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    Okay, everyone loves Sam. On the outside she's strong, moral, heroic, smart, and anything and everything else I missed. But what about on the inside? What does Sam Carter really think and feel?

    Intoducing the Snarky Sam Series. All humor, full o' fluff (not enough to call individual stories shippers tho ) and quirky. Her thoughts and feelings about all sorts of things (I won't give you any detail I'm mean that way, making you read it yourself ) Some have already been posted but I decided to link them together ^_^

    The current story titles are (in the order from 1st to latest story):

    1) Pay Raise
    2) Fishing Rods & Gutter Thoughts
    3) Pokey Payback!
    4) SNAFU, FUBAR, and other Funky Military Terms

    Those are the EXACT titles. If you copied/pasted them on the title space in the search engine you should find it, but if not, PM/Email me and I'll Email/PM you the link --Miz
    - Miz

    Proud Samandan (blue jello all the way!! )

    Proud Anti-S9 Forumer (Pro-Original SG-1)

    Not your average world-saving squad!!


      I have two new one shot fics up on if anyone's interested...both SGA, but y'all knew that already...

      Tied Up, which is a naughty little tag for 'Condemned' warned, if your a prude, might be best to avoid this one...

      The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance, which is the musings of a dying man...

      All comments / reviews / constructive criticism welcome by review / PM / email...

      ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
      "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


        I have a new SGA fic called All the Good Stories. It's AU, it's gen, it's long, it's complex and difficult, and it's in an extremely non-linear structure. Really, really, non-linear. It's about Sheppard's past and how it catches up with him. Sort of.

        Due to the non-linear structure and how it's broken up, it's not available on any archives, only via a PDF file which I'm mailing out to people. Please email me here if you'd like a copy.



          Okay, will try to promote my fic, here too.

          Title: Time Eternal
          Status: WIP
          Ratings: Older Kids
          Season: Future Season
          Category: Adventure/Action/Romance
          Summary: A Goa’uld scientist changes the present by altering the past of four heroes


          Although this story is a work in progress each chapter is quite long. Just posted chapter 8. Will really appreciate feedback on it.


            OK, I have two fics to present here:

            Title: "Safety Glass"
            Summary: The Genii have caught up with Sheppard again, and Kolya will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
            Season: 2
            Status: Complete (One-Shot)
            Rating: Strong T or Mild M (brief mild language, torture, possibly disturbing images)
            Notes: Sequel to "The Last Day of Our Acquaintance" by Knocknashee

            Title: "Swear Not by the Moon..."
            Summary: Major Sheppard has secrets that are alienating him from the rest of Atlantis. But when the team comes face–to–face with the mythology of the Surnatian people, his situation takes a stunning downhill turn.
            Season: 1
            Status: WIP
            Rating: T (just a guess at this point)

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Darkstars Fic series:2005

              Title: Deeper the Reflection.
              summary: Sg1 must retrive a new space probe on a planet that is made up naquahdah, meanwhile Cameron M must find 5 new team members to lay claim to the new planet, however not every thing is what it seems when Carter finds Unity crystal entites under the planets crust and an asteroid bombardment leaves SG1 trapped under ground with the time running out cameron mitchell must take command of the "Perseus" and rescue them all.
              season: 9-10.
              progress: drafted in rough.
              Rating: mature teenager-adult (contains mild language)
              notes: part 1 of 10.

              Title: Shattered Mirror.
              summary: SG1 finds the location to a ZPM on an alien planet that holds a dark secret, Sam finds that she cannot let her past go so lightly when she suffers from flash backs of a mission over a month earlier, also the Perseus becomes trapped inside the remains of a Naquahdah asteroid field whilst a dark alien warship hunts them down.
              Season: 10.
              Progress: half drafted in rough.
              Rating: mature teenager- adult (contains violence and some moderate language)
              part 2 of 10, direct sequel to "deeper the reflection".

              Title: Deadlands.
              summary: Following a devastating flood of a jaffa camp on the planet Arbarr the jaffa are allowed to set up camp on the Alpha site, but when Cameron mitchell finds a black and white photograph SG1 becomes shocked to find that the leader of the jaffa has been to earth in the 1950s and that the asgard are keeping secrets concerning the crash of a Goa'uld ship in up state new york.
              progress: premise drafted.
              rating: adult content.
              notes: this Fic referes back to the asgards presence on earth just after the roswell incident.
              part 3 of 10.

