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Original Starship Design Thread

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    My suggestion, based on the following post, regarding smaller warships, entirely dedicated to space combat against enemy capship and escorting fleets.

    Originally posted by Mister Oragahn
    Though this ship (probably already posted here) looks awesome and well equipped for a carrier, Earth should really focus on smaller ships, like frigates, or dreadnoughts, which are not meant to carry fighters at all.

    That frigate/dreadnought should just come with:
    • Twin giant coilguns (Coilgun Akimbo). These weapons should be as long as the ship itself, and mounted in parallel, either side by side, or one above the other. They would be powered by their own generators. They would fire naqahdah tipped explosive shells at an impressive fraction of c. Explosion on impact. The alliance of sheer kinetic energy and gigaton naqahdah amplified explosions should impale shielded Ha'tak's in just one shot (one single shell would be more than enough).
    • 6 heavy energy weapons turret mounted batteries.
    • 2 turret mounted arrays of 4x2 missiles launchers. The combination of both arrays should cover both front and rear arcs. Ordinance would be composed of both Mark 3s and Mark 8s (low megaton to low gigaton), but the warheads could easily be modified to accomodate Mark 9 "gatebuster" tacticals if necessary. All of these weapons should be able to detonate on proximity fuse as well as at impact.
    • 6 to 10 point defense railguns. These are very useful against enemy unshielded fighters.
    • 8 anti-fighter cluster-torpedo launching tubes. These weapons should be able to detonate on proximity fuse as well as at impact. An explosion would release a cloud of explosives shells that would decimate tightly packed enemy fighter formations.
    • 1.2 gigatons mines launchers, rear tubes. The ability to lay mine fields would prove succesful, especially for protecting bottlenecks, like a supergate for example.
    • Asgard shields.
    • Armored hull, made of an alloy of trinium and that fantaisy-like neutronium.
    • Asgard hyperdrive.
    • Transport rings with high security codes. The transport ring chamber should be sealed.
    • Internal shields. These things prove really useful to stop threats which can cut through armored doors in case your ship is invaded.
    No beaming tech. This ship should manned by a crew 100% human. Though the beaming tech is a great advantage in terms of transport, the purpose of the frigates is to engage capships, and in no way meant to serve as troops carriers for infiltration missions or invasion.
    The two massive coilguns would be enough to attack shielded ships without relying on the "beam the nuke" tip.

    Communication globes should be placed both above and underneath the ship.
    Remember, we're in space, not floating on the ocean.
    The sensors need to be able to scan and communicate on long distances omnidirectionally!
    That's a brain bug you'll find even on Star Wars's ships, were many commnication dishes and globes are only located on the upper side of capships.
    That is a mistake, as the ship's own body, a mix of metal, magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiations, acts as a barrier.
    You can see that mistake on this fan made design.

    However, the author was really well inspired when he (or she) thought about placing the turrets both above and underneath the ship.
    Again, you're in space, and your enemy will often be located underneath your ship's horizon plate.

    Such a ship, be it a frigate or a dreadnought, would only have two small bays, able to recover a very few fighters if necessary, like two or three at best, mainly for emergency purposes. But it wouldn't come with all the logistics that you'd find in a command carrier.

    Globally, the ship would look like a giant high tech twin barelled shotgun, with lenghty antenna pointing ahead, smaller ones pointing in many different directions.

    When the blueprints are finished, produce that damn ship in masses.
    The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


      Ok it's been awhile since anyone posted a contract for ships so I think I'll start one.

      Design a British Deep Space Warship that is capable of being hidden on any military base in the UK that has weapons and shields that either match or nearly match those of a DSC-304. It also has to be cheap enough to fit in the present defensive budget of the UK without arousing suspicion from any other nation.

      And remember no other nation can know of this ship class and even the British population can't know of it. Also no fanwanks, thank you.


        So a place: possibly the highlands of scotland
        size: no bigger in length than 250 metres
        weapons: a toughie, obviously nukes, but not as powerful as the yanks one maybe a mark IV/Mark V tops, but we need a primary weapon.
        Cant use the railguns, since they are american in design and manufacture.
        People are gonna get annoyed by this but a first generation particle cannon, I think is our best strategy.
        Obviously shielding, hyperdrive etc from the asgard, although how to hide that from the others is gonna be difficult.


          Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
          So a place: possibly the highlands of scotland
          size: no bigger in length than 250 metres
          weapons: a toughie, obviously nukes, but not as powerful as the yanks one maybe a mark IV/Mark V tops, but we need a primary weapon.
          Cant use the railguns, since they are american in design and manufacture.
          People are gonna get annoyed by this but a first generation particle cannon, I think is our best strategy.
          Obviously shielding, hyperdrive etc from the asgard, although how to hide that from the others is gonna be difficult.
          You can use rail guns just not the ones designed and produced by the Americans.

