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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Name: Adams (Adams Class)

    Type: Hyperspace capable battleship

    Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

    Operators: Humans (The Adams has two Asgard operators)

    Naval Classification: Cruiser

    Hull: The Hull is one meter thick made of a Naquada/Trinium alloy.

    Decks:There are 15 decks.

    Dimensions: Height: 50m
    Beam: 300m
    Length: 500m

    Displacement: 1,200,000 metric tons

    Crew: The ship has a crew of 300

    Craft: The Adams class carries no addition craft.

    Vehicles: None

    Power plant: Two Mark VI Naquada Generators

    Engines: Asgard Hyperdrive, Ion Drives, Anti-Gravity Engines

    >> Four 250mm Rail-Guns mounted on front of ship (170 rotation)
    >> Four 120mm Rail-Guns mounted on top of ship (free rotation of 360)
    >> Three 120mm Rail-Guns mounted on bottom of ship (free rotation 360)
    >> Four 120mm Rail Guns mounted on sides of ship (150 rotation)
    >> Eight 30mm Rail Guns mounted on top of ship (free rotation of 360)
    >> Four 30mm Rail-Guns mounted on bottom of ship (free rotation of 360)
    >> Ten 30mm Rail-Guns mounted on side of ship (150 rotation)
    >> 300 Dart (Advanced Anti-fighter) missiles.
    >> 150 Sorp (Advanced Naquada enhanced Warhead) missiles

    >> Asgard Shield generator.

    Other Technology:
    >> Ring transporter
    >> Asgard sensors and beaming tech.

    Technical and Historical Notes:
    Adams Class
    The Adams class was designed as an easy to manufacture assault craft to work in a group of six. Primarily designed for fighter clearance; using its 30mm rail guns and Dart missiles. The group with use an arrow formation flying directly at the enemy fighters, firing when within range, acting as a blanket for the larger more vulnerable ships. The Adams class works best when being reinforced by a squadron of F-302s to mop up any loose fighters. The Adams can also act as a capital ship attacker using its larger 120mm and 250mm rail guns and its compliment of Sorp missiles.

    Adams Ship
    The Adams was the first of the Adams class to be manufactured, it was sent on a trail run to the Peragus Galaxy to help with the fight against the Wraith.
    Initial fighting showed the ship had the right capability for fighter clearance and the added larger weapons helped with capital ship removal. However in the deep end of battle the Adams had a critical targeting system failure causing the rail gun firing sequence to fail, leading to a back up system installed on later models.
    Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


      Nice, very nice, i like it alot. this is the kind of "nice simple ship" i was going on about! very gd, not fanwank, not super advanced just a good ship doing a good job. You get green
      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
      Stargate : Genesis |
      Original Starship DesignThread
      Sanctuary for all |
      11000! green me


        Originally posted by immhotep View Post
        Nice, very nice, i like it alot. this is the kind of "nice simple ship" i was going on about! very gd, not fanwank, not super advanced just a good ship doing a good job. You get green
        Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


          Correction, you would have got green, if i had not already greened you at some other point
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            Name: Warrior [Mark II] (Warrior Class)

            Type: Medium range warship

            Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

            Operators: Humans

            Naval Classification: Small Cruiser (Warrior Class)

            Hull: The Hull is two meters thick made of an Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon alloy.

            Decks:There are 5 decks.

            Dimensions: Height: 25m
            Beam: 120m
            Length: 170m

            Displacement: 355,000 metric tons

            Crew: The ship has a crew of 45

            Craft: None

            Vehicles: None

            Power plant: One Mark VI Naquada Generators

            Engines: Ion Drives, Anti-Gravity Engines, Sublight engines

            >> Four 250-mm rail guns, located at front of ship (360° restricted rotation)
            >> Two 250-mm rail guns, located at front nose of ship (directed fire)
            >> Three 120-mm rail guns, located at rear of ship (360° restricted rotation)
            >> Three 30-mm rail guns, located on top of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
            >> Three 30-mm rail guns, located on bottom of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
            >> 15 Naquada enhanced long range nuclear missiles
            >> 20 Short range interceptor missiles

            >> Asgard Shield generator.

