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    The opening.

    Part 1.


    "Dispatch the Oddysey and Franklin immediately!"

    Explosions echo in the backround as the man screams over the noise.

    "We've lost contact with the U.S.S Franklin and the Oddysey's shields are failing! Were going to have to deal with them on the planet surface!"

    A man replies through a radio.

    "We can't hold out, we are evacuating Command. You should leave to, we need to prepare for the invasion"

    "If there is one. They could just bombard us from space"

    Suddenly loud thuds can be heard over the radio, and after one last tremendous explosion the radio cuts, and all that can be heard is static.

    "General! .......Damn it. Prepare ground zero for imminent attack, get all birds airborne. I want the congress safe in that bunker by 0200."

    The radio cuts off.

    In space, a planet sits. Blue as the deepest waters of Lantea, and silver as the great cities of her aswell, that existed so long ago. The planet's orbit is filled with wreckage, made from Trinium and naquadah to be exact.
    Along with this debree exists several, large and very much intact vessels. These mighty ships are extravagant, boasting huge hangars which could hold a 304 and fit some extra fighters. With 2 of these on each side, the ship in total length is 4000 Kilometres to the point. Several of these ships have already entered the planet's atmosphere, and as they pass through the clouds, we can see which planet they attacked by recognition.

    The ships sit over continental russia, the largest lone country on Earth.

    Several, much smaller ships can be seen leaving the larger ones, perhaps vehicle or troop transport.

    Earth's defenses from space were wiped out, and now there are some 20 of these ships over the beautiful planet.
    War has been declared upon Earth in this untimely attack, but by a species that they now nothing of.

    ...The radio clicks on, and in the backround loud, extremely sharp screams can be heard, obviously not human. But among these alien outbursts are human cries of pain, suffering, borderline torture. Gunfire and plasma fire can be heard..

    "They..they came form nowhere. Our allies did not respond, were presuming they were attacked before us. They are monsters...just slaughtering us by the dozens, each one of them...They decimated our ships, and our weapons seem to illeffective against them. They are not humanoid...they are definately not from this galaxy..."

    An explosion sounds and then a loud blast of air, followed by a thud onto the floor. The soldier was thrown several metres by an explosion..

    "Arghh....we can't..can't hold out. us...Ahh..aahh...ARRGGHHHH"

    As a blood splattering sound cna be heard the radio is abruplty cut off, leaving nothing but mystery and terror in the ears of those who had heard it.

    Part 2.

    "Luitenant, come in. Luitenant please respond."

    "That's it Beef. They broke through the last defense perimeter. Command issued the evacuation order over 7 hours ago, we have to leave."

    The 2 male humans stand inside a room made of concrete, and a metal door. The only thing inside this regular sized room, is a table with an advanced looking communication temrinal, with many lights bleeping.

    "No, we must complete what we came here to do. If we don't get this thing out of here, and they find it, it could easily mean the end of the fight."

    "End of the fight? Beef, take a look outside for christ sake! This war was over as soon as thye attacked, we can't match up to them!"

    "NO! With this research we can turn this around.."

    "The war has only been going on for 4 days, and they have already seized control of 30 different countries. We don't even know why they have not bombarded us from space."

    "They are looking for something.."

    "But what.."

    "What im working on. Look, if we can keep them at bay, then earth doesn't get fried."

    Another man enters as the doors slide into the walls, he is in a black combat suit, with the airforce emblem on his chest.

    He salutes, and they in turn salute him.

    "What is it Major."

    So far, we have established 2 characters, Beef and " the major". The third party in this conversation is yet to be named, but he is rather old.

    "You have been scheduled beam out."

    "Beam out? From where exactly, we have no ships in orbit."

    3rd party (referred to form this point as general, for now.)
    "We established several transportation sites on the planet and underground, but they were in early stage develoment."

    "So we could end up like a pile of goo on the floor? No thanks, i need to finish up here anyways. You go ahead, ill follow when im done."

    "Very well. You have 6 minutes, then we beam you out."

    "6 minutes! come on!"

    The general directs a rather annoyed look at Beef.

    "Alright fine. Get out of here."

    "Good luck sir."

