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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 2.0

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    Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
    Okay, I'll modify it.
    You can submit it when we get to the Battlecruiser voting.


      Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon View Post
      Uh, immhotep... Culling factories? How could they get those set up so quickly, and how could they anyway?
      Not literally speaking, they werent actual factorys but in the general sense of the word they culled alot of people using capitol grade culling beam and had fleets of darts and things like that.
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
        You can submit it when we get to the Battlecruiser voting.
        Okay, will there be and expexted date.
        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


          Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon View Post
          Uh, immhotep... Culling factories? How could they get those set up so quickly, and how could they anyway?
          in the gateworld VF1 i designed the wraith forces and decided to create a ship to bridge the gap between hive and cruiser...

          this was the Predator class, it's essentially twice as large as a cruiser with a heavy arnement 2 thirds that of a supports the hive but is easily capable of holding it's own in a fight against almost any of our ships, but it was originally designed for large scale culling with city scale stunners and culling beams to cull large population without sending in fleets of darts...
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            Shouldn't hyperdrive and sublight speeds be included for starships? Gotta know how fast something is right. We'll go by light years/minute as the standard speed notation okay.
            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


              Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
              Shouldn't hyperdrive and sublight speeds be included for starships? Gotta know how fast something is right. We'll go by light years/minute as the standard speed notation okay.
              Trying to calculate a speed that is reasonable is way too much for me. But, I think the hyperdrive should be equal or faster then the Dedulus (how is that spelled?), at least that's what I think, but how fast is that? Sublight has the same problem, wasn't Promie capible of 1/2 the speed of light? I would think 40 years into the future,all of our ships should be able to do at least that.
              Last edited by CouchPotator; 25 December 2006, 02:16 PM. Reason: To get rid of over type


                Reposting my Guides so they are in a row!
                Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
                Okay, will there be and expexted date.
                We just sort of go with the flow.

                Originally posted by CouchPotator View Post
                Trying to calculate a speed that is reasonable is way too much for me. But, I think the hyperdrive should be equal or faster then the Dedulus (how is that spelled?), at least that's what I think, but how fast is that? Sublight has the same problem, wasn't Promie capible of 1/2 the speed of light? I would think 40 years into the future,all of our ships should be able to do at least that.

                And the sublight speeds and hyperspace speeds are really not all that important.

                I just say: Fast slow, ok, decent, ect.
                Whatever "feals right" for the class and when it was made.

                The sublight speeds are certainly not all that important. We wont be going all that fast anyway.
                Drop out of hyperspasce, fly around, fight the bad guys, win or lose, winner goes into hyperspace.

                The engines themselves are more important,
                because we can more accurately imagine how they act in flight.
                Last edited by An-Alteran; 25 December 2006, 04:49 PM.


                  Here is my newest Guide (PART 1-Main Capitol Warships):

                  Note on Letter suffix designations:
                  The letters are short for things. For each ship type, you essentially add whatever letters you want:
                  So a Command Cruiser would be: CC.
                  A Deep Space Cruiser would be: DSC.
                  A uBer Death and Doom Cruiser would be something like: UDC or CUD.
                  Here is a website that deals with all the Naval designations for things:

                  Now if these ships are made under the Air force, they will have different designations:
                  Mission, Design, Series.
                  They are designated by this system.
                  Here is a site about Air Force designations:

                  Mission: Why was it made? What was it made for? What does it do? What does it do?
                  Design: What type is it? Is it a 15, a 12, an 11, a 44? A 302, a 304, a 303?
                  Series: Is it an upgrade? Is it a Battleship-309-A?

                  In Stargate they seem to follow the Aircraft designations.
                  So I will include these derivatives: as the main designation choice.

