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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Would reactive armour help at all in Stargate on the ships do you think?


      tell me would anyone on here want to handle depleted uranium, cos i wouldn't

      if you look at the daedalus it appears to have ablative armour but i don't it ever been shown in use


        The Hermes class Heavy Cargo frieghter:

        Name: Hermes
        Class: Armed freighter
        Role: Long range Transorter of Goods
        Crew: 20
        Size: 120mL, 60mW, 50m H
        Hull: Trinium/ titanium alloy
        Volume: 46000 cubic feet

        Power: 2 Mark III Naquadah reactors
        Engines: 5 Hebridan Ion Drives, 3 Human Hyperdrive Modules
        Shields: Variable; Standard Human shields
        Weapons: Variable; Standard 22 220mm Rail guns, 2 600mm Rail guns.

        Advanced beaming technology emitors
        Ring transporters
        Full compliment of Communication arrays, both conventional and subspace.
        12 Upgrade points

        History and Specs:
        The Hermes Freighter is one of the most commonly used space craft in the galaxy. After the Teltak class goauld cargo ship it is the most widely used cargo frieghter in service. The ship can carry up to 300 time the amount of Cargo that a Teltak can and therefore has become a dominant cargo frieghter for it sheer volume alone.
        The ship's volume compared to a Teltak is impressive but the craft itself is not huge, at only 120m long the shp is one of the smaller ships in our fleet, but its commerical attractiveness has allowed rapid mass production to begin.
        The ship is currently going under a production Review due to its popularity and designs may be launched for largers version, either to be built by earth or the designs be contracted out to private parties, such as large commercial organiseations like the Tech con group of Hebridan. The larger designs could then be built by those who need them while no expence be spared by earth, however because earth uses these ships in nearly all trade ventures it might be easier to produce larger versions ourselfs and then lend ships to others races in exchange for a cut in the goods they frieght. This would not only produce a larger cargo fleet for earth but it could potentially allow a profitable income.

        The hermes, named after the greek deity of messengers, transport and trade is a fitting name. The craft is used by nearly every offworld private sector business n the galaxy. It has been sold to nearly 3000 people and has proved to be one of the biggest ship designing successes of our age.

        The hermes is not just a cargo frieghter however, it is an all round space craft, if has sufficent defensive fire with its rail guns to destroy and hold out against ships much larger than itself. It is backed up by an Advanced human shield, which cna be upgraded, as with many parts on this craft to a goauld or asgard shield.
        The craft also has speed to out manuever and evade almost every craft, the hebridan Ion engines provide enough speed to outrun everything and the Human hyperdrive (which can be upgraded to asgard for a price) can go from one side of the Mw to the other in 8 days, 4 shorter than its main rival the Teltak.
        The combination of strength, volume, ease of flying, defense, speed, functionallity and adaptability have made this one of the favourate ships of our fleet. You will rarely find a system in the MW that hasnt had a visit by one of these ships, sold to both human and Jaffa, and to many other races this ship will not be going anywhere anytime soon, for this ship has quickly become engrained in to the trade routes of the MW.


        Coming soon.
        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
        Stargate : Genesis |
        Original Starship DesignThread
        Sanctuary for all |
        11000! green me


          Originally posted by freyr's mother View Post
          Neither can harm individuals right?
          Nope, light and gravity don't hurt you.
          Gravitons are more than just theoretical - there is a ton more evidence in support of it than there is for even evolution.
          Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


            Originally posted by rosstaylor View Post
            tell me would anyone on here want to handle depleted uranium, cos i wouldn't

            if you look at the daedalus it appears to have ablative armour but i don't it ever been shown in use
            The armor is not radioactive, it will not hurt you unless you drop it on your toe or your friend smashes you pver the head with it. On the History Channel they said it had uranium diffused throught it or some thing and some reaction made the composite armor stronger. Something to that effect.

            Wouldn't reaactive tiles be pointless becasue of the common use of energy weapons. An explosion would not destroy adn energy weapon.
            Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
            I shot him...

            in the leg...
            I'm invulnerable!
            Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


              Originally posted by rosstaylor View Post
              tell me would anyone on here want to handle depleted uranium, cos i wouldn't
              In five or six years I will, I'm going to be a tanker in the USMC.