              Title: Pure Blooded.
              Summary: SG1 finds an ancient battleship in orbit a a planet believed to have a ZPM, however the inhabitants have their own agenda when they plan to take the ship to battle the Aschen, but when the presence of a wraith is detected on the perseus a lockdown is initiated with devastating consequences.
              progress: drafted rough.
              rating: adult-mature teenager no language some violence.
              season: 10.
              notes: this is the fic that sheds light on the presence of the wraith in the milky way and a old enemy returns.
              part 4 of 10.
              Last edited by Darkstar; 21 August 2005, 07:46 AM.
              For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

              We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                Originally posted by Darkstar
                Darkstars Fic series:2005

                Title: Deeper the Reflection.
                summary: Sg1 must retrive a new space probe on a planet that is made up naquahdah, meanwhile Cameron M must find 5 new team members to lay claim to the new planet, however not every thing is what it seems when Carter finds Unity crystal entites under the planets crust and an asteroid bombardment leaves SG1 trapped under ground with the time running out cameron mitchell must take command of the "Perseus" and rescue them all.
                season: 9-10.
                progress: drafted in rough.
                Rating: mature teenager-adult (contains mild language)
                notes: part 1 of 10.

                Title: Shattered Mirror.
                summary: SG1 finds the location to a ZPM on an alien planet that holds a dark secret, Sam finds that she cannot let her past go so lightly when she suffers from flash backs of a mission over a month earlier, also the Perseus becomes trapped inside the remains of a Naquahdah asteroid field whilst a dark alien warship hunts them down.
                Season: 10.
                Progress: half drafted in rough.
                Rating: mature teenager- adult (contains violence and some moderate language)
                part 2 of 10, direct sequel to "deeper the reflection".

                Title: Deadlands.
                summary: Following a devastating flood of a jaffa camp on the planet Arbarr the jaffa are allowed to set up camp on the Alpha site, but when Cameron mitchell finds a black and white photograph SG1 becomes shocked to find that the leader of the jaffa has been to earth in the 1950s and that the asgard are keeping secrets concerning the crash of a Goa'uld ship in up state new york.
                progress: premise drafted.
                rating: adult content.
                notes: this Fic referes back to the asgards presence on earth just after the roswell incident.
                part 3 of 10.

                Title: Pure Blooded.
                Summary: SG1 finds an ancient battleship in orbit a a planet believed to have a ZPM, however the inhabitants have their own agenda when they plan to take the ship to battle the Aschen, but when the presence of a wraith is detected on the perseus a lockdown is initiated with devastating consequences.
                progress: drafted rough.
                rating: adult-mature teenager no language some violence.
                season: 10.
                notes: this is the fic that sheds light on the presence of the wraith in the milky way and a old enemy returns.
                part 4 of 10.
                Link, link link???? I want to go and read them, please.


                  ok ok ok.. i will get them drated fully but at the moment the characters need fine tuning before anything else.

                  do not fear i will get to you to read im a busy person so will when i get the time.

                  oh by the way which of the 4 did you like the sound of the most?
                  For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                  We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                    3 fics from me and choice of 3 sites to view on, if anyone has preference for one.

                    Title: Reunions
                    Author: Purpleyin
                    Rating: K+

                    Spoilers: None?
                    Summary: Futurefic, from an odd pov. He leaves me here for ages, but he always comes back for me. McKay/Weir.


                    Title: Answers
                    Author: Purpleyin
                    Rating: Teen

                    Spoilers: Season 2, up to Intruder.
                    Summary: Their friendship isn't what it was, if it's there at all anymore. Things have changed, but not for the better. McKay/Weir angst.


                    Title: Beaten
                    Author: Purpleyin
                    Rating: K+

                    Spoilers: For Season 1 Brotherhood and the episode before that.
                    Summary: We all make mistakes, but some take them to heart harder than others. McKay/Weir friendship (or more if you want to see it).



