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You Know You're a Stargate Fan When...

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    Originally posted by Alteran of Atlantis View Post
    Because he gave yo 25 problems for homework, right?
    yeah. there really hard problems too and he won't help us anymore. I think the goa'uld took him over!

    when you are going to incorperate stargate somehow into the decorations for your euphonium because your school is doing a Merry Tuba Christmas.

    when you're sad that you probably won't have time to be on gateworld next week......


      Originally posted by heeroyue View Post
      when you're sad that you probably won't have time to be on gateworld next week......
      ...when you're sad that your Gateworld friend won't have time to be on next week

      ...when you and a friend on Gateworld are writing a story where you to to Atlantis


        Originally posted by Raeth View Post
        NICE. Which friend and what quote?
        Chris and the hunger quote.
        Wraith Humour. I has it.


          ...when you find and a random Stargate fan that works at the local Blockbuster have a 5 minute conversation about the Ori storyline

          The guy was like twenty years older than me.


            . . .you compaire STARGATE with STARWARS & all their similairities (Priors = Jedi ) & why STARGATE is better.

            . . .when your partner asks you what STARGATE stuff you DON'T have so they can buy you a present for your birthday/Xmas (& you reply you'll haveot see & get back to them).


              ...when you KNOW Stargate is better than Star Wars!

              ...when all you asked for Christmas was for Stargate: SG-1 seasons


                When you have conversations like this with your friend over AIM:

                (No real spoilers, just saving room in the post)

                [11:11] Sarf: whats shaken down in the old hive ship?

                [11:11] Me: Nothing much. We're getting ready for a large-scale culling on a world we took from a rival hive.

                [11:13] Sarf: oh sounds fun. is it a causal dress or formal culling?

                [11:13] Me: Casual. I prefer to be comfortable as I drain the life force from my humans, thank you very much.

                [11:14] Sarf: thats jolly good. is it an invite only culling then?

                [11:16] Me: Yeah. We can't risk other hives stealing our food.

                [11:17] Sarf: perfectly understandable.

                [11:17] Me: will the dj be playing rick asatly by any chance?

                [11:18] Sarf: Only if everyone can spell it right.

                [11:18] Me: But, we voted, and the main theme song for the culling will be "What, What In the Dart."

                [11:18] Me: It's very popular these days in the Pegasus Galaxy.

                [11:19] Sarf: oh superb, old chap

                [11:19] Me: This is going on Gateworld, by the way.

                [11:19] Sarf: im sure it is

                Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
                Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
                Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?



                  when you know exactly what season an episode is in based off of the teaser and the opening theme.

                  when you know that the local station is playing random episodes of sg-1 and it annoys you because they pick a new season every week but they haven't mannaged to pick a season you haven't see yet...

                  when you get annoyed when the local station gets half way through a season of atlantis and then goes back to the begining and restarts

                  when you know the pattern the local station takes with a season of atlantis.
                  (go through to half way but skip the episode that's two before the two parter, restart, go half way again and play the missing episode, restart, go three quarters of the way but skip the episode that's two after the two parter, restart, go to the end once skiping the two episodes that were skipped before, restart half way through the season and play the second skipped episode, go to end again, time for a new season. See haw this could get really annoying?)


                    ...when someone asks you "What would you do if you had 1,000 dollars?" and your reply is "I'd buy lots of Stargate DVDs."



                      when you can qoute every line & eveyr scence from (almost) every episode/movie of STARGATE that has aired on T.V / DVD /cinema!


                        ...when everytime someone says the word "symbiote" you burst out laughing

                        Why were they saying "symbiote" in that weird Spider-man game my brother was playing anyway?


                          When you own the series on DVD and yet you have to watch whatever episode happens to come on TV.

                          Or, when you own the series on DVD and yet you have to watch whatever episode happens to come on TV - and then you watch the channel's second showing of it later that day. X)


                            when you watch stargate until midnight on a school night.

                            when you play the music from atlantis for a friend of yours because you know she'll be interested in the show if there's a good low brass part.

                            when you want to make a stargate marching band show.

                            when someone in your english class says C-4 and you automatically think of stargate.


                              ..when your parents threaten to not let you on Gateworld so you'll shut up. Because they KNOW you'll shut up!


                                When you and your older brother think about "Stargate on Ice" and come up with a move to do.

                                Robert: So, do the Wraith feed on fear, or just life in general?
                                Me: Just life in general. But they'd probably prefer that their victims be scared.
                                Robert: So, it's like marinating them, then?


