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Continuing Stargate

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    (More of "Pyrrhus," see previous post for start and next post for more.)

    Still not getting it, Jonas asks him to prove it, and is subsequently shoved back into the wall with a telekinetic punch. Smirking, Jason turns to the stargate and watches as the particle accelerator deactivates, its job finished. Watching her old friend pick himself up off the ground, Sam suppresses a laugh and turns to see Colonel Taylor in the control room. She says that they'll be back as soon as possible, then gives the go-ahead to re-dial the gate so the kawoosh can finish the task of clearing out an entry way for them.

    A short time later, the stargate is dialed for Ankgor, and the particle accelerator from years before is once again set up, blasting away into the puddle as it clears debris from the other side. Off to the side, Jonas waits, suited up in an Intelligence field uniform consisting off a loose-fitting jumpsuit covered in pouches and straps to hold numerous knives, pistols, grenades, and various types of spy equipment. He looks up to see Carter enter from the other side of the room in traditional SG gear and a P90 in hand, checking her clip to make sure it's full. Surprised, he asks if Sam is coming along, to which she replies that this whole mess is personal, and there's no way she's sitting this out. Unfortunately, they don't really have a "special ops" division anymore since they're still putting the ISGC back together, but she has a volunteer who has a few "special" abilities of his own. In explanation, she jerks her thumb over her shoulder at Jason Carter, likewise pulling on a set of offworld gear. When Jonas asks how wise it is to bring a kid along, Jason, annoyed, says that he's almost twenty and hardly just a "kid," and besides that, can pack one Hell of a punch. Still not getting it, Jonas asks him to prove it, and is subsequently shoved back into the wall with a telekinetic shove. Smirking, Jason turns to the stargate and watches as the particle accelerator deactivates, its job finished. Watching her old friend pick himself up off the ground, Sam suppresses a laugh and turns to see Colonel Taylor in the control room. She says that they'll be back as soon as possible, then gives the go-ahead to re-dial the gate so the kawoosh can finish the task of clearing out an entry way for them.

    On Ankgor's surface, in a barren, decimated wasteland that was once the capital city of the proud Jaffa planet, an odd humming is heard. A second later, the muffled sound of an activating stargate penetrates the dirt, and a blue energy vortex breaks through the crusted ground, revealing the previously-buried stargate, active and ready for use. At the ISGC, Taylor wishes his away team good luck, and watches as the three travelers back up and sprint toward the portal, disappearing into the puddle with flying leaps that carry them up the few feet to the lip of the surface on the other side so they don't fall back into the wormhole. Spitting out some dirt that he ate on the way up, Jason mutters that this is just plain humiliating, and Jonas remarks that all his fancy powers don't really help very much now. Sam mutters something about men and pulls herself up, seeing a familiar-looking woman step out of the shadows of a nearby ruin and approach. Ironically enough, it's Freya, the former host of Anise and the operative assigned to this planet by Alliance Intelligence. She was alerted via subspace message to watch for "friends via waterway," and she correctly guessed that the meaning was allies coming through the "puddle" of a stargate.

    Jonas, clearly surprised to see Freya here, asks how she managed to pull such a high-profile assignment given her lack of a symbiote. The woman smiles, saying that having your life partner be the former leader of the entire organization helps, and besides, she does have a set of skills all her own without Anise. Now that they've all finished with the meet and greet, she suggests they get moving toward the Der'kal base a mile away, considering that SG-1's executions are due to take place in only an hour or two. Not disagreeing, Sam asks her to lead the way, and the impromptu team sets off at a jog in the direction of the massive alien buildings towering close by.

    Up in orbit, a hyperspace window is opening, ejecting a small Nox transport ship into space. At once, the Der'kal forces in the area mobilize to surround it, but the craft offers no resistance, merely broadcasting a text-only message of surrender. At once, it is boarded and its sole occupant, an unarmed male Nox, is taken prisoner, but the aliens are clearly confused by this strange arrival and the seeming pointlessness of it all. The Alliance-affiliated arrival requests only to speak with the leader of the enemy war effort, and, surprisingly, said official agrees to a meeting before his execution alongside SG-1. He is quickly transferred to the alien flagship and brought to a small conference room of sorts and left there, with his escorting warriors sealing the doors behind them as they leave. After a moment, a door on the other end of the room slides open, and Lor'al enters, asking her "guest" what it is he has to say before he dies. The Nox bows, ignoring the threat and thanking her for seeing him, and says that he has only come to deliver a warning from his people; the days of the Der'kal are numbered, and although the Jaffa, Tok'ra, and Tau'ri may be beaten back or conquered, the Nox are one group that the extragalactic aliens have no hope of ever defeating.

