a friendly, reasonable debate on an issue, but I prefer to be treated as an equal rather than some freaky form of sub-life you've discovered while diving in some murky depths.
    Last edited by ShadowMaat; 12 July 2005, 12:48 PM.


      shiny's rantings:

      okay so like...(yes i know i sound like a valley girl sometimes) i do have hope for sg-1 and yes i know all about the pro season 9 thread but this isnt stuff that i'm happy with the show so thats why its here.

      1.) Ben Browder - i'm hit or miss on this could work, but we all know what happened with x-files when they replaced mulder with whats his name. It made the rating plummet into the ground because they tried to switch up the story so much with alien human hybrids, and way too many other things. obviously there's going to be the "RDA IS GONE WE DONT WANNA WATCH ANYMORE" fans, but they're going to have to do a really good job with him integrating him into the show to keep alot of other fans. I totally understand RDA leaving the show for the most part to spend time with his family and for his other projects. Whether us fans like it or not, he's getting older, and if i was in his shoes i'd want to cut back too.

      2.) Claudia Black - Yes...she's suave, she's sexy, she's a one wants to see daniel jackson with a love interest unless it was with sha're (who's dead) and sara/osiris (i dont see why they didnt think of the idea of those two maybe back together in some sort). battlestar galactica can be sexy because everyone are pawns in a messed up can have a bit of sexiness but i dont want to see daniel and claudia having a romp in the hay every time we see them.

      3.) The new General - whats his name? oh well...O'neill needs to be replaced, i understand...but come on...if there's so many new characters in the show my suggestion is to make a new series consisting of another team say like sg-3 and have daniel, sam, teal'c and whoever else be reoccuring characters and ben browder and the general be the new main focus on the series...

      4.) The Orii/Ori (whatever) - their biggest mistake. It's lovely that they got rid of the Goa'uld and replicators...the stories were starting to run into the ground (however i still think you could have alot of story involving ba'al and goa'uld survival but not so much on the replicators). But there's a whole pool of adversaries that just would love to get their grubby little dirty hands on earth and do some damage. Why introduce another? Why do this "evil ancient" stuff? Why find another adversary that has some reason to do what they're doing as opposed to...the Aschen who are just absolutely hellbent on power and insisting each aschen have their own planet with slaves to do their bidding. I think the creators could have made a huge story surrounding the Aschen. The reasons for the Aschen doing what they're doing are in my opinion far more devious and evil than almost any other species of alien in the series. Besides everyone liked the Aschen because of their...certain nastiness to everyone in the galaxy.

      5.) The Trust - Must i explain this one? all in favor of continuing with this plot line raise their hands!

      6.) Lack of Sam and Jack - now now now i know there's people who are ready to see this end since jack wont be in many eps *cough*shadowmaat*cough* but like it or not, there's ALOT of people who watch the series due to those two characters and...their relationship or whatever. i can name at least 3 people off the top of my head (i know there's more) that will curse the name of sg-1 should sam and ben browder's character get involved in some sort of way.

      7.) Lack of Thor and Jack - the dynamics of their relationship is original and cannot be duplicated. while seeing the little asgards is always fun...its just not going to have the same charm if jack's not there.

      there's a ton more...but thats the big ones i can think of right now.

      Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
      Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
      Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.


        cameron has potential. adn like someone said, they had to replace jack, plain and simple

        vala.....sigh, vala is the Six of stargate. she'll be funny and unreal and over the top....and time will tell if she can over come that and be anything more than a cliched charicture

        beau....well he had one line last night that i liked. but he seems so laid back. i literally can't imagine him grabbing a p-90like hammy and going replicator hunting. again, time will tell

        the orii....geez, ok, how many times can we beat the bigger and badder enemies??? and if they're so incredibly evil, how come we've never heard of them? I for one was sick of the whole ancient storyline years ago. if they wre gonna immitate the Q, the least they coudla done was done it with an actor(s) that have charisma rather than oma's ramblings

        i'm not fond of the whole merlin gag, (and i do think he looks like dumbledore...wonder if young harry will help them out ) and some of the toerh story spoilers definitely leave me shaking my head.

