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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
    Yeah the history is pretty great but the ships kinda fanwankish, the interior descirption is nice too; but new ZPM's, 4 drones launchers, shields that can withstand a fleet of ori ships for as long as needed...dude the Ori are using all of the collective knowledge of the universe to build thier ships, there are no shields that can stand up to them...they might be able to survive longer but the Ori will kick your ass eventually. be you Ancient, wriath, Asgard or Replicator...that shields lets the ship down. oh and the word "Huge."...that always bugs me when people say that..
    I havn't decided on an exact size figure.

    4 drone launching tubes. Atlantis has 3.
    The ship is bassically a city ship, that is not designed to land.
    Like I said, the ship is supposed to be what the Ancients could have made if they didn't use time for Ascension.

    The multiple launchers are to provide faster and more efficient targeting, and speed for the weapon to reach its target.
    There are two storage silos. One feeds port and can feed starboard. The other is the opposite.
    There are four, again, to proved a more efficient covering pattern.

    Yes it can stand against a fleet of Orii ships. But not for long.
    The Asgard shields can withstand 2-3 hits from a main cannon.
    The Ancient shield on Atlantis has always been shown to be able to stand against the Wraith weapons for days, while the Daedalus can only last a few minutes.

    I don't see why the difference is that big.

    The New ZPMs are a logical progression of the million year old ZPMs.

    The Orii use Ancient tech.
    Their ships can be destroyed by Stargate splashes.

    Their ships are not invulnerable.
    Just really powerful.

    The Ancients had similar if not more advanced tech.

    And remmember, there is only one Veris-Pileama.

    Originally posted by immhotep View Post
    well im going to say that ancient technology will be inferiour to Ori technology on the basis that the Ori are perfectly capable of spying on the ancients technology that they left behind and using that knowledge as a starting point to which they can then add thier own even more advanced technology via their ascended powers. it also explains why they have things like the control chair, an arcturis like power source (that is IMO what that was), the supergate, the satalite weapons, zat/staff type weapons(which IMO the goauld got from the ancients at some point) ...basiclyt the Ori have peered over to the ancients domain, saw what they liked, took that and made it better, stronger, larger, more powerfull and cooler..any way you spin it the Ori are perfectly capable of taking ancient technology and knowledge directly from our plane and turning it against us. THe ancients wont stop it, unless theyve hidden thier own technology which we nkow they havent otherwide theyd have hidden dakara..
    I forgot about something in my backstory (yes I did), these Ancients developed technology like that Ascended creature trapper, and the Sanbgraal( but far less powerful and very short range), to prevent Ascended beings from affecting them.
    So the Orii and the Ascended Ancients couldn't spy on them.

    These Ancients don't like most Ascended beings because they reffuse to protect the innocent and destroy the evil.

    Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
    No not hard at all but it way way moor fun to torture some one for the information. It would of made a great scene if she could not get the information out of the solder and just dammit, hes dead now sulk a bit and then told one of followers to just scan the planet
    Don't forget, the Orii can't come into this Galaxy.

    And don't forget, ascended beings are not omnipresent. They are energy puffs that can go places fast and go almost anywhere. They use Stargates for travel also.

    Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
    Although I agree saying it can withstand a whole fleet of Ori warships is ridiculous, if anything was going to stand up to the Ori I would think it would be Ancients who dedicated themselves to technological advancement and instruments of war. It's a relatively contemporary ship as well, and has almost 10,000 years of development behind it, so it may be as advanced or more advanced than an Ori ship. Until we see an Ori ship versus an Ancient ship we'll never know which technology is greater.
    It can't withstand a fleet for long. Only a few minutes. And that is with it manuevering around.
    The ships are the newest in a line of advanced ships designed by these Ancients over those years.
    It is far larger and more powerful and more advanced than Orii ships. Its powersource's have far greater energy output/potential and the power systems are more advanced and efficient.

