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Anti-S9 thread. For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Does anyone remember the New Coke campaign? It was the same great Coke, only with a new formula and a better taste. As I recall, it also failed miserably.


      Originally posted by ShadowMaat
      Does anyone remember the New Coke campaign? It was the same great Coke, only with a new formula and a better taste. As I recall, it also failed miserably.
      that whole mess was one huge bait and switch

      see cocacola wanted to change the sugar they used to a cheaper one. however the new one had a different taste and they knew folks would notice. so they created 'new' coke and put it on the market for a few months to 'cleanse the paletes' of their customers, then 'magnamously' reintroduced old coke to satisify all the violent protests

      what they really did was switch ingredients, increased thier profit margin and got a TON of free press and instead of looking manipulative, they looked like they were eating crow when they were really laughing all the way to the bank

      to answer someone's question, sure i'm going to watch. how else cna i enjoy the train wreck if i don't? and, to be fair, how else can i know if i'm right or wrong if i don't watch?

      maybe they can pull it off. maybe cam will be introduced not as a super marty sue character. maybe vala can rise above her scanty costumes and become a good, developed character. maybe these orii will live up to all the hype (although, remembering nuby and the kull warriors, i ain't holding my many times can they REALLY keep beating 'bigger and worse' enemies????)

      but how else will i know if they can't pull it off if i'm hiding in the corner with my tv turned off?

      but i am skeptical about it. these are the folks who think the revisions was one of hte best episodes ever. they seem to hold fans in utter contempt at times and write us off as 'women with issues' if we disagree with them or utter anything less than fangirl squeals of pleasure.

      since so little of the spoilers really attract me - and since i'm not a farscape fan or young man, it's not a big surprise there - right now i'm watching to see how things play out and waiting for amanda to return. Cause, now that jack's gone, she's the one thing that appeals to me, the stories sure as heck don't
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Many of us came to believe that RDA's decision to retire stemmed solely from the fact that he wanted to spend more time with his daughter, Wylie.

        However, insiders at Bridge Studios have secretly leaked to me the minutes from the meeting where TPTB pitched Season 9 ideas to Richard Dean Anderson. As you will see from the following, there is a clear indication that his choice to leave was at least in part motivated by other issues.

        Here's a snippet from this meeting:


        Mr. Anderson sat quietly for several moments trying to absorb what Mr. Wright and Mr. Cooper had just said.

        "So, what you're saying is...Oreo cookies are...evil?" Mr. Anderson finally asked.

        Mr. Wright and Mr. Cooper shared a quick, confused glance at each other before responding.

        "No, Rick, not Oreo cookies, the Ori," Mr. Wright finally explained with a grin.

        "Because I give Wylie Oreos all the time with her lunch and she loves them," Mr. Anderson continued, clearly perplexed and not really hearing either Mr. Wright or Mr. Cooper.

        "Um, Rick," Mr. Cooper tried again, "they're called the Ori. Like the word Origin? O-R-I...Neither spelled nor pronounced like Oreo."

        Mr. Anderson nodded blankly before speaking.

        "I'm sorry guys but...I just can't participate in a show that says Oreo cookies are evil."

        And with that last statement, Mr. Anderson stood up and left the conference room.

        A dumbstruck Mr. Wright moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Cooper seconded the motion.


        So at long last...the REAL reason behind Rick's leaving the series has FINALLY come to light.

        Last edited by Uber; 10 July 2005, 11:46 PM.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by keshou
          I'm curious. For those of you in the "anti S9" camp? Are you going to watch the show at all in S9? If so - how long are you willing to give it?
          I will watch it when it comes on German TV in 2007. I will not try to get it earlier online or through DVDs like I did with Atlantis and Season 8 of SG-1. And if there's something else on TV that night that interests me, I will most likely flip channels.

          In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
          it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
          It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
          And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            Many of us came to believe that RDA's decision to retire stemmed solely from the fact that he wanted to spend more time with his daughter, Wylie.

            However, insiders at Bridge Studios have secretly leaked to me the minutes from the meeting where TPTB pitched Season 9 ideas to Richard Dean Anderson. As you will see from the following, there is a clear indication that his choice to leave was at least in part motivated by other issues.

            Here's a snippet from this meeting:


            Mr. Anderson sat quietly for several moments trying to absorb what Mr. Wright and Mr. Cooper had just said.

            "So, what you're saying is...Oreo cookies are...evil?" Mr. Anderson finally asked.

            Mr. Wright and Mr. Cooper shared a quick, confused glance at each other before responding.

            "No, Rick, not Oreo cookies, the Ori," Mr. Wright finally explained with a grin.

            "Because I give Wylie Oreos all the time with her lunch and she loves them," Mr. Anderson continued, clearly perplexed and not really hearing either Mr. Wright or Mr. Cooper.

            "Um, Rick," Mr. Cooper tried again, "they're called the Ori. Like the word Origin? O-R-I...Neither spelled nor pronounced like Oreo."

            Mr. Anderson nodded blankly before speaking.

