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Return of the Ancients

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    Originally posted by NIMBUS View Post
    ch5 is out.... i'm off ...reading...
    *minutes later*
    ...i smiled the whole time i was reading it YEAH, ford is fixed!
    It is?! *runs off*



      Sorry is just seemed so fun to say, and it is.


        Originally posted by Alx
        great chapter! enjoyed it very much! although i migth start reading the fic episode to episode in the future! a chapter at a time makes me kinda loose the thread so to speak
        So i prob will avoid this thread for obvius spoiler reasons i just think it'll be more fun for me to read a whole ep then just a chapter althogh it'll be a bit of a wait to be able to read a whole ep but i think i might be worth it!
        I agree with the above i'd totally prefer episodes in their entirety instead of being nursed a chapter at a time.

        Thankfully Aer'ki is pretty consistent with updates so it's not TOO much of a downer


        Okay i'm sooo making a sig for that. Photoshop time!
        Last edited by Guest; 21 August 2009, 02:26 AM.


          i love that popularity of this thing is growing
          have you notice that with every page in this thread there are new members popping up(im here since page 5... 'almost-veteran'(i wanted to say it )) and expressing their opinions and praises, or that 'review' amount in fanfictionDOTnet is increasing, ep5 has 19 reviews and ep 9 has 35, almost doubled , and they are only people who waisted their time to register on that site, ok most of the reviews are garbage(including mine ), but still this thing is gaining momentum
          ...and the bigger momentum, the bigger ****-storm are'ki is going to receive if he will ever decide to stop writing (this was a threat! )
 people - advertise this thing
 can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


            Introducing... For sheer Comedic Relief!

            Just a quick copy paste job, but i think it gets the message across


              lol, nice


                Originally posted by NIMBUS View Post
                i love that popularity of this thing is growing
                have you notice that with every page in this thread there are new members popping up(im here since page 5... 'almost-veteran'(i wanted to say it ))
                Im a page 1 verteren! Pretty much joined gateworld forums for this fan fic


                  lol Aragon101/Loneranger-1 i can see through larrin's shoulder
         can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


                    Originally posted by NIMBUS View Post
                    lol Aragon101/Loneranger-1 i can see through larrin's shoulder
                    LOL well it didn't look right at 100% opacity so i made her a little translucent.

                    Mmmm that sounds oddly kinky... transluuuuscent...

                    Anyways, now all that's left is...

                    For Ford to start mocking Sheppard even more by calling him the "KING OF ATLANTIS!"
                    Remember he called him out on how hard he was training them? "2 hours of PT, then a day at the beach?"
                    LOL i'd die laughing


                      ive been here since the second page so im one of the older followers since aerki showed us it on gateworld


                        well i was the first one to post here after Aer'ki made this thread what does that make me veteran of veterans?
                        check my story's:
                        Battlestar group 16
                        and Under Siege
                        and respond at:
                        Battlestar group 16 (For BSG 16 and Under siege)
                        my newest story:
                        TFS Ticonderoga
                        and respond at:
                        TFS Ticonderoga


                          ah i too am a veteran. 4th to post (technically 3rd 2 posts by 1 person)

                          and i have to say Aer you are doing a grand job


                            should i get the measuring tape out in anticipation of what's going to be compared next?

                            I do have a question actually. putting this McKay smiley up made me wonder... what happened to Jennifer? Did McKay just leave her back on Earth while he runs off for a year with Sam and Co? Hmmm...Maybe it was mentioned but i just can't remember.


                              it wasn't mentioned, i think she's on earth. mckay didn't leaver her willingly, he was forced to do so by the ioa

                              when i wrote that half-veteran thing i feared measuring will start
                     can't tell good from bad, which means that both concepts are abstract and don't matter... don't be afraid of acting on this knowledge...


                                Originally posted by Alx
                                LMAO aye lets get the measure out
                                And enough with the shipping on with the Action

                                LOL Well it's a valid question! Action without Drama is just re-runs of The A-Team! *Sans the comedy*

                                Atlantis did such a pisspoor job with shipping (like SG1 did a better job ) and i'm curious as to whether Aer'Ki is going to incorporate aspects into the fic. I'm not saying MAKE IT A SHIP FIC. I'm saying that drama and relationships (of all types, not just romance) come into play and give the story a meatier feel.

                                Like... here's something i want to demand from Aer'Ki. Give us some backstory on Devonshire! Why did she stay? So far it's been mostly Canon Characters but i'm making an educated guess that OC's will be more and more as time goes on. Sooo... establish them now and build em up!

                                And yes... give us more of this!

