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Original Starship Design Thread

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    On a related note, I'll be doing a complete redesign of my 304 varient (planetary assault ship) as well as my c-305 transport in the next week or so. I'm not really happy with the looks of either ship so the current designs will be scrapped and entirelly new ones drawn up.

    First up though I'll be finishing my long promised fleet carrier. The reveal will happen tomorrow night, unless of corse, either I or my computer should meet with an untimelly demise before then.


      Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon
      Indeed. Actually everyone, I'd like to post a ship contract. The contract will be for a ship you guys will have to write up the specs for, provide backstory, and possibly draw if you are so inclined. This will be a test of creativity, intelligence, and general talent when it comes to creating fan-made starships. The winner (determined by popular vote) will get to issue their own contract, and so on.

      So, here's the contract:

      Since we've got this disgraceful fanwank DSC-304 variant, let's all try to come up with our own, non-fanwank variants of the Daedalus-class starship. The Air Force after all creates several different versions of their planes; Why not of their starships?

      The DSC-304 variants will start with the same basic 304 design and stats, but be modified from there to be geared toward more specific missions and mission types. Here are a few examples:

      1: A DSC-304 equipped for electronic warfare: Along with it's standard armament, it has been equipped with reverse-engineered examples of Wraith jamming technology, allowing the vessel to disrupt communications, transporters, and other vital systems of enemy ships and installations.

      2: A DSC-304 dedicated battle carrier version: This DSC-304 would have extended flight pods, increasing it's air wing by a considerable amount.

      3: DSC-304 dedicated battleship: The primary flight pods of this variant have been retrofitted to serve as missile silos, more than tripling the ship's missile armament. Heavy coil guns (linear and turret-mounted) give the ship much improved gunnery firepower as well, letting it barrage Wraith hiveships with naquada-enhanced shells that do serious damage. Finally, it's Asgard shields have been upgraded and it's armor doubled in thickness. A next-generation naquada reactor powers it all.

      Ready, set, go!

      And remember: Fanwanks will not be tolerated.

      A little DSC-304 for us all to remember what we're working with. Isn't it cute?
      Okay, I'm thinking of making a Anti-Aircraft variant, does that sound good?


        Originally posted by Sam fisher
        Okay, I'm thinking of making a Anti-Aircraft variant, does that sound good?
        Whatever you want, man. Go for it!


          I think I jinxed myself.

          My computer is currently unable to render pics of the carrier moddle. It is so hot right now, (95-100 degrees for a week strait) the computer keeps overheating and shutting itself down midway through the rendering proccess.

          So, I'll be delaying the reveal of my carrier till tomorrow morning, when it'll be cool enough to get some pics for ya.


            The picture in the Spoiler tag is of my previously posted Tegalus class gunship (it was way back there). For expediance I've included the original specs in the tags as well.

            This Pic is still being worked on, as evidenced by the lack of windows and other misc. hull features. But anyway as is, what do you think?


            DSG-312 Tegalus-class

            Type: Deep Space Gunship
            Technology Base: Earth/Asgard/Goauld
            Hull: Titanium/trinium Alloy with ceramic composites interwoven
            -Length: 130m
            -Width: 70m
            -Height: 10m
            Crew: 8
            Weapons: 4x coilguns, 2x Felgers
            Powerplant(s): 4x Mk. X Naquadah Generator
            Hyperspace window generator
            2x Earth built Ion Drives
            Anti gravity wave generators
            -Ceramic Composites(energy/heat dispersion)
            -Advanced Asgard designed shields
            Other tech:
            -Asgard sensor tech
            -Goa'uld Cloaking tech
            Ships of the line
            History(reason for existence):
            [under construction will be added at a later date]
            Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 25 July 2006, 02:57 PM.


              Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
              The picture in the Spoiler tag is of my previously posted Tegalus class gunship (it was way back there). For expediance I've included the original specs in the tags as well.

              This Pic is still being worked on, as evidenced by the lack of windows and other misc. hull features. But anyway as is, what do you think?


