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    Episode 1 - "Heroes Fallen" - Part 2.

    The fighters engage each other, with the HAWK fighters occupied by omega launching several missiles each, only one connecting and destroying an enemy craft, levelling the field out.


    "Keep your cool Tank, if you let adrenaline get a hold of you up here you'll end up on the ground in pieces.."

    "He's right Tank, keep your damn cool"

    "Aiight, but only cause robocop said so"

    "I am your squad leader tank, not robocop."

    "ahh crap i got a tailer!"

    An enemy fighter, which equal the Hawk's in size but have purple designs over them, tails Flash, firing purple plasma energy, with flash dodging the fire so far.

    "I can't shake this guy either!"

    "I dont now how long i can keep this guy off a me!"

    "Pull it together flash!"

    Beef fires his chaingun, which hits the fighter he is chasing, but not detroying it. The rinign noise of a missile lock sounds, and he immediately presses the launch button in a split second, destroying the fighter.
    Tank has taken position behind the enemy following bones, but can't shoot.

    "bones get out of the damn way so i can blast this fool!"

    "I cant shake him dammit!"

    "I got your back flash!"

    Prowler comes behind the enemy fighter tailing flash, but the third fighter beef has been chasing gets a lock, and a green energy missile hits prowlers craft, separating it into tiny fragments among a thick black fog.




    Bones screams down the radio not only at the loss of his friend, but through the g-force he is putting his body through, as he performs a 180 flip, firing a missile into the enemy fighter following him. Inevitably, the incredible Gforce at those speeds was too much for any body, no matter how strong.


    "bones why did you do that, i almost had him!"


    The fighter that killed prowler fires another green energy missile at flash. Flash increases his speed, making sharp turns putting himself through harsh Gforces that not even inertial dampners can compensate for. The missile closes in second by second, as flash's heart races, flooding his system with adrenaline sending his body into overdrive.

    "Flash increase your speed and head in a straight line, we will find you later!"

    "Its no good sir! Prowler...buddy..."

    The green misile impacts, sending his craft spiralling to the sea but the cockpit is intact.

    "No chute i repeat no chute!"

    "Pull the chute flash!"

    Flash's radio is extremely noisy with the rush of air entering the cockpit, and it breaks up intermittently.

    " friend....he was i had..."

    His fighter draws close to the sea, and for what seemed like an eternity to the remaining squad above, the fighter hits the ocean, seperating on impact.

    "Everlance come in dammit! And Tank, bones, neutralise that last fighter!"

    The 2 attack from both sides, launching a missile each. In almost perfect synchronisation, the 2 missiles hit the same time, decimating the enemy fighter, ending the horrific battle.

    "This is the everlance, weve already sent out 2 raptor search squads. Im sorry men..."

    "Yeah.....Omega squad retunirng to base."

    "Or what's left of it.."

    The figthers dock at the now stationary everlance, as the search teams salvage remains, and flash's body. Omega squad report to the bridge after getting settled.
    the bridge doors slide open, and Tank and Bones walk in to see the normal brdige crew, mainly being captain Keyan, his helmsman Major lee and tactical officer Lopez, among others in the backround. Also, Beef is there, in his usualt outfit, the suit.

    "We..recovered his body."

    "They were my brothers...all we have is eachother."

    "Damn b*tch ass aliens."

    "Im sorry, i now it hit you both harder than anyone, but we can mourn them later, for now, we have a mission to complete."

    "Major lee have we avoided the last carrier?"

    "Well we are just entering U.S protected air space, but there is one following us."

    "E.T.A 2 minutes sir. I also have an ameircan ship on sensors, its the battle ship USS Justice."

    "contact them and inform them of the carrier."

    "They already now sir, they are about to engage it."

    Outside a much larger battleship passes and dwarfs the frigate, as it shoots off to combat the carrier.

    "Hold on tight boys, were going to pick up speed and get on dry land."

    The everlance puts its engines at full blast, and reaches the american installation, landing in a bay. After landing, they are in the command centre of the american forces.

    In the room is General Mitchell and "the Major", along with Omega and Keyan. They are now high above ground with large windows allowing sunlight through, and there are several advanced consoles, and som eholograms in the room with personnel around them.

    "We lost 2 from Omega.."

    "Im sorry to hear."

    The Major
    "This war has seen too many fallen heroes already..."

    Beef takes his helmet off.

    "Well sir, the war has only been going on for 5 days.."

    "We need you out there Omega."

    "We have watched, as you have all becom ethe soldiers we need you to be. Your training has lasted your lifetime, but this is the real thing, and no matter what they put you through, it won't compare to this."

    "With all respect sir, judging on how those enemy fighters were able to down 2 Hawks with omega pilots, air superiority, the exact thing we need, is not going to happen."

    "Have you recieved the latest ship count?"

    Commander Volker walks in at this time.

    "Yes, we have. 5 more enemy motherships dropped out over the south pole at 0800 today, and they brought another 12 carrier ships with countless fighters."

    "We have only 19 Battleships, 1 304 and a dew dozen frigates."

    "What about men sir?"

    "enemy numbers are uncountable, but they dont outnumber us on the field. The problem is, those things are so hard to bring down they manage to kill several before we manage to down one of them."

    "Wait a minute, we have a 304?"

    "One, and it's beyond repair at the moment. The USS Hammond."

    "Its old, but it could take out some carriers. The problem is we need certain parts which we can't build anymore, as the factory and supply lines have all been taken out."

    "We need you, to secure an enemy carrier and bring it here."