    Here is an excerpt from my story (it is a bit rough, because I have been editing it):
    Clarifications: Thousands of Orii, Wraith, and former Free Jaffaa aligned with the Orii (long story on why the Wraith are there, essentially a large groop of the more advanced Wraith left to search for more food on several leads to other Galaxies. They succeeded.) are attacking earth in a finale blow. Hundreds of Orii ships (not all toilet ships), along with thousands of Wraith ships(not all Hives or cruisers) hundreds of Hat'taks and other ships are attacking earth in an invasion dedicated to spliting the populace into the Wraith's food and Orii worshipers. The small earth fleet that assembled as a last ditch defence to slow the fleet down a few seconds to allow the Antarctica defence weapon to help is devestated by the Orii/Wraith/Jaffaa Fighter craft alone, and a few barrages from the Fleet.
    ....a great blinding flash appeared as a massive white Hyperspace window formed ahead of them, launching forth from that window was a ship of majesty. Its green-turquoise hull started bristling with white energy pulses, and thousands of cone-like blasts flew towards the massive force of enemy fighters, hundreds of explosions flew across the expanse of ships like a wave upon the sand, every blast hitting a mark, every mark vaporizing in the fury of energy enveloping it....
    Orii Cruisers, and Dreadnoughts fell at each side of the Ancient Warship. Its shields were pounded by the massive onslaught of energy weapons from the many thousands of ships around it.
    Its energy beam weapons were dominant. Each blast cleaved through Orii Warships, Wraith Hive ships, and Hat’tak class Motherships throughout the vast ocean of enemy ships.
    The fleet dispersed in Chaos… in time for the Ancient Warship to recharge; the Ancient warships shields were finally starting to fail… they buckled under the massive strain of hundreds of thousands upon hundreds of thousands of powerful energy blasts that had battered them for long over 10 minutes.
    By buckled, I meant that the ship was getting pelted by some of the energy blasts, but was not entirely overloaded.
    Essentially, it was getting hit far faster than it could recharge.
    It would have been destroyed if the Antarctica weapon didn't fire.

    I will have the stats for one of the smaller ships tonight.
    Last edited by An-Alteran; 29 October 2006, 04:08 PM.




        Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
        This is the first of sevearl ships:

        Ancient Ships:
        Five ships exist in the Alteran remnant fleet.


        Home of the Remnant of the Altera. Flagship of the Fleet. Fortress of Good, and Protector of the innocent.


        Dual Ancient Hyper drives. One Main, One backup.
        Parts exist to replace both. More parts exist to replace most every part.

        A matrix of 8 independent thrust generators exist, and are located on the rear.
        And additional array of heavily armored backup generators exist, that are visually undetectable on the hull.

        Power Source:
        3 Newer more advanced ZPM’s, each having several times the output of a normal Alteran ZPM. Here by referred to as New Zero Point Modules: NZPMs.
        They are physically larger. They are white and teal colored, and glow brighter than older model ZPMs.
        Their power emission crystal matrix is a different shape and is incompatible with Ancient ZPM slots from before the Remnant broke from the Atlantians.
        The Advanced ZPM generates several multiples of power than normal ones. And their storage energy bubble contains several times the energy than is contained in the older standard ZPM’s.
        1 NZPM powers weapons and shields. This provides ample power
        This provides more energy than needed, or than the systems can handle.
        1 NZPM powers propulsion systems and all other systems.
        This provides far more energy than needed, or than the systems can handle.
        1 NZPM provides backup power if needed. Otherwise it remains dormant.
        Any one NZPM can run the ship efficiently, at non-maximum combat energy requirements.
        Each NZPM is in a different room. Each room is heavily guarded, and protected by multiple shield systems powered directly by the NZPM it is assigned to protect.
        Independent control systems control all sensitive areas so as to prevent unfortunate takeover by invaders. Automated defense systems don’t exist, to prevent unfortunate or accidental eradication of the last living Ancients.

        Pulse Cannons: Dozens of energy pulse cannon receded turrets cover the ship. They are hard to identify, but each has twin essentially omni-directional emitters. They can fire anywhere that they are visible from. They are capable of easily overwhelming an enemies shields.
        Nearly 70 can fire forwards, nearly 80 covers each side, with nearly 80 covering the dorsal and ventral sides of the ship.
        Nearly 60 can fire aft, but less surface area is exposed aft ward than fore ward.
        Energy Beam Cannons: The ship is armed with 8 energy cannons like the ones on the old defense satellites (but more powerful, and capable of penetrating almost all shield systems known in one shot. Only Ancient shields [as they exist on this and the other warships in this fleet] can withstand the firepower). They each fire relatively slowly (thus the need for the fast and powerful pulse cannons), but are nearly omni-directional. They can fire almost anywhere all the spikes visible from.
        Drones: The ship has four Drone launch tubes, each capable of launching as many as can be launched from any of Atlantis’ (or outpost’s) launchers.
        Thousands upon thousands of Drones are stored on the ship, far more than on Atlantis.
        The Drones are slightly smaller, but more sleek and pointy, and their tails are slightly longer. They are as effective and powerful (read destructive) as the millions of years old model they replaced. It is hard to improve upon something that advanced and effective, but these Alterans succeeded.
        Two tubes face forward and two face aft.
        The tubes are set into pairs (one forward, one aft) a pair being on the port and a pair being on the starboard sides of the ship.
        The tubes are seen when closed as large circular indentations oin the hull. These indentations open like an iris, and reveal a glowing shaft that goes to the Drone storage areas. This system is essentially the same as seen on the Orion, Atlantis, and the Ancient outposts.
        Two control chairs exist for the pulse cannons.
        Two exist for the drones.
        And one Exists for the beam cannons.
        This is to ease the work effort and make the systems more efficient.