    The general and Major dissapear in the usual white light, as Beef leaves and enters a science lab. This lab has usual earth technology, veyr conventional. But one piece of technology stands out. It is in the corner of the room, and is a pillar of silver metal and fluorescent green, with a terminal and a screen on it's middle section.

    "Why can't i decipher this language...It's not ancient, but it was found on earth..."

    The underground complex has been picked up by the enemy sensors, as one of their larger ships decends over the complex. The gorund in the lab shakes, with dust eminating from the ceiling and walls. Several loud thuds can be heard, but they are not weapons fire.

    "Ahh crap...Major come in."

    Beef tries to contact him over the radio, but the ship above blocks the transmission. The thuds get closer and more frequent, sending a chill down Beef's spine, as the lab door busrts open, he jumps and lunge sbehind the desk.

    "Get up idiot we gotta' move!"

    He raises above the table with a sidearm in his grip, realising it is a marine and his group.

    "We can't leave this here, if they find it, that's it for us."

    "How the hell do you expect us to get that out of here!"

    "There's a forklift over in the corner, it's how we got it in here in the first place."

    "Look if those things find us, and im pretty sure we wil run into some trouble with them, that is going to slow us down."

    "Use it for cover, weve tried all sorts of things to get it open, nothing works."

    "Alright fine, Johnson, get to it!"

    The soldier operates the forklift and picks the device up, it is about 7 feet in height. The forklift enters the corridor, barely fitting. Luckily, the turnings of the complex are much wider.

    "do you have a weapon?"

    "I have this?"

    Beef waves his sidearm.

    "What the? Do you actually thing will do any damage to them things. Take this"

    He throws an assault rifle to Beef, and they leave. After travelling several corridors, designed much like the SGC's we are used to, they come into some trouble. Turning a corner, the marine driving the forklift sees the enemy ahead.

    Forklift Driver
    "We have contacts!"

    "Defensive positions around the forklift, use it for cover!"

    The enemy beings are unlike anyhting ever seen. Standing at around 7 feet, they have an arched spine and a long skull, with 2 mandibles. They have grey skin, very dark, and pure black eyes. With three fingers and an apposable thumb on each side of each hand, and 2 legs with a long tail. They have black armour, covering their shoulders, chest and thighs, and fire purple energy weapons.

    "Aim for the shin, its a weaker point!"

    The marines are surrounder by purple energy fire which hits the walls and the device, as the returning bullets down the 2 enemies.


    The forklift goes forward, but as it does another creature swoops around the corner. The mairne operating the forklift is already comitted, and so puts the pedal to the floor, plunging the creature into the wall witht he forklift crushing it's body and impaling it.

    "oah that hadda' hurt man."

    "Keep moving"

    The forklift turns the corner, with the marines squad leader behind it followed by beef then the squad. But from the seemingly dead remains of the enemy, one of them raises it's weapon, striking on eof the soldiers in the back. The soldiers face looses all emotion, as he drops to his knees with his comrades finishing off the enemy.

    "DAMN IT!!"

    Forklift driver
    "Sir we have to keep moving were a few sconds away from the pickup!"

    The forklift and the team make it up a ramp were light beckons upon the opening. As they all race out of it, they can see their pickup. It is a large aircraft, with 2 large thrusters on each side at the rear, and 4 (2 on each side) rotating blades on the sides for control. The team enters it, and it takes off. Beef and the marine leader make it to the pilot.

    "This is Raptor 541 returning to the nest, over."

    Command respond over the radio, as the soldiers catch their breath.

    "We receive you raptor 541, be careful, were picking up alto of enemy activity around where you are."

    The pilot looks up to the massive ship covering most of the visible sky.

    "Yup, noticed that. Thanks command, Raptor 541 out."

    The raptor leaves, but soon after is followed by 2 enemt aircraft, which is obviously fighter class. They catch the Raptor with no problems.

    In the forward section alarms go off, as the lights go out and red lgihting fills the area. The marines in the back spring to life, picking up their weapons and strapping in.

    "Uh-oh, looks like we got tagged on the exit. Hold on boys, this is gunna' be one bumpy ride!"

    "We have to get this device to command!"

    The Raptor avoids 2 plasma shots from each fighter, as a cannon at the bottom and top of the raptor swivvel around, opening up with slow fire of very large rounds, 2 of which strike one enemy fighter, resulting in its destruction, as the other avoids the fire and continues to reutnr the fire. The Raptor picks up pace, and as soon as they get over sea, 2 other, very different fighters launch missiles into it, destorying it.

