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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
    OMG what is it! Did someone not inform me of a fanwank rivival session! SIZE OF TELTAK + ALL THAT CRAP = TWICE AS MUCH CRAP AS THE UNIVERSE CAN CONTAIN!
    Read the ship design design guide on page 105, and if you have trouble following even the major points of the guide, stop designing ships.
    OMG what is it! Did someone totally not realize that he was just screwing around!

    xD It should be obvious that it's not a serious attempt at ship design.


      I wonder how powerful a ship would be if its main power source was millions of gerbils on rotating wheels.
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        It wouldn't break orbit.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Originally posted by ManiacMike View Post
          I wonder how powerful a ship would be if its main power source was millions of gerbils on rotating wheels.
          I would say about 6 no maybe 7 ZPMs easy but thats just me
          Vote Anubis for President in 2012
          A Face you Can Trust
          So whats the worst that could happen?
          Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
          It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


            Hi, I just stumbled across this thread, and theres some pretty awesome stuff in here. I just recently drew my first attempt at a Stargate ship (I usually do Trek ships), so thought I'd share.

            Note: My hand-drawn work is quite lacking.

            It's supposed to be about half or 2/3rds the size of Daedalus, and meant only for fighting/protecting roles, instead of carrying F-302s and/or large amounts of people.



              This is the Avenger designed for Australia (I made this a long time ago)

              ~Designation: Medium Battleship
              ~Users: Australia
              ~Technology Base: Taur'i/Goa'uld
              ~Designer: Grand Designs
              ~Builders: Grand Builders
              Build Time: 10 months
              -Length: 420 meters
              -Width: 100 meters
              -Height: 80 meters
              -Decks: 18
              ~Capacity: 600
              -Crew: 135
              -Maximum Capacity: 700
              1x Mark III Naqahdah generator
              2x Mark I Naqahdah generator (back up power)

              Asgard Hyperdrive
              2x Large sized Chemical Thrusters
              4x Medium sized Chemical Thrusters
              100x Postioning Chemical Thrusters
              Goa'uld Wave Generator
              ~Hull: Carbon/Steel/Titanium

              32x 30mm Rail Gun placments
              32x 60mm Rail Gun Placments
              16x VLS Tubes
              6x Reverse Engineered Goa'uld Plasma Weapons
              16x F-302
              Half a Meter thick of Trinium plating
              Reverse Engineered Goa'uld Shield Generator

              ~Additional Technology: 2 Ring Transports , Goa'uld Sensor grid including subspace sensors, heat sensors, Sound sensors Subspace Communications, State of the Art Medical equipment, Asgard Beams

              Technical and Historical Notes:

              After learing of the Stargate Program Australia wanted the technology to design and manage there own fleet. So Australia sent specifications to big compainies hoping that they would be able to design a proper battleship. however there designs were limited because of the amount of Trinium and Naquadah that they had at there readyiness and that the companies could use. Most of the companies said they couldn't make a ship with these lack of resources. Finally a small company from America came up with a design that suited the Australians. The company was founded by a former scientist from Area 51 and three entrepreneurs who paid for the company to start. The scientist from Area 51 job was to reverse all of the Goa'uld technology back when Earth first got it. So he had a great understanding of Goa'uld technology and used many of there designs to make the new battleship for Australia. The company called itself Grand Designs. The company started by making smaller ships, science vessles, observation, recon, transports, and other smaller ships for other companies. However Grand Designs knew that the real money was in Battleships. So they looked for a country that wanted one. They found Australia looking for one so they looked at the specifications that they wanted. So after securing the design with Austrlia the company has moved to sydney and started its own ship yard and with money from Australia the company Grand Builders can produce two ships at the current time. The name Avenger was chosen for the ship. Australia currently has ordered 20 of these ships to commishened. The Grand Designs/Builders is the sole producer of ships bigger then the F-302 for Australia.

              Most of the Australian fleet was made up of F-302's but wanted a battleship to rival the Daedalus that America had. The Australian's wanted a ship that could be made with small amounts of Trinium and Naquadah but still be able to pack a punch. The designers based the ship off of Goa'uld technology. The shields are based off of Anubis level shields. Most of the weaponry is earth designed but grand designs also made a Heavy Plasma Cannon based off of Ha'tak cannons. The plasma cannons can only yield around 60 megatons of damage at this time but with new improvments they are hoping to match a Ha'taks power. Most of the ships armor and hull are made out of earth materials like Titanium and Carbon to make up for lack of off world materials but the ship can use the other materials once they have a readily supply of it. The ship sensors are all reversed engineered Goa'uld sensors. The ship has been given no asgard or ancinet designs but still more then a match for any ship in the Milky Way or PG. The ship is also designed to carry 16 F-302's so its also the Australian's carrier in a sense.
              Vote Anubis for President in 2012
              A Face you Can Trust
              So whats the worst that could happen?
              Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
              It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                Another ship that I made a long long time ago for the fleet and then realized

