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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Publius Aemilius Aper View Post
    It's been a while since I've seen a ship thread on here. So anyone who has designs/ideas for battleships, support craft or fighters post them here. Common sense rules apply. I don't want to see anything like this:

    "My ship will be 10km long. It can carry 300 Death Stars in it's hangar(or 3 Billion f302s and 500 000 jumpers). It's equiped with 4 million Trinity cannons and 5 Gazillion drones. It's powered by 500 ZPM;s and 5 black holes and 1 Hamster in a threadwheel. It's captained by Captains Kirk,Picard, JAneway, Sisko, Archer, Hunt and Keys. It is also captained by Vin Diesel. It has two A.I.'s-Romie(from Andromeda) and Cortana.
    It also carries 1 million Spartan II super soldiers, 3 million tanks and 11Billion nukes. It's shields can withstand the combined force of 10 supernovas every second. It's hyperdrive allows it to get to Atlantis from Earth in exactly 0.00004 nanoseconds. ANd naturally it's main weapon can destroy the UNiverse. "

    Please in the name of all that is holy,logical and scientific-don't post things like that!I've seen way too many.

    ALso I'm thinking more about ships in the near future than say 30 years from now.
    SUCK IT P90

    hes shooting bunnies so cute give him a G36 and he'll be shooting bears


      Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
      ... all that in 10 km? impressive, you must know The Doctor.
      or P-90.


        Okay enough talk about unbelievably huge starships that shouldn't exist.

        Is anyone interested in that challenge I posted earlier? A few questions were asked of me about it about it but no one said anything definite.


          Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
          Okay enough talk about unbelievably huge starships that shouldn't exist.

          Is anyone interested in that challenge I posted earlier? A few questions were asked of me about it about it but no one said anything definite.
          my computer doesn't have the RAM right now.


            Originally posted by Daryl Froggy View Post
            Okay enough talk about unbelievably huge starships that shouldn't exist.

            Is anyone interested in that challenge I posted earlier? A few questions were asked of me about it about it but no one said anything definite.
            I have started something, but you need to define a deadline and some solid rules. Like is this to be a sketchup only model, or are other CG programs applicable. Are there a awards at the end, like on scifi-meshes. or is it just for green of something.


              Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
              my computer doesn't have the RAM right now.
              I dont see any problem with starting the model now, but If you want to do any detail work you might have to either get the RAM or wait for the lag on the program to subside.


                ... I must not do enough on my computer I haven't run out of RAM yet.


                  Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                  I dont see any problem with starting the model now, but If you want to do any detail work you might have to either get the RAM or wait for the lag on the program to subside.
                  Aye, might as well, but i need to know more details.


                    Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                    I have started something, but you need to define a deadline and some solid rules. Like is this to be a sketchup only model, or are other CG programs applicable. Are there a awards at the end, like on scifi-meshes. or is it just for green of something.

                    ... its just a challenge I'll green you if you actually stay in the parameters and finish a model but I really don't have anything else to offer.

                    The model can be made with any CAD program.

                    I don't really see the need for a solid deadline but no more than two months, preferably two weeks.

                    You can only use technology that is currently being used in real life. Nothing theoretical is allowed to be anything but theoretical and science fiction, save for the FTL drive, remains fiction.

                    You have to use the FTL drive that I mentioned earlier in your ship design considerations. It is basically a teleportation drive with no functional limit on range other than knowing your destination.

                    You do not have to worry about how much your ship would cost if it were actually to be built. Though an estimate might be fun.

                    The ship should still be within the material limits of a single present day nation though.

                    It must be assembled in orbit.

                    The ship should be space capable only.

                    That's all I can think up right now. Tell me if there's anything else you want to know.



                      Crew size:



                      Weaponry: ?


                        Anything you want for it just so long as it fits within the boundaries I have set.

                        Crew Size: any umber you can rationalize within the limits set.

                        EVA: Why wouldn't it be Extra Vehicular Activity capable?

                        Purpose: Cargo (including passengers), Exploration, Military, or any combination thereof.

                        Weaponry: Anything you can rationalize within the boundaries set. If you can get a 15" gun to realistically work on it without adding any non-real components then more power to you.


                          Here is an updated Thrones



                            very nice.... though it needs more windows on the bridge.

                            'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                              Yeah there will be, I just put those windows there so people would know where the bridge is.


                                Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                                Yeah there will be, I just put those windows there so people would know where the bridge is.
                                *starts baging his head on a wall*

                                The bridge shoudl be in the middle of the ship behind thick armour. What your talking baout would maybe work as a control rower.

