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Kino Abusers Anonymous (KAA)

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    When you use one to film what your dog is really doing !!!


      Its a sign of kino abuse when you use one to record those really boring briefings you were supposed to go to and play them back later to get the highlights. Its also apparently kino abuse (or at least frowned on) to alter the briefing footage, tap into all the viewscreens on the ship, and play back it back, no matter how entertaining you've made it.

      *Apparently its also kino abuse to send one out to follow around cute guys (or at least that's what Eli said after he caught mine following him)

      Find your Destiny


        Making a kino record your father's wife playing the hoola hoop thing on the Wii !!!
        (did it on my phone .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


          Originally posted by Supreme Commander Sil View Post
          Making a kino record your father's wife playing the hoola hoop thing on the Wii !!!
          (did it on my phone .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
          Oh my goodness!

          OK, definitely greenage for that.


            *message on a kino* Thanks
            as I said even just now


              when you use your kino to make stupid videos of yourself in fake gunfights with idiots running around in white wigs(wraith).
              when you use it as a paperweight.
              when you use it to scare people(intercom).
              when you use it to survey the underground tunnels of your school


                When you use your kino to spy on other GW users/the cast & crew of STARGATE.


                  Another sure sign of Kino abuse:

                  When you decide to drape a plain white sheet over the Kino to scare children and adults with the "ghost" for Halloween.


                    When you skip meetings @ KAA to go abuse your kinos....& get caught out (multiple times! ).


                      We now have a Social Group (many thanks to timstro59 for the awesome idead - you rock! )!

                      The link to the KAA Social Group can be found here:

                      All kino fans & KAA members are most welcome to join.


                        For those of us who just can't kick our Kino habit (and you know who you are ) and are in real need of satiating the Kino fix, I've uploaded a set of Kino photos. Enjoy them here and Kino yourselves to Kinostic ecstasy!


                          A sure sign of kino abuse is when you befriend fellow kino abusers on GW forums & then share your Kino Abuse via profile messages & participating in this thread/social group.


                            I'm afraid i have to admit something.
                            i have moved into the kino room, so i can be closer to the source of the madness and hopefully find a cure for this insanity.
                            wish me luck in finding a cure.


                              Guys, I think I'm dire need of a Kino intervention. I'm having to stop myself from bringing mine to work to intimidate the public with the motto, "Kino is watching you. He is Big Brother's little brother."


                                I'm having another Kinosthetic epiphany:

                                Kinophilia--that's kind of obvious.
                                Kinophobia--also obvious.
                                Kinosthesia--the administration of anesthesia through a Kino
                                Kinokinesis--If you look at a Kino long enough, you can make it do...?
                                Kinotosis--a medical term to describe our common malady?
                                Kinocetic--instead of copacetic

                                This is what happens to law enforcement personnel who are underpaid, overworked, and have natural insomniac tendencies to begin with.

                                <paints a red face on a Kino similar to "Wilson" from the Tom Hanks movie, Castaway>: Oh Kino, my dear Kino.

                                FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, I NEED AN INTERVENTION!


