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Stargate: Reality

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    Stargate: Reality

    First FanFic and non-IWasForcedToDoItForEnglish story so bear with me please. May change without warning.

    Comments and Criticism?

    Note: may appear to need more fleshing out but bear in mind this is mostly fighting.

    Flight of the Phoenix
    Whilst road-testing a new prototype Alternate Reality Drive something goes terribly wrong.

    Chanting can be heard whilst the screen fades in. As the picture emerges SG-1 and O'Neill can be seen standing idly next to a contingent of Tok'ra. Eventually the chanting stops and a needle slowly moves across the screen. The camera pans and Ba'al can be seen strapped into a symboite removal machine. As the needle approaches Ba'al confesses that he is the last of the clones but the original Ba'al is still at large. He goes on to gloat about how he had a backup plan in case this would ever happen. Just then Tok'ra begin to disappear. SG-1 run out of the temple and start towards the gate, behind entire buildings start to disappear. Daniel frantically tries to dial the gate but it's hopeless as the DHD disappears right before him.

    Opening Scene

    SG-1 (consisting of Cameron Mitchell, Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson) are sat in the briefing room talking amongst themselves. General Landry walks in and briefs the team, they will be in charge of the Phoenix as it makes its maiden flight through realities. A bright blue flash envelopes the team and they remerge on the bridge of the Phoenix. The ship powers up its engines and moves a little way out into space before it starts pulsing green. Then it flashes and disappears. In another reality the crew of the Phoenix check some readouts when the entire ship shakes. Looking out the window an Ori ship can be seen preparing to fire again. Jumping into action the Phoenix begins evasive manoeuvres, soaring above the Ori ship it activates its plasma arrays and pummel the shields. The Ori shields flicker and give up and a beam of blue plasma rips into the power core causing the ship to explode violently. Unfortunately three more Ori ships emerge from hyperspace and fire upon the Phoenix. Just before the third shot hits the ship pulses as the AR Drive activates.

    On Earth the president is rushing through the Pentagon. Reaching the briefing room he is informed that as of ten minutes ago several alien ships appeared above the planet, since then they have begun taking up positions around the planet. The camera pulls back to one of the Ha'taks. On the Pel'tak Ba'al is addressing the other System Lords. They walk out and a slave brings up a phone. Picking it up, Ba'al rings the President and makes an offer. There is a slicing sound and the camera pulls out a bit to reveal a sword sticking out of his chest. He slowly hangs up as Q'Tesh pulls the sword further up through his body. Finishing it, she yanks the sword up out of him. Turning she just catches sight of Teal'c turning a corner. Leaving his fate to later, she calls a servant and tells him to inform the others that bombardment is about to begin.

    On the ground, sensors pick up the charging of weapons, then another anomaly is being detected. In an attempt to get the first strike the President orders a world wide nuclear strike against the enemy. Several missiles rise off the surface and head towards space. A few impact against shields but then they flicker and collapse. Soon several ships are destroyed but more take their place. However, the strike did not go unnoticed, the Phoenix which had recently emerged is alerted to the Goa'uld threat and once again lumbers into action. It flies towards the nearest Ha'tak launching its F-302s and two Puddle Jumpers as it goes. It charges its plasma emplacements and then fires, after three shots the Ha'tak is destroyed. Encouraged, the crew head towards the next ship and begin to once again charge weapons.

    In the streets people are panicking, yellow plasma is raining down ripping through buildings and pavement alike. An Al'kesh flies over bombing buildings and taking out tanks with a Raptor close behind it. Several Death Gliders and another Al'kesh prepare to make a run at the Pentagon when they are taken out by a squad of F-302s. A Ha'tak that had broken away from the bombardment begins to target them when a Puddle Jumper decloaks and fires a few drones. The drones steer around incoming plasma bolts and enemy ships, drive straight through the Ha'tak's shield and hull before detonating with a brilliant flash.

    In orbit several hyperspace windows can be seen opening as they fleet retreats. A lone ship is picked of before it can enter hyperspace but apart from that the fighting has stopped. Looking down, smoke can be seen rising from various nations of the Earth and Al'kesh and Death Gliders soar through the air with Tau'ri planes in hot pursuit. The screen changes to the AR room were the AR Drive sparks and then explodes. The screen fades out, leaving the words "To Be Continued".
    Last edited by Guest750; 18 June 2009, 10:28 PM.
    Originally posted by Craig Charles
    "And the 'replicator' has just entered Sir Killalot's corner and Killalot is...urm...wait a minute... Sir Killalot has just been eaten by the 'replicator' and now there's two of them..."

    I'm confused.
    You're adding in parts of Contininum with your fan fiction about Alternate Reality stuff? Hmm....kinda odd.


      Seems good.
      But I am a bit fuzzed...

      My fan-fic, swedish outpost


        Yeah basically it's set in a version of Continoum where SG-1 didn't make it through the gate. So all the Goa'uld are under the rule of Qw'tesh (still don't know the correct spelling) and the only defence Earth has is the heavily damaged Phoenix.
        Originally posted by Craig Charles
        "And the 'replicator' has just entered Sir Killalot's corner and Killalot is...urm...wait a minute... Sir Killalot has just been eaten by the 'replicator' and now there's two of them..."


          The premise is intriguing.

          I take it the Ori fight was just an excuse to blow the drive?

          But I caution you that the AR drive is human built, and they will be able to repair it rather easily with access to the facilities of AR Earth, not to mention they will probably give the AR Earth plans for the advanced weapons and shields to fight off future Goa'uld incursion.

          Earth will most likely become like Tollana, an isolated highly advanced pocket of civilization, whom the System Lords leave alone after realizing it's futile to waste their fleet on Earth's advanced weapons.

          What are you going to do about the reality paradox, where if you have two of the same people, the infringing one starts dissipating, molecule by molecule?


            Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
            The premise is intriguing.

            I take it the Ori fight was just an excuse to blow the drive?

            But I caution you that the AR drive is human built, and they will be able to repair it rather easily with access to the facilities of AR Earth, not to mention they will probably give the AR Earth plans for the advanced weapons and shields to fight off future Goa'uld incursion.
            Bear in mind the drive didn't just break it blew up, and the planet's been bombarded. Also, this is the Phoenix not the Odyseey, there's no direct plans for advanced technology.

            Earth will most likely become like Tollana, an isolated highly advanced pocket of civilization, whom the System Lords leave alone after realizing it's futile to waste their fleet on Earth's advanced weapons.
            Exploration is in human nature, even if the isolationists take control the Ori can always be introduced.

            What are you going to do about the reality paradox, where if you have two of the same people, the infringing one starts dissipating, molecule by molecule?
            This may be explained in an later episode.

            Originally posted by Craig Charles
            "And the 'replicator' has just entered Sir Killalot's corner and Killalot is...urm...wait a minute... Sir Killalot has just been eaten by the 'replicator' and now there's two of them..."


              Originally posted by Guest750 View Post

              Still, it would make sense that they have blueprints of it aboard and even machine parts for maintenance. Earth couldn't have been that badly hit, it seemed the bombardment had just started when the Phoenix intervened.

              Well, Ori probably won't be necessary, by now the Replicators would be spreading across the local cluster, unless the Asgard found a way to defeat them.


                Probably just your writing style but I felt that it didn't get me involved, it was more like highlights of what was happening. Personally, to get me involved in a story some tension needs to be built up etc.

                Other than that it was cool