        Duel shield generators exist. Each one channels shield energy through the same emitter matrix along the hull. The shields can withstand massive amounts of weapons fire. With enough concentration weapons fire can overload parts of the matrix and allow limited amounts of weapons fire through the shields. (This happens with all shield systems)
        The shields recharge rapidly, and can withstand the bombardment of literally a fleet of Orii warships without failing. This is demonstrated in a story I wrote.
        But the ship can lose shields and certainly can be defeated.
        The ship has impressive armor across its hull. This armor can absorb large quantities of fire itself. But is assisted by structural integrity energy grids and certainly inertial dampeners and inertial inhibitors. This is certainly nowhere near as effective as shields, but allows enough protection to escape into Hyperspace. The armor could barely withstand several direct hits from Orii main cannons, after that it is game over.

        60 Combat Transports are stored in the ships hangar bays.
        80 Standard Personnel Transport Craft
        They launch from small circular retracting (iris style) hatches at either the top-port, top-starboard, bottom-port, bottom-starboard of the ship.

        Point to Point mass transporters. They cause a golden glow, with more rapid effects than the Asgard knockoffs. They are capable of point A to Point B relocation of matter.
        They do not require a transit through the transporter on the ship before then being sent to another location.
        The ship is filled with living spaces and life support facilities, science facilities, combat training facilities, armories, recreation facilities, inner ship transport facilities, long range/independent ring transporters, ect.
        This ship can service and repair any other ship in the fleet.

        History and details:
        This ship was designed 657 years ago to replace its predecessor. That ship was slightly larger, but its space was less efficiently allocated, giving the Veris-Pileama more actual square footage and capabilities. The ship is far larger than Atlantis, but a single large structure. It resembles a ship, not a city.
        The ship has a similar color and hue as the Puddle Jumpers.
        But with slightly more of a teal tint. The hull has a segmented structure much like that of the Puddle Jumpers. Several sections of the hull segments are actually configured as Ancient Writing.
        The majestic ship has a split wedge shape towards the bow, with sleek lines and a curving side. Strong sections protrude slightly above the hull in twin pairs, one on the top, one on the bottom. The Ship’s hulls, towards the front on the right and left sides are the characters: VERISPILEAMA written across it, engraved in the hull. Across the Front is engraved ANQUIETASVERISPILEAMA.
        Four small sets of spikes protrude slightly above the forward hull, and again four towards the aft, set in a circular pattern. These are the beam cannons.
        The inside of the ship is pure white. The walls, the floors, everything is white. The walls often have access consoles on the walls that are crystal/touch screen systems. Holographic interactive displays litter the halls. A more fluid style of Ancient Writing is shown throughout the ship. Writing is every wear, and all of it glows a slight greenish/blue tint.
        Every door has written on it in subdued writing on the lower middle its function, where it leads, ect.
        The ship is lit with pure white light. The walls themselves almost glow white.
        Yet the light is not bright enough to make one’s eyes hurt.
        Arches are prominent structures throughout the architecture of the inside of this ship. The Doors are a lighter bluish hue, yet still with a strong white glow around them. The doors have stain glass in pin patterns on the upper middle section.
        The wide main hallways go up to almost twice the height of a human being.
        The white light seems to cause a peaceful hum, which resonates in the walls.
        That thing is huge!!!! I like the NZPMs. 8 beam weapons. Damn, that could dish out some hurt....
        Oh, believe me its not the first time we tried it
        I shot him...

        in the leg...
        I'm invulnerable!
        Life, liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten.


          Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post

          Here is an excerpt from my story (it is a bit rough, because I have been editing it):
          Clarifications: Thousands of Orii, Wraith, and former Free Jaffaa aligned with the Orii (long story on why the Wraith are there, essentially a large groop of the more advanced Wraith left to search for more food on several leads to other Galaxies. They succeeded.) are attacking earth in a finale blow. Hundreds of Orii ships (not all toilet ships), along with thousands of Wraith ships(not all Hives or cruisers) hundreds of Hat'taks and other ships are attacking earth in an invasion dedicated to spliting the populace into the Wraith's food and Orii worshipers. The small earth fleet that assembled as a last ditch defence to slow the fleet down a few seconds to allow the Antarctica defence weapon to help is devestated by the Orii/Wraith/Jaffaa Fighter craft alone, and a few barrages from the Fleet.


          By buckled, I meant that the ship was getting pelted by some of the energy blasts, but was not entirely overloaded.
          Essentially, it was getting hit far faster than it could recharge.
          It would have been destroyed if the Antarctica weapon didn't fire.

          I will have the stats for one of the smaller ships tonight.
          Ridiculas, no way any ship could withstand that much firepower and defeat that many ships (even with help), i'm afraid your story is absurd and your ship has been upgraded to Fanwank because of it...
          Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


            Yes that ship is fanwank and thanks for upgrading it, i said it was fanwank but now its official!
            Sorry An-Alteran but it really is just too OTT; can i direct you to page 105, post 2/ would really help:
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              sorry An-Alteran but the ship itself is fanwankish, basically you've made a ship with everything you could ever want it in and the story don't get me's just too absurd to think that any ship could withstand that firepower!!!!!!!!
              Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                If there is one thing I don't like, it's fanwanks.
                Do you know what I do to fanwanks?
                I launch a 50 Mega Ton, Naquada enhanced, self-targeting nuclear warhead with the fankwank as the intended target. Then I launch a bunch of F-302s to make sure I got 'em.
                Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.


                  Originally posted by WTFOwned View Post
                  If there is one thing I don't like, it's fanwanks.
                  Do you know what I do to fanwanks?
                  I launch a 50 Mega Ton, Naquada enhanced, self-targeting nuclear warhead with the fankwank as the intended target. Then I launch a bunch of F-302s to make sure I got 'em.
                  And that still probably wouldn't destroy the fanwanks because........... they're fanwanks.

                  Best Stargate quote:
                  Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                  Green is your friend.


                    Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                    sorry An-Alteran but the ship itself is fanwankish, basically you've made a ship with everything you could ever want it in and the story don't get me's just too absurd to think that any ship could withstand that firepower!!!!!!!!
                    It didn't. It got banged to pieces. Remmember I am editing the story.
                    There are several ships. It didn't do all that. There were 12 other Ancient ships, along with several dozen Advanced Puddle Jumpers and heavily armored Puddle Jumper-like ships.

                    Think of it this way: It is to the Orii, what the Orii were to the Jaffa and Earth fleet.
                    Or what the Ancient Defence Outpost was to Anubis' Fleet.

                    Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                    Ridiculas, no way any ship could withstand that much firepower and defeat that many ships (even with help), i'm afraid your story is absurd and your ship has been upgraded to Fanwank because of it...
                    It wasn't the only ship fighting. 12 other Ancient ships (and a bunch of the smaller ships), far smaller and more manueverable than the City-Ship were attacking the enemy fleet.
                    Those were highlights (unfinished) of the ship itself. I have not begun working on expanding the battle with details of the other ships actions.

                    Here is my second ship, it is far weaker, and more of a practical warship.
                    The Veris-Pileama is a huge fortress City-Ship. Far slower to accelerate. And far easier to hit.

                    Ancient Ships:
                    Three main ship classes exist in the Alteran remnant fleet.
                    There are two gate transport ships. There are also two rather old Gate construction and storage transports. And one old dedicated repair vessel.

                    Praeseul Class Heavy Warship
                    Five of these vessels exist in the Fleet

                    Main escort and combat Arm of the Alteran Fleet. Each ship is more than capable of rapid transit across the expanses between galaxies. The ships generally are together in escort of the Veris-Pileama but are often sent on relief missions to help endangered worlds.

                    Each is about three times the width of an Aurora Class ship, and twice the height. And almost three times the length.

                    Dual Ancient Hyper drives. One Main, One backup.
                    Parts exist to replace one. More parts exist to replace most every part of one.
                    A set of three thrust generator matrices exists on the rear of the ship.
                    And additional set of armored backup generators exist,
                    that are visually undetectable on the hull. They are located entirely between the larger more powerful visible generators.
                    The piloting of the ship is controlled by the Captain in his universal chair on the bridge,
                    or a dedicated helmsman in a ship piloting control chair. Or in Engineering in a universal chair there.