                      This is going to be a very different story. First of all, it is in several parts. Second of all, you control how the story plays out, to a certain extent anyway. Do you want Sam to be hurt? Or Jack? Teal'c maybe? How about the ever popular Daniel?

                      At a certain point, you will see choices on the page, and those choices will take you to a different path in this story.
                      I did cover some of the basic bases, however, I'm afraid, there are only so many choices that I could explore…this is basically twelve different 30 page stories and, well I just got tired of writing.

                      So, here is Eenie Meenie Miney Mo

                      Title- Eenie Meenie Miney Mo
                      Author- Denise
                      E-mail - [email protected]
                      Category- HC, Jack, Daniel, Sam, Teal'c. Adventure. Slightly shippy AND slashy. You choose
                      Season- 5
                      Spoilers - various little ones. Anything up to Daniel going glowy is fair game.
                      Content Level -- Teenagers
                      Content Warning- Little language
                      Summary- As usual, a simple adventure turns out to be anything but

                      A big, huge MASSIVE thank you to Sibohan who waded through all these stories, basically betaing the same thing over and over. Any mistakes left are solely my own

                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Darkstar
                        ok ok ok.. i will get them drated fully but at the moment the characters need fine tuning before anything else.

                        do not fear i will get to you to read im a busy person so will when i get the time.

                        oh by the way which of the 4 did you like the sound of the most?
                        Shattered mirror. Sounds very dark and I can appreciate a dark fic.


                          Originally posted by NG.1
                          Shattered mirror. Sounds very dark and I can appreciate a dark fic.
                          i see the first 2 fics are pretty much the same story the second is a direct sequel to the first, the other two fit in with the story but aren't as much sequels of each other i you know what i mean?

                          i wont say if anybody dies just yet but the whole premise for the 10 fic serial is quite dark each in their own way, the other 6 fics i don't want to post the premise for as i have yet to decide the order and and some of the details for them, i will do them in sets of two whenever i get the time, but somtimes i will skip a little to put an idea down for a later fic and i may decide to post the general idea for a later fic if you wanted?

                          i got came up with the name "deeper the image" because of the SG1 season 1 episode "cold lazarus" the unity they could mimic the faces of sam and copied jack's body and memories which i thought would be perfect for sam as in this fic she has suffered with her career in the airforce due to an accident a month previous to this, so to be able to see her problems in another and would allow her to get over it which is explored the first time in this fic.
                          Shattered image is a continuation on the first fic but with a twist and the inclusion of SG1's newer enemy, but it will basicly try to deal with the issues of sam and mitchell and open the door for a new SG1 character, hopefully im still undecided about that.
                          Deadlands is a more lighter hearted fic that explores the asgards past and their visits to earth, it also deals with humans misstrust against aliens and where exactly the jaffa tauri alliance began.
                          i was a little unsure where this was to fit in with the whole storyline and originally thought of it being a stand alone fic, but since the entire fics leads up to the arrival of the furrlings i thought what better to explore the past and behaviour of the asgard when humans of earth didn't know any better which i wanted to quite a supprise aswell as the arrival of an alien who likes pretty much human in a world where distrust of each other almost forced a world war, so i thought this nice setting would be great for this type of fic and a lead up to a later episode.
                          pure blooded is more of a simple fic but with some great character moments a nice supprises, its pretty much about SG1 who go off in search of a ZPM and the whole fic revolves around an Ancient battle ship adrift in orbit of an alien planet, SG1 try to retrive the ship but the people of the planet have other ideas, to slightly make the fic a little more interesting there are still wraith survivours who cant escape without sams Ancient gene inoculation, the fic also explores what has become of the Aschen, and that SG1s previous encounters with them will affect the mission.
                          its still a little rough for Pure boolded but i hope to have it fully written by the end of september or early october as it is taking longer than expected and i don't wish to rush it all.
                          For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                          We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                            Originally posted by Darkstar
                            i see the first 2 fics are pretty much the same story the second is a direct sequel to the first, the other two fit in with the story but aren't as much sequels of each other i you know what i mean?

                            i wont say if anybody dies just yet but the whole premise for the 10 fic serial is quite dark each in their own way, the other 6 fics i don't want to post the premise for as i have yet to decide the order and and some of the details for them, i will do them in sets of two whenever i get the time, but somtimes i will skip a little to put an idea down for a later fic and i may decide to post the general idea for a later fic if you wanted?

