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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by aAnubiSs
    I can't remember that, and I read everything
    Perhaps because you read everything certain things you read are pushed out of your brain by the new things?

    Me, reading only somethings and not been here for too long can remember the odd line here or that that has slipped your mind?

    Or, perhaps i am just plain crazy. It's a possibility. I mean, i do consider the Nox to be evil. Perhaps the Nox wiped out the Furlings to gain power?

    The Nox and Furlings are the two least looked at of the 4, and i personally think they are probably the most interesting. Just got to wait another 7 years for Stargate: The Furlings...


      Originally posted by sshspooky
      I think i remember reading somewhere that TPTB said they will not address the Furlings SG-1 now but they may at some point address them in Atlantis.
      I know it was said the 9th cheveron will never be addressed in SG1, though it may be addressed in Atlantis, I don't know about the Furlings. It does kinda makes sense though.
      Cogito ergo dubito.

      "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

      An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


        The Furligns are coming the furlings are coming...

        Furlings are cat people, cause Furling sounds like Hurling and Fur is for Cathair so its a hairball see Furlings. either that or they puke up fur.

        "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

        If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...



          They come from the Planet FUR.


            A feline race? Yeah I could go for that. If they look like Kzinti.

            Daniel will have to learn a language similiar to Kzints'utng (the "Heroes Tongue")!
            "Let's make it TEN. Ten's a nice...round...number..." -- Morty


              Originally posted by 5aret
              Sorry about that. I was not sure what season it was in. Besides, the topic did say General Discussion. I was not talking about Season 6. I just think it would be unfair if you had to put what races appeared in what season.
              Thats why I put it in general discussion.

              The reason it is suggested that this thread should be in the season six folder is because the episode that you're referring to - Paradise lost - is in season six. As a way to try to keep the board as easy to navigate as possible, keeping things that relate to each other together makes it a lot less bulky and chaotic than it could be.

              Also - Thank you very much for putting the spoiler warning in the thread title - however putting the season for which the spoilers refer to is also handy (particularly right at the beginning of the airing of a new season - ie. season 8 and Atlantis- otherwise your thread could be overlooked by people who have seen the episode already and could have an answer to your question, but want to avoid spoilers for other seasons)

              BUT... in answer to your questions -

              Mio is right - that only some of the furlings decided to live without tech. I don't believe however that the planet in paradise lost was the home planet of the furlings. just one that was colonised by these particular ones.
              - Actually, now that i think about it, was it definitively decided that the inhabitants of said planet were infact Furlings? I would have to go back and rewatch the ep, but I seem to remember something that they were only guessing it was so.

              I also doubt that the Furlings are extinct. It is my belief that they too, have decided to move on to another galaxy for reasons unknown to us.


                The bones we saw in 'Paradise Lost' looked humaniod, but that still doesn't tell us much.
                I have no idea what they would like, but I'm sure they weren't furry.
                That would be way to obvious.

                SGU Continued....


                  The bones werent furlings.


                    Originally posted by Janus
                    The bones we saw in 'Paradise Lost' looked humaniod, but that still doesn't tell us much.
                    I have no idea what they would like, but I'm sure they weren't furry.
                    That would be way to obvious.
                    Ohh I have a theory about this: (spoilers are in white - highlight)
                    The alliance of the four races - we have:
                    1. The Nox: Humanoid - They look a little weird, what with their funky hair and stuff. But basically they have a very similar body structure.
                    2. The Ancients:
                    (Spoilers: Frozen, S.6)
                    The chick in the ice was an ancient. she looked very like a human. and I believe there was speculation in this ep that the ancients were more advanced forms of humans?

                    3. asgard:
                    Revelations S.5 (do I need spoilers for season 5?)
                    Asgard before they were cloned beyond recognition, looked very humanoid.

                    so then, it's very likely that the furlings were humanoid. I'm very much aware that in an alliance such as this one, it's definately not a prerequisite for all members to be human or humanoid.. but it would simply make sense for races similar to each other to come together to form an alliance.

