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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    [QUOTE=SpongeBobGatePants]Did anyone else notice the similarity between the furlings and ewoks?


    Yeah but furlings are better baked with some butter n' sour cream.


      If the Furlings are dragons they should let one come to earth, leave the SGC without permission, be discovered by reporters, and get his own daytime talkshow.

      And I'd bet that no one gets that reference.


        I'm still fairly certain that the real Furlings are the Crystal Skull aliens. Unfortunately, I doubt Cooper will ever directly acknowledge this. Also, I think the actor who played Daniel's grandfather has either passed on or is too old to reprise his role now.


          I thought the same thing about the furlings, that they could be the Crystal Skull giants, after all furlings have been related to mayan culture, and the "guy's" name was Quetzalcoatl, who is a mayan god ( buy the way a serpent with feathers, looks like a chinese dragon to me )
          I really would like to see furlings on the show, but the fans have such high standards, that the writers probably affraid now to include them, cause they don't want to dissapoint anyone
          Anyway furlings=dragons ->great idea, they would be a nice storyline in the hopefully upcoming next seasons.
          "For NASA, space is still a high priority."
          ...George W. Bush, 9/5/93
          "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system."
          ...George W. Bush


            I think the Furlings should be human-shaped but with blue skin.

            I think it would be consistent with Stargate's style, having characters drawn from real-world examples. If I remember correctly, in Hindu mythology the Gods and other divine beings had blue skin? That could work with the Furlings being seen as Gods by the Indians in the way that the Asgard were seen as Gods by the Norse.

            [edit]I didn't realise Furlings were Season-10 specific, which is why I didn't notice this thread on the boards.
            Last edited by Daecon; 21 August 2006, 05:20 PM.
            What's spongey, topped in chocolate with an orange jelly centre and serves the Goa'uld?

            A Jaffa cake!


              It has been said that we wil learn more about the furlings this year. in '200' we didn't actually learn anything about them, so...


                Originally posted by SGFerrit
                It has been said that we wil learn more about the furlings this year. in '200' we didn't actually learn anything about them, so...

                I agree, after all the ads, and producers, and characters talking about "furlings in season 10" (obviously in the 200th there were no furlings) I ( with a lot of people) would be dispappointed, if it would have only been a gossip (again, as it was in season 9)
                "For NASA, space is still a high priority."
                ...George W. Bush, 9/5/93
                "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system."
                ...George W. Bush


                  On see 200 i have come to accept that we are never going to see the furlings.

                  This is a real shame as I would have like the Council of Old be reformed to fight against the Ori with humans taking the place of the ancients. After all we are the 5th race.


                    There's a ton of threads like this already..


                      I have probably seen 12 furling threads today...


                        Originally posted by Wonky Bob
                        On see 200 i have come to accept that we are never going to see the furlings.

                        This is a real shame as I would have like the Council of Old be reformed to fight against the Ori with humans taking the place of the ancients. After all we are the 5th race.
                        We have the potential to become the 5th Race...
                        What's spongey, topped in chocolate with an orange jelly centre and serves the Goa'uld?

                        A Jaffa cake!


                          I live in the Uk so i havent seen the season 10 episodes yet. Were the Furlings shown in 200? And if they were, were they the 'real' furlings??
                          -- Brains12


                            Theres plenty of discussion about this, but as you want to know
                            Ys they were shown, but no they werent the real thing, they were part of a fake "Previously on Stargate SG1" which turned out to be part of Marty's script for his Wormhole X-Treme movie
                            Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                            - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                              Hey the look like EWOKS!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Admiral ED
                                Hey the look like EWOKS!!!!!
                                EWOKS with waistcoats to be precise

