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Original Starship Design Thread

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    VIS UBAN 2,0 Progress



      Originally posted by Alx View Post
      looks good as allways but i get the feelig that its huge it almost looks to be the size of an Aurora, but looks good!
      I have expanded the size but its not aurora size yet, it started at 600ishM now its over 800ishM I want it to be able to hold a neutrino ion generator or two and in my book they are huge generators, I think it stated on stargate that they took up alot of space on a belisinker.

      When I do a design I always think about internal space aswell so the added bit allows extra room for the generators to power the engines and boost power to shields.



        Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
        When I do a design I always think about internal space aswell so the added bit allows extra room for the generators to power the engines and boost power to shields.
        Don't we all Gareth? Other wise it could be the size of a peanut and house several APBWs...

        (I'm a tad hyper...)
        Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


          Hyper your bouncin off the walls!



            Originally posted by Alx View Post
            damn sketchup
            limited in the animation department frickin PSONE graphics...
            i think i did alright though...
            Frakkin marvelous is what, I can see the enemy peeing in their pants just seeing that come into their view, and hitting the hyperdrives to get away.....cowards!
            Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 22 September 2009, 03:35 PM.
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Weeeelp....Almost all of my Models have been corrupted
              Carl Sagan on Nuclear self Destruction


                Originally posted by Alx View Post
                VIS UBAN 2,0 Progress

                Oh that is coming along...
                A little architecture here and there....very nice, senor.


                  Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                  Oh that is coming along...
                  A little architecture here and there....very nice, senor.
                  thanks SaQ m8! its really coming along nearly finished pier 1 now, just about 24h+ of work give or take..

                  V-U Pier 1 City

                  So is it looking "Ancienty" enough?


                    yes. but try not to make it too much like atlantis.


                      Originally posted by Alx View Post
                      thanks SaQ m8! its really coming along nearly finished pier 1 now, just about 24h+ of work give or take..

                      V-U Pier 1 City

                      So is it looking "Ancienty" enough?
                      You've become my favorite modeler ALX.
                      I think it's really high hitting.


                        I find it hard to abandon the Lachesis completely I was wondering if Boberth wouldn't mind me using engine concepts similar to his?


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          yes. but try not to make it too much like atlantis.
                          of course it wount be a carbon copy of atlantis the buildings are still pure my design with an Atlantis twist, also the base is double the size of Atlantis' base.

                          Originally posted by Saquist View Post
                          You've become my favorite modeler ALX.
                          I think it's really high hitting.
                          Wow thanks m8! im real glad you like it! i'll try not to let you down!
                          hows the enigma coming along then?

                          Here is an animation of pier 1 for your pleasure people!


                            Looking great Alx....

                            So.....erm... slight technical hitch atm.... computer is dead as a doornail... no respawn this time....had everything backed up but i've lost maybe a couple of days worth of work (A hell of a lot on a specific mesh irritatingly)....this may have just been the last nail in the coffin for the Modelling Challenge though....

                            'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                              Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                              Another new mesh..... I've been fiddling with a fighter design for a long while, one that is smaller than the F-302 and only capable of carrying a single pilot to the 302's two...


                              Roughly 7.5m long, 8m wide and 2m high (with the unmodelled landing gear) the idea behind the fighter is for the DSC-304 class to be equipped with a larger fighter capacity than they could with the F-302....

                              weapons consist of 16 missiles and a single gatling-gun style cannon ala the Warthog.

                              In my Ideal SG world, we would have cracked the Jumper drive-train... and created our own version....which is what will power this fighter. with the three thrusters, the fighter will have three speeds, cruising, fast and atmospheric exit/Emergency

                              Cool, but why not the guns instead of this gatling gun thing that the 302s have now.


                                I have to admit i'm not sure what you mean

                                'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'

