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Gate-doku (SG Sudoku)

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    i suggest 3 moves per post for the 9x9 and 1 move per post for the 4x4
    Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
    Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
    Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
    Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


      [SHP][WIR][TLC] [MCK][YA ][AY ] [JCK][DEX][SAM]

      [TLC][MCK][JW ] [SHP][AJ ][WA ] [TEY][SAM][DEX]
      [DAN][SAM][WJ ] [DEX][JY ][YW ] [TLC][SHP][MCK]


      either 1. i missed something


      2. this puzzle was initially set up incorrectly... by my estimates, this puzzle has two solutions: the one in red, and the one in green. all proper sudoku puzzles have only 1 unique solution.

      now, it may be that i made a mistake, can someone either point it out, or support my claim?


      (A = DAN, W = WIR, J = JCK, Y = TEY)
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
      Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
      Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


        no you're right. but I got three solutions because I got more boxes filled. btw. hey it's not nice to post everything, I coul have done that after the firts post^^ So you ahve to make the netx one

        you can't have Weir with Teyla because then the rest wouldn't fit. SO Weir can't be in it and so you get the TEY and DAN in the upper Box.
        But you can take any Weir/Jack/Daniel choice with this 5 boxes

        [SHP][WIR][TLC] [MCK][TEY][DAN] [JCK][DEX][SAM]
        [JCK][DAN][MCK] [TLC][SAM][DEX] [WIR][TEY][SHP]
        [SAM][DEX][TEY] [WIR][SHP][JCK] [MCK][DAN][TLC]

        [TEY][SHP][DEX] [SAM][TLC][MCK] [DAN][WIR][JCK]
        [TLC][MCK][JW ] [SHP][JWA][AW ] [TEY][SAM][DEX]
        [DAN][SAM][WJ ] [DEX][JW ][TEY] [TLC][SHP][MCK]

        [WIR][TEY][SAM] [JCK][DEX][TLC] [SHP][MCK][DAN]
        [DEX][TLC][DAN] [TEY][MCK][SHP] [SAM][JCK][WIR]
        [MCK][JCK][SHP] [DAN][WIR][SAM] [DEX][TLC][TEY]
        Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
        Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
        If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
        "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


          [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
          [---][---][---] [TLC][---][---] [---][---][DEX]
          [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][---] [---][WIR][---]

          [TEY][---][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][---][---]
          [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
          [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [---][---][TEY]

          [---][MCK][---] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][---][---]
          [SAM][---][---] [---][---][DAN] [---][---][---]
          [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


            [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
            [---][---][---] [TLC][---][---] [---][---][DEX]
            [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][---] [---][WIR][---]

            [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][---][SHP]
            [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
            [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [---][---][TEY]

            [---][MCK][---] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][---][---]
            [SAM][---][---] [---][DEX][DAN] [---][---][---]
            [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]
            Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
            Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
            If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
            "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


              [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
              [---][---][---] [TLC][---][---] [---][---][DEX]
              [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [---][WIR][---]

              [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][---][SHP]
              [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
              [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [---][---][TEY]

              [---][MCK][DEX] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][---][---]
              [SAM][---][---] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][---]
              [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]

              BTW, i've done sudoku puzzles where you have had a choice of two different moves at the end, but i think it is very rare.


                [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                [---][---][---] [TLC][---][---] [---][---][DEX]
                [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [---][WIR][---]

                [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][---][SHP]
                [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [---][---][TEY]

                [JCK][MCK][DEX] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][---][---]
                [SAM][TLC][---] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][MCK]
                [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]

                and btw, my avatar's better
                Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                  [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                  [---][---][---] [TLC][---][---] [---][---][DEX]
                  [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [---][WIR][---]

                  [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][---][SHP]
                  [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                  [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                  [JCK][MCK][DEX] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                  [SAM][TLC][---] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][MCK]
                  [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]

                  didn't even realise you had the same avatar!
                  anyway, it goes better with my sig than the old one did


                    [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                    [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [DAN][---][DEX]
                    [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [---][WIR][---]

                    [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                    [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                    [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                    [JCK][MCK][DEX] [---][TEY][---] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                    [SAM][TLC][---] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][MCK]
                    [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [---][DEX][JCK]
                    Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                    Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                    If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                    "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                      [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                      [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [DAN][---][DEX]
                      [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [---][WIR][---]

                      [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                      [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                      [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                      [JCK][MCK][DEX] [SAM][TEY][---] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                      [SAM][TLC][JCK] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][MCK]
                      [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [SAM][DEX][JCK]


                        you have to times JCK

                        [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                        [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [DAN][---][DEX]
                        [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [TEY][WIR][---]

                        [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                        [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                        [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                        [JCK][MCK][DEX] [SAM][TEY][WIR] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                        [SAM][TLC][SHP] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][---][MCK]
                        [WIR][---][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [SAM][DEX][JCK]
                        Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                        Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                        If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                        "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                          whoops sorry

                          [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                          [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [DAN][---][DEX]
                          [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [TEY][WIR][SAM]

                          [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                          [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                          [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                          [JCK][MCK][DEX] [SAM][TEY][WIR] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                          [SAM][TLC][SHP] [---][DEX][DAN] [WIR][TEY][MCK]
                          [WIR][TEY][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [SAM][DEX][JCK]


                            [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                            [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [DAN][---][DEX]
                            [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [TEY][WIR][SAM]

                            [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                            [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                            [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                            [JCK][MCK][DEX] [SAM][TEY][WIR] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                            [SAM][TLC][SHP] [JCK][DEX][DAN] [WIR][TEY][MCK]
                            [WIR][TEY][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [SAM][DEX][JCK]
                            46-43! and 45-44! and 49-22-11!!
                            Ain't it good to know you've got a friend. ~ Carole King


                              we got a problem. There has to be a mistake with the sec jck (now SHP) you can't have anything else in the first row because the other possibility (teyla) can't be because in the first row the mid box contains one Teyla (left or right of WIR). So Shep has be in the first row but that means it can't be there where the sec JCK was, so JCK has to be right there that means the other (first) JCK is wrong... only that there can't be SHP because there is already one in that row.. So... erm.. help?
                              Don't Voyagernize Atlantis!
                              Which actors do you wanne see? Gatedoku Kavan Smith Secondary Atlantis Ladies Torri Connor Trineer Claudia Black McShep
                              If You Wanne Live, Don't Go To Atlantis, People Die There Like Flies!
                              "There are rules. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't open an airlock when someone's inside. Don't lie about your genetic status." - Jack in Statistical Probabilities


                                I think i've found the problem:

                                [DEX][SAM][---] [---][WIR][---] [JCK][---][TLC]
                                [---][---][---] [TLC][---][SAM] [TEY][---][DEX]
                                [---][---][TLC] [---][SHP][DEX] [DAN][WIR][SAM]

                                [TEY][DEX][---] [---][---][TLC] [MCK][SAM][SHP]
                                [TLC][---][MCK] [---][SAM][---] [DEX][---][WIR]
                                [---][---][SAM] [DEX][---][---] [TLC][---][TEY]

                                [JCK][MCK][DEX] [SAM][TEY][WIR] [SHP][TLC][DAN]
                                [SAM][TLC][SHP] [JCK][DEX][DAN] [WIR][TEY][MCK]
                                [WIR][TEY][DAN] [---][TLC][---] [SAM][DEX][JCK]