        however, to answer someone, time will tell

        s9 could be good and change my mind and overcome what i see as obstacles
        it could suck and tank so bad that the last 10 eps never get taped
        it could simply suck and fade away and not even matt roushe's adoration of farscape can get him to rant and rave aobut it

        and worse comes to worse, ther's this cool thing on my remote called an off switch. i used it in x-files, i used it in earth: final conflict, i used it in Enterprise, i used it in voyager, i used it in xena...and i'll use it again
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Hey Campers

          I know I don't come here that much anymore -- I've been doing a lot of writing (SG1 & a MacGyver here and there) on top of working my tail work But, I couldn't resist posting my fears and thoughts for Season 9.

          Like many, I am sad to see Mr. Anderson leaving, but I am happy for him, and hope he has a wonderful time being a full-time dad.

          I found it very interesting to read that one of the main reasons TPTB casted new & fresh faces (granted they're all just leaving a canceled show and waltzing right into another) was that they wanted to rekindle the excitement of saving Earth and fighting the bad guys. They said when Jack, Sam, Teal'c, and Daniel saved Earth for the 78th time -- it was sort of the "been there done that" feel. Well, -- yeah. That's TV. So, they're bringing in new characters to give this new life. Um -- didn't they do that already with Jonas and then Daniel when he took human form in Season 7? I don't know -- the whole "new faces, making it fresh" is getting kinda old, no?

          My biggest fear -- it's going to sound crazy -- is that they're going to start pulling guest stars out of the worst places. I swear, if I ever see Leonard Nemoy, Bill Mumy, Peter David, Mark Hammiel, or (biggest fear) William Shanter on SG-1 -- I'll blow my top. Or launch a daily letter writing mission until they realize what a mistake they had made. It's bad enough bringing two actors over from the next Sci-fi channel time slot.

          Sigh. Okay -- I think I feel a little better now. I plan to watch the first and third show -- but that all. TV Guide may say there's life after RDA for SG-1 -- but not for me. I'll follow my hero where ever he may go -- but I'm not going to follow his replacements.


          "LTS" -- Mr. Richard Dean Anderson

          "I only understand one percent of what she says half the time." -- Col. Jack O'Neill


            Originally posted by Dr. Weir's Hair Gel
            So the people in this thread are going to watch it already knowing they are going to hate it? I mean, what happens if you watch it and it turns out to be really good? Are you so jaded at this point that how good it actually turns out to be is irrelevant?

            And yes, this belongs here. I'm asking the Anti-9 people what they are going to do if the show turns out to be great, or even "good"... like whatever season in 2-5 you thought was the weakest.

            Just wondering if Stargate anti-fans are going to be like Enterprise anti-fans... watching the show each week just to complain about it, even after it miraculously becomes pretty decent.........

            not saying it won't suck. Maybe it will suck bigtime. But do you have an open mind in case it doesn't?

            Flame away!
            Well I guess its dubious of me to be posting in this thread because I am not actually Anti S9. I want there to be a Season 9. I want there to be a season 20. But I also dont want them to ruin the show and make me wander a way forgetting it was ever on like I did with the X files. I would rather have it end like B5, with me wanting more.

            Therefore the question becomes is S9, S10, S11 a good idea. The immediate response from me would be YES. But then I see some things they are doing, how they are getting away from what they were, how they are trying to Sex it up \ relationship it up \ make it a drama where the beloved characters die on a regular basis and I start to think, well maybe this isnt such a good idea.

            After watching the Sci Fi insides last night and having STARGATE tied so closly to BSG which is the iptome of Sex\relationship\death I find it hard to stay positive and so I post in the Anti Season 9 thread because I know the fellows at the Pro season 9 and the Sci Fi inside thread dont want to hear it.