    "It will have the technology we need, not only that but we can actually learn something about this species."

    Sig by Draygon.


      Tense ending. Nice bringing in the Hammond seems strange to hear that it's 'old'

      So what kind of ships does Earth have circa 2024? Do we have any "mothership" type ships which have surpassed the 304 or has Earth concentrated on smaller ships while keeping the 304's in service?


        Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
        Tense ending. Nice bringing in the Hammond seems strange to hear that it's 'old'

        So what kind of ships does Earth have circa 2024? Do we have any "mothership" type ships which have surpassed the 304 or has Earth concentrated on smaller ships while keeping the 304's in service?

        There are several types of ships, the ones ive introduced so far are;
        -HAWK Fighter (High Altitude Warfare Kraft) - and yes, i now about the spelling.
        - Frigate class ship - A ship about 3x the size of an al'kesh, but not as big as a 304.
        - Battleship - Larger than a 304, but not even by double. Heavily armed.

        The 304's production was stopped for those craft, but the ones that remain are kept in use.

        As for the larger ships, i can only say so much. But after all those years, you would think Earth at least made one ship that rivals others in size, huh? But im not confirming anything of course.

        Sig by Draygon.


          Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
          There are several types of ships, the ones ive introduced so far are;
          -HAWK Fighter (High Altitude Warfare Kraft) - and yes, i now about the spelling.
          - Frigate class ship - A ship about 3x the size of an al'kesh, but not as big as a 304.
          - Battleship - Larger than a 304, but not even by double. Heavily armed.

          The 304's production was stopped for those craft, but the ones that remain are kept in use.

          As for the larger ships, i can only say so much. But after all those years, you would think Earth at least made one ship that rivals others in size, huh? But im not confirming anything of course.

          Look forward to reading more!


            Episode 1 - "Heroes Fallen" - Part 3.

            Location: South Wales, Swansea.

            An an embankment in this now barren city, a mettalic sructure concealed underground gleams from the sunshine. The building has a small fraction above ground for entrance.

            Hangar bay 1.

            Hangar bay 1 is a large bay, which has each of it's vessels on a surface that can be elevated directly to the surface, with a spiral hatch on the surface which is camoflauged. Bones, Beef and Tank enter the bay, and beef shakes hands with a man with a clipboard.

            Support officer
            "Alright, you guys are in Raptor 241. It's the second on the left. Good luck."


            On each side of the bay there is 3 raptor dropships and 2 HAWK fighter carft. The team report to their dropship, and walk in the back which is open.

            The crew of the raptor is a compliment of 8 Marine core troops, one pilot and one co-pilot.

            Pilot Andrews
            "Welcome onboard fella's."


            Co-pilot williams
            "You might want to strap in, it's probably going to get abit bumpy soon."

            Beef looks back, as the raptor is made of 2 sections. The forward section which has the 2 pilot seats and 4 passengers int he compartment, then another second compartment, holding most of the supplies and marines. Beef gazes upon the heavily strapped in marines.

            "I'll be fine."

            Bones and tank take seats, and as always, beef is in his armoured supersuit.

            The hatch from the back closes slowly, as several noises are made inside the cockpit with gauges spinning and many other lights and gadgets going off. Then, the surface begins to rise slowly, and as it does the ceiling spirals open.
            The Raptor emitts a humming noise as it powers up, and just as the lift reaches the surface it takes off.

            "This is raptor 241, successful takeoff confirmed, we are en-route."

            Williams (copilot)
            "That is confirmed control."

            The control centre replies via a secure channel.

            "We copy, good luck out there."

            "keep the coffee pot hot for us would ya'. Raptor 241 out."

            "Will do 241, will do."

            The comm cuts, and the raptor picks up speed, coming over the channel already.

            "So, have we picked a ship were going to board?"

            The crew now communicate via headsets.

            "Nah. There were several ships over France last time sensors reported, so were going to have to see what we come up against."

            The raptor travels for several minutes undisturbed, but suddenly the cockpit sounds the alarm, which sends a chill down the marines in the back section spines.

            "Alright boys this is it."

            "how do you plan on getting inside one of these things? were not endangering this craft and crew for this mission."

            "Dont worry, we have our orders, you have yours. Besides, i have an idea. We can drop down from above and land on one of their ships."

            "what? There isnt even a clear entrance from the outside, we could just end up stuck on that thing."

            "bones is right Beef, what are you thinking."

            "We already have some information on the motherships, we know an entrance from the outside, we just have to bypass the shield."

            "What makes you think this dropship can get through a mothership's shields!"

            "they wont suspect us, take us up several thousand feet and we'll jump."

            "You know if they detect us falling towards their ship they will raise the shield, and i dont even now what happens when someone hits a shield, but i sure as held dont need first hand proof."

            "The shock will instantly kill you."

            "Alright, grab a chute."

            "Marines, you can remain here if you so wish. Those of you who want to join us, you may."

            The marines stare at beef's closed golden visor, but one of them releases his belts and dons a parachute.

            "Whats your name soldier"

            Private Sharpe
            "Pirvate Sharpe sir."

            "Well private sharpe, i commend you on your bravery. Are we near the altitude drop point andrews?"#

            "Yes sir. The mothership below has no shields, for now. Im opening the hatch"

            The hatch opens slowly, and omega squad walk to the edge with the marine.

            Pvt. sharpe
            "Let's do this sh*t."

            "Why you so eager vanilla?"

            "These monsters killed all of my family and friends. Its time we striked back"

            "Listen and listen good marine, the mission comes first. If you pull anything funny ill put you out until we get back."