                    Power Source:
                    1 NZPM powers the ship’s mains systems.
                    It powers shields, weapons, and Engines.
                    All other systems are powered by rechargeable energy cells, independent but power-linked to the NZPM.
                    The NZPM is in a room at the very center of the ship. The room is heavily guarded, and protected by multiple shield systems powered directly by the.
                    Automated defense systems don’t exist, to prevent unfortunate or accidental eradication of the Ancients on this ship, as was the fate of the crew of one ship about 5,000 years ago. Sucks to have been them.

                    Pulse Cannons: Dozens of energy pulse cannon receded turrets cover the ship. They are the same as on the Veris-Pileama, but not receded into the hull, and thus easier to identify
                    16 can fire forwards; 20 can cover each side, with nearly 26 covering the dorsal and 24 covering the ventral sides of the ship. 14 can fire aft, and aft is larger, and shows more surface area than the front, so the captain is warned to keep the bow towards the enemy.
                    Energy Beam Cannons: The ship is armed with 2 energy beam cannons, identical to the ones on the Veris-Pileama. One is on the dorsal, the other is on the ventral sides of the ship towards (about 1/5th length of the ship away. the bow.
                    Drones: The ship has 2 main Drone launch tubes at the starboard and port sides of the bow. They are different designs (and sizes) than the somewhat standard launch tubes, and are receded into a crevice in the hull where an oval double half-iris open to release the drones. They each are about 2/3rds the size of one of the tubes on Atlantis, or the Veris-Pileama. Thousands upon thousands of Drones are stored on the ship, far more than on Atlantis. The Drones are the same model as on the Veris-Pileama.
                    1 control chair controls the pulse cannons.
                    One chair controls the drones. Two exist for the drones.
                    The Captain or the Pilot, or the Drone operator, or the Pulse cannon operator controls the beam cannons. Different crews set this up differently.
                    The Captain or anyone else can have control of the ship in its entirety from the bridge or engineering. This also can only be done at the Captain's, XO's, Chief Tactical, or Chief of Ship Operations direct mental authorization.

                    A single main generator provides power to a similar shield projection matrix on the hull of the ship to that on the Veris-Pileama. The shields are certainly more powerful than those on Atlantis, but far inferior to those on the Veris-Pileama. The generator is as advanced, but not as large or capable as either of the duel generators on the Veris-Pileama. The strain on the matrix is such that more projectors increase strength of the shield rather than just power. So the generator was tailor made for the ship to be more capable than the ship could actually use.
                    The ship can build a replacement generator from spare parts, but it would be less powerful, and produce a weaker field than the projectors can handle.
                    A cloaking device is on this ship also. All Ancient cloaking devices work the same way. Because the field would clash with the shield energy, they can’t both be used anyway. So they designed the field to use the same projectors as the shield system.
                    All Ancient ships are equipped thusly.

                    6 Combat Transports are stored in the ships hangar bays.
                    12 Standard Personnel Transport Craft
                    They launch from small circular retracting (iris style) hatches at a fore starboard location, or a fore port location.

                    The ship is equipped with the same transporter system as on the Veris-Pileama, along with several ring transporters for the same purposes as on the other ships.
                    The ship is filled with living spaces and life support facilities, science facilities, armories, limited recreation facilities, inner ship transport facilities (closet transports like on the Veris-Pileama and Atlantis).
                    This ship can service and repair itself and its transports for the most part. It, like the Veris-Pileama can manufacture its own replacements for said transports.

                    History and details:
                    The Praeseul Class was conceived 573 years ago as a replacement for previous designs, which had little armor to backup the shield systems. This ship is based on the same level of technology found on the Veris-Pileama. The ship is armed well, and well defended. She is a fraction the size of the Veris-Pileama, but can easily hold her own, and can carry quite a few crew and passengers (if the need arises). This ship has the same color, texture, and patterned hull as the Veris-Pileama.
                    The ship is similar in basic structure to the old Rectoer Class (Aurora Class) Warships. It has a tri-engine section on the rear, similar in shape to the design on the old Rectoer Class. It is about 50% longer, a bit thicker, and less angular but more fluid. The two lower sections are set at a very slight angle downwards. A thrust generator matrix is on each beam, with the highly armored generators being at the center. The ship is bulkier then the Rectoer Class, and several times larger. The front doesn’t come to a bulge, but does curve into a forward section with the drone launchers on either side. The ship is far sleeker, and more aesthetic than the Rectoer Class, being made with a different sense of style. The ship has wing-like sections like the Rectoer Class towards the front, but they are much longer, and curve into the hull, rather than shoot outwards. They are proportionally twice as long compared to the Rector Class, going about 2/5ths the length of the ship. They come to an end at the front with the crevices where the drones are launched from being the point where they meat the main section of the hull again.
                    This Class has proven itself in many battles.
                    Last edited by An-Alteran; 30 October 2006, 07:37 PM.