            So will I complain after every bad ep... nope.. if there are too many bad eps I wont be posting at all, I will be wandering and waiting for another good Sci fi show like Stargate, Atlantis or B5 (another clasiley done Sci fi show with no spandex and actual subtle adult relationships). And if the shows are AWESOME, well then I will be annoying people in other threads as all my fear and tension turns into a tremedous enthusiasm.
            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
              Vyse, my darling, "The Powers That Be" is a phrase that has been in use for many, many long years, long before Angel was even a glint in Joss's eye. It's one of the more memorable genre-relevant examples, but it's hardly the source.

              Angel was the first time I heard that phrase, so that's what I assumed, lol.


                It is sad that SG-1 is resorting to sex to get ratings, I couldn't believe the line that BB had, saying that her outfit was nice. One of the things I loved about SG-1 was how well the show treated Carter until S7. She was part of the team, and actually wore the same outfit as every other member of the team! It will help ratings in the short term, nut as every Trekkie knows what happened to Voyager, the ratings went up for a while, then went back down.

                That's a good observation Skydiver, Merlin does look like Dumbledore, lol. Next we will be seeing some chosen one who will help SG-1 who has a scar on his forehead, lol!


                  Originally posted by Vyse
                  It is sad that SG-1 is resorting to sex to get ratings, I couldn't believe the line that BB had, saying that her outfit was nice. One of the things I loved about SG-1 was how well the show treated Carter until S7. She was part of the team, and actually wore the same outfit as every other member of the team! It will help ratings in the short term, nut as every Trekkie knows what happened to Voyager, the ratings went up for a while, then went back down.

                  That's a good observation Skydiver, Merlin does look like Dumbledore, lol. Next we will be seeing some chosen one who will help SG-1 who has a scar on his forehead, lol!
                  oh come on.... didnt you like 7 of 9's catsuit? it was HAWT. personally i liked the black one over the reddish one but...oh wait...hahahahahahaha! i kid, i kid. though the black outfit looked better on her than the red one...the red one you could see her knockers from the MOON! erm...anyway..

                  i DID like the fact that sam started wearing more feminine clothing...i'm talking about the long skirt and shirt she wore in one ep in season 8. that was a really cute outfit and i wanted wasnt sexy, it was just a really nice outfit, and it was nice to see sam in something OTHER than jeans and shirts. but! i noticed that her outfits are getting a little tighter in some areas, and a little more revealing in others. DO you remember the red dress? who can forget that red dress...that wasnt hardly a dress really...that was uhm...yeah it was kinda skimpy and red wasnt even sam's color...geez they need to get some people that can match sam's color tone with what she wears but thats not the point! she started wearing the tank tops, and the leather jackets and stuff when they were off base hunting down "insert person here". I'm not against seeing a more feminine side of fact her testosterone levels in the first season were a tad too high for my preference but yeah it was the red dress that did it for me. that dang red dress!

                  lets not forget the romp with pete in the episode too.

                  as for Jack...he seems to like his ladies a bit younger than him too!

                  Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
                  Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
                  Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.


                    *drools and moans like Homer Simpson*

                    Mmmmmmmmm.... Sugar cookies....

                    Thanks Toaster!


                      Originally posted by shinyredpants
                      oh come on.... didnt you like 7 of 9's catsuit? it was HAWT. personally i liked the black one over the reddish one but...oh wait...hahahahahahaha! i kid, i kid. though the black outfit looked better on her than the red one...the red one you could see her knockers from the MOON! erm...anyway..