            "Yes sir."

            They jump, reaching maximum velocity in seconds. They pass through the clouds and the massive mothership comes into view. They are all stunned by it, its vast size covering several cities and towsn from their view, including central paris. They come near, and pull their chutes, all but beef.

            "Beef pull your damn chute!"

            "I have'nt got one, i left mine on the raptor incase they needed it."

            "You sure that suit can survive this fall?"

            "Im about to find out."

            Beef readies himself as his armour locks to take the brunt of the impact, and he lands, flat on his feet, denting the craft a good 4 feet inwards. Dust settles, and as the others come don, releasing their chutes, they run over to beef, who is on the floor.


            He shakes me, but none of my limbs move as the armour is still locked.

            "Hold on a minute now, his armour is still locked up."

            Suddenly my limbs drop, and i slowly get up.

            "Crazy fool, you alright?"

            "Everything's reading ok, but im pretty sure they would have heard the impact."

            As he says this, miliseconds later a purple shield energises over their heads, only about 60 metres away from them.

            "Yeeah, they definately know were here."

            "so, how are we getting of this thing, and were is the entrance?"

            "It should be about a quarter mile from here. Getting off this thing, well, were gunna have to improvise."

            They begin the walk, preparing their weapons and gear.

            Sig by Draygon.


              Episode 2 - "The Test of Might" - Part 1.


              Location: Surface of an enemy mothership.

              Omega squad accompanied by Pvt. Sharpe walk a good half a mile, and in the distant, they can see something abstaining from the crafts smooth surface. They walk directly to it.

              "I cant see how were gunna' open this.."

              "Let me try.."

              The object is semi-circular, with a panel on it, which has alien text.

              "This is their language.."

              Bones touches the panel, and the object withdraws into the craft, moving sideways.

              "Stand to!"

              "That was to easy.."

              Suddenly, purple energy fire skims tanks chest, grazing his armour.


              "Open fire!!!"

              In the pure daylight every aspect of the alien is visible, as purple energy blasts fly at the squad with no cover, 4 aliens fire mercilessly. Omega return fire, but the aliens black armour seems to usually deflect the bullets, and when they score a hit on the aliens flesh, is does not do much damage.

              "These things wont die!!"

              The creatures are tall, around 7 feet 5 inches. Their neck is long and slants forward, giving them an arched appearance. They have 2 arms which have 3 extremities which seem like fingers, and then a much more prominant elongated blade overlaping the fingers, which can retract to an extent.

              After several missesd an energy shot hits bones in his abdomen, even protected by a vest the blast makes it through, tearing at his internal organs.



              He drops to one knee, but holds his rifle up and continues firing, hitting one of them in the skull with a full 6 rounds, the alien falls dead. The others retreat from the heavy fire, but the team in this event have wasted much of their ammo, as thye had no cover. bones falls to his hands and knees, blood gushing from his wound, staining the harsh purple metallic hull.

              "Oh no you dont, get up.I am NOT loosing another one of my team!"

              "Im not done yet sir.."

              He gets up, placing a mettalic circular device on his wound covering it, it clamps to his body, and a sigh of pain leaves his body. The technology issues a painkiller pathogen into his system, but only enough to take away some pain. It then blocks blood flow, creating a large clot, thus sustaining the wound from killing him. Yet.

              "Damn you omega's are tough.."

              "It's what we were brought up to do. Ill go in first."

              Tank jumps inot the hole, falling 7 or 8 feet, landing almost silently and scope sout the area with his weapon on point. The rest jump in, even bones, who lets out another grunt of pain.

              The room is purple, as is most of the ship, mixed with mettalic silver. A terminal is on the wall, and in the rather small room is several 5 foot devises, which seem to encase something.

              "Alright, check the stuff out."

              Beef walks away from the terminal because he cannot read the writing, but bones steps up with his extremely limited knowldge of their language.

              "I cant make out hardly any of it, but i can recognize what they call themselves.."

              "Putting a name to a face, huh. What is it?"

              "The Dynamix."

              "what are those things.."

              "I dont now, but its got one of the panels the entrance had."

              Tank touches the single panel on the 5foot deivce, and its middle section seperates in 2 retracting, revealing the aliens weaponry.

              "alright, take one. Bones can you donwload anything from that terminal?"

              "Extracting information from a computer core we have just encountered seconds ago, sure. Let me see..."

              He pushes several pads on the panel screen of the temrinal, and a crystal tray slides out of the wall, with several purple crystals inside in a specific size order.

              "Woah, they use crystal technology similair to Atlantis.."

              "Uhh sir, i can hear something coming."

              Footsteps can be heard, but as the aliens have 4 legs, it sounds like several people.

              "Take them all. Lets get out of here."

              bones extracts the crystals, at which point a peculiar alarm sounds.

              "Crap! we have to explore more of the ship!"

              The ship violently shakes, and the rooms power goes out. The ship shakes continually several times, and then a humming sound can be heard.

              "I think they are powering their weapons.."

              "Who the hell is attackign this thing!"

              Location: England, central London. United Kingdom operations centre.

              The UKOC is the main place where the U.K co-ordinates everything is has left. It is a large underground facility, with a large structure above ground also. It is heavily defended.

              Control room.

              General Mitchell
              "The ship has been engaged."

              The Major
              "Good, the more of france we free the better."

              "The Oddysey is taking damage, but the ship already had it's shields up. It is however, winning."