              Originally posted by Dr. Who View Post

              Wouldn't reaactive tiles be pointless becasue of the common use of energy weapons. An explosion would not destroy adn energy weapon.
              The explosion from the ERA might be able to block a Hatak-grade energy blast. Here, take a look, you can trust Wiki for this;


                My new ship, the DsSAS-402 "Katherine"

                Name: Katherine (DsSAS-402)

                Type: Medium range stealth warship

                Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard/Ancient

                Operators: Humans, occasionally accompanied by an Asgard or two

                Naval Classification: Stealth / Assault Ship (DsSAS or Deep space Stealth Assault Ship)

                Hull: The Hull is five meters thick made of Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon alloy armour plating, designed to disintegrate and dissipate a certain percentage of the energy fired upon the hull.
                The ship is also equipped with a secondary two meter thick hull made of a Naquada/Trinium/Titanium alloy, this acts as a secondary skin decreasing the risk of a hull breach.

                Decks: There are 5 decks aboard the ship, each of them are 2.5 meters high.

                >> Height: 26.5m
                >> Beam: 115m
                >> Length: 150m

                Displacement: 228,526.5 metric tons

                Crew: The ship has a main crew of 40 and potential room for another 144 giving an overall capacity of 184.
                >> There are 23 crew quarters, with each room containing a minimum of two bunks, if required the room can fit four bunks with two people to a bunk.

                Craft: None at present time

                Vehicles: None at present time

                Power plant: One Neutrino Ion Generators (supplied by Asgard) and One Mark V Naquada Reactor

                >> Two Ion Drives (Located at rear of ship) [Retractable]
                >> Two Ion Drives (Each one located on side of ship) [Retractable and rotational]
                >> Anti-Gravity Engines (Located on underside of ship)
                >> One Small mini-Asgard designed hyperdrive.
                (Capable of a hyperspace jump 1/8 the size of a Deadalus class ship or a single jump 2/3 the size causing the hyperdrive to suffer from irreparable damage)

                >> Maximum Acceleration: 95 PSL
                >> Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 2249.75 light-years/hour or 11998.67 (with damage to hyperdrive)
                >> Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 30 seconds between jumps

                Main Weaponry:
                >> Two 250-mm rail guns, located at front of ship, one top, one bottom [retractable] (360º restricted rotational)
                >> Two pulsed energy weapons, located at front of ship (directed fire)

                >> Three 100-mm rail guns, located at rear of ship, two top, one bottom [retractable] (360° restricted rotation)

                >> Six 30-mm rail guns, located on top of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                >> Six 30-mm rail guns, located on bottom of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                >> Two 30-mm rail guns, located on side of ship (360° rotation)

                >> 25 Naquadria enhanced long range nuclear missiles [fired from retractable launchers located on the bottom of ship]
                >> 50 Short range interceptor missiles [fired from retractable launchers found on the sides of ship]

                >> Two overlapping Asgard Adaptive Shield Generators (Glows white)
                >> Ablative hull armour allowing a much better protecting against energy attacks.
                >> Asgard designed Cloak (adapted from Ancient design)

                Other Technology:
                >> Asgard enhanced Technology (Sensors, computers, AI, Holographics, Targeting computer)
                >> Magnetic/beaming clamps
                >> Five Landing Struts for planetary landing
                >> A single Ring Transporter
                >> Asgard Beaming tech

                Technical and Historical Notes:
                DsSAS Class
                The DsSAS was originally called the NRS or Naval Reconnaissance Ship, designed in joint operations with the Asgard as a reconnaissance ship, utilising the manoeuvrability and cloak to scout and relay information about the Ori back to earth and the Asgard. The NRS was very effective and helped in the war a lot; during its use seven of them were produced. However at the end of the Ori rein the NRS’s were put into storage, used as explorer ships or in the case of three dismantled for parts. Then fifteen years later a new threat raised its head and the NRS was brought back from retirement. It was refitted with upgraded weapons, a better shield and a new hyperdrive. It was given a new lick of paint and a new name the DsSAS (Deep space Stealth Assault Ship), its primary mission was again to retrieve information about the enemy, but also be used as a front line ship utilising its upgraded weapons and armour.

                The Katherine
                The DsSAS-205 (Scimitar) was the first proper DsSAS ship created; it was designed by the NRS’s original designer Dr Joseph Walden (a civilian at the time), with the help of the Asgard scientists working with the Tau’ri. However during the final testing of the ship Dr Walden’s wife Katherine Walden died in a tragic car accident, leaving him with his only child David. In honour of his wife he named the ship Katherine with a plaque of remembrance engraved into the hull of the ship. The ship was given its own shield colour of white (also in memory of his late wife).