          By the way here's my own attempt at the contract.


          HMS Indomitable

          Type: First Generation British Deep Space Warship

          Technology Base: Earth/Asgard/Goa’uld

          Width: 85m
          Length: 121m
          Height: 30m

          2x Primary Naquadah Generators
          4x Secondary Naquadah Generators

          2x Standard Interplanetary Drives
          2x Hyperspace Flash Drives
          Gravity Wave Generators

          Speed: 50.5% c

          1x Heavy D.E.W.
          3x coil-guns

          Asgard Shields
          Reactive Armor
          Ceramic Polymer Armor Plates

          History(under construction)
          Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 28 November 2009, 09:06 PM.


            Originally posted by Ouroboros
            I don't think there's any hard and fast rule as to what size ship classes have to fall under,
            No, but it's a reasonable assumption, as we're making 304s in secret. I'd say the 450m Daedalus is about as long as a ship will get to be.

            Besides it's the concept that matters more than the name and the concept is sound.
            I know. I was just being nitpicky.

            Earth is low on resources so the ships design is very no frills and easy to construct. Crew numbers would be low and it carries a weapon suitable for attacking the larger ships of Earth's enemies.
            Add in good long-range accuracy, and we could just called it a "Siege Ship".
            This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


              Originally posted by NoDot
              No, but it's a reasonable assumption, as we're making 304s in secret. I'd say the 450m Daedalus is about as long as a ship will get to be.

              I know. I was just being nitpicky.

              Add in good long-range accuracy, and we could just called it a "Siege Ship".
              Siege ship, hm? Maybe a little too specialized...

              Personally, I think we should give the UK the plans to the Prometheus. It's a lot easier to build and hide than a DSC-304, and the plans are right on hand. THough we'd throw in an upgrade for her sheilds, of course.

              ZakeD, I appreciate that, but the voting for the virtual fleet is over. Of course, we could create some battle plans using our ships in the Battle Plan Thread also in this forum.
              Last edited by Andrew Joshua Talon; 01 August 2006, 01:19 PM.


                Ok heres mine (no pic)

                HMSS Ilustrious (Her Majesty's StarShip)
                Length: 225m
                Width: 75m
                Height: 30m

                Reinforced Titanium-carbon alloy

                5 Mark II naquadah generators
                3 Mark II backup naquadah generators

                1x Asgard shield generator

                3x Tritium-Tritium fusion sublight engines (capable of 65% LS)
                1x Asgard hyperspace generator.

                Defensive weapons:
                4x British designed laser cannons
                2x forward British designed railguns (fired at Mach 8 and 10,000 rounds)

                Offensive weapons:
                3x British Deuterium-Tritium fusion particle cannons
                12x Mark IV naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles (6 silos)
                8x Mark V naquadah enhanced nuclear missiles (4 silos)

                "holographic" active camouflage

                4x Harrier space fighters

                4m of ionisied reinforced Titanium-carbon

                asgard sensors
                Asgard Beaming tech.

                Cost: £4.5 billion

                Crew: 95


                After asking the americans for the design specs for the daedulus to build their own. The British not only, built a 304 but upgraded the design. But to not annoy the yanks, the project was a secret to all but MI5, the Elite of the RAF and the Prime minister. After the completion of the 304 named Enterprize. Work soon began on the compact and nippy ship named after one of the best British naval ships: HMS Ilustrious. Not only had the British been working on a particle cannon for an energy weapon, they also upgraded the speed of the railguns to mach 8. The nukes aren't as powerful as the americans but, the ship makes up for it in energy weapons and shielding.
                Instead of the F-302s, this british ship uses, space-based versions of the harrier jumpjet. Originally a british design.
                Soon the world will know about it, as it can't stay a secret forever, considering the threat of the ori.


                  Originally posted by NoDot
                  I know. I was just being nitpicky.
                  I'm thinking "gunboat" ala "torpedo boat" will probably be the best fit for a class name. It is afterall essentially a flying gun.

                  I'd really love to see how many of these stripped down flying guns they could build for the cost/time of a typical 304. 2 maybe three even? If you build them simultainiously they'd both be done before it was to.

                  It's all about applying the technolgoy in the most efficient way.

                  Here's another one that takes that idea even further. It's a bit more technologically advanced than the flying gun but still nothing to out there.

                  One of the things that's always bugged me about Stargate space combat is no one ever used their cloaking technology properly (IE to be real frustrating *******s) lets see if we can improve on that.