              Commander Volker
              "Send a battle group and naval fleet to assist, we cannot loose the Oddysey."

              "The 4th division frigate sector is inbound ETA 2 minutes."

              "Good. I want every last piece of that ship recovered."

              Alien Mothership: Storage room.

              "There's some kind of fight going on, i can hear the weapons fire!"

              "we need to get out of this room"

              "Sir i suggest returning to the ship surface. We can see who is engaging the ship and request rescue. If this ship is to be destroyed we cant go any further."

              Bones packs the crytals inside his backpack in a cloth, as beef stands under the opening.

              "Bones, you wont be able to get up there. Nor will you, Sharpe."

              "We can take care of ourselves"

              Bones falls into a wall, sliding into a sitting position, holding his weapon.

              "Get out of here, i got this."

              "Im not leaving without either of you, now get your asses moving!"

              "Sir, how are we getting up there?"


              The massive male jumps up a good few feet, latching his grip onto to the edge sof the opening. He somehow lifts himself out of the room onto the surface, weighing 340lbs, that is a feat to his incredible strength.

              "holy -"

              "Shut it marine. We need to get bones out of here, you wont be a problem. Bones, your too heavy for me to.."

              "I know sir."

              "Wait a minute.."

              Beef walks over to one of the devices and pushes it, i only moves slightly.

              "that should do"

              The ship shakes heavily once, knocking sharpe of his feet.

              Beef then drags the 5ft tall device to the opening, and then helps bones onto his feet.

              "I wont be able to get up there"

              "Come on, your getting out of here wether you like it or not. Give me your foot"

              bone slifts his foot and places his hands ontop of the device. The 6'5 male is also quite muscular, weighing 220lbs. Beef lifts him ontop of the weapon holder, and tank pulls bones out to the surface.

              "Oh my god.."

              "Ok you next."

              Beef boots the device, and it moves across the room. the marine then walks up underneath the opening, placing one foot in beefs hands.

              "you sure this is safe?"

              "Not really. here we go!"

              Beef lifts sharpes whole body above his own head, then throws him up several feet with incredible strength. sharpe shoots a few metres aove the surface, landing on his side in pain.

              "Alright watch out"

              Beef bends into a squat position. Inside his helmet his hud comes up, showing him if he can make the jump. Then, the suits leg supports aid his muscles, as he jumps the entire distance up and outside the craft.
              What they see if the purple shield being impacted by lots of incoming explosions on the shield. They gaze outwards, and see 5 firgates being pummeled, reutrning fire. Suddenly, a blue energy beam crashes through the shield, shredding the hull. It is the 304 Oddysey.

              "WOO HOO GET SOME!!!!!"

              "A 304.."

              "Argh...we need to get out..of here....harggh..."

              Beef pulls up his radio.

              "U.S.S Oddysey, this is Omega squad. We are on the craft you are firing at, request immediate beam out."

              The oddysey responds.

              Colonel Heart
              "This is the Oddysey, were eaming you to the bridge."

              "We have an injured, have a med team on stand-by."

              The team are engulfed in a white lights, as bones is wheeled away on a med cart. Beef unloads his weapon and walks up to the captain slauting him.

              "As you were. What are you doing on that ship Liutenant colonel?"

              "We were assigned to gather intel."

              "Then i presume it went well."

              Flashes of light fill the brdige with the shield impacts, often followed by an outburst of sparks or shaking. The sips helmsman speaks.

              "Sir shields at 78%, the mothership is going down."

              "Break that mother up into as many pieces as you can, cause less collateral"

              "Do it. We will transport you back to HQ when we are done here, go and clean up."

              Sig by Draygon.


                I thought the Hammond was the only 304 left?

                As a side note... wouldn't the mothership being broken into more pieces cause a larger surface area to be hit, therefore, more collateral?

                Liking it so far! I keep thinking though: "man this would cost a sh!tload to be made as a tv series!!


                  Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                  I thought the Hammond was the only 304 left?

                  As a side note... wouldn't the mothership being broken into more pieces cause a larger surface area to be hit, therefore, more collateral?

                  Liking it so far! I keep thinking though: "man this would cost a sh!tload to be made as a tv series!!
                  I was going to address this in the next part don't worry

                  About the mother ship; it is over Paris, which is where French operations are based and most of their troops are. If it hits as one large ship, the sheer size of the vessel would decimate most of Paris, but split up into pieces, there is a much higher survival rate.

                  MY apologies for not explaining this

                  I hope you enjoy reading the next part, i have been working on it for some time. And it wouldn't be that expensive

                  Sig by Draygon.


                    Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                    About the mother ship; it is over Paris, which is where French operations are based and most of their troops are. If it hits as one large ship, the sheer size of the vessel would decimate most of Paris, but split up into pieces, there is a much higher survival rate.

                    MY apologies for not explaining this
                    My bad mate, I forgot how big the mother ships were! keep up the good work!


                      Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                      My bad mate, I forgot how big the mother ships were! keep up the good work!

                      haha its easy to with so many types of ships!

                      Thanks mate, i'm just wondering weather your the only reader or not?

                      Next part up in several minutes.

                      Sig by Draygon.


                        Episode 2 - "The Test of Might" - Part 2.


                        Location: United States troop base.
                        Occupants: 13.5 million soldiers from around the globe there, and watching a broadcast.

                        Volker stands on a podium, with some other people behind him. He stands before most of the troops.