              DSG-312 Tegalus-class

              Type: Deep Space Gunship
              Technology Base: Earth/Asgard/Goauld
              Hull: Titanium/trinium Alloy with ceramic composites interwoven
              -Length: 130m
              -Width: 70m
              -Height: 10m
              Crew: 8
              Weapons: 4x coilguns, 2x Felgers
              Powerplant(s): 4x Mk. X Naquadah Generator
              Hyperspace window generator
              2x Earth built Ion Drives
              Anti gravity wave generators
              -Ceramic Composites(energy/heat dispersion)
              -Advanced Asgard designed shields
              Other tech:
              -Asgard sensor tech
              -Goa'uld Cloaking tech
              Ships of the line
              History(reason for existence):
              [under construction will be added at a later date]
              Wait... Why would we named a ship after Tegalus? We got our asses kicked there. Otherwise good work.


                Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
                The picture in the Spoiler tag is of my previously posted Tegalus class gunship (it was way back there). For expediance I've included the original specs in the tags as well.

                This Pic is still being worked on, as evidenced by the lack of windows and other misc. hull features. But anyway as is, what do you think?


                DSG-312 Tegalus-class

                Type: Deep Space Gunship
                Technology Base: Earth/Asgard/Goauld
                Hull: Titanium/trinium Alloy with ceramic composites interwoven
                -Length: 130m
                -Width: 70m
                -Height: 10m
                Crew: 8
                Weapons: 4x coilguns, 2x Felgers
                Powerplant(s): 4x Mk. X Naquadah Generator
                Hyperspace window generator
                2x Earth built Ion Drives
                Anti gravity wave generators
                -Ceramic Composites(energy/heat dispersion)
                -Advanced Asgard designed shields
                Other tech:
                -Asgard sensor tech
                -Goa'uld Cloaking tech
                Ships of the line
                History(reason for existence):
                [under construction will be added at a later date]
                I could be wrong but shouldnt a gunship have a lot more guns??? I mean its supposed to be fast and pack a big punch. But four guns? I think with all that room on the top of that ship some more should be added.


                  Originally posted by DaCk
                  I could be wrong but shouldnt a gunship have a lot more guns??? I mean its supposed to be fast and pack a big punch. But four guns? I think with all that room on the top of that ship some more should be added.
                  Normally I'd agree with you, But in this case a lot of internal space is taken up by the two semi-linear Felgers and the generator that powers them. the four coil-guns are there and are fairly powerful but the big punch belongs to the Felgers which are slightly more powerful than the cannons used on Al'Kesh.

                  At least they are that powerful in my mind.


                    Originally posted by Daryl Froggy
                    Normally I'd agree with you, But in this case a lot of internal space is taken up by the two semi-linear Felgers and the generator that powers them. the four coil-guns are there and are fairly powerful but the big punch belongs to the Felgers which are slightly more powerful than the cannons used on Al'Kesh.

                    At least they are that powerful in my mind.
                    Indeed. The number of guns doesn't count so much as their power. Good work!

                    Is anyone done with their 304 variants yet?


                      I'm done with the design, it's just I have to write it down. I have a question, do you know the designation of the missiles the F-302 carrys?


                        Originally posted by Sam fisher
                        I'm done with the design, it's just I have to write it down. I have a question, do you know the designation of the missiles the F-302 carrys?
                        I think they're either AIM-120 missiles or AMMRAAM(sp?) missiles.

                        Best Stargate quote:
                        Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                        Green is your friend.


                          The 302 has 4 moddified AIM120 AMRAAM missiles.

                          Carrier reveal coming up in about 30 minutes.


                            Originally posted by freyr's mother
                            I think they're either AIM-120 missiles or AMMRAAM(sp?) missiles.
                            AIM-120 IS AMRAAM


                              Originally posted by aAnubiSs
                              AIM-120 IS AMRAAM
                              My bad.

                              Best Stargate quote:
                              Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                              Green is your friend.