            Other Technology:
            >> Asgard sensors
            >> Magnetic/beaming clamps

            Technical and Historical Notes:
            Warrior Class
            The warrior class was designed as a straight fighting ship, small and very mobile the Warrior class could out manoeuvre any ship in the human fleet, forgoing a hyperdrive for a larger weapon capacity, the Warrior class was just as capable attacking capital ships than fighters.
            Instead of a hyperdrive the Warrior class would “piggy back” a ride by clamping itself to another ship using its magnetic/beaming clamps allowing it to be held in place during flight.

            Warrior Ship [Mark II]
            The Warrior [Mark I] was the first of the warrior class ships, it had a hyperdrive instead of a larger weapons capacity, initial trials found the ship to be better than expected, but during a battle situation the ship couldn’t perform as well as expected, having a weapons array too small to handle the ships role. It was destroyed in flight.
            The Warrior [Mark II] for go the hyperdrive for a more deadly array of weapons. With the hyperdrive gone a clamping mechanism was invented to allow the ship to still travel with the fleet even due to its size.
            Last edited by fallen_arbiter; 06 November 2006, 10:54 AM.
            Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


              i agree with immhotep, finally a good tau'ri designed ship...i'd green you but i can't...i have a ship on it's way, it's not tau'ri but it is from a slightly more advanced human culture in Pegasus used in the lantean wars against the will have an extensive backstory including a possible battle report...
              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                Originally posted by Dr. Who View Post
                I like the idea, but it seems kind of rough around the edges and reminds me of a school bus.
                I totally agree with that statement.
                It looks like a shuttle mixed with a school bus, or even the Magic School Bus[/memories]

                I'm currently working on a project to design and build a 3d first person shooter for Windows and the Xbox 360 (Google: XNA), so once I have some of the ship designs for it, I'll post them here. When I do, keep in mind they fit into a completely different universe.
                EDIT: I'll post more about that in the off topic forum if you're interested in helping.
                Last edited by WTFOwned; 06 November 2006, 01:25 PM.
                Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                  BC-650 Mitchell class cruiser
                  Production status: active

                  Speed: 165 light years per minute
                  Sublight: 126,500 mps

                  Power Plant: Asgard reactor

                  Vulcan/Phalanx CIWS point defense cannons-24
                  Mk9 nukes-36

                  Asgard Shields
                  Trinium alloy hull

                  Other tech: Asgard beaming tech
                  Ring Transporters
                  Inertial Dampeners
                  Antigravity pods
                  Artificial Garvity generators
                  Tauri intergalactic hyperdrive
                  Tauri sensors

                  Crew: 146(16 F-302 pilots)
                  Mass: 2,765,000 million metric tons

                  F-302s: 16

                  Length: 360m
                  Width: 120m
                  Height: 86m

                  History: Can't think of anything right now.
                  Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                    S-555A Farber

                    THe hsip was moisioned to recover space debris and be a platform for scietific testing and studies. 4 others were to be constructed.

                    it has a massive cargo bay with two doors that open out.

                    This ship was constructed as the joint effort of 56 nations on the planet Regla. The ships purpose was to clean up the space debris around the planet, because travel had become to dangerous with all the loose things floating aorund the planet.. Plans for the ship were created in 2012. The ships was finished in 2024. Although relatively weak compared to Earth ships, it was the most advanced tecnology on regla at the time. the ship was used for over 3 years until one of the nations announced it would be producing another ship, only this one would have weapons and be used in the military. The other 55 nations were threatened and retaliated with the use of nuclear weapons. A massive nuclear war broke out and all life on earth was erased. The Farber, while collecting the old lunar landers on the moon to be placed in museums, had been out of radio contact for several days. once the cpatian of the Farber figured out what had happened, he had to make a decision. Since they had only rations for a few more weeks, the captain was going to fly the ship into space in the hope that some one some where might shome day find it. The crew accepted there fate, for there was no other. But some of the agents of the country that had started the whole problem seized command of the ship and flew it into the atmosphere at to steep of an angle and it desinegrated in reentry.

                    Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
                    I shot him...

                    in the leg...
                    I'm invulnerable!
                    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


                      The Rapier the pics of ship

                      Name: Rapier

                      Type: Prototype Organic “Bio-mechanoid Ship” ; long range, hyperspace capable, tactical assault ship.

                      Technology base: Unknown

                      Operators: Humans

                      Naval Classification: Has none

                      Hull: The hull is one fifty meters thick consisting of a genetically engineered metal organic (Nanites with integrated biological-organic component) made of a Naquada/Trinium alloy. In theory the ship is a living metal organism, with the ability to integrate with mechanical technology. The ship has the ability to “heal” itself much like that of a Wraith ship.