                        "You know why you are all here on this day. This, here and now, is the biggest collaboration of forces in our entire history. This will be our retaliation. There will be no more cowering beneath the earth, but in it's place we will rise up, and we will defend our home!!! ...I know that many of you have lost so much to the shadowlynx. I know the suffering we have gone through to get were we are first hand. And even though this battle has only been 2 weeks long, we have suffered devastation beyond recognition.
                        You are here, because your planet calls upon you! This is OUR time, not theirs! We WILL prevail, we will survive and we will go on! You do this not for yourselves, not for your families or friends, BUT FOR YOUR SPECIES!"

                        The enormous crowd roar so loudly the ground shakes. Commander Volker steps down as the personnel disperse. The huge amount of people and the massive base is surrounded by desert. In the distance is the airfield, which has many, many ships.

                        United States central command center.
                        Occupants: Volker, Omega, several other generals.

                        General Mitchell
                        "Our main engagement will be here"

                        Mitchell points as a hologram appears out of the table they all stand around. It shows the planet, then zooms in towards Germany.

                        General Dover
                        "Their main base is at Germany, which has been completely taken over. Only a few thousand Germans survived the initial attack."

                        "How many ships do we have, all of them?"

                        General Macey
                        "120 Raptor dropships, 80 HAWK fighters and 600 other aircraft, 430 naval vessels ranging from frigates to flagships, 2 304's, 20 frigates and 13 battleships."

                        "And the enemy stats?"

                        "From what we picked up, there are now 18 motherships in Earth orbit, and another 10 inside the atmosphere. There's a couple of dozen carriers in orbit to, aswell as 30 counted so far in atmosphere."

                        "Fighters would not be countable anyway."

                        "So this really is it, our final push?"

                        Volker walks in.

                        "No. We will loose this fight."

                        General Mitchell

                        "Oh come on, we all now they outnumber us at least 2:1. If we detected them before they hit us randomly, we could have won. But now our numbers are so low and they are to strong"

                        "He's right, it took a frigate battlegroup AND a 304 to take down one mothership. They have that many motherships, while we have 2 304's."

                        "Then why the hell are we fighting!?"

                        "We must show them our military might. They do not seem to be passed Asgard technology in terms of weapons and shields. If we can do enough damage they may back off a little."

                        General Macey
                        "with all do respect sir, they have been looking for that one single device for a long time. We dont even know how they cannot track it, then again neither can we strangely enough."

                        "Yeah about that thing, have the scientists had any luck?"

                        Commander Volker
                        "That information is top secret, beyond your clearance level."

                        Then another man walks in, with a swedish accent.

                        Admiral Llusion
                        "Generals, commander. Omega."


                        "This is admiral Llusion of sweden."

                        General Mitchell
                        "Im so sorry about what happened.."

                        "Do not worry, they shall be avenged. I am here from the United Kingdom to inform you of the state of the planet."

                        "We already now."

                        "I doubt that. Since you took all of those men, they pushed harder on the ground, disabling most of our tanks and transports, and men. Russia was taken over completely 2 days ago, with belgium and holland being levelled form above."

                        "I thought they were holding off"

                        "Evidently not, they took out every last town and city, left no building standing.."

                        "Dispatch everything immediately, direct them at holland. Position the men on the ground were the highest ocncentration of enemies are, and give them all of the tanks and support they need to get the job done. They have come this far now no further!"

                        Sig by Draygon.


                          Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                          haha its easy to with so many types of ships!

                          Thanks mate, i'm just wondering weather your the only reader or not?

                          Next part up in several minutes.
                          Nah I'm sure there are other people checking out the thread who aren't posting responses. It doesn't matter anyway though dude,so long as you enjoy writing your stuff and excercising your imagination than it doesn't really matter if you have a small amount of readers

                          I'm at work atm so I'll have to read the next part when I get home


                            Episode 2 - "The test of might" - Part 3.


                            Location: Troop base, USA.

                            Omega stand near a Raptor, and in view we can see almost all of the dropships and others lifting off.

                            "Sending in the bulk of our forces is a mistake."

                            "I think they have somethign to hide"

                            "Most definately. We should check it out."

                            "Agreed, let's get inside. Pilot, were postponing departure for 60 minutes."

                            Omega walk off into the undergorund sturcture, going through several corridors deeper and deeper into the facility.

                            "This is pointless, how do we even know anything would be here of all places.."

                            "Because of that."

                            They turn a corridor, and a massive armoured door stares them down. It is pure metal, about a metre thick, with only DNA recognition to allow access and then th eperson must enter their access code.
                            Beef walks up to it, and looks at the console in the middle of the door. It has a keypad and a screen, along with an opening, from which a swob extends.

                            "Please provide DNA sample"

                            Beef licks the swob, as it retracts. Suddenly, the console is shut down, and a thick metal sheet comes down over it.

                            "Let's just blast this hting open"

                            "They would'nt be too happy with us for that"

                            "Wait, what about internal beaming"

                            "The base's specs shows it has some primary beams, but they would have to be recalibrated."

                            "Prowler was a scientist..but i can try. Ill be back."

                            Bones runs off down the corridor extremely quckly, seconds later the 2 are engulfed in a white energy, reapearing on the other side of the door.

                            Location: Laboratory 840 - Teat subject Gamma red 235.

                            At first they are in a large room, with huge glass windows. There are several consoles inside the room. outside of the room they see many scientists and engineers creating and adjusting an extremely large device, about the size of a boeing 747, but it is nothign like a plane.
                            People at the consoles turn around.

                            "You are not cleared to be in here!"

