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Is SG-1 audience intelligent enough...

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    Is SG-1 audience intelligent enough...

    ... to embrace changes which are plausible and exciting? Michael Shanks believes so. And I think he means THE WHOLE SG-1 audience, even these ANTI-Season 9 Gaters who definitely don't want to watch the first 5 episodes. Go HERE to read the whole TV Guide article.

    Oh, I’m pretty sure I’m intelligent enough to understand that the changes to the show are “plausible.” “Exciting” is a matter of opinion that really has no bearing on how intelligent one is. The question for me is are the writers and actors going to be able to challenge my intelligence and really make me think about the stories they present us each week.
    Last edited by LoneStar1836; 06 July 2005, 12:40 AM. Reason: Adding some emphasis to a word
    IMO always implied.


      Just FYI and to save you the search, the article linked to in the first post of this thread can be found in reply #48 of the linked to forum.

      And please remember our rule of respecting fellow forum members when discussing this issue.

      Thank you!

      GateWorld Moderator


        For the most part, I'm sure everyone will try to embrace the show even with all the differences/changes. Yes; that includes the anti S9 group, but in the end it will be up to the writers to keep us "embraced."

        "We'll keep the light on for you."


          Apparantly, SG1 is now aimed at dense 15-20 year olds who have never seen a woman in their lives.


            Well, since TPTB seem to think that MS needed a beard so that we could tell the difference between Daniel and BB's Mitchell, I'm not so sure if we're intelligent enough or not.

            Anyway, being intellingent has nothing to do with whether we're going to like the show or not. It may be all shiny and new and pretty, but unless the stories and characterizations are on target, then we'd have to be pretty unintelligent to take it.

            Don't get me wrong. I'm hoping that S9 will bring back the excitement that I felt the first 6 seasons. But if I don't feel that it does, I'm certainly not going to shrug it off as a lack of intelligence.


              I don't think the question is the intelligence of the audience. The question is the intelligence of the show. If the changes really are plausible and exciting (and that's not just spin) and the characters are interesting and well-developed then there should be an audience for the show.

              And sometimes it's just personal taste. Some people thought Prometheus Unbound was great; others hated it. Some people think Felger is the funniest thing ever. For others he grates like nails on a chalkboard. Some people like the NID episodes. Some people think they're like watching paint dry.

              The new SG-1 may not be for everybody. And that has nothing to do with intelligence.

              Originally posted by KatG
              Well, since TPTB seem to think that MS needed a beard so that we could tell the difference between Daniel and BB's Mitchell, I'm not so sure if we're intelligent enough or not.
              Well I think that reflects more on their intelligence, not ours. Hee. Although If they only show the two characters from the back I might have trouble.

              Originally posted by KatG
              Don't get me wrong. I'm hoping that S9 will bring back the excitement that I felt the first 6 seasons. But if I don't feel that it does, I'm certainly not going to shrug it off as a lack of intelligence.
              I just wish the season would get underway. All this pre-game analysis is getting old. I plan on giving the show the same chance I gave Atlantis - and that show really didn't hook me until the last half of S1. We'll see how it goes with the new SG-1.
              Last edited by keshou; 06 July 2005, 05:38 AM.
              Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                Not only are Stargate fans intelligent enough to embrace change, they're also intelligent enough to know that NOT ALL CHANGE IS GOOD. Mileage may vary from fan to fan. One person's "brilliant!" is another's "bulls***!" Instead of insulting everyone who disagrees with you, why don't you let us have our OWN opinions?? Gods forbid anyone should possess a healthy dose of skepticism!


                  Originally posted by KatG
                  Don't get me wrong. I'm hoping that S9 will bring back the excitement that I felt the first 6 seasons. But if I don't feel that it does, I'm certainly not going to shrug it off as a lack of intelligence.
                  This is one of the most intelligent statements I've seen in a while!


                    The SG-1 audience has embraced change before, so I'm sure we can handle it.
                    "Plausible and exciting" is fairly subjective. I don't find any of the changes particularly exciting. Plausible will, to me, be linked quite tightly to how they sort out the 2 Lt. Col. conumdrum they've put themselves in, and whether the Ori are more interesting than the wrath.