                      Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                      It didn't. It got banged to pieces. Remmember I am editing the story.
                      There are several ships. It didn't do all that. There were 12 other Ancient ships, along with several dozen Advanced Puddle Jumpers and heavily armored Puddle Jumper-like ships.

                      Think of it this way: It is to the Orii, what the Orii were to the Jaffa and Earth fleet.
                      Or what the Ancient Defence Outpost was to Anubis' Fleet.

                      It wasn't the only ship fighting. 12 other Ancient ships (and a bunch of the smaller ships), far smaller and more manueverable than the City-Ship were attacking the enemy fleet.
                      Those were highlights (unfinished) of the ship itself. I have not begun working on expanding the battle with details of the other ships actions.

                      Here is my second ship, it is far weaker, and more of a practical warship.
                      The Veris-Pileama is a huge fortress City-Ship. Far slower to accelerate. And far easier to hit.

                      Ancient Ships:
                      Three main ship classes exist in the Alteran remnant fleet.
                      There are two gate transport ships. There are also two rather old Gate construction and storage transports. And one old dedicated repair vessel.

                      Praeseul Class Heavy Warship
                      Five of these vessels exist in the Fleet

                      Main escort and combat Arm of the Alteran Fleet. Each ship is more than capable of rapid transit across the expanses between galaxies. The ships generally are together in escort of the Veris-Pileama but are often sent on relief missions to help endangered worlds.

                      Each is about three times the width of an Aurora Class ship, and twice the height. And almost three times the length.

                      Dual Ancient Hyper drives. One Main, One backup.
                      Parts exist to replace one. More parts exist to replace most every part of one.
                      A set of three thrust generator matrices exists on the rear of the ship.
                      And additional set of armored backup generators exist,
                      that are visually undetectable on the hull. They are located entirely between the larger more powerful visible generators.
                      The piloting of the ship is controlled by the Captain in his universal chair on the bridge,
                      or a dedicated helmsman in a ship piloting control chair. Or in Engineering in a universal chair there.

                      Power Source:
                      1 NZPM powers the ship’s mains systems.
                      It powers shields, weapons, and Engines.
                      All other systems are powered by rechargeable energy cells, independent but power-linked to the NZPM.
                      The NZPM is in a room at the very center of the ship. The room is heavily guarded, and protected by multiple shield systems powered directly by the.
                      Automated defense systems don’t exist, to prevent unfortunate or accidental eradication of the Ancients on this ship, as was the fate of the crew of one ship about 5,000 years ago. Sucks to have been them.

                      Pulse Cannons: Dozens of energy pulse cannon receded turrets cover the ship. They are the same as on the Veris-Pileama, but not receded into the hull, and thus easier to identify
                      16 can fire forwards; 20 can cover each side, with nearly 26 covering the dorsal and 24 covering the ventral sides of the ship. 14 can fire aft, and aft is larger, and shows more surface area than the front, so the captain is warned to keep the bow towards the enemy.
                      Energy Beam Cannons: The ship is armed with 2 energy beam cannons, identical to the ones on the Veris-Pileama. One is on the dorsal, the other is on the ventral sides of the ship towards (about 1/5th length of the ship away. the bow.
                      Drones: The ship has 2 main Drone launch tubes at the starboard and port sides of the bow. They are different designs (and sizes) than the somewhat standard launch tubes, and are receded into a crevice in the hull where an oval double half-iris open to release the drones. They each are about 2/3rds the size of one of the tubes on Atlantis, or the Veris-Pileama. Thousands upon thousands of Drones are stored on the ship, far more than on Atlantis. The Drones are the same model as on the Veris-Pileama.
                      1 control chair controls the pulse cannons.
                      One chair controls the drones. Two exist for the drones.
                      The Captain or the Pilot, or the Drone operator, or the Pulse cannon operator controls the beam cannons. Different crews set this up differently.
                      The Captain or anyone else can have control of the ship in its entirety from the bridge or engineering. This also can only be done at the Captain's, XO's, Chief Tactical, or Chief of Ship Operations direct mental authorization.