                            Tank walks up to him as the scientist pushes the emergency button, and tank stuns him and 3 others. The device looks like a weapon, it is metallic, but at the rear where it is larger, we can see where the power comes from. It is glowing neon green, and looks very advanced.

                            "What the hell is this thing.."

                            The door opens, as beef puts a memory key into one of the consoles, then takes it out a few seconds later.
                            Commander Volker and Adiral Llusion walk up to them surrounded by a group of masked marines with heavy arms,, which they then load and point at the omega squad.

                            Commander Volker
                            "What the hell are you doing in here beef"

                            "We kned you were hidng something. Sending those troops in when you know they would be slaughtered?d"

                            Admiral Llusion
                            "We must tell him. They deserve to know, as the rest of the planet does."

                            Volker looks angrily at Llusion but complies. The marines lower their weapons and walk of, with Bones joining them in the room.

                            "What is that thing"

                            "A weapon. A very very powerful weapon."

                            "That doesn't look Asgard."

                            "That is because it is not, liutenant colonel."

                            "So can this thing take the enemy ships out or what!?"

                            "We have test fired it, very successfully. It comes directly from the device the aliens are after. It is a databse of a long dead species, older than even the ancients by a very long time. They called themselves the Legonians."

                            "How the hell did you translate their language let alone create one of their weapons!"

                            "There is a neural interface. If you think of something such as an Magnesium, it knows which element it is, then pulls up what it means in hellion, then learns our language. Quite brilliant, wouldnt you say?"

                            "Hold on a minute, this is abit to much to wrap my head around. We can barely grasp ancient technology, and we have just aqcuired a database from a race that is much older than them?"

                            Admiral Llusion
                            "Correct. This weapon is the most advanced piece of technology we have ever created or seen."

                            "As i said before, it learned our language in hours. It gave us very detailed but do-able instructions. It adapted to use earth materials."

                            "We only have one of these weapons?"

                            "There are 8 altogether, being built by different countries across the globe in secret. 4 will be spread between the 304's, the rest put on designated battleships."

                            "So why did you send those ships out there without these?"

                            "The 304 "George Hammond" has already been fitted with 2, as has the oddysey. This is the last one to be fitted, which is why one battleship stayed behind."

                            "Now move out."

                            Location: Over the U.K in a dropship.

                            Omega left in a dropship and are over the u.k now, they converse via headsets.

                            "This is going to be rough."

                            Pilot curtis
                            "We have caught up to the battle group Anderson, take a look."

                            They look out of the forward section, and see 20 frigates and 6 battleships, alogn with 1 304 and countless raptors and hawks.

                            "Now thats what im talking about! BRING IT!"

                            "Keep your head, this could go very wrong very fast."

                            20 minutes later over holland..

                            "alright were approaching the enemy fleet, ground forces will drop in in 30 seconds. Get ready."

                            After he says this, we can hear the battle beggining. The sound of cannons and enegry weapons firing, accopmanied by the sound of explosions of the smaller craft and sheld impacts to the larger.

                            "Open the hatch!"

                            The hatch opens, and they jump out, still with radios.

                            "Holy sh*t check the Oddysey out!"

                            The oddysey is unde rheavy fire, but leases a thick green energy beam, which accompanied by missiles, rialgun fire and asgard energy weapons obliterate an enemy mothership's shields and then the ship itself, sending it to the ground helplessly.

                            The battle group moves ruthelessly through the enemy fleet, while takign heavy losses and dealing a very good amount of damage to the Shadowlynx. The team land in a humongous field along with over 20,00 other troops, with enemy troops running towards them, firing purple energy weapons, killing several.

                            "Alright spread out, flank their sides and kill these bas*ards!"

                            Returning fire the humans cripple a hefty amoutn of enemies, taking large death tolls themselves. The field battle is won, as the men move out.

                            "Curtis do me a favour and drop my pretty lady right on in here would ya!"

                            The raptor disengages from firing, and ocmes above the now death filled field. It opens a cargo hold, dropping a huge thick armoured tank to the floor, which Tank himself gets in. Bone sand beef jump on the sides.

                            "the lord works in mysterious ways boys, but this right here is 20 tons of DIVIINNNEE INTERVENTION. Come on suckas!"

                            More enemies begin to come throgh the treeline at the end of the massive field, now with their own version of tanks. Several fighters from above swoop down neutralising the threat, alle xcept for one Shadowlynx warrior, who is badly injured with only 1 of its 4 legs, it sits there, still firing. Beef runs up to it booting the weapon sa few hudnred feet out of its grip, as it attempts to stab him with its now extracted spike, he dodges, holding it and shooting it, then doing the same with the other.

                            He looks closely, lifting the Shadowlynx heavy armour off, then removes his helmet, as marines surround with weaposn drawn.
                            Devilish eyes stare back at beef, it has mandibles and a bigge rhead, which is also elongated backwards.
                            Beef draws his pistol, pushing it to the undersid eof the Shadowlynx neck, then pulling the trigger as it lets out a piercing scream, then dies.

                            "Sir command are signalling us that they have successfully pushed through this sector. The next assault will be in central holland where the main concentration of ships are"

                            "Call in a Raptor, we need a ride."

                            Sig by Draygon.


                              Episode 2 - "The Test of Might" - Part 3.

                              [SPOILERS] Location: Holland, South East, on a massive field.

                              Omega squad look on from what beef just did, as it re-loads his pistol, walking off and holding his radio to his mouth.

                              "Control we need either a frigate or several dropships for immediate pick-up, we are not being left behind."

                              The United Kingdom central military operations responds, with Volker on the comm.