                      i DID like the fact that sam started wearing more feminine clothing...i'm talking about the long skirt and shirt she wore in one ep in season 8. that was a really cute outfit and i wanted wasnt sexy, it was just a really nice outfit, and it was nice to see sam in something OTHER than jeans and shirts. but! i noticed that her outfits are getting a little tighter in some areas, and a little more revealing in others. DO you remember the red dress? who can forget that red dress...that wasnt hardly a dress really...that was uhm...yeah it was kinda skimpy and red wasnt even sam's color...geez they need to get some people that can match sam's color tone with what she wears but thats not the point! she started wearing the tank tops, and the leather jackets and stuff when they were off base hunting down "insert person here". I'm not against seeing a more feminine side of fact her testosterone levels in the first season were a tad too high for my preference but yeah it was the red dress that did it for me. that dang red dress!

                      lets not forget the romp with pete in the episode too.

                      as for Jack...he seems to like his ladies a bit younger than him too!
                      I feel that when shows resort to that it's because the show itself has gotten bad. When I watch Science Fiction I expect more than look at the pretty girl, I expect plots, character development, MORAL DILEMMAS (are you reading TPTB, what EVER happened to those!), a sense of wonder, etc.. . If I wanna see a pretty girl in a tight outfit I'll watch something like Baywatch. I expect more from Science Fiction, something more intelligent.


                        When I was surfing the web today a got a pop-up asking me to take an Oreo survey, lol. Watch out, the Oreos are coming to attack Earth Friday night!


                          Originally posted by Vyse
                          I feel that when shows resort to that it's because the show itself has gotten bad. When I watch Science Fiction I expect more than look at the pretty girl, I expect plots, character development, MORAL DILEMMAS (are you reading TPTB, what EVER happened to those!), a sense of wonder, etc.. . If I wanna see a pretty girl in a tight outfit I'll watch something like Baywatch. I expect more from Science Fiction, something more intelligent.
                          i agree...i'm not into the whole sexy thing...unless its tomb raider where its supposed to be that way. and its not just in like sci-fi, its in anime, and a whole bunch of only genres. there's some movies/tv shows/cartoons where it kinda adds a plot twist, but the jump sg-1 has made isnt so keen with me. i liked the slight moments of a sexy character like osiris or other goa'uld but not where its thrown into every direction you look at.

                          I really liked seeing Sam wearing slightly more feminine outfits when not in action or at the base but not to the point its gotten.

                          Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
                          Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
                          Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.


                            Originally posted by Dr. Weir's Hair Gel
                            So the people in this thread are going to watch it already knowing they are going to hate it? I mean, what happens if you watch it and it turns out to be really good? Are you so jaded at this point that how good it actually turns out to be is irrelevant?

                            And yes, this belongs here. I'm asking the Anti-9 people what they are going to do if the show turns out to be great, or even "good"... like whatever season in 2-5 you thought was the weakest.

                            Just wondering if Stargate anti-fans are going to be like Enterprise anti-fans... watching the show each week just to complain about it, even after it miraculously becomes pretty decent.........

                            not saying it won't suck. Maybe it will suck bigtime. But do you have an open mind in case it doesn't?

                            Flame away!
                            But you know your last two words amaze me. Perhaps with 15 posts you’re new to Gateworld? Flaming is not what Gateworld’s forum is all about.

                            NO flaming. Just Discussion. A thread for nearly every spin on a topic. And you can post your thoughts in each and every one of those threads if you have something to contribute to that topic. See that’s what’s great about this place. It’s not about ‘let’s see who can wallop who over the head hardest because they think differently than me.’ (Now if you do like flaming your own self, then be our guest…. )

                            I will admit 20 minutes into watching the preview show last night I thought to myself - hey, maybe, just maybe, they might pull it off in S9. But then what’s a 2-second snippet of a scene from here and and another one from there going to prove to anyone on any part of the very concerned/not concerned at all spectrum? Just like a screen cap freezing a movement in time, what was shown last night doesn’t have the context of the bigger picture, the rest of the episode, to compare it against. The longer I watched the preview I did start to get worried that those 2 second teasers might not translate into a good solidly written hour long episode. I am concerned. And this is the appropriate thread for me, and others, to share our CONCERNS in.