    "Thanks for the assist mac"

    Mac (pilot of the earth fighter)
    "No problem. Weve been assigned to get you home safe and sound, apparently you have some package aboard of the biggest importance."

    "So they sent 2 fighters?"

    "Check your scope."

    A HUD comes up on the window, showing the surroinding area. 30 green fighter shaped emblems appear.

    "They sent the hwoel of squadron A to protect your sorry asses.. Now punch it."

    At the "new" command centre for Earth operations, the main control room is filled with computers and consoles as you would expect. The general and Major are in the room.

    "Squadron A reported in sir. They have them and are en route."

    "That stupid son of a.."

    "Come on sir, they got out of there."

    "Yeah, but we had to sacrifice 12 fighters and 2 frigates to keep that mothership occupied. He was reckless.."

    "Beef was doing wha the thought could help us.."

    "We shall see. For now i need you in command of the Frigate Everlance, she's just been cleared for duty and we have about 5 enemy motherships heading this direction."

    "We can't take on one, let alone 5!"

    "We know. I have made contact with someone who can help us.."

    Episode list to date;

    Episode 1 -"Heroes Fallen" - Part 1 up - Part 2 incomplete - Part 3 incomplete

    Episode 2 - "The test of Might" - No parts up.

    Episode 3 - "Rules are Rules" - No parts up.

    Episode 4 - "The Monster Within" - No parts up.
    Last edited by Dragon_Heart; 07 February 2010, 12:08 PM.

    Sig by Draygon.

    Hmmm... Seems good.. Keep it up! But a note, wrap it in spoiler tags Other wise great!

    My fan-fic, swedish outpost


      Sounds pretty good except for the 4000 kilometre ship (if I read it right). Do you realise how big 4000km is?


        Sounds good, and a intresting story...

        The replicator isnt running away, he is just, um, shifting fase


          Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
          Sounds pretty good except for the 4000 kilometre ship (if I read it right). Do you realise how big 4000km is?
          The ship would have to be about the size of the Moon (the diameter of the moon is 3475km).
          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


            Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
            Sounds pretty good except for the 4000 kilometre ship (if I read it right). Do you realise how big 4000km is?
            I remember reading somewhere that a hive ship was 4km? Oh wait that could have been just metres..

            Well, in this case im going to alter the size, think of them as approximately half the length of a hive ship.

            Sig by Draygon.


              Dh, I think that you're right... It has been stated a milion times that a hive is about 13x of a 304.. A 304 is about 330 meters.. You just take 330x13 and you come up with some thing

              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                Another small snippet, just to get the story rollin' .


                "Luitenant, come in. Luitenant please respond."

                "That's it Beef. They broke through the last defense perimeter. Command issued the evacuation order over 7 hours ago, we have to leave."

                The 2 male humans stand inside a room made of concrete, and a metal door. The only thing inside this regular sized room, is a table with an advanced looking communication temrinal, with many lights bleeping.

                "No, we must complete what we came here to do. If we don't get this thing out of here, and they find it, it could easily mean the end of the fight."

                "End of the fight? Beef, take a look outside for christ sake! This war was over as soon as thye attacked, we can't match up to them!"

                "NO! With this research we can turn this around.."

                "The war has only been going on for 4 days, and they have already seized control of 30 different countries. We don't even know why they have not bombarded us from space."

                "They are looking for something.."

                "But what.."

                "What im working on. Look, if we can keep them at bay, then earth doesn't get fried."

                Another man enters as the doors slide into the walls, he is in a black combat suit, with the airforce emblem on his chest.

                He salutes, and they in turn salute him.

                "What is it Major."

                So far, we have established 2 characters, Beef and " the major". The third party in this conversation is yet to be named, but he is rather old.

                "You have been scheduled beam out."

                "Beam out? From where exactly, we have no ships in orbit."

                3rd party (referred to form this point as general, for now.)
                "We established several transportation sites on the planet and underground, but they were in early stage develoment."

                "So we could end up like a pile of goo on the floor? No thanks, i need to finish up here anyways. You go ahead, ill follow when im done."