                  A Battleship that is armed mainly with the many sets of the largest and most powerful type of weapon available, having few secondary weapons, all of small defensive purpose. Basically: An all big gun Battleship.
                  Shields would be the same as on a Battleship. As would be the designation.
                  Fighters: None. Other ships: Maybe a PJ (or equivalent) launch bay or storage house.
                  Needs and weaknesses:
                  A Dreadnaught is simply another form of Battleship. Lacking most midrange weapons, a Dreadnaught is armed with the largest and most powerful guns only. Having very little defensive armament. They have decent anti-fighter and very small craft rail guns, but that is about it. All their weapons are the largest and most powerful.
                  They have similar defenses are armament to the more conventional Battleships, and they are slow and not maneuverable like the more conventional Battleships.
                  Purpose in the fleet:
                  Essentially the same as a normal Battleship.
                  They should be rarer then normal Battleships.
                  Losing one is a bad blow.
                  Air force: B (Add letters as necessary.)-(-(number)-(series if there is one)
                  Naval: BB, or BB(Sub type letter).
                  BB is Battleship.
                  Maybe: BBD, or BD.
                  Battleship Dreadnaught.
                  Add letters as necessary.
                  Guidelines for design:
                  Big, powerful, guns galore, powerful, slow, strong shields, armed to the teeth, large, resilient, expensive, did I mentioned filled with weapons?
                  Above all: Medium size weapons should not exist. Defensive rail guns should be numerous.
                  But no other smaller armaments.
                  Besides those few rail guns, all the weapons should be main weapons.
                  All being the largest and most powerful available.
                  This should drain heavily on the power systems.
                  The Dreadnaughts should be no larger or tougher then Battleships.

                  Battleship: A Battleship is any ship, generally of large size, that is dedicated to offensive and defensive combat against the largest of opponent’s ships. They are heavily armed and heavily armored.
                  In this fleet, any ship with many powerful weapons, no (or extremely limited, like room for a few Puddle Jumpers, or a fighter or two) fighter/small ship capacity, and heavy armour (the Asgard shields would generally be powerful on any ship, armour would more dictate its role.
                  Fighters: None. Other ships: Maybe a PJ (or equivalent) launch bay or storage house.
                  Needs and weaknesses:
                  A Battleship is a powerful warship. One of the largest of vessels, having the most powerful weapons, shields hyperdrives, and all other systems. They should be dedicated to taking damage and dealing damage.
                  Well armed and armoured. They are however not maneuverable, easy to hit, and prime targets. They will take the brunt of enemy fire and all attempts to pull fire away from them should be used.
                  Purpose in the fleet:
                  They are the brawn, the power of the fleet. They are expensive and amazingly armed and armoured. They are expensive, not numerous and losing one is a terrible tragedy. They will take the most pounding, and will deal the most damage.
                  Air force: B (Add letters as necessary.)-(number)-(series if there is one)
                  Naval: BB or BB(letter for subclass).
                  BB is Battleship: Battleship
                  Add letters as necessary.
                  Guidelines for design:
                  Big, powerful, guns galore, powerful, slow, strong shields, armed to the teeth, large, resilient, expensive, did I mentioned filled with weapons?

                  A warship of large sized, armed to the teeth rivaling and equaling the Battleships in firepower, but with a glass jaw. These ships sacrifice heavy armour for better maneuverability.
                  The shields protect it almost as well as on a Battleship, but after those shields fail, it can’t take that much damage.
                  These ships can also function as patrol vessels, and scouts for the fleet having better sensors than their heavier armored Battleship brothers. These ships can operate in the specialties of Cruisers to a very limited degree, having better than average long range sensors.
                  Fighters: None. Other ships: Maybe a PJ (or equivalent) launch bay or storage house.
                  Needs and weaknesses:
                  A Battlecruiser is a powerful ship, having the weapons capability of any Battleship. It however sacrifices most of the armour for more powerful engines and maneuverability. Any energy that gets through the shields will do massive damage to the ship. It can’t take much at all. They are very vulnerable to anything that can pierce shields, or overwhelm shields.
                  Generally, their shields are also weaker do to the greater power requirements for the engines and better sensors.
                  Purpose in the fleet:
                  They are fast and powerful vessels. Excellent at assaulting smaller vessels. They slaughter enemy mid-size and small ships like nothing. They will devastate enemy small ships. And they can hold there own against larger ships, but not for long. These are ill advised to be used against anything larger then the equivalent of a Cruiser. They are expensive and should not be destroyed liberally.
                  Air Force: This gets tricky. A BC is a Battle Carrier… so CB-(number)-(series if there is one) maybe?
                  Naval: Something like CB. BC would be: Battle Carrier, and that is something different.
                  Guidelines for design:
                  About the same size as Battleships. Differences should be in sensors, speed, and engines, and above all have terribly weak armour and physical resilience, as well as less power being able to go to the shields.