            "I'm sorry guys but...I just can't participate in a show that says Oreo cookies are evil."

            And with that last statement, Mr. Anderson stood up and left the conference room.

            A dumbstruck Mr. Wright moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Cooper seconded the motion.


            So at long last...the REAL reason behind Rick's leaving the series has FINALLY come to light.

            OMG, that's hilarious! Thank you!

            But next time give a coffee spurt warning, please!


              Originally posted by keshou
              I'm curious. For those of you in the "anti S9" camp? Are you going to watch the show at all in S9? If so - how long are you willing to give it?
              I'm going to give it a handful of episodes for the season to get established. Heck, I may just suck it up and watch the entire thing. That way when I complain I can complain in an educated manner. (Besides, I'm probably going to watch it anyway since it comes before Atlantis.)

              But if it's really bad, and I'm talking really, REALLY bad like some people here are predicting, like it makes me wince to watch it, like watching paint dry is more entertaining and has a better storyline, then my SciFi viewing Friday is going to start an hour later than normal...


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                Is SCIFI so hard up for money that they honestly expect to scrimp and save by cramming another commercial or two into the space that WOULD have been used up by theme songs? How utterly sad.

                As you said, Uber, it's yet another reason to be pessimistic about the upcoming season. A small thing, yes, but a lot of small things falling together form an avalance.

                I'm feeling *really* cynical right now: my evil twin wonders if SciFi isn't taking the fall for the PTB, who knew quite well that no matter *what* they did with the billing, they were going to be lambasted. (SciFi is the hand that feeds them. So long as they still have two going concerns on the network and wouldn't want them cancelled or put in a bad spot by a ticked-off executive, why would JM suggest the network was being cheap--unless SciFi had already agreed to be the fall guy?)

                "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                  No offense intended here. But past experience in observing Skiffy's practices tells me this is *entirely* their doing. Their only concern is the bottom line. That is all it has ever been. They could care less what the fans or the TPTB at SG-1 think. If the money is not there, neither is their support. Which is understandable (to them at least) considering that Skiffy is in the business to make money but it sucks for us and for producers and show runners who try to get too creative.

                  That's my cynical opinion. I will *never* give Skiffy the benefit of the doubt. They have proven that they can't be trusted time and again.


                    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                    So then according to your logic, we should only show respect for cast members you approve of?

                    Uber, in a pitiful but heartfelt attempt to help fill the Jack-shaped void (about which we are in total agreement, I might add), I feel compelled to point out that you ended that sentence with a preposition!

                    (*hides and ducks the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and outraged Ubers*)

                    "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                      Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                      Uber, in a pitiful but heartfelt attempt to help fill the Jack-shaped void (about which we are in total agreement, I might add), I feel compelled to point out that you ended that sentence with a preposition!
                      "So then according to your logic, we should only show respect for cast members you approve of, you *******."

                      I so hope everyone gets that, 'cause it's an easy way to get red.
                      Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                      - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                        i agree, it's skiffy's idea

                        tptb don't give a fig what we think about the credits. how actors are listed is a matter of their contract and is between noone but them. we don't matter and what we think or feel doesn't matter. listing in the credit is part of the actors' compensation plain and simple.

                        now, chances are, skiffy's plans, unless they were in the works for months, means that the actors and their agents are meeting with tptb to work out how things are to be arranged to compensate for or amend thier existing contracts to comply with skiffy's new ideas
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                          Uber, in a pitiful but heartfelt attempt to help fill the Jack-shaped void (about which we are in total agreement, I might add), I feel compelled to point out that you ended that sentence with a preposition!

                          (*hides and ducks the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and outraged Ubers*)

                          DOH! You're right!!!

                          And just so's you know, I have neither slings nor arrows in my arsenal...I do however have plently of lob-able tribbles though.

                          Oh wait...wrong franchise.

                          Perhaps I should invest in Furlings?

                          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                            After seeing the Sci fi Inside maybe S9 wasnt such a good idea. Sci Fi kills all tv shows. Can it be saved? not so sure anymore. Some things gave me slight hope but mostly I think they want to make it more slutty and less fun like BSG.
                            Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                            ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                            AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                              Originally posted by AGateFan
                              After seeing the Sci fi Inside maybe S9 wasnt such a good idea. Sci Fi kills all tv shows. Can it be saved? not so sure anymore. Some things gave me slight hope but mostly I think they want to make it more slutty and less fun like BSG.
                              I just saw it too and now I feel that my worst fears of S9 have been realized. I have lost all hope for S9 now, especially after hearing the intro is being cut to 10 seconds long. It seems to me that TPTB know that their time is limited, and they are milking the franchise as much as possible. I am deeply worried about S2 of Atlantis now too. I fear the bad writing has crept it's way to Atlantis now. Oh well here come the new big bad evil Oreos!


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                DOH! You're right!!!

                                And just so's you know, I have neither slings nor arrows in my arsenal...I do however have plently of lob-able tribbles though.

                                Oh wait...wrong franchise.

                                Perhaps I should invest in Furlings?

                                Nooooo!!! No Furlings!