                    Which would also suggest then that the furlings weren't furry.. As Janus suggested.


                      Originally posted by Jafana
                      The reason it is suggested that this thread should be in the season six folder is because the episode that you're referring to - Paradise lost - is in season six. As a way to try to keep the board as easy to navigate as possible, keeping things that relate to each other together makes it a lot less bulky and chaotic than it could be.

                      Also - Thank you very much for putting the spoiler warning in the thread title - however putting the season for which the spoilers refer to is also handy (particularly right at the beginning of the airing of a new season - ie. season 8 and Atlantis- otherwise your thread could be overlooked by people who have seen the episode already and could have an answer to your question, but want to avoid spoilers for other seasons)

                      BUT... in answer to your questions -

                      Mio is right - that only some of the furlings decided to live without tech. I don't believe however that the planet in paradise lost was the home planet of the furlings. just one that was colonised by these particular ones.
                      - Actually, now that i think about it, was it definitively decided that the inhabitants of said planet were infact Furlings? I would have to go back and rewatch the ep, but I seem to remember something that they were only guessing it was so.

                      I also doubt that the Furlings are extinct. It is my belief that they too, have decided to move on to another galaxy for reasons unknown to us.
                      Hi Jafana!

                      Lovin your sig!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Even if her personal field did protect her for a time, I don't think she would've been able to climb out.

                        Yes I'm in denial over the Tollan [so sue me], I think they could be brought back a couple of ways.

                        I think the Aschen would try those addresses from their homeworld as the stargate there would be in or near support facilities with all relevant tech rather than one of the hick worlds they controll so those addresses would give them a headache or two [especially since they don't have an iris].
                        Hey, if you'd been listening, you'd know that Nintendo's pass through everything.


                          It would be a safe bet to say that TPTB won't show the Furlings in SG-1.

                          Someone mentioned that maybe they were saving them for Atlantis. This brings up a possibly cool plot idea (if they do it right and explain things so there are no plot holes)

                          Spoilers ahead.

                          We know from episodes in SG-1 that the Furlings left our galaxy, or died off. What if they showed up in the Pegasus galaxy and became our allies, assuming they survived in Pegasus or their home galaxy? Is this idea even possible? How do you think the writers could make it happen and do it tastefully? Quantum mirror them from a dimension where they survived? Find them hiding on a planet that the Wraith don't know about?



                            Originally posted by Larry The Chevron Guy
                            It would be a safe bet to say that TPTB won't show the Furlings in SG-1.

                            Someone mentioned that maybe they were saving them for Atlantis. This brings up a possibly cool plot idea (if they do it right and explain things so there are no plot holes)

                            Spoilers ahead.

                            We know from episodes in SG-1 that the Furlings left our galaxy, or died off. What if they showed up in the Pegasus galaxy and became our allies, assuming they survived in Pegasus or their home galaxy? Is this idea even possible? How do you think the writers could make it happen and do it tastefully? Quantum mirror them from a dimension where they survived? Find them hiding on a planet that the Wraith don't know about?

                            for that matter i wonder what alternate universe atlantis crew would be like, maybe theres one where the ancients are still inhabiting atlantis
                            Ford: You know we still haven't named the planet yet
                            Sheppard: I'm sure the ancients have a name for it
                            Ford: How about atlantica? Something like that
                            Sheppard: I thought we agreed you were not going to name anything anymore


                              spoilers . maybe....

                              what about the weird alien who disguiesed himself as Lt. Tyler in sg1
                              season 5 - the fifth man , are we gone see this aliens again?


                                Originally posted by Teal'c22
                                what about the weird alien who disguiesed himself as Lt. Tyler in sg1
                                season 5 - the fifth man , are we gone see this aliens again?
                                Season 5 doesn't need spoilers.

                                And those people were incredibly Xenophobic. They'll only open that storyline up again if they run out of ideas.

