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The Ultimate Furling Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Chutzpah
    Looks human-ish.
    Not any more so than the Serrakin


      It's true, the Serrakin are quite similar, and there is no reason for which they wouldn't have a common ancestor either, but still, they are different enough (scales, plates) to have evolved differently. The Old Asgard had similar skin and facial features.

      Hell, they looked like Michael Jackson


        Sound much like TNG theory from ‘The Chase’

        “The mysterious program is activated, and a humanoid hologram recorded billions of years ago appears before them. The hologram tells the surprised group that her race found itself alone in their travels of the galaxy. The genetic puzzle was created in hopes that those races would come together in cooperation and fellowship in order to activate the message. The humanoid tells the group that they all come from this common seed, and implores them to remember this bond. “
        The very young, do not always do what they are told.

        "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


          i hope teh hurlings are in the episode. We have been waiting a LONG time to see them.

          Anyone who gives me green is sexy, wanna be sexy? Give me Green! Woopie!

          CLICK THE PIC!


            The Hurlings!!! Lmao!!! People Who Run Around Being Sick All Day Lol!!!



              Anyone who gives me green is sexy, wanna be sexy? Give me Green! Woopie!

              CLICK THE PIC!


                I just figured something out...

                In the eposide.... they will have Martin Lloyd directing an episode of Wormhole Extreme, and he will have a guy dressed as an alien. When SG1 asks Martin what that alien is supposed to be, he calls them as the "Furlings".

                If TPTB does this... I'll be VERY ANNOYED.


                  like alterrans nox and asgard furlings prolly have multiple worlds. maybe matin's world was a distant colony.


                    I was wondering if TPTB might pull a stunt like this...

                    In the eposide.... they will have Martin Lloyd directing an episode of Wormhole Extreme, and he will have a guy dressed as a fury alien. When SG1 asks Martin what that alien is supposed to be, he calls them as the "Furlings".

                    If TPTB does this... I and many others will be VERY ANNOYED.


                      should've known you'd not let this die in a thread. it'd be very depressing


                        Originally posted by Major Gambit
                        i hope teh hurlings are in the episode. We have been waiting a LONG time to see them.
                        LOL.....Hurlings.....I'll give you green (I assume you made a typo?).....


                          We haven't actually been told that we're going to be seeing the Furlings, I hate when people insist we are going to see them for a fact...


                            I hope he hulks out and turns into some super bad-ass alien with guns for fingers

                            ...On second though.
                            An all new Stargate spinoff presents

                            Stargate: The B Team

                            The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


                              They wouldn't do that to us... would they?
                              An all new Stargate spinoff presents

                              Stargate: The B Team

                              The galaxy just got a whoooole lot crazier!


                                Originally posted by Chutzpah
                                They wouldn't do that to us... would they?
                                I think they're alot more likely to do that than show the actual Furlings...

