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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by Extrenix View Post

    Best Stargate quote:
    Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
    Green is your friend.


      you were bound to find out sooner or later, we're all terrorfied of you
      Power lol!

      Hallowed are the children of the Ori
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
        Power lol!

        Hallowed are the children of the Ori
        lol, Hallowed are the Ori
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          Originally posted by Extrenix View Post
          Im done !
          7 screenshots just below.

          OMG OMG OMG this is AWESOME lol. Clearly I'm spazing out over this amazing station...but can anyone blame me? This is probabbly the single greatest bit of art i've seen on this thread/forum. When i started this thing....i had noo idea people would come out with designs this good. Extrenix deserves a paton the back the size of China lol.

          ok i'll stop being weird now lol
          Semper Vigilans!

          Join the Adeptus Astartes


            Hey PAA, its godo to see you about! the model is truely awesome, id put it on screen its so gd. Youve provided us with a major playground so eventually thered be something this good in it What would life be like without this thread?! I wouldnt be on GW, no chance...
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              Hear Hear
              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                Yes it's good to be back-these exams have really desytoyed my free time lol but I hope I will be able to come up with some ship specs sooner rather than later and have someone draw them.
                Semper Vigilans!

                Join the Adeptus Astartes


                  I am working on a Combat Puddle Jumper right now.


                    Please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong thread, but it seems logical to post it here. Its not an earth-ship, in fact its derelict space station built by the ancients. I designed it last night while bored out of my skull, so I really dont know what to write about it...

                    My general ideas for it are as follows;

                    Docking Ports: 16
                    Drone Launchers: 4
                    Beam Weapons: 4
                    Power Systems:
                    1 ZPM
                    3 (Unknown) Generators
                    3 Emergency Power Nahquada Generators
                    Shields: Ancient "City Shields"
                    16 Manuvering Thrusters (Dorsal & Ventral)
                    4 Sublight Engines
                    2 Hyperdrive Engines


                    I wrapped spoiler tags around if to (hopefully) keep it from stretching the page, Im still new to attachments on gateworld. lol

                    Edit: Yeah, my file was apparently too big to upload anyway... so.. yeah...


                      kick ass design


                        For the Gateworld Virtual Fleet, a nice, simple frigate design:

                        Arcturus-class starship

                        Type: Small long-range hyperspace capable warship
                        Designation: SFG-399
                        Technology base: Earth/Asgard
                        User/s: United States Navy, United States Air Force,
                        Royal Navy/Air Force, Russian Space Service, Japanese Space Self Defense Force.
                        Builder(s): Electric Boat
                        Construction: Trinium/Composite
                        Naval Classification: Stealth Guided missile frigate
                        ~Length: 134m
                        ~Width: 58m
                        ~Height: 27m
                        Displacement: 120,000 tons
                        Crew: 45
                        ~Troops: 70-100
                        ~Craft: Two Tel'tac cargo/scout ships, two CV-309 Pegasus support craft, or two Puddlejumpers.
                        ~Vehicles: 4 light armored vehicles
                        Powerplant: 1 x Mk. III Naquada Fusion Reactor; 1 x Mk. II Naquada Fusion Reactor
                        ~-Two x Pratt and Whitney LIPD-32F Medium Linear Ion Propulsion Drives
                        ~Two x Lockheed Martin/Mitsubishi HWG-5 Hyperspace Window Generators
                        ~Area 51 Anti-gravity wave generator network
                        Weapons (Standard configuration):
                        ~One x 6.8" (155mm) Guass rifle x 5,000 rounds
                        ~Two 40mm rail guns x 10,000 rounds each
                        ~Two x Mk. 46a Peripheral Vertical Missile Launch Systems x 10 twin-missile cells
                        ~One x defensive missile launcher x 42 rounds
                        ~Asgard shields
                        ~Sodan cloaking device
                        ~Reactive armor plating
                        Other Technology:
                        ~AEGIS Combat System Mk. 10
                        ~Asgard transporters
                        ~Asgard sensors
                        ~Gou'ald Rings
                        ~Four Multi-Mission Modules
                        Hull Life Expectancy: 30 years

                        Technical and Historical Notes:

                        By 2040, a variety of small combat starships were in service with the various Tau'ri space navies. Some were indigenious, many were built by the United States, and still others had been built under contract by the Tau'ri allies. However, every space-faring nation on Earth had one ship above all else serving in their frigate and patrol boat category, and that was the Arcturus-class starship.

                        Easily constructed thanks to it's small size and sea-based ship-like design, the Arcturus entered service with the US Navy in 2027 after stating a requirement for a small-sized capital ship to patrol Tau'ri trade routes and holdings. The ship was to wield sufficient armament to defeat vessels in it's weight class, be fast and maneuverable enough to escape from larger threats, and be able to keep up with fleets in hyperspace. Unfortunately, due to cost limitations the vessel was restricted to one Mark III naquada fusion reactor, and one Mark II reactor, for power.