                  A Capitol warship with many uses. These ships act on patrols, support for larger ships, escort duty. They are best at supporting larger ships, and patrolling.
                  They are powerful ships, generally much smaller than their Battleship brothers. They would have no fighters or ships, except maybe a PJ or two, or equivalent ship. But likely in storage instead of having a launch bay.
                  These ships are well armed and armored, being about equal in both fields. They have excellent sensor equipment and can be great scouts. They hold their own against smaller opponent ships, but would easily be overwhelmed by most main opponent ships in one on one combat.
                  Fighters: None. Other ships: Maybe a PJ (or equivalent) launch bay or storage house.
                  Differences with similar ship (Destroyer):
                  Unlike a Destroyer, a Cruiser is totally autonomous, having much reserve supplies, and very long range.
                  They act as totally autonomous warships, and act in important or dangerous patrols, unlike Destroyers.
                  They are slower, and larger. They do act in support of ships as an escort, and for escorting unarmed or poorly armed convoys, but they usually do this with the help of Frigates. In fleet actions they support larger warships against medium and Larger ships, and assist in attacks against large enemy ships, especially to take the fire off of the larger friendly ships.
                  Needs and weaknesses:
                  A cruiser has ample supplies, and great range. They are far more lightly powered and armoured than a Battleship or Battlecruiser however, and their systems and power is focused more on sensors and the like than weapons. This eaves them vulnerable to fire.
                  Purpose in the fleet:
                  These will act as the most numerous Capitol warship. They have good sensors so will be effective as combat patrol craft, and first warning scouts. They will be effective in light raids, but won’t be able to handle much more than that on their own.
                  They should be used more sparingly then smaller ships, so when a Cruiser is destroyed, it is a loss. There should be a set number available. Especially a set number of Heavy Cruisers.
                  Air Force: Tricky, CC(just for lack of anything else, Add letters as necessary.)-(number)-(series if there is one).
                  CC or CC(Sub type letter).
                  Guidelines for design:
                  Far larger then a Destroyer or Frigate. Far faster, better armour, and more powerful weapons, but less numbers of weapons. More defensive weapons. They should have better long range sensors than other ships.

                  Heavy Cruiser:
                  Slower, slightly larger, more heavily armed slightly more armored version of a Cruiser.
                  They do more deterrence and combat work. As well as take more dangerous patrols. They are useful when a Battleship or Battlecruiser is not necessary, but a ship with good offensive punch would be helpful.
                  Air Force: HC-(number)-(series if there is one)
                  Naval: CCA
                  Add letters as necessary.
                  Guidelines for design:
                  Similar to Cruisers, but with more armour, better shields, slower engines, more powerful weapons, and only slightly inferior sensors.

                  Light Cruiser:
                  Either far less armored, or less armed than a standard Cruiser, being generally smaller and faster. Doing more patrol work and easier to construct.
                  Air Force: LC-(number)-(series if there is one)
                  Naval: CCL
                  Add letters as necessary.
                  Guidelines for design:
                  Similar to Cruiser, but less armour, weaker shields, weaker weapons, and cheaper.


                    Guide (Part 2-Capitol ships Part II-Carriers):

                    A ship designed solely to carry Fighters. These ships have large launch bays that hold fighters. Most of the ship is dedicated to fighters and support. These ships are armed lightly, and armored only enough to withstand a few hits.
                    They have very limited armament, mainly consisting of weapons to defend against small enemy ships.
                    These ships rely on their fighters for the large combat impact.
                    Needs and weaknesses:
                    They are decently armoured and shielded.
                    They have no true large or medium weaponry. They have impressive defensive weapon batteries though, making them difficult targets for even the largest fighter and bomber attacks.
                    They can not last against even smaller enemy warships, they rely on their smaller craft and Destroyer escorts for combat support against large foes.
                    Purpose in the fleet:
                    To carry many fighters and possibly bombers that will support the fleet and harass larger and smaller warships.
                    They should not be numerous, and should be guarded well. These ships should be used carefully, and the loss of one is a tragedy.
                    Air force: C (Add letters as necessary, IE: DSC.)-(-(number)-(series if there is one)
                    A DSC would be an aircraft designation: It is a Carrier for Deep Space. DSC.
                    Naval: CV.
                    Guidelines for design:
                    Large. Many fighters. Large. Even more fighters. Good defenses. Even more fighters. Fast, not maneuverable.
                    No medium or large weapons, except at most one or two medium weapons, but with very limited usefulness.

