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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Sure. That would be great. But try and go for the 500 meter length. If it were 400 I would have to widen the ship to make it able to fit my other ship.


      Well, I was bored, and felt like drawing something. But I didn't really have any ideas for anything, so I decided I would go backwards through the thread and draw a ship based on the first sketch thing I saw. Which was Davidtourniquets Icarus. Yeah, so here it is.

      Hope I didn't make ya mad redrawing your ship, but I thought you might want a more detailed version. >> It has only two differences. I flattened the point on the end and decreased the number of engines. I could always change that though. anyway, I thought it looked pretty cool. I'll make a front and possible a rear view later.


        ZakeD? Fellow members of Gateworld? I am proud to present... The Columbia-class starship.

        Columbia-class starship

        -Designation: CVA-306
        -Type: Large hyperspace capable starship
        -Role: Assault ship/Carrier/Cruiser
        -Users: United States Air Force/Navy/Army.
        -Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard/Goa'uld
        -Builders: Northrop Grumman/General Dynamics
        -Length: 503 meters (1,609.6 feet)
        -Beam: 380 meters (1,216 feet)
        -Draft: 114 meters (364.8 feet)
        -Displacement: 490,867 tons normal Earth gravity
        ~Crew: 497 (115 ship's company, 382 air/space wing)
        ~Troops: 2,500
        ~Maximum Capacity: 3,000
        -Powerplant: Two Mk. III Naquada reactors
        Two x large sublight ion drives
        Four x medium sublight ion drives
        Two x hyperspace window generators
        Anti-gravity wave generator network
        Ten x 16" (406mm) coil guns x 500 rounds each
        Sixteen x 6.8" (155mm) rail guns x 5,000 rounds each
        Four x RAM-116S defensive missile launchers x 21 rounds each
        70+ air/spacecraft
        Asgard-designed shields
        Trinium-based armor plating (2 inches)
        Reactive armor plating (10 inches)
        -Additional Technology:
        Goa'uld Rings
        Asgard transporter
        Asgard sensors
        Electromagnetic catapults (2)
        Amphibious Assault Warfare Mission Modules (up to 4)

        -Technical and Historical Notes-

        After the attack on Earth by Anubis's fleet in mid-2004, the SGC received additional funding to begin construction of new combat starships to protest Earth against the Goa'uld and other threats. The new starship class, designated the BC-304 (later DSC-304), had new facilities at Area 51 and elsewhere under construction and refit to begin full production of starships.

        However, the United States Navy and Army both petitioned to join the Stargate Program in a much greater role. While the Air Force protested intially, the rising costs of the Stargate and starship programs forced them to accept Army and Navy help. Part of this new deal was to hand over management of the old Prometheus Drydock in Nevada to the Navy, as the Prometheus herself had been moved to a new berth near Area 51. She was to act as a part-time training ship for crews of the new DSC-304s, and this new drydock was specially designed for the task. The Navy and Army took over Prometheus Drydock 1 in late 2004.

        With the US Navy already working on a space carrier and destroyer-class vessel, the Army wanted a ship that could deploy their forces to other worlds. With the stunning successes the SG teams had achieved with only a few troops, it was felt by Army brass that deploying true armies against the Goa'uld would ensure ultimate victory. The Marines and Navy, however, wanted an amphibious assault starship. Due to budget restrictions, they also wanted a vessel capable of deploying sufficient air and firepower against threat forces. However, with the DSC-304s already filling the role of a battleship, it was decided to make this new vessel more of a carrier.

        Heavily based upon the design of the Prometheus, the X-306 (later christened CVA-306, for Assault/Attack Carrier) Columbia was built using off-the-shelf technologies from the SGC and other Navy/Army research programs. Her flight pods would be her largest feature, and were thus heavily armored and protected with new, larger-calibre rail guns modified from the Advanced Gunnery System (AGS) under development for the DD(X) and Abydos programs. The AGS rail guns are capable of firing depleted uranium rounds at speeds above Mach 8, and at a rate of three rounds a second. In concert with space-modified RAM-116 missiles, the Columbia would be more than capable of defending herself from Gou'ald Deathgliders and Al'kesh in pitched combat.