                      A single main generator provides power to a similar shield projection matrix on the hull of the ship to that on the Veris-Pileama. The shields are certainly more powerful than those on Atlantis, but far inferior to those on the Veris-Pileama. The generator is as advanced, but not as large or capable as either of the duel generators on the Veris-Pileama. The strain on the matrix is such that more projectors increase strength of the shield rather than just power. So the generator was tailor made for the ship to be more capable than the ship could actually use.
                      The ship can build a replacement generator from spare parts, but it would be less powerful, and produce a weaker field than the projectors can handle.
                      A cloaking device is on this ship also. All Ancient cloaking devices work the same way. Because the field would clash with the shield energy, they can’t both be used anyway. So they designed the field to use the same projectors as the shield system.
                      All Ancient ships are equipped thusly.

                      6 Combat Transports are stored in the ships hangar bays.
                      12 Standard Personnel Transport Craft
                      They launch from small circular retracting (iris style) hatches at a fore starboard location, or a fore port location.

                      The ship is equipped with the same transporter system as on the Veris-Pileama, along with several ring transporters for the same purposes as on the other ships.
                      The ship is filled with living spaces and life support facilities, science facilities, armories, limited recreation facilities, inner ship transport facilities (closet transports like on the Veris-Pileama and Atlantis).
                      This ship can service and repair itself and its transports for the most part. It, like the Veris-Pileama can manufacture its own replacements for said transports.

                      History and details:
                      The Praeseul Class was conceived 573 years ago as a replacement for previous designs, which had little armor to backup the shield systems. This ship is based on the same level of technology found on the Veris-Pileama. The ship is armed well, and well defended. She is a fraction the size of the Veris-Pileama, but can easily hold her own, and can carry quite a few crew and passengers (if the need arises). This ship has the same color, texture, and patterned hull as the Veris-Pileama.
                      The ship is similar in basic structure to the old Rectoer Class (Aurora Class) Warships. It has a tri-engine section on the rear, similar in shape to the design on the old Rectoer Class. It is about 50% longer, a bit thicker, and less angular but more fluid. The two lower sections are set at a very slight angle downwards. A thrust generator matrix is on each beam, with the highly armored generators being at the center. The ship is bulkier then the Rectoer Class, and several times larger. The front doesn’t come to a bulge, but does curve into a forward section with the drone launchers on either side. The ship is far sleeker, and more aesthetic than the Rectoer Class, being made with a different sense of style. The ship has wing-like sections like the Rectoer Class towards the front, but they are much longer, and curve into the hull, rather than shoot outwards. They are proportionally twice as long compared to the Rector Class, going about 2/5ths the length of the ship. They come to an end at the front with the crevices where the drones are launched from being the point where they meat the main section of the hull again.
                      This Class has proven itself in many battles.
                      This is also sadly Fanwank, it is just a scaled down version of your previous ship, still to powerful for its size. Nice idea but still fanwank.
                      Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                        Think of it this way: It is to the Orii, what the Orii were to the Jaffa and Earth fleet.
                        Or what the Ancient Defence Outpost was to Anubis' Fleet.
                        That! is what is fanwank..The Orii built their ships using unlimited resrouces and technological knowledge, probley scavenged from accross the entire universe, from sources far beyond what our small galactic cluster even has. If their was more advanced technology than the Ori then they clearly havent looked hard enough. To consider a ship more powerful than ships essentially built by God's is absurd.
                        You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                        Stargate : Genesis |
                        Original Starship DesignThread
                        Sanctuary for all |
                        11000! green me


                          Here is my first draft of my new ship

                          Name: Videum (legacy)

                          Type: Long range, hyperspace capable, tactical assault ship

                          Technology base: Ancient technology

                          Operators: Operated by Humans

                          Naval Classification: Unknown

                          Hull: Three meter thick ablative naquadah/trinium alloy with a two meter thick secondary lower hull made of naquadah

                          Decks:The Videum has ten decks with the bottom two larger in height than the others.


                          Dimensions: The decks are 3 meters high with each deck having a ventilation shaft that’s runs the length of the deck which are one meter high giving an overall deck height of 4 meters, the only deck that does not have a ventilation shaft is the bridge.
                          The bottom two decks are 4 meters high with ventilation shafts that are 1 meter high so overall the decks are 5 meters high. The overall dimensions of the Videum are 42 meters high with a length of 400 meters with a width of 120 meters.

                          Displacement: Seven hundred thousand metric tons.

                          Crew: The ship has a crew of 115 men and women, with no space for any extra crew or passengers.

