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Alternate Universe Virtual Fleet

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    no asgard no unending no AOT thats the full point of Alternate Universe We are stranded with only enough tech to keep us going bairly. You would like the Other gateworld fleet fuigimans one.

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      Originally posted by dboy-2007 View Post
      nich why did you change your vote from serpent to nemesis. This happened in the GWF fleet as well and it was taken extremely seriosly your origional vote is the one that will be counted and if you dont change it back youwill be disqualified from any further voting. If you had sayed in another post that youno longer want to vote for serpant and to discount your earlier vote that wouldnt be a problem but no editing posts to change your vote without informing anyone. You can either change your vote to the origional or be disqualified from any further voting.

      And btw this isn't because myship is losing a vote. Sorry about my spelling and grammar btw ive got a sticky space bar.
      ok sorry I'll bear that in mind changed it back
      Perhaps Puff


        Ok since you want to do those ships after the war the I say we bring back the prometheus and fit it in as a light cruiser to give more variety.

        Also you say the wraith will come at us with a large fleet. I was wondering how your going to do this. If they build a huge fleet they will need to clone themselves and their isnt enough humans to sustain them. And they were in a civil war how would they get over that.


          i dont meen huge just big enough to overwhealm the fleet used to take wipe the asurans and while we are in the middle of stealing ZPMs and drones they a attack so we dont get all but we do get a good number. And if youthink 16 ZPMs is to much i have an idea forusing them to wipe out the Ori.

          Oh and i forget to mention we get a few Auroras.

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            O.K the votes are

            we need someone to vote for either the Nemesis or Serpent and i can finish the voting and let the battles commence.

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              16 will be good because we would use a few for atlantis and the rest will go to the fleet. So im not that worried since the ori should have a few more ships and we dont have unending weapons so none of the zpm ships will be able to instant kill ori ships. Also what about my prometheus idea.

              Actually we could end the voting and say the serpent is the main frigate while the nemesis gets produced but in smaller numbers due to it being unique with its shields. (still in a way experimental)


                i was actually going to use the same idea i love that thinglol and if youwant i can give you the plot for destroying the ori in a pm its not like you would think.

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                  Sure go ahead and pm the plot. Wont have time to read it though because I have to head to work soon.


                    Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                    Ok since you want to do those ships after the war the I say we bring back the prometheus and fit it in as a light cruiser to give more variety.

                    Also you say the wraith will come at us with a large fleet. I was wondering how your going to do this. If they build a huge fleet they will need to clone themselves and their isnt enough humans to sustain them. And they were in a civil war how would they get over that.
                    Originally posted by dboy-2007 View Post
                    O.K the votes are

                    we need someone to vote for either the Nemesis or Serpent and i can finish the voting and let the battles commence.

                    ok i im going whit the Serpent


                      ok the voting is over and serpent wins. GET YOUR STORYS DONE lol.

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                        Hey dboy before we start we should decide of how many of each ship we have.


                          well my the strory i am writingthe now will kinda show you what we can produce in about half a year to a year.

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                            The Beginning Part 1
                            April 1st 2012

                            “General O’Neill sensors have detected a fleet of incoming vessels,” Chuck reported.

                            “Wraith?” General O’Neill replied.

                            “No sir, 10 Aurora class vessels,” Chuck replied.

                            “How long until they get here?” O’Neill asks.

                            “2 hours,” Chuck replies.

                            “Recall the fleet tell every ship we have in the Galaxy to get back here,” O’Neill ordered.

                            “O.K but it will take at least 3 hours and the only ships we have that can get here before the Asuran fleet is The Aurora and 10 Daedalus and 4 Washington class,” Chuck says.

                            “It will have to do for now, what about the Jaffa?” O’Neill asks.

                            “I’ll send a team to try get them to send some ships but I think they’re a bit concentrated on getting a government built,” Chuck says.

                            3 hours later.

                            The defence fleet sat waiting for the Asuran fleet to drop out of hyperspace. After a few minutes a hyperspace window opened and the first Aurora dropped out. The Aurora opened fire almost immediately catching it just before it raised shields. After a few seconds the Daedalus began to open fire. The Washington class split up making runs.

                            The Asuran ships opened fire sending only small swarms of drones but enough to cause damage. 2 Daedalus formed up with the Aurora and stopped shooting.