        The US Army's contribution to the project were ten 16 inch coil guns (or mass drivers), intended to launch naquada-enhanced thermonuclear warheads at speeds of up to Mach 4. This method of delivering ordnance was devised to compensate for the Columbia's lack of an offensive missile system, and to provide a far-more powerful orbital bombardment capability for the ship's secondary role of assault vessel. They are capable of launching a variety of ordinance, including scientific probes, reconaissance drones, and emergency aid packages, contained in specially-created casings. These casings can include parachutes and heat shields for atmospheric entry, in situations where the use of the Asgard transporter technology is not available.

        The Columbia was designed to act as either a full-carrier, a full-assault ship, or in a half-and-half mode. As a carrier, her standard air wing is comprised of four squadrons of Navy F-302s (48 to 56 planes), two squadrons of UC-309 Pegasus utility craft (12 to 16 ships), and a squadron of Tel'tacs (4 to 6 ships), giving her a total maximum air wing of 64-78 craft. She carries the same comparitive firepower of four Ha'tak class vessels, and can maintain continuous combat flight operations for up to three months at a time.

        On the other end of the spectrum, in her role as an assault ship the Columbia converts her flight bays into staging areas. With the use of special modules, half the space in her flight pods is converted into living space for troops and their equipment. An estimated 2,500 troops can be carried in this way, along with over 220 vehicles. The Columbia's flat bottom hull allows her to land and deploy ground forces with ease, and with her Pegasus and Tel'tac capacity unchanged, she can fly down troops and vehicles. Gunship versions of the Pegasus allow her a more direct fire support capability for her ground forces. In assault ship mode, she has two full hospital sections in both flight pods, with a total of 600 beds and over a dozen operating suites. Many of the systems in her Amphibious Assault Warfare Mission Modules (AAWMMs) were lifted directly from decomissioned US Navy amphibous assault ships, to save time and money. Modified with the latest SGC technology, the Columbia in assault ship mode has some of the best medical facilities in the galaxy.

        When launched in late 2005, Columbia entered service with her original mission fulfilled-The defeat of the Goa'uld had already taken place. She was assigned to humanitarian relief missions among many worlds adapting to life free of the Goa'uld, and lifted hundreds of tons of supplies, not to mention treating over a thousand injured and sick people. With the arrival of the Ori threat, Columbia was assigned to deliver the cure to the Prior plague to dozens of affected worlds. Her new sister ship, the Challenger, was immediately sent into combat against the Ori fleet at P3Y-116. She suffered heavy damage in the battle and was forced to withdraw with more than 50% of her systems disabled or destroyed. Her F-302 squadrons were decimated, and she was forced to immediately return to Earth for repairs.

        Columbia had been assigned to deliver supplies and more fighter squadrons to off-world bases, but was able to reach Chulak in time to assist in an evacuation before the Ori arrived. Her crew is single-handedly responsible for rescuing over 2,000 civilian Jaffa and bringing them safely to Dakara. Her lead F-302 squadron, VFA-87 (The Golden Warriors), claimed eleven aerial victories against Ori attack fighters while covering evacuation through the Chulak Stargate without a single loss. Columbia has been assigned to full-time combat duties following the disabling of the Ori supergate, while her sister ship Challenger undergoes repairs. A third CVA-306, the Apollo, is under construction at the Prometheus Drydock.
        Last edited by Andrew Joshua Talon; 31 July 2006, 10:55 PM.


