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SG1 Best Episode Tournament - Seasons 1 through 7 overall

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    My two cents... why don't we think of options, i.e.

    - Close the thread
    - Have somebody take over this thread
    - Open a new one from the begining
    - Open a new thread taking out the episodes that have already been eliminated.

    etc.... once we have our options, we can open a seperate thread with a poll on the top (that way we don't count) and open the poll for 1 week... promoting it in our sigs.

    At the end we will have a desicion taken.

    PS: Katerine, we miss you!!!!!

    Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


      Originally posted by LOL4JACK
      My two cents... why don't we think of options, i.e.

      - Close the thread
      - Have somebody take over this thread
      - Open a new one from the begining
      - Open a new thread taking out the episodes that have already been eliminated.

      etc.... once we have our options, we can open a seperate thread with a poll on the top (that way we don't count) and open the poll for 1 week... promoting it in our sigs.

      At the end we will have a desicion taken.

      PS: Katerine, we miss you!!!!!
      Well, the idea I like best is someone taking it over if Katerine is unable to resume handling it. But I don't feel comfortable releasing it to someone else's care without Katerine's okay at least. I'd be willing to put it on indefinite hold until she could come back, assuming someone is able to get in touch with her. Katerine's done such a fine job so far, and the thread is really her baby, she should decide, if at all possible.


        Thanks for your help, undomesticated_equine! I'll get on that some time today.

        OK... So the main questions are:

        Who is interested in taking over the tallying?

        Should we have a group or a single person?

        Should a new system be developed?

        Should we start from the beginning, or should we continue with the remaining episodes?

        Should we close the thread down altogether?

        Again, as I said last night, I think it's VERY important that we get as many voters into the thread on that date as possible. I'd hate for the fate of this thread to be decided by just a few people. Katerine managed to get a bunch of people in. We all travel in different circles, so I'm sure we can do the same thing!


          I was really hoping to see Katerine post Labor Day. Hope she's okay.

          Since this is getting dangerously close to page 2, figured I'd bump.

          If Katerine doesn't return and we do anything, the 18th sounds like a good date to decide.

          As for dancer's questions, my two cents.
          Who? A very kind very patient volunteer.
          How many? I would think a group would be too confusing, but whatever works.
          New system? I think the take off of Celsius's system works well, but all of K's wonderful stats may be too unwieldly to tally.
          Start from the beginning? Oh for the love of Mike, PLEASE NO! I don't think I could go through 54 rounds again. I think the thread would die, if it won't anyway.
          Should we close it? It is Katerine's baby. I'm not sure how it would work with someone else. I'm torn between seeing it end unfinished and continuing without her.

          Perhaps we should wait to see if anyone is willing to continue it, if not, it may be a moot point. Please come back Katerine! We miss you!



            and my two cents..

            who ? I said it again, could we ask Celcius to do it ? it's his system that Katerine adopt, if he can't, then I don't know who would have the time, the patient and the familiarity of the system.

            howmany ? agree with CaptV, a group could be confusing

            start from beginning ? yes, I would prefer that way. If Katerine come back someday, we could leave that one and return to this thread or even take both in tandem, provided VVV

            new system ? if we continued this thread, then NO. IF we open new thread then YES, maybe we choose 10 eps per vote (instead of 8) I'm sure the result would be different, the voter are not as diversed as we are now when Katerine started this thread

            should we close it ? I would prefer yes, see above ^^^
   : lilferret


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              [COLOR=Navy]Thanks for your help, undomesticated_equine! I'll get on that some time today.
              No probs! Glad I could help, and the link looks great.

              As for the questions, I agree with Capt Voronokova. Well said.

              Who? A very kind very patient volunteer.
              How many? I would think a group would be too confusing, but whatever works.
              New system? I think the take off of Celsius's system works well, but all of K's wonderful stats may be too unwieldly to tally.
              Start from the beginning? Oh for the love of Mike, PLEASE NO! I don't think I could go through 54 rounds again. I think the thread would die, if it won't anyway.
              Should we close it? It is Katerine's baby. I'm not sure how it would work with someone else. I'm torn between seeing it end unfinished and continuing without her.

              Perhaps we should wait to see if anyone is willing to continue it, if not, it may be a moot point. Please come back Katerine! We miss you!

              Sig courtesy of InvisibleGirl
              Proud to be an Aussie - the Calling all Australians thread.

              My incredibly boring blog!


                Thanks for putting a notice in your sig, undomesticated_equine!

                Here are my votes for now... I think we'll just have to repeat them on the 18th. They don't really differ from yours!

                Taking over: I'd prefer no one else did, only because no one's expressed a gung-ho effort. Celsius would be an obvious choice, but I haven't really seen that person around. There's no point in dropping this in his/her lap.

                Single vs. Group: If a significant amount of people want us to continue AS IS, and if no one steps up to the plate, we may have to get a group, if only to ensure that the votes are tallied in a timely manner. Still, a group WOULD get confusing, I agree. Both have their benefits, I suppose. I'd prefer one (very brave, very dedicated) person did it.

                A New System: It may work if we decide on a group OR if one person does it and just DOESN'T get Katerine's/Celsius' method. A new system would also be nicer, because it wouldn't seem like we're stealing Katerine's babe.

                Go Forth: I'd rather we started over if we decide to continue at all, but that's just me. It'd be AWFUL and it probably wouldn't survive, but I just can't justify us doing what Katerine did. Maybe when - not if - she gets back, she can appoint a Vice-President dude/gal to take over when she's not around.