                            After seconds they opened fire bombarding to of the Auroras with mk4, mk2 and a wave of missiles. Successfully destroying them. Although on the other hand 3 Daedalus had already been destroyed.

                            Another hyperspace window opened 4 Serpent class dropped out and started bombarding an Aurora with mk3 plasma cannon fire after about 2 seconds the shields gave way and the ship erupted into a huge fireball.

                            With it down to 7 auroras against, 1 aurora class, 5 Daedalus class, 1 Washington class and 4 Serpent class the odds were extremely against the Tau’ri. So plan B was brought into action a wave of drones spun up prom the planet engulfing 5 of the Auroras, leaving only 2 remaining.

                            The fleet regrouped targeting 1 of the remaining Auroras. Just as secondary explosions began to engulf the ship the remaining 1 jumped into hyperspace.

                            2 hours late in the control room

                            “Sir I’m picking up more ships 16 Auroras,” Chuck says.

                            “You have to be f*****g joking!” O’Neill yelled.

                            “No sir at current speed they will be here in 3 hours,” Chuck says.

                            Working progress part 1 of 3

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                              The Beginning part 2

                              “We can’t keep going like this, how many ships do we have” O’Neill says.

                              “34 Daedalus class, 1 Aurora class, 28 Washington class and 20 Serpent class more than enough to handle the next wave,” Chuck relied.

                              “I want 4 Daedalus equipped with horizon warheads and I want 12 Washington class to escort them 3 per Daedalus,” O’Neill ordered.

                              “Sir, may I ask why?” Chuck asked.

                              “We’re going to take out there next few waves and hopefully knock them back a step,” O’Neill replied.

                              1 hour later.

                              The 16 ships jumped into hyperspace leaving the remaining fleet waiting behind.

                              2 hours later.

                              The first Aurora dropped out of hyperspace and immediately began being bombarded with purple plasma cannon fire enough so that after a few seconds the shields failed and the ship exploded, seriously damaging another Aurora.

                              The Asurans returned fire destroying 5 Washington class, 2 Serpent and a Daedalus with the first wave. The Aurora wiped out another Asuran ship and moments later another. The Asurans didn’t know what to do they didn’t expect a fleet near as large as the one they found themselves up against.

                              A group of Daedalus destroyed another 3 Auroras the Asurans were losing badly, but they made no signs of retreat. The Aurora 6 Daedalus, 5 Serpent and 10 Washington formed up and targeted a small group of Auroras and after only 10 seconds they had lost another 4 of there ships.

                              With only 3 remaining the result was obvious after less then 1 minute of bombardment the last 3 Asuran Warships exploded into a relieving fireball.

                              I'll try get part 3 finished tonight but i've not go much timeandi'm back to school tomory and its my birthday so. I'll need to wait and see.

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                                The Beginning Part 3

                                “Dropping out of hyperspace,” The Helmsman onboard a Daedalus says.

                                The 4 Daedalus and 12 Washington class dropped out of hyperspace.

                                After a few seconds they launched the horizon warheads.

                                A few seconds later an Aurora appeared on sensors the Daedalus class immediately opened fire sending purple mk2 weapons fire smashing into the shields. The Aurora returned fire launching a huge wave of drones spread between all of the ships, destroying 2 Washington class and severely damaging a Daedalus.

                                Massive explosion could be seen on the planets surface signalling that all 20 Auroras had been destroyed and they would be attacking again for another at least short while. Knowing that there job had been done the Tau’ri ships jumped into hyperspace and headed back to Atlantis.

                                Atlantis Briefing room.

                                “What about the PWARW?” O’Neill asked.

                                “We were having some progress but we have hit a brick wall it could take years before we get a working prototype finished if at all,” Dr McKay replied.

                                “So we do what until you get it finished,” O’Neill asked.

                                “There is nothing we can do except fight them off, and even though we destroyed there ships they can build fast and I mean fast I wouldn’t be surprised if they have send another wave in 2 months,” McKay replied.

                                “Well we’re just going to have to get them before they can get us,” O’Neill says.

                                I know its not as long as the first to but it wasn'tsupposed to be. So what do use think comment and Constructive Critisisime(or however you spell it) welcome.

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