                  SSBH (hyperspace powered ballistic missile submarine )


                  I'm not going to even bother anymore, form follows function ok, it'll be as big as it needs to be.


                  24 hyperspace missiles with optional warheads including

                  -MIRV nuclear

                  -Single nuclear


                  -Conventional high explosive/bunker buster

                  2x axial railgun

                  Limited point defence railguns/SAMS.

                  Ancillary craft

                  3 scout/spotter ships


                  The best cloaking device I can get my hands on. The free Jaffa probably have a bunch of them lying around waiting to be fitted to Alkesh so let's just nab 4 of those. 1 for the ship and one for each spotter/scout.

                  Concept outline

                  The SSBH is first and foremost a weapon of planetary assault and terror. The idea is it'll run cloaked nearly all the time, launching hyperspace capable spotter ships (think Goa'uld cargo ship size with the empty space taken out) to identify targets. The spotter ships will not be armed but will focus mainly on a heavy sensor suite for efficient target aquisition, and a large set of engines to escape if spotted. When a potential target is located the spotter ship will scan it in and compute targeting data which it will then rely back to the mothership via secured transmission or simply by returning. The mother ship will then launch however many hyperspace missiles with whatever warheads deemed best able to deal with the threat.

                  The ship will also carry a series of 2 axial railguns firing nukes as an ambush weapon to engage targets of opportunity. If for example it happens upon an enemy warship while cloaked and wants to just nuke the bejesus out of it before it even get's its shields up or knows it's under attack. For the most part though it'll fire missiles at unsuspecting victims from light years away and either ruin their planet/multiple cities for them pretty bad or bag their stationary warships. If the scoutship stays in the area it might even be possible to bag fully mobile warships by virture of realtime guidence data updates from the scout to the incoming missiles.

                  The question mark on this one is the hyper missiles. They're probably going to be a lot larger than the missiles the Daedalus fires. To power them in hyperspace flight I'm going to use the hyperdrive system out of a Goa'uld cargo ship minus a lot of the fuel storage because the missiles only need to make a 1 way trip. The SSBH will also more or less be a flying missile Silo so I don't think 2 dozen missiles is really out of the question here.

                  This is the sort of ship that would "break the game" in terms of how starship warfare goes on in the SG universe. A carrier with hyperspace capable attack craft would do the same thing even better but this feels somehow even more like cheating.

                  There's nothing really out of the question about the making it either. It's all just down to building the hyperdrive missiles and convincing the Jaffa to let us have one of their alkesh cloaks to copy. This is once again something that should easily be accomplished simply by agreeing to share the final design of the ship itself with them, or even just the hyperdrive missiles.

                  If push comes to shove you don't even really need the missiles to be hyperspace capable. Just packing it to the gills with existing MK 3 nuclear missiles and giving it a cloaking device plus the ability to fire them all at once Caldwell style would make it a ship that could nuke an entire planetary civilzation into the stone age in a few minutes and never get seen coming or going.

                  We should build a few of them just to use them as a threat to force hostile captitulation.

                  If we could sneek 3 or 4 of them into the Ori home galaxy some how (like through their gate the other way) we could just keep nuking their little communities of worshippers and half built ships into ashes until they cried uncle. Afterall we know from Pegasus project that evidently the Ori really suck at seeing through cloaks, even when those cloaks are covering an active stargate.


                    Sounds like a Ghost Arrow concept.

                    That would be a terrific ship.

                    Another one I'd like to see, mostly for fun and for the odd factor, is a Chimaera.

                    This ship would be a combination of anything worth of it found on other ships.

                    It's all about cannibalizing anything that can be sticked together to form the ultimate multipurpose ship.

                    For example, we find an Aurora class. It's very damaged.
                    Take the shields, cryostasis pods, parts from the medical antenna and all the remaining drones.
                    Grab a puddle jumper's cloak and the system for storing drones as energy.
                    Go to the planet with the crashed wraith ship (Defiant One) and and take anything related to self repair and cannons.
                    Find a lantian satellite weapon, and bring it back. Rip off what's unnecessary and tie the whole thing to the existing space monster.
                    Find old al'keshes and damaged Ha'taks and grab their energy cannons.
                    Stick what we alreaydy know and have, like railguns, top notch hyperdrives and missiles launchers.

                    That ship would be truely horrible, but would really prove useful in about every occasion.

                    It'd take more than one year to fully assemble it.
                    The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                      Actually, my Abydos-class vessel fits the bill for such a ship already. She's cloak capable, and equipped with swing-out missile clips, allow her to launch 30 missiles at once.

                      She was built by a former ballistic missile submarine commander, after all.


                        OK, here's a speculative stealthy offensive craft

                        It's very powerful, but based on scientific speculation and technological pragmatism. It's not meant to be a serious proposal - just a demonstrator of some interesting scientific speculation, and it's implications.