                      Decks:There are 25 decks, with the bottom four decks larger in height than the others.

                      Dimensions: The decks are three meters high with ventilation areas running between decks, , except for the bottom decks which are eight meters in height. The overall height of the ship is 195 meters, with a beam of 560 the overall length is 920 meters.

                      Displacement: 3,500,000 metric tons

                      Crew: The ship has a crew of 900 men and women

                      Craft: The Rapier carries 100 Slither fighters in its two hanger bays with space for maintenance.

                      Vehicles: None

                      Power plant: The ship is powered by two Beta Modules.

                      Engines: The Rapier is equipped with an advanced hyperdrive capable of interstellar travel along with sublight propulsion, Anti-Gravity engines and Ion Drives.

                      The Rapier is equipped with an array of different weapons to combat its enemies.
                      >> Multiple rotating rapid-fire pulse cannons line the ship allowing point defence and offensive capability.
                      >> Ten beam energy weapon allays are used as the primary weapon, five arrays at the front of the ship and five array lined for the rear of the ship. This allowed the whole ship to be protected from all angles allowing maximum range.
                      >> The Rapier is also equipped with a vast number of Advanced Drones. Fired from three launchers, one located at the front of the ship, and the others at the rear.
                      All weapons systems can be controlled by the crew and also controlled by the ship.

                      Defences: The Rapier is equipped with advanced defences, these consist of;
                      >> Three Advanced shield generators. Two shields are produced which overlap, this allows neither shield to feel a greater energy strain than the other allowing faster recharge rates and a longer damage capacity and the final shield acts as a backup in case of previous failure.
                      >> Each nanite produces a small shield around itself, these acts as a secondary buffer to damage increasing the defensive capability of the ship.
                      >> Nanite hull. As described in hull.

                      Other Technology:
                      The Rapier is equipped with;
                      >> Status Pods
                      >> Four Ring Transporters (located in cargo and hanger bays)
                      >> Phased Cloak
                      >> Tractor Beam tech

                      Technical and Historical Notes:

                      Technical Notes:
                      All technology on the Rapier is enhanced by Nanite technology allowing repair and enhancements to happen automatically.

                      Beta Module;
                      The Rapier is equipped with a brand new power supply. The power supply (named Beta Module) is a more compact version of the Ancient ZPM. It produces a different frequency of energy allowing the ship to feed off of it. The beta module resonates at a different frequency meaning it cannot be used as a ZPM replacement.

                      The Rapier:
                      The Rapier is a living ship; it is a bio-mechanoid constructed of nanites which have been integrated with an organic sub-system allowing the nanites to interact as human cells do in the body. This allows the ship to live, it has a vast intelligence able to interact with others especially those with a bio-mech link. Due to the nature of the nanites it can adapt and evolve allow repair and growth of systems.

                      Bio-mech link
                      The ship can be only be used by those with the ATA gene (a design for safety). This allows the crew to interact with the controls of the ship, allowing it to be used as a normal ship. There is a problem however, due to the fact that the ship is living it may choose not to follow orders and instead act alone. As a precaution the captain of the ship is injected with bio-mech nanites, this allows the captain to interact with the ship as one, sitting at a control chair using the ATA gene for telepathic commands and then his “bond” he can control the ship as a extension of his own body. This is rarely done.


                      The ship is the product of bio-engineering nanites to act as cells of a organic body, the research and develop took many generations of manipulation. (more to be added)




                      Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                        Name: Warrior [Mark II] (Warrior Class)

                        Type: Medium range warship

                        Technology base: Tau’ri/Asgard

                        Operators: Humans

                        Naval Classification: Small Cruiser (Warrior Class)

                        Hull: The Hull is four meters thick made of an Ablative Naquada/Trinium/Carbon alloy, with a secondary two meter thick hull made of a Naquada/Titanium alloy acting as a sandwich buffer.

                        Decks:There are 5 decks.