                    Oh, and not all the Anti-S9's are avoiding the first 5 eps (and why 5? ). Can't tell if you're right if you don't watch at least the first couple


                      Odd. As I read some posts I feel there is a backlash towards the actors (and TPTB) who have chosen to change the series from the original concept. All TV shows must grow and develop to reach a broader audience. SG has done that. But yet we still rant about O’Neill leaving, Frazer dying, Hammond retiring, Jackson’s beard or Teal’c hair.

                      Equally, before we ‘officially’ meet the new characters we have formed definitive judgment on them. While we get information from the show, even treatment beats of episodes, deep opinions have been formed on speculation.

                      I for one will wait till the new season begins before I join the pro/anti threads. And even then keep in mind I have little control over the direction of the show, its characters, or continued existence. I will just enjoy an hour of mindless fun.
                      The very young, do not always do what they are told.

                      "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


                        Of course Stargate fans are intelligent. But that doesn't mean they're all necessarily going to embrace season 9. One of the most evident things about sci-fi fans is that they're an incredibly diverse bunch of people who think for themselves.

                        My take on this is that intelligence implies two things: creative imagination and critical ability. Creative imagination is what makes sci-fans embrace the genre. We connect with the idea of alternate realities and possible futures, and also get emotionally involved with the characters. Creative imagination means we are able to extend the story beyond the boundaries of what we see on screen. We 'live' the show by imagining other storylines, or what happened off-screen, or the personal lives of the characters. The unfortunate thing for the writers of the show is that, the longer it lasts, the more likely it is that their version of the story will start to diverge from the imaginary version of an increasing number of fans. For example, I was a huge Blake's 7 fan, but I ignore season 4 of B7 because it wasn't 'my' show any more. I loved Farscape, but I'll be the first to admit that season 4 of Farscape went in a direction I didn't like. For many Gaters, the same thing has happened with SG-1. After 8 years, the scope for divergence is huge. I often feel as though I've watched a different show from some people here - and in a sense I have, because we've come to it from such a different perspective.

                        Also, sci-fi fans, as an intelligent audience, have strong critical ability. When we use it to praise a show, we are passionate and supportive fans. When we use it to tear things apart, we are an incredibly tough audience. My point is: the discontent of some fans, and the divisions between fans (all of which are evident in this forum) are natural, inevitable consequences of our intelligence as an audience. It doesn't have to be a problem. So long as everyone keeps a sense of humour and respect, debating and analysing is part of the fun of fandom. I'd far rather be hanging around a forum where people are amusingly slanging-off my favourite character, than find myself in a world of pod-people where Celebrity Mud-Wrestling is universally seen as good entertainment.



                          I totally agree Piratejenna. You put it very well.


                            Time will tell if the changes for s9 are going to be well received or not. Some people thought that the loss of MS and addition of CN would kill the show...yet s6 was good enough to get a s7, 8, 9 and 2 seasons of atlantis.

                            Maybe the changes will be wrought with a fine enough hand to pass by the ever critical eye of fans. Maybe they won't. maybe only some of them will pass muster while others flop massively.

                            Right now, i don't expect to hear anything from anyone involved with the show that's not 'it'll be great' 'it'll be fantastic' 'it's the best ever' cause that's their job. they gotta sell it. even if we think it's going to suck, they gotta get us to tune in and watch, even if we never watch again because length of viewership doesn't matter right now....whether or not there are enough ratings to buy them a s10 - and another year's employment - is all that matters

                            I dare you (general you) to find anyone involved with a show who, shortly before it premieres, says anything that's not fine, fantastic and wonderful.
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Piratejenna
                              So long as everyone keeps a sense of humour and respect, debating and analysing is part of the fun of fandom. I'd far rather be hanging around a forum where people are amusingly slanging-off my favourite character, than find myself in a world of pod-people where Celebrity Mud-Wrestling is universally seen as good entertainment.

                              same here. I'm not a fan of the 'hive mind, you all MUST say and do and believe the same thing' types of places.

                              If folks want nothing but mindless praise, then maybe they should find or form a place where criticism and open thinking isn't welcome
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?