                "Very well. You have 6 minutes, then we beam you out."

                "6 minutes! come on!"

                The general directs a rather annoyed look at Beef.

                "Alright fine. Get out of here."

                "Good luck sir."

                The general and Major dissapear in the usual white light, as Beef leaves and enters a science lab. This lab has usual earth technology, veyr conventional. But one piece of technology stands out. It is in the corner of the room, and is a pillar of silver metal and fluorescent green, with a terminal and a screen on it's middle section.

                "Why can't i decipher this language...It's not ancient, but it was found on earth..."

                The underground complex has been picked up by the enemy sensors, as one of their larger ships decends over the complex. The gorund in the lab shakes, with dust eminating from the ceiling and walls. Several loud thuds can be heard, but they are not weapons fire.

                "Ahh crap...Major come in."

                Beef tries to contact him over the radio, but the ship above blocks the transmission. The thuds get closer and more frequent, sending a chill down Beef's spine, as the lab door busrts open, he jumps and lunge sbehind the desk.

                "Get up idiot we gotta' move!"

                He raises above the table with a sidearm in his grip, realising it is a marine and his group.

                "We can't leave this here, if they find it, that's it for us."

                "How the hell do you expect us to get that out of here!"

                "There's a forklift over in the corner, it's how we got it in here in the first place."

                "Look if those things find us, and im pretty sure we wil run into some trouble with them, that is going to slow us down."

                "Use it for cover, weve tried all sorts of things to get it open, nothing works."

                "Alright fine, Johnson, get to it!"

                The soldier operates the forklift and picks the device up, it is about 7 feet in height. The forklift enters the corridor, barely fitting. Luckily, the turnings of the complex are much wider.

                "do you have a weapon?"

                "I have this?"

                Beef waves his sidearm.

                "What the? Do you actually thing will do any damage to them things. Take this"

                He throws an assault rifle to Beef, and they leave. After travelling several corridors, designed much like the SGC's we are used to, they come into some trouble. Turning a corner, the marine driving the forklift sees the enemy ahead.

                Forklift Driver
                "We have contacts!"

                "Defensive positions around the forklift, use it for cover!"

                The enemy beings are unlike anyhting ever seen. Standing at around 7 feet, they have an arched spine and a long skull, with 2 mandibles. They have grey skin, very dark, and pure black eyes. With three fingers and an apposable thumb on each side of each hand, and 2 legs with a long tail. They have black armour, covering their shoulders, chest and thighs, and fire purple energy weapons.

                "Aim for the shin, its a weaker point!"

                The marines are surrounder by purple energy fire which hits the walls and the device, as the returning bullets down the 2 enemies.

                "MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

                The forklift goes forward, but as it does another creature swoops around the corner. The mairne operating the forklift is already comitted, and so puts the pedal to the floor, plunging the creature into the wall witht he forklift crushing it's body and impaling it.

                "oah that hadda' hurt man."

                "Keep moving"

                The forklift turns the corner, with the marines squad leader behind it followed by beef then the squad. But from the seemingly dead remains of the enemy, one of them raises it's weapon, striking on eof the soldiers in the back. The soldiers face looses all emotion, as he drops to his knees with his comrades finishing off the enemy.

                "DAMN IT!!"

                Forklift driver
                "Sir we have to keep moving were a few sconds away from the pickup!"

                The forklift and the team make it up a ramp were light beckons upon the opening. As they all race out of it, they can see their pickup. It is a large aircraft, with 2 large thrusters on each side at the rear, and 4 (2 on each side) rotating blades on the sides for control. The team enters it, and it takes off. Beef and the marine leader make it to the pilot.

                "This is Raptor 541 returning to the nest, over."

                Command respond over the radio, as the soldiers catch their breath.

                "We receive you raptor 541, be careful, were picking up alto of enemy activity around where you are."

                The pilot looks up to the massive ship covering most of the visible sky.

                "Yup, noticed that. Thanks command, Raptor 541 out."

                The raptor leaves, but soon after is followed by 2 enemt aircraft, which is obviously fighter class. They catch the Raptor with no problems.

                In the forward section alarms go off, as the lights go out and red lgihting fills the area. The marines in the back spring to life, picking up their weapons and strapping in.

