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You Know You're A Gate Head When...

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    long live scifi!!!!
    and off topic...
    i was watching the startrek marathon with spock the other night (the really old ones) and god it was irritating! especially the dramatic music when f'k all was happening! makes me glad for voyager now....

    I'm not dead. Yet.


      When you worry your cat is a Go'auld


        Originally posted by Kyle
        When you worry your cat is a Go'auld
        He's not the only one - this squirrel was at Gatecon UK!!


          - you're giving some serious thought to adding an apostrophe to your name

          - you don't need glasses but wear them anyway

          - you paint your phone red

          - upon seeing a circular pattern on the ground you expect rings to pop up

          - your knowledge of egyptian mythology is limited to the number of system lords that SG has encountered

          - when walking up ramps you just KNOW there's a Stargate at the end

          - you suspect your boss of being manipulated by a snake in his head

          - you are better known on Stargate forums than in real life

          - you know the english translation of "Kree"

          - you consider Area 51 to be boring. Area 52... now that would be interesting!

          - refer to any of the actors by their character, eg. Teal'c's actor, Jack's actor...

          - find yourself starting every sentence with "With all due respect…"

          - and find yourself answering every sentence with "Indeed"

          - you've taken to raising an eyebrow every time you're surprised or suspicious

          - you stay up all night deciphering artifacts....
          ...despite the fact they're just rocks...
          ...and that you got them from your garden....
          ...and that there's nothing written on them.

          * I made up the following *

          - you tell your dog to kneel before his god!

          - and you train him to become a Hatak dog

          - whenever you write a letter you feel the zip code would be somewhat you add the Earth symbol

          - you send a radio-controlled car out your front door before leaving

          - you make sure your garage door never stays open for more than 38 minutes...if it does, you know there's gonna be trouble

          - to those who ask you about your stance on the environment, you describe yourself as a "friend to all, protector of all...except snakes, with whom you are at war"

          - you instinctively reach for your wristwatch whenever you sense trouble (now where's that personal shield when you need it)

          - when your girlfriend/wife offers you a brand new wristwatch for your anniversary, you first check her wrist to see if she's wearing the same watch before putting yours on

          - in a fit of anger you threaten to blow up Sci-Fi for cancelling the show, and actually undertake plans to do so...even though you know that anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to fear, and fear leads to the Dark Side...

          ...wait a minute...

          ...that's not Stargate...

          ...that's STAR WARS!...

          ...screw it...

          ...oh well, feel free to add any of your own...
          Last edited by SoulReaver; 10 September 2006, 05:20 AM.


            Check out the "You Know You're A Gatehead When..." thread in the Fun & Games Section.



              You draw the Sci-Fi channel logo in Math... and then you show several Ha'taks, the Enterprise A, Enterprise E, Enterprise D, NX-01, Defiant, Harry Potter, Voldemort, and a swarm of Jaffa destroying it. Because you were angry... And you still are... DEATH TO SCI-FI!

              To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.



                  - you tell your dog to kneel before his god

                  - and you train him to become a Hatak dog

                  - whenever you write a letter you feel the zip code would be somewhat you add the Earth symbol

                  - you send a radio-controlled car out your front door before leaving

                  - you make sure your garage door never stays open for more than 38 minutes...if it does, you know there's gonna be trouble

                  - to those who ask you about your stance on the environment, you describe yourself as a "friend to all, protector of all...except snakes, with whom you are at war"

                  - you instinctively reach for your wristwatch whenever you sense trouble (now where's that personal shield when you need it)

                  - when your girlfriend/wife offers you a brand new wristwatch for your anniversary, you first check her wrist to see if she's wearing the same watch before putting yours on

                  - in a fit of anger you threaten to blow up Sci-Fi for cancelling the show, and actually undertake plans to do so...even though you know that anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to fear, and fear leads to the Dark Side...
                  ...wait...that's not Stargate...
                  ...that's Star Wars!...
                  ...screw it...


                    Hi everyone! I was grounded for a while, but I'm back now. (I can hear everyone saying "awww...crap, not that girl again", lol)


                    your other knows the best way to punish you is to take away GW for a while


                    Originally posted by penguininablender
                    hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                    Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                    OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                    - RSF

           Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
                      - you tell your dog to kneel before his god

                      - whenever you write a letter you feel the zip code would be somewhat you add the Earth symbol
                      hilarious indeed.... i wish i had a dog so i could tell him to kneel before his god...

                      and i might just start doing that with the zipcodes
                      Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
                      Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
                      Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
                      Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                        When you day dream in pottery that the man who is giving a wheel demonstartio is not your ancient teacher....but infact....Richard Dean Anderson, who's caught in a time loop. You really really want to tell him how to slove it....

                        oh we watched this Marines Video in my english class. And this kid climbs a mountain and see's a city. He goes into the city and gets caught in all these trials.....the final test of wits arrives, The boy finds a sword and pulls it from the stone and then from the wall emerges a this point I'm laughing my head off, the best part was I yelled out "Well he failed Fencing in highschool"


                          Originally posted by Puddle_Jumper_One
                          oh we watched this Marines Video in my english class. And this kid climbs a mountain and see's a city. He goes into the city and gets caught in all these trials.....the final test of wits arrives, The boy finds a sword and pulls it from the stone and then from the wall emerges a this point I'm laughing my head off, the best part was I yelled out "Well he failed Fencing in highschool"

                          That's basically what I was doing when I was watching Atlantis: The Lost Empire... Near the end, they did nearly the same thing they did at the end of Rising, Part II where they zoom out all the way and I was humming the Atlantis theme song real loud.

                          To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


                            You hear NASA is launching "Atlantis" and you get really, really confused when you see a shuttle on TV and not a city
                            Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                            RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                            And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                              That shuttle has me so confused!! My Mam came in today and told me, 'Atlantis has taken off'


                                I didn't here about that!! huh, must have been to busy keeping Seth (guy in my history class: he has black hair that is short for my town, but similar to Setesh's hair lenght. he sits straight across from me, so I keep an eye on him...) Then the teacher looks like Landry, only as if someone made his head thiner (same body shape, but the head isn't so wide) I had someone say something that Mitchell said the other day, I don't recall what it was.... but it took alot of self control not to laugh... my school gets funny.
                                Before you met me I was a fairy princess
                                I caught frogs and called them prince
                                And made myself a queen
                                Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
                                I slept in castles and fell in love
                                Because I was taught to dream

                                I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
                                To capture tinkerbell
                                They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
                                But I could always tell

                                I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
                                And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
                                And anything I can to get by
                                And fireflies...

                                "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who

