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SGA story, a paragraph per post...

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    Weir looked undecided for a moment.
    "Okay," she said finally. "You have a go. Colonel Sheppard, get your team ready, you'll depart in an hour."


      "Umn..." McKay half raised a hand "We have only 14 minutes til the gate closes and we don't know if we can redial... if we are going it is pretty much now or never"
      Zelenka arrived back with the MUVA and soon had the remote controlled plane with attached camera and sensors through the gate and sending back images. The dialing controls appeared to be in good condition.
      sig by me


        Sheppard motioned towards the stairs with his head.

        "Just get your gear, McKay. Having us go without a scientist would be a bad idea."

        "John..." Weir started to protest.

        "Elizabeth, you said get my team ready. McKay's on my team. What are you waiting for, Rodney, a written invitation?" Shaking his head, McKay quickly headed for the stairs. Zelenka cleared his throat.

        "Umm, we'll work on finding an address while you are gone."

        "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
        Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
        "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
        Dr. Daniel Jackson
        "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
        Dean Winchester


          Stepping through the wormhole, Sheppard looked around the gate room, just like Atlantis, but with those colour differences, could be for all the flora that has grown throughout the area. McKay quickly went to the control room to ascertain the complete state of the city, the wormhole closed down behind them and they were left in the eerie glow of this new city. The plants and flowers were giving off a delicious smell, something about it was intoxicating, then they heard it, a sound coming from along the corridor, all guns pointed in that direction. "Wha...wha...what was that," McKay asked nervously.
          I came, I saw, I conquered!
          We are unique! Created unique!


            Sheppard laughed as a small creature appeared from within the vines, about the size of a squirrel it looked like acat crossed with a monkey and had soft russet fur. It ran up to Rodney and started climbing all over him, sniffing in a friendly manner. After a moment it ran off to the balcony and the team followed, looking out onto what had once been a great ocean.
            sig by me


              Ronon looked over the edge of the balcony.
              "Woah. That's a long way down," he said.
              The dried-up sea bed stretched for miles in every direction, though there were clouds and a dim shadown on the eastern horizon that suggested that there might be land out that way. There was no-way to get there on foot, however, the terrain was far too irregular and rugged, even if they could have got down from the city itself.
              "Well," said Sheppard thoughtfully, "let's go see what we've got indoors."
              "No more animals, I hope," said McKay wryly.
              Teyla chuckled.
              "As long as they're as small as the last one, we shouldn't have a problem," she said.


                Suddenly realising he had seen thi before in a movie he had seen on earth, john said: "Don't follow that thing! We're probably about to get attacked by some creepy spiders!"

                (posted at the same time as you, reading through it all before posting)
                Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                  "Relax, John, it's that little squirrel-monkey thing, again," said Teyla soothingly.
                  The little creature was perched on an overhanging branch next to the door, its big eyes curious and unafraid.
                  "I don't think it's ever seen humans" said McKay.
                  "Yeah, or it'd be running," said Ronon, as they made their way along past the control room again, and down the first corridor. The air was still, and heavy with the scent of the various flowers. McKay scratched at a wall with a pen.
                  "This moss seems to be covering everything. Wonder why?" he said.
                  Teyla paused to look at it more closely.


                    "Let's check out the jumper bay" Said Sheppard, grinning, "The rate we break them a few spares would be nice"
                    "You guys go ahead" said Rodney, waving one arm, "I'm going to see if I can get the power up from here and contact Atlantis, then I can look in the database to see what happened here, and whether that moss is dangerous" With that his plugged his tablet into the controls and started tapping away. Sheppard left Major Lorne and Carson with him as he went exploring with Ronan and Teyla.
                    "Maintain radio contact at all times, and speak up if you find anything McKay" John said as he headed off at a brisk jog.
                    Last edited by CarsonsKitty; 30 May 2009, 04:04 AM.
                    sig by me


                      A rather high pitched noise went out in a screech. The monkeycat ran in the opisite direction of the screech and jumped onto mckay's shoulder. A strange-
                      Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                        "What was that?" the radio crackled with Sheppard's voice.
                        "Nothing. Just feedback when I turned the computer on," said McKay rubbing his ear.
                        "Well turn the volume down Rodney!" said Sheppard.
                        "Gee, I'd never have thought of that," muttered McKay, and did so.


                          Rodney jumped as the lil guy scrambled up onto his shoulder, chittering in fear.
                          "Gettitoff gettitoff!" he yelled, trying to grap the creature. Slowly he realised that it wasn't trying to hurt him and he began to calm don. "Geez, it was just the computer on you lil rat, no need to freak"
                          "Looks like the little guy likes you Doc" Lorne said with a grin.
                          "What the heck is wrong with you Rodney" Sheppard asked over the radio.
                          "Och, we're fine" said Carson, trying to fight a grin "Just the wee monkey seems to like Rodney again" Carson finished with a chuckle.
                          sig by me


                            "Anyway," said McKay, twiching a bit as the monkey settled on his shoulder, "the moss seems to be indigenous to the planet. It looks as if the Ancients were actually growing it for some purpose...can't find what properties it had though, yet. Doesn't appear to be dangerous..."
                            "Famous last words," said Lorne.
                            "Yeah..." McKay rolled his eyes. "I'm still looking. And...hmm...some of the subroutines have degraded, I'm going to have to do some work before we can dial out. Don't...don't talk to me for a minute."
                            Lorne walked over to the top of the stairs.
                            "McKay's fixing...something in the computer, Colonel," he said over the radio. "How about you three, anything in the jumper bay that we could use?"


                              "We found some other animals, but that's all. The jumpers are all gone the hangar bay door has been blown apart." John said as he looked around. "I think that the ancients left in a hurry. We found a few wraith stunners as well. Keep your gaurd up."
                              Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                                "Teyla, can you sense any Wraith?" John asked as they headed through the vine coated hallways.
                                "No, I sense no Wraith presence at all" Teyla replied, stepping through the foliage gracefully. Another cat-monkey appeared, this one a soft wheat gold, and climbed up Johns body to settle on his shoulder. It chirruped and purred as it explored the pockets of his vest.
                                "Awh, these guys are kinda cute... I'm gonna call him Joe" said John as he stroked the lil animal on the head.
                                sig by me