                            i got came up with the name "deeper the image" because of the SG1 season 1 episode "cold lazarus" the unity they could mimic the faces of sam and copied jack's body and memories which i thought would be perfect for sam as in this fic she has suffered with her career in the airforce due to an accident a month previous to this, so to be able to see her problems in another and would allow her to get over it which is explored the first time in this fic.
                            Shattered image is a continuation on the first fic but with a twist and the inclusion of SG1's newer enemy, but it will basicly try to deal with the issues of sam and mitchell and open the door for a new SG1 character, hopefully im still undecided about that.
                            Deadlands is a more lighter hearted fic that explores the asgards past and their visits to earth, it also deals with humans misstrust against aliens and where exactly the jaffa tauri alliance began.
                            i was a little unsure where this was to fit in with the whole storyline and originally thought of it being a stand alone fic, but since the entire fics leads up to the arrival of the furrlings i thought what better to explore the past and behaviour of the asgard when humans of earth didn't know any better which i wanted to quite a supprise aswell as the arrival of an alien who likes pretty much human in a world where distrust of each other almost forced a world war, so i thought this nice setting would be great for this type of fic and a lead up to a later episode.
                            pure blooded is more of a simple fic but with some great character moments a nice supprises, its pretty much about SG1 who go off in search of a ZPM and the whole fic revolves around an Ancient battle ship adrift in orbit of an alien planet, SG1 try to retrive the ship but the people of the planet have other ideas, to slightly make the fic a little more interesting there are still wraith survivours who cant escape without sams Ancient gene inoculation, the fic also explores what has become of the Aschen, and that SG1s previous encounters with them will affect the mission.
                            its still a little rough for Pure boolded but i hope to have it fully written by the end of september or early october as it is taking longer than expected and i don't wish to rush it all.
                            Cool, please remember to let me know when and where you are going to post it and I promise to give you a review.


                              I finally decided to have a little promo here. One more reader never hurts anyone. All of these fics can be found in various archives. But I'll link only to, if anyone doesn't like this archive, PM me and I'll send you a link to some other archive.

                              Feels like Fading
                              Summary: Major Sheppard and his team go to a planet that is not one of Teyla’s trading planets, and finds something he never expected. An Ancient creation with unimaginable power.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: Torture and Violence in later chapters
                              Genre: Action/Adventure
                              Progress: Complete

                              Missing in Action
                              Summary: The Genii had a plan, they will get back at the people from Atlantis at any cost.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: R
                              Pairing: None
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: Violence, Language, Torture
                              Genre: Angst/Drama
                              Progress: Complete.

                              To see her again
                              Summary: He needed her; all he wanted was to see her again.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: none
                              Genre: Angst/Romance
                              Progress: One-shot, complete.

                              Don't go.
                              Summary: Please wake up, I want to see you smiling again. I want to be in your arms and pretend that you were never gone.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Sequel to: To see her again
                              Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: None
                              Genre: Angst/Romance
                              Progress: One-shot, complete.

                              One more... just one more
                              Summary: The doctor needs a doctor... Written for the SGAHC Last Breath Challenge
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Season: 2
                              Warnings: A bit of language, really small.
                              Progress: One-shot, complete

                              The next couple of fics are a series I created out of order. And I recently put them together as the Friends are Foes Series. It covers all the silly, romantic and mischevious thing that could happen in Atlantis.

                              The bet is on!
                              Summary: A small fic about what is going on inside Sheppard, Weir and McKay's head when things they do for fun go against them.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: none
                              Genre: Humor/Romance
                              Progress: Complete

                              Summary: The bets had caused the troubles, how the hell John Sheppard will ask for forgiveness.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Pairing: Sheppard/Weir
                              Season: 1
                              Genre: Humor/Romance
                              Progress: Complete

                              Summary: Cameras, the Ancient gene, a Wraith loose in the city, a new character, a near crashed puddle jumper and someone calls Sheppard the resident flirt god.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-13
                              Pairing: mention of S/W and Bates/OC.
                              Season: 1
                              Warnings: Language and slight Violence
                              Genre: Humor/Action/Adventure
                              Progress: Complete