                              "No man gets left behind Beef, we already have the Everlance en route, she should be there in about 30 seconds. Dont get her into to much trouble, she has'nt got one of those new weapons systems."

                              The comm cuts, and a large ship can be seen swooping down from the clouds, slowing down veyr quickly and holding position right above omega squad and about 4,000 of the 20,000 surviving marines.

                              Captain Keyan
                              "Luitenant your pickup has arrived."

                              Suddenly, the large frigate, which now covers the whole of the field, begins to make a loud beeping sound. On the belly of the craft, on each side a large panel begins to lower from the ship. Reaching ground level the marines step on, as it retracts via strong metal rods.

                              Once retracted, the frigate takes off again, catching up with the Franklin battle group. Omega squad are on the bridge, while the marines get much needed rest and nurishment, along with medical care.

                              "How long until the next engagement?"

                              Helmsman Anderson
                              "We just caught up to the Franklin battle group, and weve linked up with the battleship Empress, so about 30 - 40 minutes at current speed."

                              "We got here from the U.K in 20, why so long?"

                              Captian Keyan walks through the bridge doors which have now receeded into the walls.

                              "Because Luitenant, we suffered some heavy casualties during the last battle."

                              "That was only a minor battle, we watched as the oddysey pummeled a mothership to the ground."

                              "We had sent teams into towns and cities nearby, every last one of which were engaged by enemy ground forces. Of 45 teams of marines, 3 survived."

                              "They are playing with us. They now we will rescue as many as we can, and they are using it against us"

                              "Sir the Empress is on comm line 1."

                              "Patch it through."

                              A screen appears on the marin window of the bridge, a hologram of some sort. On it, a blonde headed woman in her 40's.

                              Brigadier Walsh
                              "Everlance this is the Empress."

                              "We read you loud and clear Empressm what do you need?"

                              "Our long range sensors detected a massive ground contingent of Shadowlynx in a large city which they have not touched, my guess is they are searching for the artifact."

                              "It is likely. How many ships are in the airspace?"

                              "We picked up only 4 Carriers, but many of thier fighters and transport vessels."

                              "Then we should wipe them out from up here, level the city."

                              "Unfortunately, they are jamming our life sign detectors, once again playing on our sense of humanity. They now we wont level a city if there could be possible survivors down there."

                              "We cant send teams down there, we would take on more casualties than we can sustain in this mission."

                              "I have given my fighters permission top use heavy ordinance on heavily populated areas of Shadowlynx. I would prefer a death by explosion than one of those things any day Captain, and im sure you would."

                              "Sir we can't! There could be hundreds down there! thousands!"

                              "But we cant detect them Major, so what the hell is the use."

                              "Im ordering 4 frigates and 2 of my battleships to mop up the 4 carries and majority of the fighters, they have already engaged."

                              "We wil attempt to use precision, we will man our batteries ourselves and attack from the ship. Tank, bones, beef. I want you on the weapons systems."

                              "Your firgate only has 30 weaposn consoles, we will mimik you, we have over 200."

                              "So we have to slaughter our own people?"

                              The comm between the 2 ships cut.

                              "No. You will have thermal imaging, you will be able to tell the difference between humans and shadowlynx by size alone."

                              "This is not right sir"

                              "Nothing is right about war major, but collateral damage on both sides is inevitable. Minimising it is the best we can do, and we have that ability. "

                              Bones turns and walks off the bridge, heading to the weapon position. Beef, in his suit, puts his helmet on and joins bones.

                              "This is not going to end well. We both now that."

                              "Ive read your file Soldier, your skill set shows you are a magnificent tactical coordinator. What do you think will be the outcome of this attack?"

                              "Honestly sir? I think we are going to slaughter thousadns of helpless people with the enemy, liekly causing more deaths to our side than theirs."

                              "Do you see any other option, luitenant?"

                              "No sir."

                              Tank leaves. The 2 ships come over the city were their shields are hit by enemy fighers weapons, doing minor damage before being destroyed by defending Hawk's and Raptors.

                              Beef walks into a dark room, which is very small. The room is lit up only by 3 consoles, 2 of which ar ebeign occupied by marines, configuring them. He walks ot the middle console, takign a seat.

                              Private John
                              "You ever used this before sir?"

                              "Simulations, nothing more."

                              "Simulations are nothing compared to this. As you can see, you have a control stick between your legs, that will mvoe the direction of the cannon. The thermal imaging will engage, and you will get a view of anywhere the weapon you are operating can reach. You have 3 options, your railgun, missile, and energy projectile."

                              "Got it so far"

                              The other 2 members of Omega are in replica rooms, goign through the exact same thing.

                              Prvate john
                              "As Keyan probably told you you can recognise the enemies by their size, usually. You control stick has an indent for each finger for fit, and in each of these is a button you must apply a good amount of pressure to to activate. Grip the handle, and everything will engage. On the right hand side there will be a key, showing you which finger does what. 3 are for changing weapons, the other 2 are for both directed heavy ordinance strike by fighter craft and the other bombardment from the ships main weapons systems."

                              "Then i guess we should start, huh."

                              "I think so, sir. Private Warez on your right here is your right hand man, literally. He will help you identify your targets."

                              "I haven't seen you since the intercept mission, how you been soldier?"

                              "The wound healed pretty fast, still hurts."

                              "Alright, here we go.."

                              Although it is not visible because he is in his suit, he gulps, as do the other 2 omega members. Their years of training can not prepare them for what thye must od now.