                "Uh-oh, looks like we got tagged on the exit. Hold on boys, this is gunna' be one bumpy ride!"

                "We have to get this device to command!"

                The Raptor avoids 2 plasma shots from each fighter, as a cannon at the bottom and top of the raptor swivvel around, opening up with slow fire of very large rounds, 2 of which strike one enemy fighter, resulting in its destruction, as the other avoids the fire and continues to reutnr the fire. The Raptor picks up pace, and as soon as they get over sea, 2 other, very different fighters launch missiles into it, destorying it.

                "Thanks for the assist mac"

                Mac (pilot of the earth fighter)
                "No problem. Weve been assigned to get you home safe and sound, apparently you have some package aboard of the biggest importance."

                "So they sent 2 fighters?"

                "Check your scope."

                A HUD comes up on the window, showing the surroinding area. 30 green fighter shaped emblems appear.

                "They sent the hwoel of squadron A to protect your sorry asses.. Now punch it."

                At the "new" command centre for Earth operations, the main control room is filled with computers and consoles as you would expect. The general and Major are in the room.

                "Squadron A reported in sir. They have them and are en route."

                "That stupid son of a.."

                "Come on sir, they got out of there."

                "Yeah, but we had to sacrifice 12 fighters and 2 frigates to keep that mothership occupied. He was reckless.."

                "Beef was doing wha the thought could help us.."

                "We shall see. For now i need you in command of the Frigate Everlance, she's just been cleared for duty and we have about 5 enemy motherships heading this direction."

                "We can't take on one, let alone 5!"

                "We know. I have made contact with someone who can help us.."

                Sig by Draygon.


                  Good ep, as usual, but I am curious, just like rasunda, are the orginal commanders from the beaver war thread going to be in this?

                  The replicator isnt running away, he is just, um, shifting fase


                    Originally posted by Wazmux View Post
                    Good ep, as usual, but I am curious, just like rasunda, are the orginal commanders from the beaver war thread going to be in this?

                    No Wazmux, this is a completely seperate fiction. However, i also have another fiction up, that is actually based on the beaver war, and i can confirm the commanders from the Beaver war will be in it.

                    Sig by Draygon.


                      Check the first post for new episode names.

                      The episodes will be split into 3 parts, each will be posted when i decide. The first part of the first title is up for your reading. It does take place after the introduction pieces.

                      Sig by Draygon.


                        Episode one - "Heroes Fallen" - Part 1.

                        The initial attack was devastating. From nowhere they swept across our colonies like a broom to a dusty floor. Most of the fleet was eradicated, and the 12 established colonies were, kindly put, slaughtered.

                        Earth has been overrun. The battle on the surface has gone terribly. More than half of continental Russia has been overtaken, along with 25 countries to date.

                        The human retaliation is futile, a collabaration of several nations that have thrown together a united army. Several frigates remain, amongst the more in number fighters and dropships.

                        In the U.K, a Bunker in West London has been established with effective shielding and defenses. Only very few of these installations have been made as of yet.

                        In this bunker, Earth's world leaders reside, amongst several high ranking military personnel. Among them, the already acquainted General and Major, as well as the person known as "Beef". In a dark room, lit by only a hologram in the centre and some other consoles and computers there are 5 men, all in military uniform, from different countries.

                        General Mitchell
                        "We've lost 8 squads in the last 2 hours in russia's western perimeter defenses. We can't keep this up, we won't have anything left to defend with.

                        Major Warez
                        "Well we can't just watch as they are slaughtered."

                        "We established communications with them several hours ago, but the connection was lost when an enemy carrier arrived over the installation. They are all expected to be dead."

                        Commander Volker
                        "We will pull all forces out of Russia, and defend."

                        "Sir with all do respect there are many other countries that need help who still have a chance!"

                        General Mitchell
                        "He's right commander."

                        "I know dammit! But we must have priorities if we are going to live on.."

                        Major Warez leaves the room followed by General Mitchell. Commander Volker takes one last look at the hologram on the table, which is showing russia, and where the enemy controls.

                        "How's it coming with that thing they are after?"

                        "Not good sir"

                        "Im re-assigning you soldier."

                        "Yes sir. To what may i ask?"

                        "Omega squad."

                        "I never even knew there was such a thing..i only know of alpha and beta, and those are top secret."