    Lor'al laughs, pointing out that they can hardly say that they've been a force in this war, rarely sending out more than one or two of their ancient battleships, and then occasionally participating in Alliance fleet activities. But the Nox emissary assures her that this has all been part of a greater plan, giving them time to build up a armada powerful enough to crush any resistance. Even now, the ships are preparing to leave Velieris for enemy-controlled systems, and with their technological superiority, they will crush the Der'kal with ease. Smiling, the Nox man goes on to add that even if Lor'al and her pathetic excuse for a fleet decided to engage them it would be a futile gesture, and would certainly end in her destruction. There is no way to win, and she has lost. Staring blank-faced at the messenger, Lor'al doesn't seem to know how to react. Then, slowly, her rage builds, and she roars that idle threats from cowardly pacifists do not frighten her. She pulls out her double-bladed sword and extends its ends, smashing a chair out of the way and slicing down at the Nox. As soon as it makes contact with him, however, a bright white light flashes out, and when it fades, there is nothing left but his elegant-yet-simple robes, leaving the infuriated alien admiral with far more questions than answers.

    On the surface, Sam and her team are sneaking into the Der'kal's base of operations, darting in between the towering buildings to avoid patrolling gunships. Freya says that the entrance to the Exarch's palace is heavily guarded, but there are ring platforms inside to allow ease of transportaton in and out. If they can track down an external platform, they can just ring into the compound and move from there, but finding that external part might be the real problem since she has no idea where to look. Thinking quickly, Jonas asks their Tok'ra guide what the aliens would have done with SG-1's tel'tak. If they can get to the impound docks, they could sneak into the craft and use its rings, a plan Freya thinks might actually work. The storage center for captured vehicles and starships isn't very heavily guarded, and it's just an old Jaffa hanger on the outskirts of the settlement. Liking this idea, Sam tells her to lead the way, and they warily rush down an alleyway, heading off toward their new objective.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Talbot is standing outside a cell on the Jupiter, trying to figure out what to do with the Traditionalist senators who destroyed Pandora's Box. She asks them what they expect to happen now, to which their leader replies that he has no doubt that they will sit in this cell for a short while, until the new elections are held for the Jaffa Senate. Once that happens and Teal'c and his Progressives are swept out of power, he imagines they will be welcomed home as heroes, but until then, they're ready to wait. Fuming, Talbot informs him that she has no intention of letting them leave before a full trial is held, and there's no way any human jury is going to just let them off like that. But the senators are quite certain they'll be fine; after all, the terms of the Alliance charter specifically state that foreign dignitaries can be extradited in cases of extreme need, and he's sure that their allies in the Senate will find some cause for them to return home. They may be stuck here for now, but sooner or later they will walk free. Danielle tells them that this isn't over, but leaves the room to try and gather some more ammunition against them.

    On Ankgor, Sam is zatting a Der'kal guard outside the main impound hanger, and she waves the rest of her team inside. The foursome hurries into the building and finds themselves on a walkway overlooking a massive, sunken area where the captured ships are kept. And there, amongst all the hulks lying rusting down below, SG-1's tel'tak can be seen freshly-landed off to one side. Moving quickly, the humans rush down a small staircase into the hanger and make their way through the other vessels toward the scout ship. Once they get near it, Jonas runs up to the airlock and punches in the code to unlock the door. He pries it open and leads the others to the ring room, motioning for them all to get into position for transport. Once they're all within the circle, Freya enters in the combination for the rings inside the Exarch's palace, and they disappear in a flash of light. Inside the compound itself, two Der'kal warriors look up to see the ring platform suddenly at work, and they grab their plasma rifles in preparation to blast the intruders. Sam and Jonas go to grab their guns, but it's proven to be unnecessary when Jason lifts the two aliens off the ground via telekinesis and slams them into the wall, knocking them unconscious. The three older team members all give him a strange look of admiration and shock, to which Jason just shrugs, adding that he really should find a lightsaber to complete the effect. Knowing that time is of the essence, they then head off toward the wing where the execution is scheduled to take place.

