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Is SG-1 audience intelligent enough...

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    Originally posted by Kalliope
    ... to embrace changes which are plausible and exciting? Michael Shanks believes so. And I think he means THE WHOLE SG-1 audience, even these ANTI-Season 9 Gaters who definitely don't want to watch the first 5 episodes. Go HERE to read the whole TV Guide article.
    Well. I clicked on the 'here' thing, and all I got was BB everywhere. After that, you have to be out of your mind to thing that there was auditions for the part. TPTB called him, payed him and so it shall be.
    An intelegant person knows what he likes. He doesn't act like he likes something that he doesn't like. He will try it then state his opinion. And most of the time know before hand he doesn't like it, but still tries anyways. Like tasting food. And sometimes liking it, when he thought he would not and has know problem stating otherwise.
    *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
    *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
    *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
    *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
    *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
    *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
    *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


      I have found most SG/SGA and scifi fans in general to be quite intelligent. Most people that shrug off scifi TV as childish are the ones watching shows that I would'nt be caught dead watching.

      This forum proves to me personally that the scifi genre of today is alive and well and full of very intelligent, thought provoking people!.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by Kalliope
        Would this discussion be different if my original message was only: " Is SG-1 audience intelligent enough... ... to embrace changes which are plausible and exciting? Michael Shanks believes so. Go HERE to read the whole TV Guide article."? The ONLY purpose of my post was to direct you (these from outside USA actually) to the whole TV Guide article, which is enjoyable reading. That's all.
        If your only goal was to direct members to the TV Guide article then, yes, something like “Michael Shanks article” in the Fandom or News sections of the Forum would have directed our attention to it and the 'intelligence' question/link could have been discussed there. (Unless someone else already had made one… but then you could have asked your question in that thread.)

        But I’m not sure if English is your first language or not since your location states Poland. Perhaps you didn’t realize that the way your initial post was worded implied a lack of intelligence for those who didn’t choose to embrace change, for those who dislike what they hear about S9 and (interesting the words you chose) those “who don’t want to watch the first 5 episodes.”

        Yes , K. The discussion here would have been very different if your question had been different. In fact it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the title had been slightly different -- “How will YOU embrace the changes in S9” Then a more friendly environment would have been created for people to come to the table to say how they would deal with the changes to their favorite scifi show in S9. Then you could have said “Well... Michael thinks this <link to article>… and what do you all think?” MOHO is that it would have had a much different effect.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by Kalliope
          ... to embrace changes which are plausible and exciting? Michael Shanks believes so. And I think he means THE WHOLE SG-1 audience, even these ANTI-Season 9 Gaters who definitely don't want to watch the first 5 episodes. Go HERE to read the whole TV Guide article.

          Frell, girl, that's one way to get people all cranked up, and I don't mean in a positive way.

          Let's face it, if Farscape had "replaced" Ben Browder with Kevin Sorbo, a whole new human character, people would have been VERY upset. Sorbo's a decent, good looking actor with a very loyal fanbase, much like the talented Mr. Browder.

          I happen to think Browder's a better actor but I think you get my drift.

          And let's say they brought in, oh, Gillian Anderson while Claudia Black was out on leave, and she got a vibe going with...hmmm...D'argo. ( for me, GA would be ok because she's only 2nd to Claudia but still!)

          As it is, even the diehard fans like me weren't overly thrilled with some of the changes made in season 4.

          I apologize to the non-scapers who have no idea what I'm talking about but I am trying to make a point.

          I'm new to SG1 and am watching because of Ben and Claudia but I can completely understand the fans' apprehension over these changes. I'd be exactly the same way if someone was frelling with my show. No sense in antagonizing the already not so happy about the changes.

          So let's all just shake the hand of peace. I know some people who lost interest in Farscape once Zhaan died, and she wasn't even the main character.

          If the anti-9 gaters don't want to watch, they don't have to. I bet some of them go back after Carter returns, just like I wouldn't be surprised if some of them tune in and actually enjoy the show, or some viewers lose a bit of interest when Vala leaves.

          Anyway...hope you don't get too upset. I don't mean to disrespect you; I'm just getting a little tired of the Farscape vs Stargate contingencies.

          Note: Frell = a not so nice f word that rhymes with truck.


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race
            I have found most SG/SGA and scifi fans in general to be quite intelligent. Most people that shrug off scifi TV as childish are the ones watching shows that I would'nt be caught dead watching.

            This forum proves to me personally that the scifi genre of today is alive and well and full of very intelligent, thought provoking people!.
            Before I read more. Here is some green.

            I have friends that own their own business' and are stupid to that fact when it comes to carring on a conversation that they know nothing about.
            For ex. I talk with my boddie that is an Surgical Technologist. We talked for hours. Ilearned, he spoke. Know arguments. Then I had a conversation with a person that owns a truckin' company about electrical work. He argued with me the hole time. I am an electrician. I know what I am talking about because I do it for a living. But yet he still argues.

            Back on topic. The most intelligent people I have ever met in my life love Scifi. We all come from different background all over the globe that cover all profesions.

            So to close we are all smart and intelligant to even discuss and comprohend the science that is behind are Scifi.
            *Post in Peace, Yah or Nah*
            *Go to Sokar you Cylon fracker*
            *I can't spell vary good, but I can read mis- spelled words vary good*
            *And then the Ori said, "if your thread is dead then let their be a new one"*
            *It's Science Fiction. Not Science with Fiction.*
            *Sproiler Tags should only be used when you are going to be mentioning something that you can't already read on Gateworld*
            *When I talk out my butt it smells like sarcasm*


              Originally posted by esoap524
              Let's face it, if Farscape had "replaced" Ben Browder with Kevin Sorbo, a whole new human character, people would have been VERY upset. Sorbo's a decent, good looking actor with a very loyal fanbase, much like the talented Mr. Browder.