                        The ship is shaped as a sleek, subtly conical, tube; narrowing near the front (but by no means reaching a point) with smooth rounded ends. The hull is completely featureless with no breaks, coated in a metamaterial that absorbs all radiation that falls on it (something like this), and is kept at ultra-low temperatures to eliminate blackbody radiation. The hull is constructed from one gigantic crystal (hence the simple shape), similar to diamond, which is incredibly strong and resistant to heat, making it nearly impervious to weapons.

                        The ship is also equipped with a suite of active-jamming systems just underneath the outer hull, which can ward off casual sensor scanning. If an enemy ship is actively looking for it however, then it is one a matter of time before it will be found.

                        It is propelled by a reactionless drive, that works by altering the geometry of the local space-time continuum, for sublight speeds, and a hyperdrive for FTL, all of which are buried in the hull.

                        The ship's reactionless drive can also manipulate space-time to the extent that it is able to open unblockable instantaneous short-lived wormholes to displace phyical matter. It is used to displace plasma (sometimes part of a sun) and ordinance into enemy craft, as well as transfering supplies onto and off the ship. The ship can also use it's drive system system to alter local gravity fields and rip other ships to shreds with tidal forces. The ship can also deflect back most ordinance directed at it.

                        The space in the ship that isn't taken up by the drives and ordinance storage is filled with the ship's controlling AI core. The AI core flies the ship, controlls the weapons systems, and if enemy ships carelessly leave data links undefended, the AI core is capable of hacking them with ease. The ship can be given objectives and orders by remote link.

                        The ship does not posess life-support or artificial gravity systems (it's drives are powerful but not fine enough to project a confortable field), but can accomodate a very small number of spacesuited crew, albeit in very dark, weightless and cramped conditions, in small maintainence coridoors.


                          WS that is an interesting ship...i like it for some reason, its cool, i think its something the tolland and tokra would come up with together...the whole crystal tech + gravity/driveless engine would be a tollan thing + phase shifting..
                          I do like it, very unique so top marks for imagination
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            CS-308 Endeavor
                            CO: me
                            Height: 120m
                            Width: 156m
                            Length: 468m
                            max crew: 256
                            sublight speed: .95c
                            hyperdrive speed: 276 light years per minute
                            Weapons: railguns: 24; missile tubes: 12; Vulcan/Phalanx PDCs: 20; Felgers plasma cannon: 4; Asgard weapon: 1; Mk9 nukes, Mk8 nuclear missiles. NLOS cannons(enchanced for missiles), and metalstorm.
                            Defensive tech: Asgard shields, sensors.
                            Other tech: Asgard beaming tech, subspace communication, ring transporter, antigravity wave generator, inertial dampeners, artificial gravity generators, bathroom, and fine crew quarters, and CO2 scrubbersx12(10 of them are replacements).
                            Power plant: Asgard Neutrino Ion reactorsx2
                            Hull composition: trinium titanium, naquadah, carbon
                            fighter compliment: 48 F-302s
                            Current status: flagship
                            History: The Endeavor was first completed in 2024 utilizing the most powerful and effective technology that could fitted onto the ship. Its first mission was to eliminate the Lucian Alliance's new ship: the Lucian. At first the battle was looking bad until the Asgard engineer Baldur employed a virus that disabled the Lucian's shields. It then beamed a nuke onto the Lucian and watched the fireworks. After that, its next mission was to defend Earth from the Aschen. The Aschen never made it because they were destroyed the Ori. A few weeks later the Endeavor was called out Atlantis to deliver supplies. On the way there, it was attacked a Wraith fleet. After much combat, it beamed a few neutron bombs and fled the scene so that it wouldn't be caught in the explosion. After delivering supplies to Atlantis, It left back for Earth. On the Endeavor's way back, it stopped at Proclarush Taonos to get drones for the ancient superweapon in Antarctica. The SGC was pleased with the news of the drones. The ship is currently fighting against the Lucian Alliance. In design it looks like the Daedalus, only bigger, and with better tech.
                            Last edited by Col. Shadow Quinn; 02 August 2006, 03:23 PM.
                            Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                              My ship looks alot like the Daedalus only taller, wider, longer, and better equipped than a Daedalus class ship. The reason it's better equipped is because it is able to utilize better Asgard tech than the Daedalus class.
                              Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                                yeah in the fight against the ori smaller more manueverable but still heavily armed ships would be far more effective
                                Yeah..that's why I made thor. Anyway.. I made a front view for Icarus.


                                And I took that really crappy ship I made, scrapped the side view and front view, and made a new side. So this one I kinda like.