    At the same time, Lor'al has arrived on the bridge of her flagship, and is struggling to come to a decision in regards to the Nox; their own intelligence suggests that something is happening on their homeworld, but they can't verify if it is indeed the construction of a massive armada. Hoping her captured Tok'ra can fill in the gaps, she closes her eyes as the room fades away to darkness. Standing across from her in the illusory surroundings, Anise says that she has no intention of just telling the Der'kal about any more Alliance plans, but Lor'al demands that she reveal what she knows. Anise just sighs and walks closer, reminding her captor that the Nox are the oldest living race in the galaxy, having been members of the original Alliance of Great Races that was formed millions of years ago. If anyone has the power to crush the alien menace, it would be them. And it might be better to just wipe them out now, fleet or no fleet, before they decide to move on that superiority and take action. Velieris is deep within Allied space, but the chance to annihilate a potentially devastating enemy fleet is too good to pass up, isn't it?
    Last edited by s09119; 24 June 2009, 08:11 AM.
    Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
    Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


      (More of "Pyrrhus," see next post for end.)

      Opening her eyes, Lor'al makes her decision; if the Nox believe they have the power to take on the Der'kal, then she will test it herself. She gives an order for all battle groups operating in nearby sectors to break off their current activities and head to Velieris at once. One of her officers asks if that's wise, but Anise's sudden interruption that they have no time to spare wipes away any traces of doubt from the Der'kal leader's mind. The executions can wait, conquest can wait, everything can wait, and right now the only thing that matters is destroying the Nox, and she will not be denied this victory. As her subordinates enter in the coordinates and prepare to gather their forces for the strike, Anise can be seen standing in the background, steeling herself for what's to come. Remembering her promise to Teal'c on Chulak to make things count ("Pride Before the Fall"), she glances up at the ceiling and mutters that this could just be it.

      As the ships in orbit begin jumping into hyperspace, Vur'naa is leading SG-1 to the Exarch's private reception hall for their execution. He looks smugly satisfied with himself, enjoying the looks of admiration that passing officials give him when they see who his captives are. But his smirk vanishes when his cruiser suddenly contacts him via radio and informs him that they have received orders to join a massive fleet en route to the Nox homeworld at once. Vur'naa tells them to stand down and await his instructions, but his crew replies that they cannot; the order comes from Lor'al herself, and he does not have the authority to countermand it. They must leave, and the connection is cut as his cruiser enters a hyperspace window. Furious that this is happening on today of all days, Vur'naa turns to one of his warriors and tells him to find out what's going on, then tells SG-1 that they get to live a little longer... at least until he gets to the bottom of this. Seeming to have no problem with that, the team breathes a sigh of relief, hoping Earth will find them somehow.

      And indeed, a few hallways away, Jonas is hacking into a security terminal, bringing up a monitor with a live feed from SG-1's position, revealing that they're still alive. Sam lets out a breath, happy to know that she doesn't need to mourn even more friends, and asks the others how they can get them out of there without getting cornered and caught themselves. Tapping in a new string of commands, Jonas says that he might have an idea in that department, and explains that he could short-circuit the lighting in this section for a few minutes, giving them the element of surprise and an ability to knock out their friends's guards and get them out without being identified.

      As he prepares to sign off the terminal, though, he notices something odd; recon data from Velieris. It's from a Der'kal scout ship that ran through the system and sent back intelligence information through subspace, and it shows several dozen starships of impressive size orbiting the planet, though they're of no design recognized by the onboard computer. Turning to Sam, he says that this makes no sense; the terminal clearly indicates that these ships are part of a fleet constructed by the Nox, but Alliance Intelligence hasn't heard anything about this. But Carter has no answers for him, as she was unaware, as well. Freya steps between them and breaks the moment, saying that they need to get going before SG-1 ends up dead, and the group puts aside the puzzling issue of the unknown ships as Jonas enters the command to cut power to this section of the complex.

      In the hallway, Vur'naa tells his men to watch his captives, then steps into an adjourning corridor, hoping to grab the attention of a passing attendant and find out why his ship is being taken on some insane mission. At once, though, a blast door slams down behind him as the lights short out, and he finds himself cut off from his guards and his prisoners. On the other side of the wall, Daniel starts to ask what's going on, then he and the others cover their eyes as a flashbang lights up the entire area for a split second, revealing Sam, Jason, Jonas, and Freya coming around the corner with zats raised and firing. Two warriors go down at once, and Mitchell and Jackson leap to their feet and pummel the closest alien while Maj. Eaton grabs his plasma pistol and opens fire on the others. When a small group of enemy soldiers begins to charge the "B team," Jonas drops his zat and pulls out a pair of Langaran pistols, taking down one of the chargers while Jason uses his near-ascension abilities to rip a sheet of metal off the nearest wall and whip it at the rest of them, knocking them to the floor.