                    Battle Carrier:
                    A ship design to mainly carry fighters. These ships have large sections dedicated to fighters, but also have many other uses. These ships are decently armored, and also well armed. They insert fighters into the thick of combat, and cover the fighters, who then cover the ship. These ships can generally hold their own against opponent mid-size vessels.
                    Needs and weaknesses:
                    They are well armoured and shielded. They have ok armament. They are tough. They are certainly not well armed, but are able to hold their own against smaller and medium enemy craft. They still are vulnerable and need support from Destroyers.
                    Purpose in the fleet:
                    To deploy fighters in the thick of combat. They are good mobile assault platforms for raids against enemies. They can last under fire from larger ships, and need a smaller Destroyer escort. They carry fewer wings of small craft, but still many.
                    Air force: BC (Add letters as necessary.)-(-(number)-(series if there is one)
                    Naval: BCV.
                    Guidelines for design:
                    Large to medium. Tough, armed well, but not that well (nothing like a true combat dedicated warship). Well shielded.
                    They should carry about half as many fighters as on a Carrier.

                    Assault Carrier:
                    A ship designed to carry fighters, and ground assault forces. These ships are decently armored, and armed mainly in cover and support weaponry. They can’t fight enemy combat ships, besides maybe the smaller ones.
                    They are designed to withstand fire while inserting forces and launching fighters and assault craft.
                    Needs and weaknesses:
                    They are well armoured and very well shielded. Virtually no anti-ship weaponry. A good deal of ground support weapons, and anti-fighter rail guns.
                    Purpose in the fleet:
                    To deploy ground craft and space/air craft against less mobile targets. These are used in attacking planetary bases.
                    Air force: AC (Add letters as necessary.)-(-(number)-(series if there is one)
                    Naval: CVA.
                    Guidelines for design:
                    Well armored, larger than a carrier. These ships need a strong escort of Destroyers, and preferably Cruisers also and a Battleship.
                    They should have many ground support abilities, and massive storage and transport facilities.
                    Decent Fighter and Bomber capacity also.'


                      Guide (Pat III-Non-Capitol ships, and smaller craft):

                      Fast, heavily armed warships. These generally escort larger warships, and act as scouts and support vessels for fleets.
                      They would specialize in anti-cloak sensing tech. They are decently armored, but not that heavily.
                      They are armed to the teeth for their size. They are used for fending off smaller warships from larger warships and dealing with medium and small sized threats. They harass larger enemies when needed, but do only marginal damage, and will mainly just take some heat off the BBs.
                      Differences with similar ship (Cruiser and Frigate):
                      They are similar in many ways and description to frigates.
                      The differences are more subtle then broad. Destroyers act on their own, and in fleets. They act as solitary points of combat, and fight off smaller ships. They do escort missions, but usually in a more solo fashion, hunting down any threat. They are more powerful, and they are able to go off alone more extended periods.
                      They are harder to construct, larger, even more heavily armed (do to a larger size and reserve armament capacity), and more versatile and capable than Frigates. In fleets when not specifically defending against a specific threat, they will aggressively hunt down smaller and medium threats.
                      They often act as escorts for Carriers to compliment any Frigates that are on duty guarding the Carrier.
                      Needs and weaknesses:
                      Though tough, long ranged, and powerful, these do have the weakness of vulnerability to large foes.
                      They are capable of long duration missions, but do require somewhat frequent re-supply and maintenance. This is mainly provided by mobile fleet tenders (which are escorted by Frigates). But in a fleet action where a tender is unavailable, they can be assisted by a Carrier or a large warship. This is not recommended.
                      Purpose in the fleet:
                      These would be the most common warships in military actions. They would support the larger warships, and venture out and flank, and do whatever. They protect especially from more dangerous smaller ships. They rarely engage larger warship except out of necessity. They often act on their own deterring threats along the borders. These would die whenever we want them too, but far more sparingly. They are still expensive and we don’t want to have like 30 dieing in every battle. 2 here, 3 there. They would often escort and support Carriers, or would act as solitary warships attacking smaller ships and any medium ships of opportunity.
                      These would be the backbone of the fleet.
                      Air Force: D-(number)-(series if there is one)
                      Naval: DD, or DD(Sub type letter).
                      Guidelines for design:
                      Larger then a Frigate. Loaded with weapons. Slower engines then anything larger, but far faster then a Frigate.
                      Immensely powerful short range sensors, and decent long range sensors.
                      Good armour, and stronger weapons then a frigate. Decent shields.
                      Expensive and less numerous then Frigates.