                        Dimensions: Height: 40m
                        Beam: 140m
                        Length: 180m

                        Displacement: 385,000 metric tons

                        Crew: The ship has a crew of 45

                        Craft: None

                        Vehicles: None

                        Power plant: One Mark VI Naquada Generators

                        Engines: Ion Drives, Anti-Gravity Engines, Sublight engines

                        >> Four 250-mm rail guns, located at front of ship (360° restricted rotation)
                        >> Two 250-mm rail guns, located at front nose of ship (directed fire)
                        >> Three 120-mm rail guns, located at rear of ship (360° restricted rotation)
                        >> Three 30-mm rail guns, located on top of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                        >> Three 30-mm rail guns, located on bottom of ship [retractable] (360° rotation)
                        >> 20 Naquada enhanced long range nuclear missiles [fired from retractable launchers located on the bottom of the ship]
                        >> 40 Short range interceptor missiles [fired from retractable launchers found on the sides of the ship]

                        >> Asgard Shield generator.

                        Other Technology:
                        >> Asgard sensors
                        >> Asgard computer processors
                        >> Magnetic/beaming clamps

                        Technical and Historical Notes:
                        Warrior Class
                        The warrior class was designed as a straight fighting ship, small and very mobile the Warrior class could out manoeuvre any ship in the human fleet, forgoing a hyperdrive for a larger weapon capacity, and the Warrior class was just as capable attacking capital ships than fighters.
                        Instead of a hyperdrive the Warrior class would “piggy back” a ride by clamping itself to another ship using its magnetic/beaming clamps allowing it to be held in place during flight.

                        Warrior Ship [Mark II]
                        The Warrior [Mark I] was the first of the warrior class ships, it had a hyperdrive instead of a larger weapons capacity, initial trials found the ship to be better than expected, but during a battle situation the ship couldn’t perform as well as expected, having a weapons array too small to handle the ships role. It was destroyed in flight.
                        The Warrior [Mark II] for go the hyperdrive for a more deadly array of weapons. With the hyperdrive gone a clamping mechanism was invented to allow the ship to still travel with the fleet even due to its size.
                        Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                          i agree with immhotep, finally a good tau'ri designed ship...i'd green you but i can't...i have a ship on it's way, it's not tau'ri but it is from a slightly more advanced human culture in Pegasus used in the lantean wars against the will have an extensive backstory including a possible battle report...
                          Looking forward to that buba.
                          Fallen_A the new image for the rapier are good but the wingspan is way look wide, shortened it would be quite cool

                          PS im off now, im a little tipsy
                          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                          Stargate : Genesis |
                          Original Starship DesignThread
                          Sanctuary for all |
                          11000! green me


                            Originally posted by Davesg-43 View Post
                            Spartin crusier
                            Legnth: 25,892ft long, 1,000ft wide, 900ft high
                            Amorment: Heavy rail guns,MK8,9,10 nukes, ion cannons, rocket launchers, anti air missiles, Phlanax CIWS, Mini guns, and Partical cannons
                            Crew: 20,000 People
                            Hybrid of Human Asgard, ancent. Tolan, serakan,
                            Fighters: 3000 F302s
                            1000 Bombers
                            1000 Transport ships
                            Class 9 hyper drive
                            156 MK2 naquida generators for back up power
                            ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! Fanwank!!! Fanwank!!! Talk about rediculous! 25,000 feet long, that's 5 miles. Yeah right, like that is ever gonna happen. I just can't stop laughing about thisone. Sorry, but it's just too funny. This one ship represents more than the entire planet can produce in ten years. I'm gonna go now, I need to take some time to finish laughing.
                            Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                            Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                              All these fanwanks give me an idea, but I'll need to get the Max 9 trial, un momentito!

                              Well, while that's taking hours upon hours to download and then later install, I'll explain what I'm doing.

                              I'm going to create the ultimate fanwank ship, but for a specific purpose: destroying other fanwanks It will be so freaking huge I'll call it the "Universe Ship", hundreds of miles long and carrying the biggest weapons you could possible think of, it would be totally indestructible! It would have extra sets of backup systems, plus factories to make more in case the back ups were all destroyed. It would be able to get supplies from hyper space through a fax-like system. The design will be nothing in particular, just a ship that would pwn all others. Muhahahahahaha
                              Last edited by WTFOwned; 06 November 2006, 03:30 PM.
                              Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                                What kind of sublight engines do you all recomend on my Earth ship?

                                Originally posted by fallen_arbiter View Post
                                The Rapier the pics of ship

                                Name: Rapier

                                Type: Prototype Organic “Bio-mechanoid Ship” ; long range, hyperspace capable, tactical assault ship.