      When all the warriors in the hall have been taken out, the two groups join up, with SG-1 expressing their heartfelt gratitude for the rescue and their liberators saying that it was no trouble at all. Upon hearing commotion on the other side of the blast doors that slammed shut when the power was cut off, though, Sam says it might be best to get going, a sentiment everyone else echoes, and Mitchell asks how they plan on getting out of here. Jonas answers that they can leave the same way they came in; ring onto the tel'tak SG-1 used to get here and fly it away. With no objections, they rush off down the hall toward the ring room. It's time to go home.

      A few hours later above Velieris itself, Lya is standing on the bridge of one of the traditional Nox motherships, admiring the ancient metalwork that has withstood the test of time since it was first forged for use in the Furling AI Wars ("Shadows of the Past"). She is shaken from her reverie, however, when the sensors detect a massive fleet of vessels about to exit hyperspace, and she looks up to see the hundreds of hyperspace windows tear open around her, ejecting almost three-hundred alien craft. It's a mind-boggling sight, and is possibly the largest single group of ships assembled since the Fall of Earth ("Star By Star"). Of course, amassing such a gigantic armada in next to no time is no easy feat, and a display near Lya shows that Der'kal holdings all across their territory are facing severe shortages of defenders, as Lor'al has yanked her ships from every system she could, so great was the perceived need to crush the Nox as soon as possible.

      Speaking of the alien warmaster, her image suddenly appears on a viewscreen when she hail the Nox flagship, and Lya calmly welcomes her to Velieris, expressing her amazement at seeing such an impressive array of ships. But Lor'al isn't in the mood for small talk, and merely explains that she has come for one reason and one reason only; to see to it that this fleet the Nox have built and assembled in orbit be destroyed. She orders the commencement of attack, and green plasma begins streaming from her ships, slamming into the shields of the Alliance vessels which, strangely, do not fire back. This continues for a few minutes, with Lor'al demanding to know why Lya does not command her ships to return fire and the Nox woman herself merely staring back at her counterpart.

      Light-years away, SG-1 and their rescuers are emerging from hyperspace over Earth in their tel'tak, and they're immediately contacted by the ISGC. Thinking they're being welcomed back, Sam switches on the radio and thanks New York for the greeting, but Colonel Taylor quickly tells them that this is something much more urgent. A few hours ago, refugees began pouring in en masse from Velieris to every major Alliance world. Earth, Chulak, Dark Eshakalon, Dakara, Arrakis, Heliopolis... they've all been getting a massive influx of displaced persons all claiming to be leaving the Nox homeworld on orders from the Nox themselves. For some reason, they're sending all their guests away, but the original inhabitants themselves aren't moving. In fact, they seem to have locked themselves in their floating cities, doing God knows what, even with the enemy knocking at their doorstep. No one knows what's happening, but it's the strangest thing anyone's ever seen.

      And indeed, above Velieris, Lor'al cannot fathom what the Nox are trying to pull, simply letting their fleet of sleek and deadly-looking starships just sit there and absorb plasma without defending themselves. Do they want to be destroyed? And at last, Lya answers; does any living thing wish to die? What creature would willingly let itself fall prey to death? That is what this whole war has been about since the day it began so long ago, that fundamental question of why do we not simply give up and let the end come when so much is stacked against us. The Jaffa were slaughtered time and again, the Tok'ra lost their unifying leader when they needed her most, and the Tau'ri were forced from their once-impenetrable homeworld, but, as always, they kept on the good fight no matter what. Just like those "younger" peoples, misguided though they may be at times, the Nox have finally learned that sometimes you must continue in the name of freedom even if it costs you all that you hold dear.

      Lor'al asks what she's babbling about, and suddenly turns to see Lya on the bridge of her own cruiser, appearing to have simply teleported herself there. Shocked, the alien commander exclaims that she doesn't understand how this is possible, and Lya allows herself a small laugh, saying that there is so much about her people that no one will ever know now that the end is here. The Der'kal's reign of terror is at an end, as Lor'al has kindly brought together the majority of their cruisers here to one place. She thanks Anise, unseen though she is, for her own role in this, revealing that the Nox have known about her captivity for some time now and said nothing. Now she sees that saying nothing, cruel though it might have been, has worked as needed, and the Tok'ra leader played her hand marvelously, nudging the enemy in just the right direction so that they can all meet here at the end.