                      These ships are an escort for convoys and poorly armed ships, as well as an escort in fleet actions.
                      They are less armored.
                      They would have good sensors, and help pull smaller ships away from the Battleships.
                      Essentially these would deal with Al’kesh, parse, while the BBs dealt with the Hat’taks.
                      Or defend non-armored ships against pirate vessels, or any attacking vessel.
                      They would only in desperation harass larger warships in a fleet if they can, and do some marginal damage.
                      They wouldn’t last long though.
                      Differences with similar ship (Destroyer):
                      A Frigate is similar in description to a Destroyer. The differences include, a Frigate is designed as an extension of larger ships, and the ships they are escorting. They prevent smaller enemy ships from distracting their larger friendly warships, and especially are used to defend Carriers against smaller and medium enemy ships, or against large enemy ships to provide a stop-gap to allow the Carrier to escape the threat.
                      These would also harass larger enemy ships when possible. They do act in similar fleet roles to Destroyers, but don’t act on their own. They need constant re-supply, having limited storage capability, while a Destroyer has much reserved. They have very limited self-repair ability. They are more easily constructed, smaller, and slower then Destroyers, but more maneuverable. They most often act as escorts for non-military ships, or lightly armed craft in convoys and the like, being slower then Destroyers, and more suited to the large Convoys that maintain a relatively slower pace.
                      Needs and weaknesses:
                      Frequent re-supply. They are not particularly tough, in the hull strength department. They need to remain with a fleet constantly.
                      Purpose in the fleet:
                      Main escorts for convoys and poorly armed vessels. Several should always be with a convoy. They are guards and somewhat mass produced. More destroyable then Destroyers, these can be destroyed more, and can be used to keep ships alive (rams the evil warship of doom to save the Carrier or Cargo ship). They are mainly for taking on smaller threats to fleets, and for excorting convoys.
                      Air Force: CF(Combat Frigate, the C is to distinguish it from a Fighter)-(number)-(series if there is one).
                      Add letters as necessary.
                      FF-(Sub type letter)
                      Guidelines for design:
                      Weaker and slower then a Destroyer. Smaller and less well armed. Good sensors overall, better then most ships (except Cruisers and Destroyers). Not as good at detecting hidden ships. Well armed for its size, and bristling with weapons.
                      Suited to escorting non-armed and lightly armed transport craft, and freighters. They are not fast enough for using with warships under most circumstances. Cheap and more numerous then Destroyers.

                      Fast, small, easily mass produced. These are larger and more heavily armed then a simple small Patrol craft.
                      They are patrol ships nonetheless. But are longer ranged, and tougher.
                      They are around and larger then Al’kesh Bombers.
                      These are the smallest warships that can really operate on their own. They don't stay long away from their base of operations, but do venture far on their patrol routes.
                      Needs and weaknesses:
                      Not that tough. Not well armed. They need relatively frequent re-supply, and must frequent their base of operation, or a supply base.
                      Purpose in the fleet:
                      Second most common military ship. They would be the first ships to detect invasion forces, and to engage invading ships. They deal more effectively with pirates and bandits. They are in massive numbers and die whenever we want them to.
                      Air Force: P-(number)-(series if there is one)
                      Naval: PC(Sub type letter). So: PC, Patrol Corvette.
                      Guidelines for design:
                      Small. Decently armed for its size.
                      Less then half the size, if not a quarter or a fifth the size of a Destroyer.
                      These ships are fast, powerful little patrol craft. They are two to 5 times the size of a small Patrol Shuttle/Ship.
                      These ships should have good sensors, be somewhat fast, and defensively armed.
                      Limited power, speed, and defensive systems.
                      Be creative.