                The Bride of the Katherine
                The bridge is situated on deck 1; it is sunken into the hull to add extra protection against attack. The bridge contains a main view screen allowing view of the front and rear of the ship. A Captain’s chair with computer interfaces on either side to allow access of systems, a helm control allowing control of the ships movement and navigation, an Asgard holographic emitter was used to allow the helm to see all areas surrounding the ship along with still being able to see the main view screen. Also there is an operations control, allowing the control of systems of the ship. There is also an engineering control, allowing systems to be changed if required from the bridge. Finally the bridge contains two tactical posts, each utilising holographic emitters to allow each system to targeted, this allowed different systems to be used decreasing the time and increasing efficiency of weapons aboard the ship.

                The Cloak
                The cloak used on the DsSAS is the most advanced cloak created by the joint forces of the Asgard and Tau’ri. It utilises the same type of cloak designed by the Ancients, but with enhanced features.
                These features are that; specific areas of the cloaked vessel can be uncloaked or cloaked independently of the rest of the ship. The ship also does not produce any EM signature or Ion trail making the ship extremely hard to find.
                Weapons can also be fired while the ship is in cloak without disrupting the cloaking matrix, an added bonus.

                The Hyperdrive
                The DsSAS class does not come equipped with a conventional hyperdrive; instead it is equipped with a smaller version designed specifically for this class of ship. It is capable of small jumps to get the ship out of trouble, but the classes’ primary mode of further than light travel is to clamp onto another larger ship and be pulled along.
                The class is equipped with a new version of clamping system, utilising a type of Asgard beaming tech to hold the ship is place along with high powered magnets.

                Here are the images, they show half the ship with all weapons and sublight engines open, and the other half of the ship they are retracted. As described in my design.




                Last edited by fallen_arbiter; 17 November 2006, 10:02 AM.
                Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                  I really like it FA, ther short burst hyperdrive is cool and the entire shi[ is well thought out. I like the model but its a bit different to out usual designs. Its still good. Nice work
                  You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                  Stargate : Genesis |
                  Original Starship DesignThread
                  Sanctuary for all |
                  11000! green me


                    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                    I really like it FA, ther short burst hyperdrive is cool and the entire shi[ is well thought out. I like the model but its a bit different to out usual designs. Its still good. Nice work
                    Thanks, yeah i know it is different, i thought a nice original design, something that would actually be a threat.
                    Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                      Why are the railguns retractable? I'm not exactly sure what kind of advantage that would provide. Nice ship though, but a ship originally called the Scimitar that can fire through a cloak, I see someone like Nemesis.
                      All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                      The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                      Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                        Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                        Why are the railguns retractable? I'm not exactly sure what kind of advantage that would provide. Nice ship though, but a ship originally called the Scimitar that can fire through a cloak, I see someone like Nemesis.
                        Yeah only the name i got from star trek, rest of it is original.
                        Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                          O'Hare-class Supercarrier
                          500m long, 275m wide 90m tall
                          Equipped to deploy and refit massive numbers of aircraft and spacecraft, this class can provide an entire battlegroup's single-ship needs, freeing up others for personnel, supplies and munitions, or upgrades. Redundant shield systems compensate for the carrier's lack of heavy weapons. Two dozen small railguns line the hull, providing overlapping fields of fire for the fighter bays that hold about 30 F-302s and over 40 UAVs of every variety.
                          Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering-Yoda
                          The more bizzare a thing, the less mysterious it proves to be-Sherlock Holmes
                          I reject your reality and substitute my own-Adam Savage
                          A person is smart. People are stupid, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it-Agent Kay
                          That is the exploration that awaits you�not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence-Q
                          Church: I learned a very valuable lesson in my travels, Tucker. No matter how bad things might seem...
                          Caboose: They could be worse?
                          Church: Nope, no matter how bad they seem, they can't be any better, and they can't be any worse, because that's the way things f***ing are, and you better get used to it Nancy. Quit-yer-b****ing.

                          If you smoke, you choke. If you choke, you're dead. 'Nuff said.