                        Electric Boat devised an ingenious solution to what other companies saw as a serious obstacle to their own designs for the frigate. The Arcturus was built with an Advanced Power Management System (APMS), allowing the ship to cut and restore power to any of it's systems instantly with the push of a button or a verbal command. This was vital, as the ship's main armament, a 155mm guass rifle, required significant amounts of power to fire at it's standard rate. The Arcturus could cut power to it's hyperdrive and divert it to fire it's weapons in less than a tenth of a second, and could do the same even while under fire in the same time.

                        While some saw this as a dangerous limitation, it granted the Arturus nearly a twentieth the firepower of an Ori battleship, and in groups the frigates would deal massive damage to threat forces. It also made them more than a match for Wraith cruisers and Gou'ald Al'kesh and other small capital ships.

                        It's Multi-mission modules (borrowed from the Columbia-class assault carriers), along with it's modular weapon and sensor packages, allowed the Arcturus the ability to become a different ship for every mission. Some of the modules included extra sensors for patrol, reconaissance, and survey missions. Others included provisions for special forces and their infiltration craft, as well as unmanned spacecraft and satellites. Her missile launchers could be replaced with mine-deploying systems, while the ship's guass rifle could be removed and replaced with a heavy-duty directed energy cannon. This immense flexibility, combined with the vessel's good speed and manueverability, soon had an Arcturus in every major Tau'ri-held system, and patrolling every trade route.

                        Arcturus-class vessels often worked in groups of three, all with different modules to support the others in combat. In concert, few enemy vessels could match their might. They fought in every major engagement the Tau'ri Alliance faced after 2030 to the current day, and only a dozen of the seventy-two built have been lost. More are under construction at the time of this writing.

                        I have no talent with Google Sketchit, so I went with what I'm best at, plain-old MS Paint


                          Originally posted by AtlantisRising View Post
                          Please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong thread, but it seems logical to post it here. Its not an earth-ship, in fact its derelict space station built by the ancients. I designed it last night while bored out of my skull, so I really dont know what to write about it...

                          My general ideas for it are as follows;

                          Docking Ports: 16
                          Drone Launchers: 4
                          Beam Weapons: 4
                          Power Systems:
                          1 ZPM
                          3 (Unknown) Generators
                          3 Emergency Power Nahquada Generators
                          Shields: Ancient "City Shields"
                          16 Manuvering Thrusters (Dorsal & Ventral)
                          4 Sublight Engines
                          2 Hyperdrive Engines


                          I wrapped spoiler tags around if to (hopefully) keep it from stretching the page, Im still new to attachments on gateworld. lol

                          Edit: Yeah, my file was apparently too big to upload anyway... so.. yeah...
                          Very nice design. But why would there be a hyperdrive engine, let alone TWO on a SPACE STATION!
                          And why would there be sublight Engines on it?

                          I also recomend removing the naquada generators and just having a bunch of power cells like the Jumpers use.

                          And speaking of jumpers, are there any on this station?

                          Hey Andrew Joshua:
                          Could you review my Ancient ship please and tell me what you think of it?
                          In detail.
                          And if you could give me any tips about it and making it better, please do so.


                            An-Alteran, excellent work on your ships! It seems like the Ancients took a more Tau'rish approach to the ship than others, heh. Good work on this and your other designs. I have no complaints and no real suggestions on how to improve them. They just fit. Though it would be interesting if the Atlantis-style transporter "closets" made an appearance in an Alteran ship.


                              Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                              Very nice design. But why would there be a hyperdrive engine, let alone TWO on a SPACE STATION!
                              And why would there be sublight Engines on it?

                              I also recomend removing the naquada generators and just having a bunch of power cells like the Jumpers use.

                              And speaking of jumpers, are there any on this station?

                              Hey Andrew Joshua:
                              Could you review my Ancient ship please and tell me what you think of it?
                              In detail.
                              And if you could give me any tips about it and making it better, please do so.
                              Because the station is similar to Atlantis, Its mobile. I was thinking of a station that can be moved when necessary. Though I was going to put a limit on that capability, like, so many light-years before they have to shut down. etc etc etc.

                              Yeah, I suppose I could do the power cell thing, never thought about it. Thanks!

                              Never thought about jumpers either, mainly 'cause I did this when I was bored... haha.


                                Originally posted by Andrew Joshua Talon View Post
                                An-Alteran, excellent work on your ships! It seems like the Ancients took a more Tau'rish approach to the ship than others, heh. Good work on this and your other designs. I have no complaints and no real suggestions on how to improve them. They just fit.
                                When you say the Ancients took a Tau'riish approech, do you mean my Ancients?

                                Though it would be interesting if the Atlantis-style transporter "closets" made an appearance in an Alteran ship.
                                I didn't put them in there?
                                They were supposed to be... shoot.
                                Anyway, I have been updating them and will be reposting ALL of my Ancient and Tau'ri ships soon anyway.

                                My Wraith ships are going to be totally finished sometime in my life time... but they will be... they will be...