                Closing Up Shop: Ultimately, I'd like us to close up shop, but it's good to have a decent and all-encompassing back-up plan should a butt-load of people come in on the 18th demanding that SOMEONE continue this thread.

                I'd understand if people were upset about us closing it for good, but this is really out of all of our control. It's unfortunate that it may end this way, but there's still hope! We have 11 days and counting! Katerine could still make an appearance.


                  Who: I would be willing to continue in Katherine's place, if the all of you accept me that is.

                  How many: Better to stick to one person doing it to make it less confusing. However, that person should choose a deputy, to take over whilst on holiday or ill.

                  System: We amy as well use this system, as it works and everyone's used to it.

                  Start over: No, I doubt people would be as enthusiastic to go through 54 rounds again and end up with similar standings.

                  Close it down: NOOOOO!!! Wherever Katherine is now, Im sure she'd rather know that someone else is continuing her fine work, rather than come back and see that we've let her baby wither and die by being unwilling to take matters into our own hands.

                  As above, I would be willing to take over and run this thread in place of Katherine. If you wish me to do so, please say so. Although I agree that we should wait until the 18th before doing anything anyway.
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                  Lost City, Part 2 - The Gateworld best ep S1-7

                  The 'Everyone Gets A Compliment' Thread


                    Who? Da Hippie just volunteered (brave soul)---I'm fine with that.
                    Group or single person? See above.... (Single seems much less know what they say about too many cooks...)
                    New system? As long as it's okay with the person doing it, I'd say stick with Katerine's methods....
                    Start from the beginning? Oh, please, no! (Having said that, if everyone else wanted to start over, I'd go along with it, but my first answer is "no".)
                    Close down the thread? No. Let me explain...I agree this thread is Katerine's baby and she's done an amazing job with it. (She has my admiration----my mind glazes over when it comes to numbers and statistics. ) If someone temporarily takes over this thread until Katerine returns, it will be like a substitute teacher taking over for a regular teacher (in a classroom situation). I'm okay with that. When you have a substitute, things may change a little while he-or-she is there, but everything returns to normal once your usual teacher returns. I hope Katerine returns, but, realistically speaking, she may have some major things going on in her life and not be able to fit this thread into her schedule at this point in her life...... If this were my thread and I had to leave it for an unspecified amount of time, it wouldn't bother me if someone else took it over temporarily to keep the ball rolling.....
                    Last edited by SimilarCadence; 07 September 2005, 09:15 AM.


                      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                      Taking over: I'd prefer no one else did, only because no one's expressed a gung-ho effort. Celsius would be an obvious choice, but I haven't really seen that person around. There's no point in dropping this in his/her lap.
                      Well hi I'm here now While I am still hoping that Katherine is ok and returns some time soon, I woudl be happy to run/help out with this tournament, but as da_hippie has already kindly offered to run it, I think they should get priority . I think we should probably keep the system the same, as long as whoever does end up running it doesn't mind doing the more compelx aspects of the tallying.

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                        Originally posted by Celsius
                        Well hi I'm here now While I am still hoping that Katherine is ok and returns some time soon, I woudl be happy to run/help out with this tournament, but as da_hippie has already kindly offered to run it, I think they should get priority . I think we should probably keep the system the same, as long as whoever does end up running it doesn't mind doing the more compelx aspects of the tallying.
                        Thank you, both Celsius and da_hippie, for volunteering to take over the tournament. I've been hoping we would have heard from Katerine by now, but as each day passes, my hope grows dimmer. I wish we knew she was alright.....

                        As for posting any votes...NO. Let's just be patient and wait until the tournament officially begins again. I was hoping for an earlier start, than the 18th, but the majority rules.
                        On fighting:
                        Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                        Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                          I think we should continue it in a different thread, with the episodes that have been eliminated gone. That way we dont have to do 4 months worth of voting again.

                          With it running in a different thread, if Katherine returns, she can continue where she left off.


                            Who is interested in taking over the tallying? Unfortunately I can't...

                            Should we have a group or a single person? I think a single person is better.

                            Should a new system be developed? I don't mind, whatever is best.

                            Should we start from the beginning, or should we continue with the remaining episodes? Nooooooooooooo, please not from the begining!

                            Should we close the thread down altogether? I think this is Katerine's thread... I would like maybe to start another one.

                            But overall, I'm easy going

                            Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                            Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                            Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                              Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                              My two cents... why don't we think of options, i.e.

                              - Close the thread
                              - Have somebody take over this thread
                              - Open a new one from the begining
                              - Open a new thread taking out the episodes that have already been eliminated.

                              etc.... once we have our options, we can open a seperate thread with a poll on the top (that way we don't count) and open the poll for 1 week... promoting it in our sigs.

                              At the end we will have a desicion taken.

                              PS: Katerine, we miss you!!!!!
                              I'd vote for option 4.

                              It's taken do long to get this far.



                                Originally posted by LOL4JACK
                                My two cents... why don't we think of options, i.e.

                                - Close the thread
                                - Have somebody take over this thread
                                - Open a new one from the begining
                                - Open a new thread taking out the episodes that have already been eliminated.

                                etc.... once we have our options, we can open a seperate thread with a poll on the top (that way we don't count) and open the poll for 1 week... promoting it in our sigs.

                                At the end we will have a desicion taken.

                                PS: Katerine, we miss you!!!!!
                                I vote for option 4, too.

                                The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005