                Hades Class
                (a.k.a. The Phantom)
                ~Designation: Cloaked Destroyer
                ~Type: Medium Hyperspace Ship
                ~Role: Medium Cloaked Destroyer
                ~Users: USAF
                ~Technology Base: Taur'i/Goa'uld/Asgard/Hebridians/Ancient
                ~Builders: JFB Productions
                Build Time: 1 Year
                -Length: 280 meters
                -Width: 100 meters
                -Height: 80 meters
                ~Capacity: 200
                -Crew: Skeleton 20 Average 120
                ~Troops: 100
                -Maximum Capacity: 300
                1x Prototype NIG (Main Systems, Propulsion, Sensors, Cloak and Shields)
                1x Mk. III Naquadah Reactor (Secondary Systems)
                2x Mk. I Naquadah Reactor (back up power)

                Asgard Hypderdrive
                2x Large Linear Ion Drives based off of Hebridians technology
                6x Small Linear Ion Drives based off of Hebridians technology
                Goa'uld Based Anti-Gravity device
                ~Hull: Advanced Composites with a Trinium Underlay
                32x 50mm Rail Guns (Anti-Fighter)
                4x 155mm Rail Guns (Anti-Mid Size vessel)
                2x 406mm Coil Guns (Anti-Capitol Ship)
                4x DLS Tubes
                2x Plasma Cannons (Primary Weapons)
                8x F-302

                Prototype Tau'ri Cloak Generator based off of Alien cloaks
                Inert naquada armor over critical areas and covered in advanced composites

                ~Additional Technology: Asgard Beams, Ring Transport, Earth subspace sensors, heat sensors, Sound sensors Subspace Communications, State of the Art Medical equipment

                Technical and Historical Notes:

                With access to new stargate technology the US started looking at different ships in there navy to model there new space navy. They saw their Submarine and the Destroyer as a ship they would like to combinded to make as a new cloaked destroyer for there new navy to help defend both the Milky Way and PG. At hearing that the government was looking for a new ship design, James Lee a scientist who worked for Area-51 and with his scientist buddy from the SGC an engineer Travis Tamaric, designed a ship that was cost effective and highly effective against enemy ships. The two friends had helped design and work on both the Daedalus and Prometheus so they had a good idea where to start and what to cut. With the designs and the brain power of the both scientist a new ship was designed. They made improvments to the ship based on Asgard designs and Goa'uld ones. After one year the first prototype was made. Currently the USAF wants to have more BC-304's because of their shields and more firepower but a few of the hades are being made.

                The Hades class first action was seen in a recon mission. The mission was around a world that was being set up as a new mining area after large deposits of naquada were found. Unfortunalty the Lucian Alliance had other ideas for the planet. They were using it as a kasa and smuggling hideout. There was the one Hades agasinst four Alkeshs. The order was given to see what the Hades could do. The Hades went into Cloak and destroyed one of the Alkeshs before they even knew what hit them. The Lucain Alliance sent out a distress call asking for help in order to fight a "phantom" The Hades de-cloaked after their attack because they could not keep a stable cloak at the time as well as fight. The remaining Alkeshs opened fire on the Hades after it de-cloaked. The Hades was able to destroy two more alkeshs before the last one retreated into hyperspace not knowing really what hit them. The crew began calling the Hades the "Phantom". The name stuck and many people know the Hades as the Phantom as well. With no casualties from the first test on the Hades s the crew that served on them felt more and more honored to be on such a fine ship as the Phantom.

                After Earth got the Asgard database, the Hades was given new technology to increase its power. It was given one of the first Prototype NIGs. The Prototype NIG is no where near as effective as an Asgard one but still it was more then enough for the Hades. Still the Hades uses much of the previous technology that it had from Goa'uld. The other major upgarde was the Ancient cloak given to it. The cloak was based off of Goa'uld, Asgard, and Ancient technologies. The first cloak based off of the Goa'uld uses almost no power aand therefore can be used for a long peiord of time however most advanced races can detect it easily. The Asgard cloak was more effective then the Goa'uld one but required more energy then that of the Goa'uld one and is the one used the most as its in between the Ancinet and Goa'uld cloaks. Now the Ancient cloak is based off of the Sodan cloacking devices and Merlins device. This cloak is the most powerful but takes power that the ship can only supply a little bit before buring out critical systems. The cloak is the best defense the ship has as the shields are slightly weaker then that of the 304 but still it packs a punch with the Plasma cannons developed by Dr. Lee and Dr. Felger that have been perfected over the years. Even with out the Asgard or Ancient weapon systems the Hades packs a punch with heavy rail guns. The ships hyperdrive is a standard Asgard one that Earth had been using for years. Also added recently was the abailty to take 8 F-302's not much compared to other Earth ships but very impressive as the ship wasn't designed for this sort of thing.