                            My Assualt ship P3

                            Name: Katherine (DsSAS-402)

                            Type: Medium range stealth warship

                            Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard/Ancient

                            Operators: Humans, occasionally accompanied by an Asgard or two

                            Naval Classification: Stealth / Assault Ship (DsSAS or Deep space Stealth Assault Ship)

                            Hull: The Hull is four meters thick made of Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon alloy armour plating, designed to disintegrate and dissipate a certain percentage of the energy fired upon the hull.
                            The ship is also equipped with a secondary one meter thick hull made of a Naquada/Trinium/Titanium alloy, this acts as a secondary skin decreasing the risk of a hull breach.

                            Decks: There are 5 decks aboard the ship, each of them are 2.5 meters high.

                            >> Height: 22.5m
                            >> Beam: 120m
                            >> Length: 100m

                            Displacement: 135,000 metric tons

                            Crew: The ship has a main crew of 40 and potential room for another 144 giving an overall capacity of 184.
                            >> There are 23 crew quarters, with each room containing a minimum of two bunks, if required the room can fit four bunks with two people to a bunk.

                            Craft: Five Warhammer fighters New fighter craft

                            New fighter craft

                            Name: Warhammer

                            Type: Short range, strike fighter

                            Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

                            Operators: A single human pilot

                            Naval Classification: Warhammer Tactical Strike Fighter

                            Hull: The hull is four inches thick, made of a Naquada/Trinium alloy

                            Decks: There is only one deck

                            >> Height: 1.5m
                            >> Beam: 4.6m
                            >> Length: 6m

                            Displacement: 20.7 metric tons

                            Crew: The ship is flown by a single pilot

                            Power plant: One Mark IV Naquada Reactor

                            >> Two, retractable Sublight engines
                            >> Anti-Gravity Engines located at bottom of craft

                            Main Weaponry:
                            >> Two pulsed energy weapons, located at front of ship (directed fire)
                            >> Four short range anti-fighter missiles, located in retractable launchers on roof of the craft.

                            >>Armour and manoeuvrability

                            Other Technology:
                            >> Asgard enhanced computers (holographics, and flight controls)
                            >> Retractable landing slides
                            >> Magnetic/beaming clamps

                            Technical and Historical Notes:
                            The Warhammer was designed by the Tau’ri as an anti-fighter craft, using advanced fight controls the craft could easily out manoeuvre any other small fighter and using its anti-fighter missiles and energy weapons it could easily match their fire power.
                            The craft is very small allowing many to be transported at a time, the craft works best while in a squadron of ten to fifteen allowing maximum fighter capacity.

                            The Warhammer is also equipped with clamps allowing the craft to connect to a ship for hyperspace travel, allowing a larger amount of crafts available.

                            Here are the images, they show half the ship with all weapons and sublight engines open, and the other half of the ship they are retracted. As described in my design.




                            Vehicles: None at present time

                            Power plant: One Neutrino Ion Generators (supplied by Asgard) and One Mark V Naquada Reactor

                            >> Two Ion Drives (Located at rear of ship) [Retractable]
                            >> Two Ion Drives (Each one located on side of ship) [Retractable and rotational]
                            >> Anti-Gravity Engines (Located on underside of ship)
                            >> One Small mini-Asgard designed hyperdrive.
                            (Capable of a hyperspace jump 1/8 the size of a Deadalus class ship or a single jump 2/3 the size causing the hyperdrive to suffer from irreparable damage)

                            >> Maximum Acceleration: 95 PSL
                            >> Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 2249.75 light-years/hour or 11998.67 (with damage to hyperdrive)
                            >> Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 30 seconds between jumps

                            >> Two 250-mm rail guns, located at front of ship, one top, one bottom [retractable] (360º restricted rotational)
                            >> Two pulsed energy weapons, located at front of ship (directed fire)

                            >> Three 100-mm rail guns, located at rear of ship, two top, one bottom [retractable] (360° restricted rotation)

                            >> Six 30-mm rail guns, located on top of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                            >> Six 30-mm rail guns, located on bottom of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                            >> Two 30-mm rail guns, located on side of ship (360° rotation)

                            >> 25 Naquadria enhanced long range nuclear missiles [fired from retractable launchers located on the bottom of ship]
                            >> 50 Short range interceptor missiles [fired from retractable launchers found on the sides of ship]

                            >> 12 Ion/EM Mines located at launcher on bottom of ship.
                            >> Two overlapping Asgard Adaptive Shield Generators (Glows white)
                            >> Ablative hull armour allowing a much better protecting against energy attacks.
                            >> Asgard designed Cloak (adapted from Ancient design)

