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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Grr i love the design, but why couldnt you have posted it a few days earlier, it would have been a great addition lol. great model
    You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
    Stargate : Genesis |
    Original Starship DesignThread
    Sanctuary for all |
    11000! green me


      Originally posted by immhotep View Post
      Grr i love the design, but why couldnt you have posted it a few days earlier, it would have been a great addition lol. great model
      my thoughts exactly...maybe we can bring it in as a special ship somehow ?
      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


        Possibly. ill think about it when we get to that period..
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          I would have voted for that ship lol



            I take it you guys like my ship

            I have a few more designs, one for a cargo ship, 3 variations of a fighter ship, and some low tech other planet type of ships.

            Plus theres plenty of ideas in my head that I either dont have enough time to start, or is too out there for me to do.
            Visit my Website


              I really cant do this to david, hes wanted a ship in the fleet for along time, its a great design though. Maybe we could have two, if enough people like it. welcome to the club "H"(your name is way too long to type out lol)

              share you other ideas, im curious.

              PS i just added you on MSN, hope thats ok + greened you lol
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
              Stargate : Genesis |
              Original Starship DesignThread
              Sanctuary for all |
              11000! green me


                Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                I really cant do this to david, hes wanted a ship in the fleet for along time, its a great design though. Maybe we could have two, if enough people like it. welcome to the club "H"(your name is way too long to type out lol)
                i agree i really like the ship but it's not fair and right to try and put into the fleet instead of david's ship which is also a great design...maybe we can find another role for it to fill or have it as a story ship...
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  I agree
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                    Use sketchup and maybe some specs would be cool Also if you want ill read the fanfiction, just post a link

                    I'm committed to using Maya unfortunately. I don't really have time for a second learning curve at the moment.
                    fan fiction is at:
                    just click on the forums link, scroll down to general discuissions, and then click the science fiction writers forum. it's there, under asgard conundrum.

                    The astrum is a full Asgard Human hybrid vessel, with a sprinking of ancient tech (what was understood at the time anyhow) and it is a ship in the future of one of my fan fictions. the arrows are basically ancient beam weapons (from the satellite) and the prominent fins are asgard design aesthetics. the rest of the ship has lots of human tech. it's a super capital ship (very big, final size currently indeterminate due to story boarding, but comparable or bigger than a hive ship..for the moment)
                    shields, hyperdrive, reactionless drive system, multiple transporter arrays, quantum generators (the ancient tech) and recognisable human tech: rail cannons and guns, missiles, etc. the ship makes it's appearance towards the final battle at the end of the fan fiction.
                    The star jumper is basically THE ancient fighter..only a few were made towards the end of the war, and they are very nice to fly (believe me!!) part of a new class of ancient ship- the end all be all of ancient tech (explained in the story)
                    energy absorbing organometallic hybrid armoured hull which enables redirection of incoming energy fire (limited in functionality), a new type of hyperdrive (explained in the story as to why it's new), energy weapons (bolt type), cloak, reaction less drive system, telepathic interface with the pilot..can use energy from other sources to augment it's own (also limited in functionality) the story explains it much better.. also have more..
                    the akhenaten, a human asgard jaffa hybrid vessel (also in the future), the hecatonchires (super capital ship class) destroyer, the Yggdrassil, a human super battleship with lots of different tech- asgard, ancient and jaffa mixed in...
                    i also have a modified daedalus chassis-the daedalus class destroyer..i've played with the shape, and come up with what i think looks nice...


                    tell me what you think...

                    strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                      Originally posted by satnamboll28 View Post

                      I'm committed to using Maya unfortunately. I don't really have time for a second learning curve at the moment.
                      fan fiction is at:
                      just click on the forums link, scroll down to general discuissions, and then click the science fiction writers forum. it's there, under asgard conundrum.