          Okay, that's just awesome. That is one hell of a backstory. Jeeze..I love it. Especially the humanitarian thing. Make meh feel good. xD I could have never come up with something that good. Yeah, so two things I noticed. First, you said two Mk. III Naquada reactors. What is the percentage of power output of those compared to a mk. II? And second, it has 6 sublight drives. You should be able to see a few in the top view, but I messed up. I'll fix that and make a rear view later. Also, when I first made this it was for carrying at least 2 of my Thor class. But after I was done I wasn't quite sure if it was capable. Thor is the one linked in my sig. Yeah, so thanks for doing this. Its awesome.


            Originally posted by ZakeD
            Okay, that's just awesome. That is one hell of a backstory. Jeeze..I love it. Especially the humanitarian thing. Make meh feel good. xD I could have never come up with something that good. Yeah, so two things I noticed. First, you said two Mk. III Naquada reactors. What is the percentage of power output of those compared to a mk. II? And second, it has 6 sublight drives. You should be able to see a few in the top view, but I messed up. I'll fix that and make a rear view later. Also, when I first made this it was for carrying at least 2 of my Thor class. But after I was done I wasn't quite sure if it was capable. Thor is the one linked in my sig. Yeah, so thanks for doing this. Its awesome.
            Oh! My bad. Sorry, I thought that those third-little engines were the hyperspace generators. I'll fix that.

            On the Mk. IIIs: Where five Mk. IIs can power up a Stargate for a one-second activation to another galaxy's Stargate, a single Mk. III can do it. They are five times more powerful than the Mk. IIs, thanks to advancements in the power management and cooling systems, as well as a larger amount of fuel. The Abydos-class destroyers were the first Earth ships to be equipped with the Mk. IIIs, in order to provide enough power for their cloaking devices and coil guns. Two were needed on the Columbia to maintain a large surplus of power. While one Mk. III reactor can power the ship just fine, a second gives much more cushioning for emergency power usage. Since she's supposed to operate as a hospital ship in addition to assault carrier, having a large surplus of spare energy is a must. Unfortunately, it makes her very expensive, which is why the Daedalus-class ships are only being issued with one Mk. III each.

            Well man, there are only so many roles one ship can have. Fleet tender (meaning she docks with other ships and repairs/maintains/carries them) is a little difficult for Columbia as I envisioned her. But hey! The Thor looks like it could operate pretty fine on it's own. The Thor and the Columbia could have an integrated combat communications system (AEGIS), which allows the ships to fight together as one big network?


              Well I wasn't planning on that being the only thing it carried, I just wanted it to be big enough to carry them.

              Oh, and I fixed the engines.

              I also updated Thor.


                Hm, I suppose I should change the bc thing too. xD I just copied that from Thor and added a 6..


                  Originally posted by ZakeD
                  Hm, I suppose I should change the bc thing too. xD I just copied that from Thor and added a 6..
                  So, got any specs on the Thor you could post? Then we could know what it's supposed to do and be...


                    Yeah, I have a small thing I made in a few minutes after someone asked me that last time.

                    Length: 148 Meters
                    Width: 72 Meters
                    Height: 32 Meters
                    Mass: 2 million metric tons
                    Max Sub-light speed: 130 PSL
                    Defenses: Asgard shields, Trinium alloy hull
                    Armament: 4 Railguns, Asgard high-energy weapon, Nuclear Missiles
                    Fighters: 6 F-302s

                    So most people go nuts and stuff about the Asgard weapon. But I figured since now that we are fighting such a powerful enemy, the Asgard might have become a little more willing to share weapon technology. Which would of course be monitored and stuff by an Asgard scientist. As for backstory, I didnt really think of much on that either. It's supposed to be kinda a replacement for the BC-304's in the milky way, since it is faster, has shields of similar strength, offensive capability of similar strength (due to Asgard weapon) and is smaller. I figured smaller vessels would be better because if the Ori took out one we didn't end up loosing our entire fleet. Oh, and what's an amphibious assault starship?


                      I just got done looking back on a lot of the pages of this thread and I saw all your paint ships and stuff. Those are awesome! Totally pwn my stuff. I especially liked Endeavor, Abydos (the last version), and the Pegasus, just because I was waiting for a smaller cargo type ship. Good job.