                            Other Technology:
                            >> Asgard enhanced Technology (Sensors, computers, AI, Holographics, Targeting computer)
                            >> Magnetic/beaming clamps
                            >> Five Landing Struts for planetary landing
                            >> A single Ring Transporter
                            >> Asgard Beaming tech

                            Technical and Historical Notes:
                            DsSAS Class
                            The DsSAS was originally called the NRS or Naval Reconnaissance Ship, designed in joint operations with the Asgard as a reconnaissance ship, utilising the manoeuvrability and cloak to scout and relay information about the Ori back to earth and the Asgard. The NRS was very effective and helped in the war a lot; during its use seven of them were produced. However at the end of the Ori rein the NRS’s were put into storage, used as explorer ships or in the case of three dismantled for parts. Then fifteen years later a new threat raised its head and the NRS was brought back from retirement. It was refitted with upgraded weapons, a better shield and a new hyperdrive. It was given a new lick of paint and a new name the DsSAS (Deep space Stealth Assault Ship), its primary mission was again to retrieve information about the enemy, but also be used as a front line ship utilising its upgraded weapons and armour.
                            However as the fleet progressed it became obvious that the DsSAS could not match the new age of ships. This caused a new design to be created and a new age of ship to be born.


                            The Katherine
                            The DsSAS-205 (Scimitar) was the first proper DsSAS ship created; it was designed by the NRS’s original designer Dr Joseph Walden (a civilian at the time), with the help of the Asgard scientists working with the Tau’ri. However during the final testing of the ship Dr Walden’s wife Katherine Walden died in a tragic car accident, leaving him with his only child David. In honour of his wife he named the ship Katherine with a plaque of remembrance engraved into the hull of the ship. The ship was given its own shield colour of white (also in memory of his late wife).

                            The Bride of the Katherine
                            The bridge is situated on deck 1; it is sunken into the hull to add extra protection against attack. The bridge contains a main view screen allowing view of the front and rear of the ship. A Captain’s chair with computer interfaces on either side to allow access of systems, a helm control allowing control of the ships movement and navigation, an Asgard holographic emitter was used to allow the helm to see all areas surrounding the ship along with still being able to see the main view screen. Also there is an operations control, allowing the control of systems of the ship. There is also an engineering control, allowing systems to be changed if required from the bridge. Finally the bridge contains two tactical posts, each utilising holographic emitters to allow each system to targeted, this allowed different systems to be used decreasing the time and increasing efficiency of weapons aboard the ship.

                            The Cloak
                            The cloak used on the DsSAS-402 “Katherine” is the most advanced cloak created by the joint forces of the Asgard and Tau’ri. It utilises the same type of cloak designed by the Ancients, but with enhanced features.
                            These features are that; specific areas of the cloaked vessel can be uncloaked or cloaked independently of the rest of the ship. The ship also does not produce any EM signature or Ion trail making the ship extremely hard to find.
                            Weapons can also be fired while the ship is in cloak without disrupting the cloaking matrix, an added bonus.

                            The Hyperdrive
                            The DsSAS class does not come equipped with a conventional hyperdrive; instead it is equipped with a smaller version designed specifically for this class of ship. It is capable of small jumps to get the ship out of trouble, but the classes’ primary mode of further than light travel is to clamp onto another larger ship and be pulled along.
                            The class is equipped with a new version of clamping system, utilising a type of Asgard beaming tech to hold the ship is place along with high powered magnets.

                            Ion/EM Mine
                            The mine was designed by the Asgard using Ancient technology to produce a weapon capable of disrupting a ships shield and to do hull damage as well. The mine with cause detonate and erupt an Ion surge across the shield disrupting the matrix allow a momentary lack of protection, followed by a vast surge of energy to rip at the hull caused by a Naquadria fusion reaction. The mines were very effective in the preliminary tests.

                            Here are the images, they show half the ship with all weapons and sublight engines open, and the other half of the ship they are retracted. As described in my design.





                            Last edited by fallen_arbiter; 19 November 2006, 07:08 AM.
                            Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                              I think you might want to keep the decks at the 2.5 meter range, 2 meters seems a little small, especially with a large portion of the population being over 6 feet tall.
                              All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                              The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                              Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                                for the large part of the population over 6 feet me included keep it close to 3 meters for the spartans