                        "This squad has been around for hundreds of years. It is a specialised squad brought up from birth to be soldiers. They were hand picked by Earth's top scientists from the gene pool of millions of newborns."

                        "Nature's best then, sir. So why me?"

                        "You already represent most qualities we expect from an Omega. But you have something more, the natural born ability to lead. No amount of training can obtian the gift you have."

                        "where are they now?"

                        "In a research lab down in south Wales. Since the U.K has only been attacked lightly, we've managed to preserve alot of the supplies and armed forces before then could take them out from above. You are being flown out there by VIA a Hawk fighter in less than 30 seconds."

                        "Yes sir. Good luck with that thing."

                        "No need. We finally had the scientists flown here yesterday, thye should be able to crack that thing in no time. Good luck Beef."

                        "Ai si-"

                        He is interupted by being wrapped in a white light, and reappearing inside a cockpit, in the second seat. THe Hawk fighter looks very advanced, being the latest development in Earth technology.

                        Pilot James
                        "How you feelin' today soldier?"

                        "Good i guess..abit..rushed."

                        "Well, my names james. And im about to throw your world upside down. Literally."

                        "ohh great. I hate flying."

                        The hawk takes off leaving a blast of air and kicking up dust, and shoots of into the horizon. Travelling at over 5x the speed of an F-22 Raptor, this fighter was designed for speed and manuverability.

                        The pilot performs several twists and turns, which not even the inertial dampners can keep from affecting Beef. Eventually, he whites out from the Gforces, almost blacking out. The Hawk reaches it's desitnation within 10 minutes, and lands in a field via vertical landing.

                        "That was fun.."

                        Beef jumps out, and vomits all over the lush green grass. 2 armoured jeeps arrive, and take Beef away. They reach the complex, which is rather advanced looking, and Beef goes to the research lab. Going down the steps into the lab, he can see 4 people standing around a silver table surrounded by scientific equipment, and they are all dressed somewhat differently with their own style.

                        "So, you Omega squad?"

                        The 4 just stand, and look at beef. One of them has a balaclava on, so his face is hidden. He also has goggles over his eyes. The other three have nothing on their heads.

                        "S'appening mate. Your Beef, right?"

                        Bones's accent is obviously british. Bones is wearing a black top with a protective vest and cargo trowsers. The male is tall, at a height of 6'4. He is also very muscular.

                        "Yeah, thats me."

                        Bones shakes his hand, with bones's hand very much bigger than Beef's. Bones goes over to the table, and puts a pair of gloves on.

                        "sorry about the boys, there kinda' shy. This is Prowler, Tank and Flash."

                        Bones points to the three as he calls their names. Prowler is the smallest of the group. He is phyiscally strong, but not large. He is wearing the Balaclava, and in full protection gear with shoulder pads, knees, elbows, forearms, thighs, chest, you name it, its covered.

                        After Prowler shakes his hand, Bones points at Flash. Flash is very tall and muscular, much like bones. He smiles, and wlaks up to Beef shaking his hand, while towering over him at a height of 6'3.

                        "And that's Tank.."

                        Bones points to tank. He indeed lives up to his name, being a massive male human. He is a massive 6'9, and not only that, he is abnormally muscular. He wears a skin tight vest along with a chest protection top, and shoulder pades and gloves.

                        "What's happenin'."

                        After the short meet and greet, Omega squad get down to business, as Bones places a small circular device on the table. A hologram bursts out of it, showing commander Volker.

                        "I trust your settled in Beef."

                        "home sweet home"

                        "Haha. So were finally getting a mission."

                        "Yes. But not just yet."

                        "come on boss, they need us out there"

                        "Amanda has a present for each one of you."

                        "amanda? as in amanda Leigh?"


                        "I was told she didn't survive the initial fight."

                        "She did. Go down to Logistics, she's waiting for you."

                        The squad leave and head to logistics, heading down a long corridor.

                        "how long have you been a part of omega squad?"

                        "18 years."

                        "Yeah, but weve spent most of that just sitting around, waiting for something to happen. And then when it does, we STILL don't get sent out."

                        "It makes sense. If they sent us out in the first attack and we had been killed, then what would they do.."