                      Patrol Ship:
                      Small easily mass produced war craft. They are fast, especially in normal space, and lightly armed.
                      They have very small crews, and good sensors. They are around the size and larger then a Tel'tak.
                      They don't go that far, or stay that long, away from their base planet(s) or supply base.
                      Needs and weaknesses:
                      Easily destroyed, and not very tough or powerful. They always are with at least one other patrol ship.
                      They never venture too far from a base of operations.
                      They need relatively frequent re-supply. They deal with smaller pirates and chase off bandits, and look out for threats.
                      Purpose in the fleet:
                      Most common military ship, these will be cannon fodder when full hostilities arise.
                      They detect threats, and deal with small Pirate activity. They are throughout our territory. They die whenever we want.
                      Air Force: P-(number)-(series if there is one)
                      Naval: P(Sub type letter). So: PB would be Border Patrol ship.
                      Guidelines for design:
                      These should be very small, around the size of a Tel’tak cargo shuttle, if not smaller.
                      They should be lightly armed, extremely cheap, and absurdly easy to build.
                      They should be disposable, and very simple in design.

                      A ship/craft designed with heavy offensive weapons against a large, or relatively stationary target.
                      These don’t usually have good defenses. Shields, maybe a little armour.
                      Air Force: UB-(number)-(series if there is one)
                      Naval: B(Sub role) like: F/A for Ground Attack Fighter

                      A craft designed with good offense and little defense. These are well armed, and used generally en mass to attack targets that are stationary, moving, darting around, or whatever. They support larger allied ships and distract and do pinpoint damage to larger enemy ships, as well as significant damage to smaller and medium sized enemy ships.
                      Air Force: F-(number)-(series if there is one)
                      Naval: F(Sub role) like: F/A for Ground Attack Fighter


                        Nice. now all we need is an enemy to fight against. We still have to vote on our other starship classes.
                        Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                          I said in a previous post, I was gonna start using Naquadah enhanced deuterium fusion missiles in my ships (although in small quantities to start with)

                          Here it is, it has been given the nickname the "Planet Buster". This is the mark I obviously.


                          length: 15m
                          width: 10m
                          height: 9m
                          volume: 1350 cubic metres

                          no self-sustaining power source however the engines are powered by a ion rector.

                          material: reinforced aluminium and trinium

                          engine power:
                          4x ion engines (capable of travelling at speeds upto 300kps (1% LS))

                          For 100 years there have been plans to build a fusion reactor, once we had the naquadah reactor powering the world, the research on a fusion reactor slowed and was transferred to a fusion based missile. In 2038, the first plans for a fusion weapon were drawn up, however the military wanted a deuterium fusion based missile instead of a hydrogen fusion based weapon. So came 2042 and the rise of the aschen. This caused great concern for the Tauri, so the fusion missile was rushed into production.
                          The weapon itself is capable of a 1 Terraton explosion, the inside of the missile has a magnetic field to stop the particles from escaping (and also to bring the atoms into the fused state) the naquadah is added once the fusion has taken place. This all happens within a fraction of a second before contact between the missile and the object it has been launched at.
                          Only 6 of these weapons have been made and will feature on the battleships(including dreadnaughts) and battlecruisers.
                          This could be one of the most powerful weapons in the Milky Way galaxy.
                          However at this time they are so expensive and hard to make that the quantity so far wouldn't change the tide of war.


                            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                            I said in a previous post, I was gonna start using Naquadah enhanced deuterium fusion missiles in my ships (although in small quantities to start with)

                            Here it is, it has been given the nickname the "Planet Buster". This is the mark I obviously.


                            length: 15m
                            width: 10m
                            height: 9m
                            volume: 1350 cubic metres

                            no self-sustaining power source however the engines are powered by a ion rector.