                        Originally posted by ZakeD
                        Yeah, I have a small thing I made in a few minutes after someone asked me that last time.

                        Length: 148 Meters
                        Width: 72 Meters
                        Height: 32 Meters
                        Mass: 2 million metric tons
                        Max Sub-light speed: 130 PSL
                        Defenses: Asgard shields, Trinium alloy hull
                        Armament: 4 Railguns, Asgard high-energy weapon, Nuclear Missiles
                        Fighters: 6 F-302s

                        So most people go nuts and stuff about the Asgard weapon. But I figured since now that we are fighting such a powerful enemy, the Asgard might have become a little more willing to share weapon technology. Which would of course be monitored and stuff by an Asgard scientist. As for backstory, I didnt really think of much on that either. It's supposed to be kinda a replacement for the BC-304's in the milky way, since it is faster, has shields of similar strength, offensive capability of similar strength (due to Asgard weapon) and is smaller. I figured smaller vessels would be better because if the Ori took out one we didn't end up loosing our entire fleet. Oh, and what's an amphibious assault starship?
                        An amphibious assault ship is designed for the purpose of putting troops and their supplies on an enemy shore (or in this case, planet). The US Navy and other world navies have several. The US Army also employes ships of this kind, though they usually let the US Marines handle beach landings. In this case though, the Army would want a means of transporting their troops across space without having to rely on the Stargate all the time.

                        The Thor is a good idea for a ship. She seems like a destroyer or cruiser type vessel-Smaller and cheaper than a battleship, but packing a large amount of firepower. Plus, we should return the favor of the Asgard naming their ships after SG-1 members, right?

                        Originally posted by ZakeD
                        I just got done looking back on a lot of the pages of this thread and I saw all your paint ships and stuff. Those are awesome! Totally pwn my stuff. I especially liked Endeavor, Abydos (the last version), and the Pegasus, just because I was waiting for a smaller cargo type ship. Good job.
                        Why, thank you! ^__^ I appreciate that! Oh, and feel free to use the Pegasus in your other ships or projects. She's basically supposed to be our version of a Puddlejumper. There are gunship variants of the Peggie as well, so she can act like an attack helicopter.


                          Yeah. They named one after the most famous Human, so I named one after the most famous Asgard. And the classification was supposed to be cruiser. Thanks for the complements and stuff. Also, I might try to make more detailed specs kinda like you did for Columbia. Not really good at backstory stuff though.

                          Another thing. How many designs for ships have you done so far? I saw a lot, but I haven't been through this entire thread yet.

                          Also noticed that you have the same favorite episode as me. xD That's cool.


                            Originally posted by ZakeD
                            Yeah. They named one after the most famous Human, so I named one after the most famous Asgard. And the classification was supposed to be cruiser. Thanks for the complements and stuff. Also, I might try to make more detailed specs kinda like you did for Columbia. Not really good at backstory stuff though.

                            Another thing. How many designs for ships have you done so far? I saw a lot, but I haven't been through this entire thread yet.

                            Also noticed that you have the same favorite episode as me. xD That's cool.
                            Well, let's see... There have been so many. I'll just make a list:

                            Just the EA-302, which was a cloak-capable version of the F-302.

                            Support craft

                            There was the Albatross, the first version of the Pegasus, and a large, multi-role transport ship called the Ranger.

                            The several versions of the Abydos, plus another I named the Longinuss. I drew a destroyer that Kaiphantom designed named the Vortex.

                            One for Earth (the Serenity-class) and one built by the Tollan, named Gladius-class.

                            Just two, really: Endeavor and Bahamut. I also made an upgraded version of the Prometheus.


                            The Aegis.

                            I just can't help it when inspiration strikes, LOL.


                              Er..what page is the Gladius on? xD That strikes my interest.


                                Hmm..well, I was doodling and came up with a bunch of designs. And I thought this one was kinda cool, so I think it is gonna be my next ship.