                        "They'd just bring in a new team, thats what. Now come on, get a move on"

                        They all reach the lab, and amanda. Behind her are 5 weapons caches fo reach person, but in one is an armour suit.

                        "Hey Derrick"

                        "Hey. So what you got for us?"

                        "New armour, and weapons."

                        "No offense lady, but i ain't being cramped up inside a metal suit all day."

                        "The suits enhance your abilties. Your reflexes and concentration will be tripled, strength, well that depends on how strong you already are, and the same for speed."

                        "There's only one. Who's going to be robot boy?"

                        "I think that's going to be me, am i right?"

                        "Yup. Command have had this facility developing the suit for over 40 years."

                        "Good luck taking a wizz in that thing. So, do YOU know what our new mission is?"

                        "Actually, i do. Your escorting me to america."

                        "Great, babysitting."

                        "How we gunna' get outta' here?"

                        "There is a frigate in an underground hangar. Its all ready to leave.."

                        "So, how am i gunna' get that thing on?"

                        "come with me."

                        Beef walks onto a circle in the middle of the room, and everyone backs away. The floor around the circle goes down, and the suit is picked up by thick robotic arms. The feet pieces are put on first, then the calf amrour goes on, with the shin armour attacking to it. The knee caps are placed on followed by the thigs and midsection.

                        The arms are then done, with shoulder armour. The main piece then gets put on, the chest piece. It is placed on his body in sync with the back piece and the amrour is complete. The floor raises back up, and Beef walks over to amanda, who is holding the helmet. Beef takes it off her*

                        "Looks Fancy"

                        "IT feels great."

                        "Try the hemlet on for size"

                        He puts the helmet on, and it seals. inside a HUD comes online, it regulates his body, and hsows if he is hurt or not. It also keeps him aware of his surroundings by advancing his smell and hearing senses.


                        "Ok, shoudltn we go?"

                        "Yeah, grab your weapons. Move out."

                        They leave, and are beamed into the frigate's bridge.

                        Captain Keyan
                        "Welcome aboard the Frigate Everlance."

                        "Thanks Captain."

                        "Nice armour."

                        "How long is it going to take to get to america?"

                        Beef's voice has a tiny robotic tinge to it also now.

                        "Well they have a carrier ship right between us, so we have to detour."

                        "Id estimate about 2 hours in this thing."

                        "Beaming was knocked offline in America about an hour ago. We have to go and help, it seems they are attacking america hard this time."

                        "Then get us out of here."

                        2 large doors open in the ground as a large ship raises out of the ground. The frigate pulses its engines and leaves. Within an hour of flying, trouble occurs

                        "Sound the alarm. Battle stations."

                        Beef walks onto the bridge

                        "whats going on?"

                        "We have an enemy fighter group heading right for us. They have picked us up, and probably told the a carrier ship."

                        "How are we supposed to fight a carrier? it's more than 8x the size of this ship"

                        "The battleship Justice is in a hangar in america, just finished repairs. but we can't contact the americans"

                        "We'll deal with the fighters, focus on avoiding any carrier ships that head our way."

                        "Got it Beef"

                        Beef runs down the hall and then proceeds to crew quarters, waking omega squad up.

                        "Get up, we got company fellas"

                        They wake up and in seconds are geared up and running with beef to the fighter bay. They reach the fighter bay, and enter their craft.

                        "Be careful with this one sir, the weapons system gauge plays up sometimes."


                        "You could loose weapons"

                        "Ahh screw it"

                        The top of the fighter comes down, and the 4 fighters leave to meet the suqadorn of 5 enemy fighters. Omega squad are in Hawk fighters, so the fight should be interesting.

                        This episode may have seemed pretty boring, but i want to establish the characters before blowing stuff up with fancy weapons. I hope you won't just mark it as a boring fic, and as always leave feedback if you have any. Thanks for reading

                        Sig by Draygon.


                          When is it set?


                            2024. It was coming up as an issue in the second part anyway.

                            Sig by Draygon.


                              Originally posted by Dragon_Heart View Post
                              2024. It was coming up as an issue in the second part anyway.
                              Cool, I'm liking your development of a "team" so far, just like in SG1 and SGA, and just like those shows there is a lot of cliche'ism and that's not meant as a criticism, things usually become a cliche' because they work(ed).

