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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    I have an theory or rather an idea which came to mind, comment if you can on pls and see if you like it or hate it?

    Martin Lloyd is human, his people are descendants of the ancients just as human on earth are too, the exception was that martin's people were worshippers of Furlings and their planet was under the protection of them, their gods were fair and good much like the Asgard, their planet was peaceful and worked for a time, but the Furlings vanished for reasons unknown, martins people had eons to advance but the Goa'uld came and war was made, their home planet once a Furling paradise became a warzone and the war resulted in the destruction of martins people with few exceptions of a few ships and so on.

    ok so it's not stunning, but if martins people and mythology was based around Furlings we at least get the satisfaction of hearing more about thse guys and how they protected human life in the galaxy.

    suggestions pls???
    For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

    We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


      Originally posted by Darkstar
      I have an theory or rather an idea which came to mind, comment if you can on pls and see if you like it or hate it?

      Martin Lloyd is human, his people are descendants of the ancients just as human on earth are too, the exception was that martin's people were worshippers of Furlings and their planet was under the protection of them, their gods were fair and good much like the Asgard, their planet was peaceful and worked for a time, but the Furlings vanished for reasons unknown, martins people had eons to advance but the Goa'uld came and war was made, their home planet once a Furling paradise became a warzone and the war resulted in the destruction of martins people with few exceptions of a few ships and so on.

      ok so it's not stunning, but if martins people and mythology was based around Furlings we at least get the satisfaction of hearing more about thse guys and how they protected human life in the galaxy.

      suggestions pls???
      Your idea sounds pretty good to me. TPTB could at least give us that. I just don't want Martin himself to turn out to be a Furling.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        True that. The hole Marin being a Furling.
        *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
        *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
        *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
        *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
        *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
        *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
        *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


          i much prefer your idea of Martin's race worshipping the Furlings more than him being one as that would bea suicidal step for the show, i feel anyway.

          would be nice for SG1 with Jack to go to his old planet and find some technology and then find the Furlins, that sounds like a good plan to me
          Those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust.



            There have been rumours going around, that the furlings might show up in the 200th episode in season 10, but from the spoilers they stayed something about cameron mitchell fighting off zombie or something???

            Post your comments here

            PS: If you guys have msn please give them to me so i can add you onto my list


              Sparkygate there are allready threads about the furlings in the 10th season for 200. If you want to have some peoples MSN adress check their public profile.
              Lord Zedd


                This is what I'd do to introduce the Furlings. First off, I recall at least two mentions of them. Both saying they were small & furry. I feel that was to throw us off. They could be huge & ugly. I always pictured the blue 4 armed Hindu gods as Furlings.

                Also, why did the alliance break-up? Has it broken up, or do the Nox, Asgard & Furlings still meet, just without the ancients? If it has broken up, maybe the Furlings caused it. Maybe they went bad. I mean, the Nox wont help, the Ancients cant, & the Asgard kinda do. So to make the 4th race stand out ally-wise, they should not only NOT help, but act against us. They could even have helped the Goa'uld.

                As for Martin being a Furling, & his people being wiped out, maybe the Furlings are the newest race? The Nox hide, the Asgard are in another galaxy for some stupid reason, the ancients asended, maybe the Furlings were the only ones to fight the goa'uld. I mean, if the ancients could not beat the Wraith, who says the Furlings could beat the goa'uld. Plus, if the furlings could be taken over by a goa'uld, the Furlings could be defeated from within. & if the goa'uld used Unas as hosts, maybe they were better hand to hand fighters.

                But I would perfer if the Furlings were over on Atlantis. They need them more than SG-1 does.


                  Originally posted by sparkygate
                  There have been rumours going around, that the furlings might show up in the 200th episode in season 10, but from the spoilers they stayed something about cameron mitchell fighting off zombie or something???

                  Post your comments here

                  PS: If you guys have msn please give them to me so i can add you onto my list
                  Yes after what I have heard I do not believe the furlings will be on the 200th episode.


                    Originally posted by CobraGate
                    This is what I'd do to introduce the Furlings. First off, I recall at least two mentions of them. Both saying they were small & furry. I feel that was to throw us off. They could be huge & ugly. I always pictured the blue 4 armed Hindu gods as Furlings.
                    The Furlings were said to be small and furry when O'Neill made a few jokes about them. Nothing concrete in any manner.


                      What ever happened to the Furlings? When are we going to see them?


                        Nobody knows

                        I am your father


                          It`s the one big mystery they are keeping...probably until the show reaches it`s final season.
                          Teal'c: I am loyal to the Tau'ri.
                          Simmons: Why should I believe you?
                          Teal'c: If I were still loyal to the Goa'uld, you would know it.
                          Simmons: Really?
                          Teal'c: It would become immediately apparent, as I would not hesitate to kill you where you sit.


                            Welcom to the forum, all Furling related topics are and should always be discussed inside the "ultimate Furling thread", if you run a search you will find it because of the collosal amounts of threads relating to this subject.
                            For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                            We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                              Originally posted by Capt.Mal Reynolds

                              Look, they're standing in a massive ring platform


                                Bit taller then Jack thought, aren't they?
                                Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                                Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?