                The ship is the first to be a cloaked for the US ships. The ship is based manily Asgard tech but the scientist from Area 51 was manily a researcher on Goa'uld of cloaks. However with the new data from the Ancinets, Merlin's claok along with the Sodan cloaking has been worked in to help give the ship superior cloak. So he took these designs with the previous cloaks and made a new cloaking generator for the Hades. The generator is the first Earth ship to have cloak. The cloaking generator is the first Earth based generator ever designed. The generator is based off of Alkesh designs so the generator has problems of de-cloaking after firing weapons, de-cloaking at the wrong time, or when power is shortage the cloak goes off. When the ship does not need to be cloaked the advanced composites keep the ship invisible from any known earth detection device. The advanced composites are state of the art but still reinforced with inert naquada over key areas of the ship. The Hades was given weaponry that the US has at its disposal mostly rail guns and missiels. The ship uses a new crsytal storage system so that supplies are beamed then stored in a crytal then rematerizled later when needed. The ship has shields based off of Asgard design but are slighty weaker then the Daedalus but more then a match for Goa'uld shields. The ship can be easily updated as the designers forsaw new technology that could be added later.
                Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                A Face you Can Trust
                So whats the worst that could happen?
                Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                  Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                  The designers of the Death Star are turning in their graves.
                  I think they're too busy being dead and/or cowering in fear.


                  The Earth is that small dot that's casting a shadow... it doesn't seem small enough to me for some reason.

                  There is the Earth and the Moon... still the size difference doesn't seem great enough.

                  There's the Deciolameth Tower sitting on the moon.

                  And here is a deathstar equivalent sphere, 160 km diameter, as compared to the Deciolameth's Tower

                  Didn't anyone decide to try my challenge?
                  Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 07 April 2008, 12:50 AM.


                    ok i've been bored all day so i thought id play around with sketchup and i got this. I've only got the missile launchers the bridge and the 302 bay done but its still WIP.


                    Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                      Originally posted by dboy-2007 View Post
                      ok i've been bored all day so i thought id play around with sketchup and i got this. I've only got the missile launchers the bridge and the 302 bay done but its still WIP.


                      Interesting. I really need to work with asymmetry more often.

                      EDIT: On that note here is a random ship.


                      Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 07 April 2008, 03:07 PM.


                        Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                        I think they're too busy being dead and/or cowering in fear.


                        The Earth is that small dot that's casting a shadow... it doesn't seem small enough to me for some reason.

                        There is the Earth and the Moon... still the size difference doesn't seem great enough.

                        There's the Deciolameth Tower sitting on the moon.

                        And here is a deathstar equivalent sphere, 160 km diameter, as compared to the Deciolameth's Tower

                        Didn't anyone decide to try my challenge?
                        whats ur challenge ?


                          The one started in these posts:



                            Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
                            Interesting. I really need to work with asymmetry more often.

                            EDIT: On that note here is a random ship.


                            Ugly! (joking)


                              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                              Ugly! (joking)

                              Yup it is a bit ugly... but then its just a random WIP I made up on the spur of the moment.

                              11,369,447,999,999: The size of the
                              Fate's Exile model that I showed in comparison to the dyson sphere

                              5,684,724,000,000: the stated size of the
                              Fate's Exile...

                              I might keep the larger one... maybe.

                              And here is another random Asymmetry Experiment in ship design.

                              Thoughts on this one?

                              EDIT: Breaking news I've been understating the
                              Fate's Exile's size in all of the pictures I've posted so far... I'm terrified of what I have made.


                              The Exile in comparison with a more or less galaxy sized disk... the Exile is that little black dot.

                              I'm done with
                              Fate's Exile for awhile it's just too big for me right now. Instead I'll concentrate on my asymmetrical ship experiments.

                              I liked the last one I posted so I've been working on it a little since then.


                              What do you think of it now?
                              Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 09 April 2008, 06:06 PM.



                                got bored with modeling and decided to set up a scene.
                                Visit my Website