                                Wow, that took a while to right out. But here it is, my concept of an Earth Space Carrier

                                CVS-310 Denver Class Fleet Carrier

                                Classification: Carrier; space capable.
                                Length: 385m
                                Width: 125m
                                Height: 52m
                                Ship's crew: 95
                                Flight crew: 325
                                Total Compliment: 420
                                Defenses: Lockheed Martin Beta Series Energy Shield
                                Standard Flight Wing: 64
                                Short term Space-op Flight Wing: 102
                                Short term Atmo-op Flight Wing: 176
                                Weapons: 2 8 cell HLS Horizontal Missile Launch System. 6 2.5 inch Rail guns. 12 1.2 inch Rail guns. 4 RAM missile launchers equiped with Block C missiles.
                                Asgard transporters.
                                LM/Northrop mark 1 radar/sensor package.
                                External flight deck with 5 catipults to maintain flight ops in atmosphere.
                                3 Aircraft elevators between internal and external flight decks.

                                The first 310, the Denver was launched June 4th, 2010 from Newport News Shipyards. She carried a compliment of 40 F-302's, 12 F-302A's and 12 F-307's. The ship was capable of carrying 102 fighters internally, but couldn't maintain that large a compliment with its small flight crew. It wasn't uncommon though for additional fighters to be deployed for single-mission tours. Using temporary shelters, an additional 74 craft could be loaded onto the external flight deck for in-atmosphere use. The Denver was also deployed without shields, the origional shield system failed to work even partially. The system was re-designed from the ground up by Lockheed Martin and the second 310, Augusta was launched with full shield systems. Denver was later refitted with the new shields.

                                Back story:

                                P4X-650, 4 months after the invasion of Chulak. Intelligence from the Tok'ra had pinpointed Earth's Alpha site on 650 as the Ori's next target. One Ori ship was believed enroute with orders to subdue the planet. Oddyssey, recently repaired was ordered to the system to begin evacuation of all non-gateable equipment, including the base's 8 F-302 fighters. Oddyssey arrived only an hour ahead of the Ori ship and was unable to complete the evacuation in time. Col. Emerson ordered his entire wing of fighters to deploy in defense of the planet while he used Oddyssey to distract the mothership and delay it from landing.

                                The tactic worked.

                                Though Oddyssey took damage, the 302's were able to defeat the Ori's fighter assault and give the Alpha site time to complete the evacuation and initiate self destruct. The battle was proclaimed by some as the first victory over the Ori invasion and a number of America's military leadership (mostly naval officers fealing the navy was being ignored in favor of the 304 program) pointed to the engagement as proof that carrier-based warfare was a supperior strategy for space warfare. The destruction of a Wraith Hive Ship 4 days later by Daedalus, in which 302 fighters played a key role clearing a path for a devestating missile barage added to the evidence supporting their claims.

                                Congress was unwilling to give funds to develope a new starship with 2 other designs already in developement, so the navy offered a compromise. It would suspend developement of the CVN-21 supercarrier program if all funds would be diverted to developing a space carrier. This would also provide a cover so that the money wouldn't have to be black-book like earth's other starship programs. Publicly the CVN-21 program would continue unchanged, while behind closed doors it would start the developement of Earth's largest starship yet.

                                R&D was completed in summer of 2008 and the navy was eager to lay down the first ship, but was unable to do so. The hangars used to construct and maintain earth's 304 and 308 ships were to small to hold the new design. And the need to build the ship covertly extended the construction time to nearly 5 years. The program appeared dead, untill the Ori intervened and saved it in one suprising move.

                                On August 18, 2009, four days after congress officially killed the program, a fleet of 7 Ha'taks crewed by Jaffa loyal to the Ori launched a full scale assault on Earth. Three Daedalus class and five Arnold class ships were present to engage the enemy fleet and succeeded in destroying 4 of the 7 Ha'taks as well as damaging two more. A fifth was destroyed by sustained missile strikes from 302 and 307 squadrons before the Jaffa fled. Damage from the battle itself was suprisingly minimal, damage from the aftermath was not. The shocking images of alien ships in the skies of Colorado and engaging in battle with massive ships baring Air Force markings changed the world forever. Only the quick and successfull defense of Earth prevented world-wide histeria.

                                With the truth out, the need for secrecy in building Earth's space fleet was gone and the navy obtained Congress's aproval to build its first space carrier. The first of the Denver Class, which would carry the names of U.S. State capitals was layed down just 2 months after the attack and launched 20 months later.