                          Craft: The Videum carries only emergency life pods due to its nature.

                          Vehicles: The Videum carries no addition vehicles.

                          Power plant: Two ZPMs power the Videum and all its systems.

                          Engines: The Videum uses an Ancient hyperdrive capable of interstellar and intergalactic travel along with sublight propulsion, Anti-Gravity engines and Ion Drives.

                          Armament/Weapons: The Videum is equipped with multiple, rotating rapid-fire pulse cannons (similar to those found on Ori battleships), the Videum is also equipped with a vast amount of Ancient Drones firing from multiple points of the ship.

                          Defences: The Videum has been fitted with two Ancient shield generators, designed to overlap is such a manner that neither shield feels a greater strain than the other, allowing a quicker recharge rate.
                          If the shields fail the ship is made of an Ablative hull which dissipates much of the energy that is fired at the ship, it also has a secondary hull for greater defence.

                          Other Technology: The Videum is equipped with basic Ancient Status pods, the ship also contains a ring transporter, crystalline technology, AI/Holographic systems, and enhanced Ancient sensors

                          Technical and Historical Notes:
                          To be done.
                          Meet the Karn, the true race of the stars.


                            Originally posted by fallen_arbiter View Post
                            Here is my first draft of my new ship

                            Name: Videum (legacy)

                            Type: Long range, hyperspace capable, tactical assault ship

                            Technology base: Ancient technology

                            Operators: Operated by Humans

                            Naval Classification: Unknown

                            Hull: Three meter thick ablative naquadah/trinium alloy with a two meter thick secondary lower hull made of naquadah

                            Decks:The Videum has ten decks with the bottom two larger in height than the others.


                            Dimensions: The decks are 3 meters high with each deck having a ventilation shaft that’s runs the length of the deck which are one meter high giving an overall deck height of 4 meters, the only deck that does not have a ventilation shaft is the bridge.
                            The bottom two decks are 4 meters high with ventilation shafts that are 1 meter high so overall the decks are 5 meters high. The overall dimensions of the Videum are 42 meters high with a length of 400 meters with a width of 120 meters.

                            Displacement: Seven hundred thousand metric tons.

                            Crew: The ship has a crew of 115 men and women, with no space for any extra crew or passengers.

                            Craft: The Videum carries only emergency life pods due to its nature.

                            Vehicles: The Videum carries no addition vehicles.

                            Power plant: Two ZPMs power the Videum and all its systems.

                            Engines: The Videum uses an Ancient hyperdrive capable of interstellar and intergalactic travel along with sublight propulsion, Anti-Gravity engines and Ion Drives.

                            Armament/Weapons: The Videum is equipped with multiple, rotating rapid-fire pulse cannons (similar to those found on Ori battleships), the Videum is also equipped with a vast amount of Ancient Drones firing from multiple points of the ship.

                            Defences: The Videum has been fitted with two Ancient shield generators, designed to overlap is such a manner that neither shield feels a greater strain than the other, allowing a quicker recharge rate.
                            If the shields fail the ship is made of an Ablative hull which dissipates much of the energy that is fired at the ship, it also has a secondary hull for greater defence.

                            Other Technology: The Videum is equipped with basic Ancient Status pods, the ship also contains a ring transporter, crystalline technology, AI/Holographic systems, and enhanced Ancient sensors

                            Technical and Historical Notes:
                            To be done.
                            nice ship, but too many Z.P.Ms...2 is overkill, there should 1 at most i think...persnonally i'd stay away from Z.P.Ms unless it was like a battle ship...1 would be more than enough to power the ship...

                            but overall nice ship well done
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              Also we know the ancients have either Intergalactic or Intersteller on thier ships, they dont have both. And 2 ZPM's is too much, even warships dont have ZPM's (cept he Tria) and they carry far more people that 115.
                              i also cant see where they would need power for 2ZPM's...Half of a ZPM could power all those Systems without any problem, 3% of a ZPM is all the atlantis crew has used since it got its ZPM to the Time they lost it...Theres no need to ahve ZPMs IMO..
                              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                              Stargate : Genesis |
                              Original Starship DesignThread
                              Sanctuary for all |
                              11000! green me


                                Originally posted by freyr's mother View Post
                                And that still probably wouldn't destroy the fanwanks because........... they're fanwanks.
                                You fail!
                                The point was that my way to attack a fanwank was with more fanwank!
                                It was an perfect example of irony...
                                Oh snap. You're reading a really old post.