                                Technology base: Unknown

                                Operators: Humans

                                Naval Classification: Has none

                                Hull: The hull is one fifty meters thick consisting of a genetically engineered metal organic (Nanites with integrated biological-organic component) made of a Naquada/Trinium alloy. In theory the ship is a living metal organism, with the ability to integrate with mechanical technology. The ship has the ability to “heal” itself much like that of a Wraith ship.

                                Decks:There are 25 decks, with the bottom four decks larger in height than the others.

                                Dimensions: The decks are three meters high with ventilation areas running between decks, , except for the bottom decks which are eight meters in height. The overall height of the ship is 195 meters, with a beam of 560 the overall length is 920 meters.

                                Displacement: 3,500,000 metric tons

                                Crew: The ship has a crew of 900 men and women

                                Craft: The Rapier carries 100 Slither fighters in its two hanger bays with space for maintenance.

                                Vehicles: None

                                Power plant: The ship is powered by two Beta Modules.

                                Engines: The Rapier is equipped with an advanced hyperdrive capable of interstellar travel along with sublight propulsion, Anti-Gravity engines and Ion Drives.

                                The Rapier is equipped with an array of different weapons to combat its enemies.
                                >> Multiple rotating rapid-fire pulse cannons line the ship allowing point defence and offensive capability.
                                >> Ten beam energy weapon allays are used as the primary weapon, five arrays at the front of the ship and five array lined for the rear of the ship. This allowed the whole ship to be protected from all angles allowing maximum range.
                                >> The Rapier is also equipped with a vast number of Advanced Drones. Fired from three launchers, one located at the front of the ship, and the others at the rear.
                                All weapons systems can be controlled by the crew and also controlled by the ship.

                                Defences: The Rapier is equipped with advanced defences, these consist of;
                                >> Three Advanced shield generators. Two shields are produced which overlap, this allows neither shield to feel a greater energy strain than the other allowing faster recharge rates and a longer damage capacity and the final shield acts as a backup in case of previous failure.
                                >> Each nanite produces a small shield around itself, these acts as a secondary buffer to damage increasing the defensive capability of the ship.
                                >> Nanite hull. As described in hull.

                                Other Technology:
                                The Rapier is equipped with;
                                >> Status Pods
                                >> Four Ring Transporters (located in cargo and hanger bays)
                                >> Phased Cloak
                                >> Tractor Beam tech

                                Technical and Historical Notes:

                                Technical Notes:
                                All technology on the Rapier is enhanced by Nanite technology allowing repair and enhancements to happen automatically.

                                Beta Module;
                                The Rapier is equipped with a brand new power supply. The power supply (named Beta Module) is a more compact version of the Ancient ZPM. It produces a different frequency of energy allowing the ship to feed off of it. The beta module resonates at a different frequency meaning it cannot be used as a ZPM replacement.

                                The Rapier:
                                The Rapier is a living ship; it is a bio-mechanoid constructed of nanites which have been integrated with an organic sub-system allowing the nanites to interact as human cells do in the body. This allows the ship to live, it has a vast intelligence able to interact with others especially those with a bio-mech link. Due to the nature of the nanites it can adapt and evolve allow repair and growth of systems.

                                Bio-mech link
                                The ship can be only be used by those with the ATA gene (a design for safety). This allows the crew to interact with the controls of the ship, allowing it to be used as a normal ship. There is a problem however, due to the fact that the ship is living it may choose not to follow orders and instead act alone. As a precaution the captain of the ship is injected with bio-mech nanites, this allows the captain to interact with the ship as one, sitting at a control chair using the ATA gene for telepathic commands and then his “bond” he can control the ship as a extension of his own body. This is rarely done.


                                The ship is the product of bio-engineering nanites to act as cells of a organic body, the research and develop took many generations of manipulation. (more to be added)




                                Well, considering that my city ship is about, oh, 18 kilometers long when sized against Atlantis(dang that is big! But it has to hold all those Ancients, drones and stuff... yeah... never mind, that is frickin huge. I am resizing. I didn't realize it was that big.) and it only has eight beam cannons... I think that is over kill. I am not even sure 10 beam cannons could even fit on that ship.
                                Geat concepts though, just the weaponry is insane.
                                And cool design of the ship.

