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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by ha´tak View Post
    Hercules X-305
    Comissioned: 2008-
    Crew: 500 is place for many more

    Length: 800m
    Height: 100m
    Width: 300m

    15x Energy Railguns
    25x Asgard new pulse weapons
    20x Missile lunchers , armd with the best atom bombs on earth
    10x Small Missile lunchers, armed with small tracker bombs for the death gliders and darts

    The new asgard sheild
    Double trinium hull
    Titanium armor
    And explode demperer when the sheild is down

    Power Plant/Propulsion
    2 zpm , one for the sheild and another for the ship it self
    Asgard core
    Asgard hyperdrive
    Sublight engines can go from 2000km pr hour upp to 1 ly year

    Sensor Range: 5 LY

    it is a all out combat ship
    aside from gramar issues, no way you could get 2 ZPMs for all ships of the line. there's no point to using titanium battleplate with all the stronger alternatives. and what exactly do u mean by "energy railguns"?


      Originally posted by chicer_mister View Post
      aside from gramar issues, no way you could get 2 ZPMs for all ships of the line. there's no point to using titanium battleplate with all the stronger alternatives. and what exactly do u mean by "energy railguns"?
      And then there's the fact that his sublight engines allow it to go faster than light..


        thumbs up or down...fanwank?
        Visit my Website


          I don't want to be a downer, but yeah it seems like fanwank.
          "A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." - C.S. Lewis


            Originally posted by titan_hq View Post
            right i have to go for now, here is what i have done up to now. hope its okay.

            looks good

            Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



              yes all of you are read whan i set this on i thougt it was cool , but when i tohug a but it it wasint i am meking a upgreads to this ship and i am new of this (building ships)
              Last edited by ha'tak_; 16 November 2007, 04:59 AM.


                Originally posted by chicer_mister View Post
                aside from gramar issues, no way you could get 2 ZPMs for all ships of the line. there's no point to using titanium battleplate with all the stronger alternatives. and what exactly do u mean by "energy railguns"?
                energy railguns are guns that shut small energy plast like a ha´tak guns but smaler
                what is stronger then trinium in stargate and the f-304 has a trinium armor so me ship has a double more armor then a 304 class
                Last edited by ha'tak_; 16 November 2007, 06:35 AM.


                  Well, the US military has in the past decade or so abandoned a lot of advanced projects in favor of cheaper alternatives . . . Seaswolf SSN replaced by the cheaper Virginia class, F-22 is being reduced and supplanted by F-35 etc etc. Why not the stargate programme too? A cheap 304?
                  Originally posted by Milleniumlance View Post
                  I like Andrew Talons advanced destroyer design, very well done and is needed on the show for real.
                  Yes, Andrew Talon's Abydos - class fits the bill quiet nicely.


                    Here's a small update on my Alliance:


                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      No-one saw my animation posted a while back? Shame on you!

                      If someone doesn't find it, click here
                      I need feedback about the motion blur applied to that animation. (it still lacks a flash-effect, but it'll be added later.)

                      In the mean while I've been working with this WIP heavy fregate, which is to be submitted later to 3.0




                        Here is my final version of my re-make of dboy-2007's ship.

                        It can be found on the 3d-warehouse here:


                        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!



                          Originally posted by Semmer View Post

                          In the mean while I've been working with this WIP heavy fregate, which is to be submitted later to 3.0


                          holy crap!!! thats awesome! I love the design, looks like its ready and asking for a fight. If your gonna submit this to gateworld fleet 3.0 as a frigate, its definitely got a good chance!
                          Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity!



                            yo Semmer do youlike BSG ? You ship looks more like BSG to me....which is great


                              Thanks titan_hq! It is asking for a fight. But she still lacks a rail cannon, which is to be mounted right under the nose (pivot point marked).

                              Originally posted by Extrenix View Post
                              yo Semmer do youlike BSG ? You ship looks more like BSG to me....which is great
                              Actually I do like it. I just recently watched all the episodes just for cool CGI

                              Maybe there is something BSGish.. I dunno.. or maybe I'm just going creative ways


                                Originally posted by titan_hq View Post
                                Here is my final version of my re-make of dboy-2007's ship.

                                It can be found on the 3d-warehouse here:


                                looks gr8 thanks

                                Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