                      The astrum is a full Asgard Human hybrid vessel, with a sprinking of ancient tech (what was understood at the time anyhow) and it is a ship in the future of one of my fan fictions. the arrows are basically ancient beam weapons (from the satellite) and the prominent fins are asgard design aesthetics. the rest of the ship has lots of human tech. it's a super capital ship (very big, final size currently indeterminate due to story boarding, but comparable or bigger than a hive ship..for the moment)
                      shields, hyperdrive, reactionless drive system, multiple transporter arrays, quantum generators (the ancient tech) and recognisable human tech: rail cannons and guns, missiles, etc. the ship makes it's appearance towards the final battle at the end of the fan fiction.
                      The star jumper is basically THE ancient fighter..only a few were made towards the end of the war, and they are very nice to fly (believe me!!) part of a new class of ancient ship- the end all be all of ancient tech (explained in the story)
                      energy absorbing organometallic hybrid armoured hull which enables redirection of incoming energy fire (limited in functionality), a new type of hyperdrive (explained in the story as to why it's new), energy weapons (bolt type), cloak, reaction less drive system, telepathic interface with the pilot..can use energy from other sources to augment it's own (also limited in functionality) the story explains it much better.. also have more..
                      the akhenaten, a human asgard jaffa hybrid vessel (also in the future), the hecatonchires (super capital ship class) destroyer, the Yggdrassil, a human super battleship with lots of different tech- asgard, ancient and jaffa mixed in...
                      i also have a modified daedalus chassis-the daedalus class destroyer..i've played with the shape, and come up with what i think looks nice...


                      tell me what you think...

                      *sniff*sniff* i smell fanwank
                      Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                        the second picture could be a cool new asgard ship. Well i think it looks asgard...


                          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                          *sniff*sniff* i smell fanwank

                          have you read the asgard conundrum yet? no? how about you read it first. it gives a really good idea of where the advanced technology comes from..try it..
                          so, basically, because the asgard help the sgc with tech, the ships all become fanwank? or is it the ancient quantum generators? as that story is currently being written, i can't point you to anywhere where it is explained in more detail, how this tech actually comes about..
                          and also the fact that the stories take place in the future, renders the vessels fanwank as well?
                          wait a minute, it's the ancient tech right? the fact that the atlantis expedition finds some really cool ancient tech, that doesn't blow up etc, and thats fanwank?
                          no, it must be because these are functional vessels, from stories set in the future with some good tech--being helped by an advanced alien race also renders them fanwank right?
                          or is it more to do with what i have spoken about exactly?

                          designating everything that you don't know much about as fanwank is so much easier right? it helps not to read too much into anything these days...right?
                          so how about this...some helpfully positive critique would be great....something like "Can you give more background on how and where these vessels come about?" and i'd tell you..but wait, that could be fanwank as well right?
                          i could give you a synopsis- no, thats fanwank..
                          how about--nope, fanwank...

                          perhaps i should leave things right where they are, and await some constructive criticism? like: "The sgc wouldn't be able to build so many large vessels, much less have the personnel to crew them"...
                          "Where do the materials come from? more offworld mining operations?"
                          "Where does the advanced tech actually come from?"
                          "in the background for these vessels, has the sgc made the gate program public?"
                          "Where do the wraith and the ori fit in to these stories?"
                          "Are you making this bull***t up as you go along?"
                          "Your ships don't really feel believable mate. why so advanced? can you explain how they add to the story?"

                          stuff like that, rather than a comment like fanwank..
                          honestly, is that too much to ask? yes it is..because it's fanwank...
                          i posted here with the ships from my stories, thinking visitors would like to see more stuff...perhaps i was wrong?

                          apologies to everybody as i'm going off the plank on this one...please don't be put off by my rash venting...


                          strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                            Originally posted by Extrenix View Post
                            the second picture could be a cool new asgard ship. Well i think it looks asgard...
                            well, actually, as the asgard honoured sgc members with new vessel classes, the sgc decided to do the same, hence the yggdrasil...named after the great ash tree in norse mythology overshadowing the world, binding earth, heaven and was supposed to look like a tree, but i messed the sketch up...

                            glad you like it though..and yes, it is asgard built...high council was impressed..

                            strength must be balanced with sweetness of temperament


                              Originally posted by satnamboll28 View Post
                              well, actually, as the asgard honoured sgc members with new vessel classes, the sgc decided to do the same, hence the yggdrasil...named after the great ash tree in norse mythology overshadowing the world, binding earth, heaven and was supposed to look like a tree, but i messed the sketch up...

                              glad you like it though..and yes, it is asgard built...high council was impressed..

                              Yay! Cant wait to see it in 3d


                                Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                                if thats the case then why not set it our reality? it would have more credability
                                Because it's a very similar reality. with very tiny diffrences. e.g. Mitchell is a major on the U.S.S. Klytia, head of the F-402 fleet, Landry is head of Homeworld deffence e.c.t.



                                Sir, this is the 5th incoming wormhole in the last hour & a half

                                Ok, I'm here 2 hours early, when did you get here?

                                I... haven't left yet

                                Carter, didn't I ORDER you to get a life?


                                A fools paradise is a wise mans prison

                                Never judge a book by it's cover

                                One mans ceiling is another mans floor

                       with sissors?