      Still not understanding, Lor'al roars that she demands to know what is going on. Lya shakes her head, laughing, and says that it is all so simple; they've set a trap, and a rather nice one if she says so herself. As soon as it was confirmed that the Der'kal armada was coming to Velieris, the Nox sent their own stargate into their sun after finishing preliminary evacuations of all the refugees living there, dialing it to a black hole on the other side of the galaxy. It's a trick they learned, surprisingly, from the young and still-learning humans ("Exodus"), and it seems like such an astronomically-inventive way to destroy an enemy fleet. It will cause the sun to go supernova, destroying Velieris, the Nox, and this large portion of the Der'kal fleet, enabling the rest of the Alliance to finally drive them back.
      Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
      Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


        (End of "Pyrrhus," see previous posts for beginning.)

        Her eyes widening, Lor'al turns and orders all her ships to jump into hyperspace and retreat, but sees that their entire battle group is finding that their drive systems won't engage. Appearing next to Lya in her traditional hallucination form, Anise explains that the Nox most-likely had the second interdiction device they captured from wreckage at Ankgor sent over from Heliopolis, modifying it so it would affect Der'kal engines and prevent them from leaving once they were here. At the same time, Lya gestures out the window, and the Nox "warships" outside suddenly shimmer, revealing them to be nothing more than hulks of old, destroyed Der'kal ships that have been towed here from past battle sites. This was the final part of the plan, to ensure that Lor'al would not call off the arrival of her armada, the entire Nox populace combined the last shreds of their near-ascension abilities to create this masquerade, supporting their earlier threat with the appearance of a fleet of their own. It was all a lie, but at last, it's done.

        In the distance, Velieris's star finally reaches critical mass, and it explodes outward in a rush of stellar matter. As Lor'al watches the wave of death approach, she asks Lya why the Nox would sacrifice themselves like this. The far-older-than-she-appears woman smiles sadly, replying that her people are the last of a once-great Alliance, and all the other members of that past group gave their existences to ensure safety for the future, as the Nox now do. Determined not to go down this weakly, Lor'al pulls out her double-bladed sword and snarls that she will at least take one last life before it's over, and swings it down at Lya. But the Nox woman freezes it in midair with her hand, and asks if the Der'kal really thought that her kind were this fragile little shell they choose to take on. After all, they are far from human, but the form suits them and comforts them, reminding all those who come across the Nox that greatness can hide in the most-unassuming of vessels. And then she lets the blade slice down on her, exploding in a brilliant flash of white light, perhaps her true form, as the supernova slams into the planet and the ships in orbit, obliterating them all.

        And the last thing seen before it all fades to black is Anise's face, closing her eyes in triumph as the solar eruption consumes her, for, at last, she is free.

        ((The End))
        Last edited by s09119; 27 February 2010, 03:22 PM.
        Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
        Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


          Ugh, that's so not fair... all alone the episode was 35,700 characters, but adding in the SPOILER tags and the little notes at the bottom and other stuff pushed it over the 3 post mark -_- And I was so sure this one wouldn't go over... arggg...
          Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
          Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


            Wow. I've been looking forward for this episode for along time. I''m soooo glad I decided to check before turning my computer off for the night.
            Thanks so much s09 for posting the episode. I'm sure its great. Can't wait to read it.


              That was one great episode for sure!

              (Have finally catched up, yeeey!)

              and S09, regarding that publishing thing discussed earlier:



                Nice Episode

                Btw, the last paragraph of the first post is duplicated in the second post.


                  ...i know bow down to you s09. you are a god among writers. i figured they would go the same way the old alliance races went in the past but not like this. i say cudos and you are unmatched and should have your own thread for this.


                    Originally posted by Commander Thor;1031872[B
                    1]...i know bow down to you s09. you are a god among writers.[/B] i figured they would go the same way the old alliance races went in the past but not like this. i say cudos and you are unmatched and should have your own thread for this.
                    He is VEEEERY good... but i wouldnt exactly call him a GOD amongst writers.
                    i have seen better in my life... but his is still VEEERY good.


                      wonderfull ep s09 keep up the work!!

                      adding that he really should find a lightsaber to complete the effect.

                      "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                        Once again, a great episode!
                        A little sad about the Nox, though.

                        My fan-fic, swedish outpost



                          LOVE it. i LOVE it.

                          what words can grasp the awesomeness of that? perfect ending, all the lines are drawn, and then in the final battle, everything of all those years come together and then finishes it. perfect




                              So what numbers of Derkal can we expect now? Ship strengths??


                                excellent episode 1 of your best I'd say looking forward to next