                              Unexpected Side Effects
                              Summary: Something happens in Atlantis that makes everyones libido go sky high.
                              Fandom: SGA
                              Rating: PG-15
                              Pairings: Kate/Rodney, Sheppard/Weir, Ford/Teyla, Bates/OC and Carson/OC
                              Warnings: mild Sexual Situations
                              Genre: Humor/Romance
                              Progress: Complete

                              there you go, sorry if this is too long.
                              Last edited by Beloky; 22 September 2005, 05:28 PM. Reason: change status of fics


                                Darkstars Fic series:2005

                                Title: Deeper the Reflection.
                                summary: Sg1 must retrive a new space probe on a planet that is made up naquahdah, meanwhile Cameron M must find 5 new team members to lay claim to the new planet, however not every thing is what it seems when Carter finds Unity crystal entites under the planets crust and an asteroid bombardment leaves SG1 trapped under ground with the time running out cameron mitchell must take command of the "Perseus" and rescue them all.
                                season: 9-10.
                                progress: drafted in rough.
                                Rating: mature teenager-adult (contains mild language)
                                notes: part 1 of 10.

                                Title: Shattered Mirror.
                                summary: SG1 finds the location to a ZPM on an alien planet that holds a dark secret, Sam finds that she cannot let her past go so lightly when she suffers from flash backs of a mission over a month earlier, also the Perseus becomes trapped inside the remains of a Naquahdah asteroid field whilst a dark alien warship hunts them down.
                                Season: 10.
                                Progress: half drafted in rough.
                                Rating: mature teenager- adult (contains violence and some moderate language)
                                part 2 of 10, direct sequel to "deeper the reflection".

                                Title: Deadlands.
                                summary: Following a devastating flood of a jaffa camp on the planet Arbarr the jaffa are allowed to set up camp on the Alpha site, but when Cameron mitchell finds a black and white photograph SG1 becomes shocked to find that the leader of the jaffa has been to earth in the 1950s and that the asgard are keeping secrets concerning the crash of a Goa'uld ship in up state new york.
                                progress: premise drafted.
                                rating: adult content.
                                notes: this Fic referes back to the asgards presence on earth just after the roswell incident.
                                part 3 of 10.

                                Title: Pure Blooded.
                                Summary: SG1 finds an ancient battleship in orbit a a planet believed to have a ZPM, however the inhabitants have their own agenda when they plan to take the ship to battle the Aschen, but when the presence of a wraith is detected on the perseus a lockdown is initiated with devastating consequences.
                                progress: drafted rough.
                                rating: adult-mature teenager no language some violence.
                                season: 10.
                                notes: this is the fic that sheds light on the presence of the wraith in the milky way and a old enemy returns.
                                part 4 of 10.

                                i have the premise for these but i havent started to many writting on them yet i wanted to post them here to see if it went down well with fans of the fics

                                Title: Tidal forces*
                                Summary: following on from the last fic the ZPM is stolen by aschen who are operating outside the law of the confederation leading SG1 to a planet where the inhabitants live out their lives under the ocean (reference to season 1 episode "fire and water"), however when SG1 finds that this particular ZPM may not be what it seems daniel jackson must make a life changing decision when he is approched by an ascended ancient with strange motives.
                                progress: premise only at this time.
                                Rating: adult content possibly.
                                season 10
                                notes: the premise is the only thing that has been typed up for this fic, however a detailed synopsis will be written in the next week.

                                Title: the title for this may probably change but i have given it this tile thus far: Portal.
                                Summary: in the far future the disclosure of the stargate program has resulted in a conflict between the US and the rest of the world, however an alliance that should not have come to pass leads the grand daughter of Colonel Carter to go against everything that had been set in motion by her grandmother with a startling discovery about the great alliance between the Furrlings and the Atlantis expedition!
                                Progress: premise and synopsis are finished but isnt fully drafted.
                                rating: adult.
                                season: year 2005 and 2055
                                notes: the arrival of the furrlings in an alliance with earth against their greatest enemy yet.
                                Last edited by Darkstar; 24 August 2005, 02:19 AM.
                                For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                                We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night

