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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
    All of that is speculation. A nuclear fission reactor is currently not only possible but a widely known phenomenon with experienced designers and operators. Fusion reactors have yet to be successful. The basics are fairly well known however there has yet to be a design that has worked successfully at all. Hybrid reactors haven't even been built before.

    My choice for a pure Nuclear Fission reactor is based on those.

    By the way what did you think of that new view of my ship?
    Fusion reactors work just fine. We've been using various types of fusion reactors since the 1960s. The problem with them is primarily that the consume more energy than they generate. The Joint European Torus came closest in 1995, generating about 65% of input power. The DEMO reactor is predicted to finally produce net power generation, at about 25 times input power.

    Heck, we have one under the University of Texas - a Tokamak design, if memory serves.


      Originally posted by Team503 View Post
      Fusion reactors work just fine. We've been using various types of fusion reactors since the 1960s. The problem with them is primarily that the consume more energy than they generate. The Joint European Torus came closest in 1995, generating about 65% of input power. The DEMO reactor is predicted to finally produce net power generation, at about 25 times input power.

      Heck, we have one under the University of Texas - a Tokamak design, if memory serves.
      And there is one being built in Victoria, Australia atm
      My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
      sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


        Daryl Froggy coming along nicely.

        also been working on my gun ship but i wasn't sure which one to go with since the engine in the original made me think its better suited as the main cannon.

        can you guys tell me which do you think in the better one to continue through with.

        the new model- chariot class


        the new turrets

        or the humming bird


        up veiw
        time doesn't go in a linear path like everyone thinks, time is a ball of timey wimey wibbly wobblely uh....

        Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.


          Originally posted by Team503 View Post
          Fusion reactors work just fine. We've been using various types of fusion reactors since the 1960s. The problem with them is primarily that the consume more energy than they generate. The Joint European Torus came closest in 1995, generating about 65% of input power. The DEMO reactor is predicted to finally produce net power generation, at about 25 times input power.

          Heck, we have one under the University of Texas - a Tokamak design, if memory serves.

          Yeah... I think I said that fusion reactors have never been successful. I never said that they had never been built before.

          And I predict that we will have a StarDrive system before this year is half over. However that does not mean it will come true.


            the problem with fusion is size. you need a big reactor to get enough efficiency. big reactors cost more. making research more expensive et all.


              hows this?
              An Axe age, A Sword age, Shields are sundered,
              A Wind age, A Wolf age, Ere the World falls,
              And no Man shall spare Another.

              Driving fast has never killed anyone. Suddenly coming to a halt, that has killed many, many people

              The Pope, an Irishman and an Italian are walking down a street, when one of them says "Hey look guys! A bar!"


                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                the problem with fusion is size. you need a big reactor to get enough efficiency. big reactors cost more. making research more expensive et all.
                Yup, which wouldn't work with my ship anyway since it must be too attractive not to build for it to work.

                Here are a few views of my rough ship so far. The tank looking things are for the main sub-light engine's fuel, 'heavy liquid Teflon.' the other major module additive, the one with the blackish rectangles on it, is where the StarDrive system is housed. The sort of brown/red thing going to what will eventually be the reactors are actually 40 really big power conduits wrapped around an access tunnel for the reactors.


                What do you think? Any ideas or suggestions?


                  Originally posted by james123182 View Post
                  umm.... nice space BG...


                    bigger fuel tanks.

                    aside from that, looking nice. perhaps a comm system here or there, some solar panels for emergency power (preferrably foldable) and some sort of laser in the nose to clear the nessecary annoying things (rocks, enemies)


                      james, that isn't yours.

                      the Leviathan belongs to... what was his name again? anyway, it belonged to one of the greatest Sketchup designers. it's like claiming the Excalibur is yours.


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        james, that isn't yours.

                        the Leviathan belongs to... what was his name again? anyway, it belonged to one of the greatest Sketchup designers. it's like claiming the Excalibur is yours.
                        "greatest" su designer? thats an overstatement if ive ever heard one judging bu thet thing in the pic.


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          bigger fuel tanks.

                          aside from that, looking nice. perhaps a comm system here or there, some solar panels for emergency power (preferrably foldable) and some sort of laser in the nose to clear the nessecary annoying things (rocks, enemies)
                          First, it isn't a warship, and it could just use its StarDrive if there is a rock in front of it, thus the laser thingy isn't necessary.

                          The Fuel tanks for the main sub-light engine don't really need to be any bigger as the engine is mainly for orbital work only, the reason it is so large is to allow it to function better near gas giants and stars.

                          The solar panels would probably be a good idea. I hadn't considered them.


                            Aaaaa, the famous immothep's Leviathon. An interesting model of it's time.


                              so wait this james dude was trying to pass it off as his design?


                                I have no idea he just said "how's this?" and gave the link.