                            BTW, as far as S9 being ‘great’ - nope it won’t be for me. I only came to watch the show 2 years ago and it was original team’s chemistry, the tongue-in-cheek humor balanced by seriousness, and the intelligent writing of the early seasons that got me hooked on the show. (Jonas’ S6 wasn’t too bad either.) So, no, as a Johnny-come-lately to the show I know what drew me in, what kept me watching, and what I liked, and it’s not going to be there in S9… so as far as “great” *shakes head* Nope.

                            ‘Good?’ *shrugs* Remains to be seen. But a few days more and we’ll all see if those concerns turn into cold hard facts.
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by shinyredpants
                              i agree...i'm not into the whole sexy thing...unless its tomb raider where its supposed to be that way. and its not just in like sci-fi, its in anime, and a whole bunch of only genres. there's some movies/tv shows/cartoons where it kinda adds a plot twist, but the jump sg-1 has made isnt so keen with me. i liked the slight moments of a sexy character like osiris or other goa'uld but not where its thrown into every direction you look at.

                              I really liked seeing Sam wearing slightly more feminine outfits when not in action or at the base but not to the point its gotten.
                              I don't mind them as long as they fit into their story, when Sam was wearing that dress in Chimera (Though the episode was horrorible) it didn't bother me because she was going on a date with her boyfriend, it made sense. It wasn't like 7 of 9 running around in that outfit for no reason, accept the ratings.


                                Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                                But you know your last two words amaze me. Perhaps with 15 posts you’re new to Gateworld? Flaming is not what Gateworld’s forum is all about.

                                NO flaming. Just Discussion. A thread for nearly every spin on a topic. And you can post your thoughts in each and every one of those threads if you have something to contribute to that topic. See that’s what’s great about this place. It’s not about ‘let’s see who can wallop who over the head hardest because they think differently than me.’ (Now if you do like flaming your own self, then be our guest…. )

                                I will admit 20 minutes into watching the preview show last night I thought to myself - hey, maybe, just maybe, they might pull it off in S9. But then what’s a 2-second snippet of a scene from here and and another one from there going to prove to anyone on any part of the very concerned/not concerned at all spectrum? Just like a screen cap freezing a movement in time, what was shown last night doesn’t have the context of the bigger picture, the rest of the episode, to compare it against. The longer I watched the preview I did start to get worried that those 2 second teasers might not translate into a good solidly written hour long episode. I am concerned. And this is the appropriate thread for me, and others, to share our CONCERNS in.

                                BTW, as far as S9 being ‘great’ - nope it won’t be for me. I only came to watch the show 2 years ago and it was original team’s chemistry, the tongue-in-cheek humor balanced by seriousness, and the intelligent writing of the early seasons that got me hooked on the show. (Jonas’ S6 wasn’t too bad either.) So, no, as a Johnny-come-lately to the show I know what drew me in, what kept me watching, and what I liked, and it’s not going to be there in S9… so as far as “great” *shakes head* Nope.

                                ‘Good?’ *shrugs* Remains to be seen. But a few days more and we’ll all see if those concerns turn into cold hard facts.
                                I change my mind often on where the peak of the series was. I didnt like season one much except for a couple of eps, and i kind of base my decisions on how many good eps each season has. I full on intend on watching stargate season 9, because i know there will be good eps, but i'm not hopeful on the amount of good episodes (thus is why i have my anti season 9 side).

                                What effects how good a season is is not only how many good eps there are, but the replay value on those episodes, and the replay value on the other episodes of the season as well. I've noticed that i replay more eps on seasons 2, 3, 4, and 5 than any other season. Now while i've liked some of the episodes on each of the seasons after that point the replay value of all the episodes is less. Season 8 had some darn good eps, but the eps that i didnt care for so much i really would be okay not seeing them again.

                                Daniel: No Jonas, I will NOT play pass the mustard with you.
                                Jonas: What about pass the mayo?
                                Daniel: ...okay, but dont tell Jack.