                              Beef grips the stick, and the large screen comes online, in a very clear picture of the city below, and it is visible alreayd that the city is swarmin with life signs as they are white hot.

                              "Farthest right Beef, large group of hostiles."

                              Beef rotates the aim to the far right, where between several small buldings there are severla large groups of about 800 shadowlynx rummaging inside and outside the building. The 4 carriers were detroyed withh only 2 frigates lost, and beef has permission to engage.

                              "Can you confirm their identity?"

                              "They are shadowlynx, i can confirm."

                              Warez has a close up view of wherever beef aims, beef has a more widened site of fire.

                              "alright im engaging, missiles only."

                              He pulls the trigger so to speak, and he can see from his camera the missiles racing towrds the ground at breakneck speed. 4 missiles were fired at 2 buildings and the surrounding area, and as they hit, a plume of smoke covers the entire site, and as it clears, the buildings are levelled along with much collateral damage to the surrounding buildings.

                              "Good hit good it, all targets nuetralised. Move to the next target."

                              In bones room, he is firing very frequently, with his much more expericned training he nows he must complete his mission, it is what Omegas were trained to do, from birth. He fires railgun fire into several streets slaughtering hundreds of ShadowLynx, but along with several humans.

                              "Wow hold on, i have the largest group of them ive sene yet. Panning left"

                              Private warez in his closer view sees that there is several thousand shadows all piled togehter, waiting evac. They have, however, got over 400 human hostages with them, many of which they are already torturing by ripping limbs off, tearing their insides out. Several humans fight back, killing a considerable amount of them in hand to hand. Brilliantly enough, their survival instincts kick in, and their speed and strength multiply by a greta number. They achieve a strength not even an Omega can in normal state, and almost as strong as beef in his suit. They are quckly controlled with weapons, however, and the shadowlynx stop killing them.

                              "We have frineldies mixed with bad guys down there, uhh im not sure what to do."

                              "Patch me through to Keyan."


                              "Sir we have a couple thousand enemies awaiting evac, but they have secured severla hundred humans."

                              "Ahhh DAMMIT!!!"

                              "Sir, im sorry but i wont pull the trigger on those people."

                              "Son, listen, its better we kill them than th ShadowLynx, believe me."

                              "With all do respect sir i just witnessed them tear those things apart when thye were forces to the brink, i am not letting those people die."

                              Beef thorws his chair back and leaves, heading ot hangar bay one.

                              "Security teams secure luitenant Heart"

                              Sig by Draygon.


                                This is continued, the post was too long for GW. Hope you enjoyed, took hours to write but unfortunately dont have the time to spell checl and grammar check, but hope you like it

                                Severla security teams attempt to find me, and one guards the bay beef walks up to, as they point their weapons at him.

                                "On the ground now!"

                                "Are you going to let all of those people down there die, seargeant?"

                                "Its not my call, im follwiong orders. now on the ground!"

                                "Come on soldier, you now killing all of those people is wrong. I can help them, but you need to let me."

                                "I will put a bullet in your leg if you do not get on the ground!"

                                "Im not getting on the ground."

                                Beef puts his helmet on, and it locks, pressurising the air inside. The marine aims at beefs right thigh, pulling the trigger. The bullet hits his suit, which does well in deflecting the bullet.

                                Beef's voice now has a robotic tinge, which quite frankly sounds badass.

                                "Stand down marines."

                                The marines lower their weapons as beef enters the bay, taking a dropship and leaving the frigate. Keyan appear sont he screen.

                                "I can have you court marhsalled for this you know"

                                On the frigates bridge you can see beef, he looks at the camera, and turns away, carrying on his descent.

                                "You will loose your rank luitenant!"

                                Beef punches the console, stopping the transmission. He fires several missiles into the ground, killing several forces. He then proceeds, and appears over the area where the shadowlynx hold all of the humans. He activates the turret guns, slaughtering the enemies not holding humans hostage. The enemy keep sthe humans alive, in fea rof if thye kill them, beef will just slaughter them. As they fire their energy weapons, markign the craft but essentially doing nothing, both parties do not now what to do.

                                Suddenly, 2 fighters can be seen form beefs craft, liekly ordered to level this area.

                                "Hawk craft stand down there are friendlies int he area repeat there are firnedlies in the area."

                                The fighters continue, and beef locks onto them with missiles.

                                "Come on you ba*tards dont make me do this"

                                The fighters fire several missiles, as beef fires a missile into each craft from a distance which makes them unavoidable. Both fightersd are destroyed, but the missiles they fired, one hit the raptor, and one hit the ground, killing several enemies and several humans.

                                consoles beep frantically, as beef configures them.

                                "Alright screw this!"

                                Beef runs into the secondary compartment, blowing the door open and jumping out. Being 200 feet up, it is still a big jump, as he shoots towards te earth reaching terminal velocity. He slams into the ground, getting up from the crater wit his suit protecting him, he draws his weapon off of his back.

                                Keyan come son over the comm in his helmet.

                                "You just lost me a raptor dropship. What do you think you are going to accomplish, you cant save them all, not even half!"

                                "At least im trying."

                                Beef breaks the comm with the captain, and establishes one with tank, warez and bones.

                                Beef walks, checkign his conrers elegantly, and begins running towards th hostage area.

                                "I hope you can all hear me, dont respond because they will now what is going on. I need you to use your railguns, im on the ground about to take on about 800 shadows by myself. Kill the ones not holding hostage,s i couldnt get them all. Leave the rest to me."

                                Sig by Draygon.