              I happen to think Browder's a better actor but I think you get my drift.

              And let's say they brought in, oh, Gillian Anderson while Claudia Black was out on leave, and she got a vibe going with...hmmm...D'argo. ( for me, GA would be ok because she's only 2nd to Claudia but still!)
              Oh, but that's different! Farscape is the best show in the history of entertainment and Ben and Claudia are gods among actors and can Do No Wrong! Whereas Stargate is a nothing little show that needs all the help it can get. Fans should feel humble and blessed that gods such as Ben and Claudia have deigned to lend their almighty presences to such an undeserving show. And of course, if the fans actually manage to be INTELLIGENT, instead of grunting, rock-wielding Cro-mags, then they WILL appreciate it. Otherwise they'll just scream a lot and bang their rocks on other rocks, as are the useless, stupid habits of Cro-mags who don't know a good thing when someone tells them what it is.



                Originally posted by esoap524
                Note: Frell = a not so nice f word that rhymes with truck.
                But it's not a firetruck And I love David Kemper's reaction to Claud's definition of "Frell" at last year's Comic Con (got a DVD-R copy of it, it's just a delight to watch )


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                  Oh, but that's different! Farscape is the best show in the history of entertainment and Ben and Claudia are gods among actors and can Do No Wrong! Whereas Stargate is a nothing little show that needs all the help it can get. Fans should feel humble and blessed that gods such as Ben and Claudia have deigned to lend their almighty presences to such an undeserving show. And of course, if the fans actually manage to be INTELLIGENT, instead of grunting, rock-wielding Cro-mags, then they WILL appreciate it. Otherwise they'll just scream a lot and bang their rocks on other rocks, as are the useless, stupid habits of Cro-mags who don't know a good thing when someone tells them what it is.

                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by esoap524
                    I'm new to SG1 and am watching because of Ben and Claudia but I can completely understand the fans' apprehension over these changes. I'd be exactly the same way if someone was frelling with my show. No sense in antagonizing the already not so happy about the changes.

                    So let's all just shake the hand of peace. I know some people who lost interest in Farscape once Zhaan died, and she wasn't even the main character.

                    If the anti-9 gaters don't want to watch, they don't have to. I bet some of them go back after Carter returns, just like I wouldn't be surprised if some of them tune in and actually enjoy the show, or some viewers lose a bit of interest when Vala leaves.

                    Anyway...hope you don't get too upset. I don't mean to disrespect you; I'm just getting a little tired of the Farscape vs Stargate contingencies.
                    Can't we all just get along!

                    Nice post Esoap. I'm not new to SG-1, just new to the fandom, and the addition of Ben has promoted the show to must-see-TV for me. I lurked around here for awhile because I was afraid my enthusiasm about the changes might antagonize some. I've been on their side of change myself, so I completely empathize with their plight. Change sucks! Some will adapt, some won't. Nothing I say will make the slightest difference. I'm pretty secure in my belief that Ben's performance will speak for itself. He doesn't need me to toot his horn. Same goes for Claudia. Of course, if you ask me to toot, I've got an orchestra available 24 hrs a day.

                    Please take no offense Kalliope. Toot on jirl, if that's your approach. Besides, knowing you, your head will likely explode if you try to keep that enthusiasm bottled up.


                      As far as I remember Scapers opened a Cantina at Frell Me Dead Board ( for Gaters some time ago. I think it's not to late to have some beer together?


                        Originally posted by esoap524
                        Note: Frell = a not so nice f word that rhymes with truck.
                        I think most people kinda guessed that (apart from the overly protected who are going to traverse most of life with their fingers in their ears). Funny how programmes so up on sex and violence can't use the F-word.

                        BTW I'm sure the sentence should be:
                        Frell! Girl, that's one way to get people all cranked up, and I don't mean in a positive way.

                        Don't know why it was bothering me. And I've just wandered dangerously off topic.


                          It's still open...


                            Gah. I guess I am going to have to wander through this forum with my blinders on. It seems no matter what anyone says to try and ease tensions, someone else comes along to rile things up again.

                            Subtle (and not so subtle) snipes at fandoms and their respective shows seem to be the norm (from all sides). And that's a shame.

                            This scapers vs gaters thing is really frustrating me. I want to be able to come on the board and read intelligent discussions about characters and plots and what have you. Not waid through post after post chronicling some fandom pissing contest.

                            *sigh* Guess I need a break. And this post will probably just perpetuate the animosity but I'm obviously not the only one that feels this way. Someone at some point has got to say "I'm not going to rise to the (intentional or unintentional) bait" and just go about their merry way.

                            And I'm done now. Blinders are in place and rose colored glasses are being donned as I type.


                              Originally posted by Kalliope
                              As far as I remember Scapers opened a Cantina at Frell Me Dead Board ( for Gaters some time ago. I think it's not to late to have some beer together?
                              Will I get a virtual beer glass thrown in my face if I mentioned that I NEVER got into Farscape?
                              I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                                Originally posted by Matt G
                                Will I get a virtual beer glass thrown in my face if I mentioned that I NEVER got into Farscape?
                                Have you ever tried DVDs?