                            material: reinforced aluminium and trinium

                            engine power:
                            4x ion engines (capable of travelling at speeds upto 300kps (1% LS))

                            For 100 years there have been plans to build a fusion reactor, once we had the naquadah reactor powering the world, the research on a fusion reactor slowed and was transferred to a fusion based missile. In 2038, the first plans for a fusion weapon were drawn up, however the military wanted a deuterium fusion based missile instead of a hydrogen fusion based weapon. So came 2042 and the rise of the aschen. This caused great concern for the Tauri, so the fusion missile was rushed into production.
                            The weapon itself is capable of a 1 Terraton explosion, the inside of the missile has a magnetic field to stop the particles from escaping (and also to bring the atoms into the fused state) the naquadah is added once the fusion has taken place. This all happens within a fraction of a second before contact between the missile and the object it has been launched at.
                            Only 6 of these weapons have been made and will feature on the battleships(including dreadnaughts) and battlecruisers.
                            This could be one of the most powerful weapons in the Milky Way galaxy.
                            However at this time they are so expensive and hard to make that the quantity so far wouldn't change the tide of war.
                            how dare you!!! i was going to use fusion missiles as one of the weapons the swarms ancient enemies used though they were going to work differently ....
                            Last edited by Buba uognarf; 26 December 2006, 03:38 PM.
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                              I said in a previous post, I was gonna start using Naquadah enhanced deuterium fusion missiles in my ships (although in small quantities to start with)

                              Here it is, it has been given the nickname the "Planet Buster". This is the mark I obviously.


                              length: 15m
                              width: 10m
                              height: 9m
                              volume: 1350 cubic metres

                              no self-sustaining power source however the engines are powered by a ion rector.

                              material: reinforced aluminium and trinium

                              engine power:
                              4x ion engines (capable of travelling at speeds upto 300kps (1% LS))

                              For 100 years there have been plans to build a fusion reactor, once we had the naquadah reactor powering the world, the research on a fusion reactor slowed and was transferred to a fusion based missile. In 2038, the first plans for a fusion weapon were drawn up, however the military wanted a deuterium fusion based missile instead of a hydrogen fusion based weapon. So came 2042 and the rise of the aschen. This caused great concern for the Tauri, so the fusion missile was rushed into production.
                              The weapon itself is capable of a 1 Terraton explosion, the inside of the missile has a magnetic field to stop the particles from escaping (and also to bring the atoms into the fused state) the naquadah is added once the fusion has taken place. This all happens within a fraction of a second before contact between the missile and the object it has been launched at.
                              Only 6 of these weapons have been made and will feature on the battleships(including dreadnaughts) and battlecruisers.
                              This could be one of the most powerful weapons in the Milky Way galaxy.
                              However at this time they are so expensive and hard to make that the quantity so far wouldn't change the tide of war.
                              Excuse me, David, but that is easily the dumbest weapon ever designed. On this thread. Within the last month, anyway.

                              First off, you don't need a reactor to create a nuclear explosion, and it's a hell of a lot easier to do it without. All our current warheads can do it just fine.

                              Second, deuterium is not the best hydrogen fuel for a fusion bomb. Tritium, an actual isotope of hydrogen, is what our current warheads use and is definitely more powerful and reliable.

                              Third, the naquada is supposed to enhance an explosion, not BE the explosion. It's basically a booster in the bomb to magnify it's power, not be part of the fusion process.

                              Now then, can you do some research and THEN design a weapon that actually makes sense this time?


                                1st off, I didn't say there was a reactor powering it.
                                2nd off, deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen dumb ass it's a proton + neutron and 1 electron while tritium is 1 proton 2 neutrons and 1 electron.
                                Yes tritium yields more energy per nucleon than deuterium does but who says we are at the point of tritium fusion in 2040.
                                Also since when do we use fusion bombs, techically hydrogen bombs are fusion bombs yes but the starting material isn't tritium.
                                3rd off, read the brief again especially the part about "adding the naquadah to the fused material", surely thats the same as "enhancing the fused material".
                                Do me a favour and research it yourself.
                                Sorry buba didn't realise you were using them as well.

