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Help with technical details

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    Help with technical details

    Ok, so somewhere out of my brain there has sprung a Farscape/SG1 crossover.

    While I'm very immersed in the Farscape world, it's not the same for SG1. I think I "get" the characters but the details elude me. Is there a place I can go to ask questions about details? For example, if the base goes on lockdown, is there a certain term they use or is it just lockdown? Would Carter carry a weapon while on base or just offworld?

    And, in general, what type of weapon would US soldiers guarding prisoners carry? M16? AK47? I don't know--I'm not much into the military thing.

    I'm just trying to get 50,000 words on the page by the end of the month (nanowrimo, google it, you'll see what it's all about) and the SG1 thing just kind of made an unplanned appearance.

    anyway, any help or pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated.

    BTW, anyone interested in reading the work in progress is welcome to give me a shout. I'd be glad to share and let you have a giggle at my expense (it's a first draft--cut me some slack! LOL).

    for the most part, lockdown is the term

    sam and the others only carry weapons if the base is in danger. the SF's, security/special forces, carry weapons. if the base is in danger, sam and the kids would get weapons out of hte armory (it's on level 27, or one of them are)

    I think they tend to carry MP5's or P-90's. depends on how old the stock footage is. on the base they tend to only carry sidearms, usually referred to as berettas or 9mil (or any combo thereof)

    I'd have no issue reading for stargate tech errors, you'd just have to know that i'm gonna be at the cons adn wont' be back until the end of the month (with net access scetchy at best)
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      oh, by the way, if you want a dictionary of terms, etc, check out the compendium in my sig. 10.5 years of trivia
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        for the most part, lockdown is the term

        sam and the others only carry weapons if the base is in danger. the SF's, security/special forces, carry weapons. if the base is in danger, sam and the kids would get weapons out of hte armory (it's on level 27, or one of them are)

        I think they tend to carry MP5's or P-90's. depends on how old the stock footage is. on the base they tend to only carry sidearms, usually referred to as berettas or 9mil (or any combo thereof)

        I'd have no issue reading for stargate tech errors, you'd just have to know that i'm gonna be at the cons adn wont' be back until the end of the month (with net access scetchy at best)
        thanks. I came up with some stupid term then realized um...lockdown would probably suffice.

        and I figured sam did not carry a weapon all the time--I didn't remember seeing that.

        I'm trying to get this beast written in the month...and it's gonna suck but, hey. 50,000 words in a month is bound to smell badly. I may post it on my lj--if I do, I'll post a link. I've never done a crossover so...we shall see.

        thanks for your input--I also see the 2nd message there too

        Oh...which cons? Is there one in Burbank this weekend, or the following? Farscape just had theirs this past weekend (I didn't go, no $$). "cons"...well, that's a good way to spend a few weeks. I assume that there will be other revelry in between the con itself.

        Have fun


          AT2 which is an amanda tapping con in London, then Avalon, the Amanda and Richard con in the UK the next weekend (it'll be a thanksgiving to remember, i get to spend it with macgyver )
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            AT2 which is an amanda tapping con in London, then Avalon, the Amanda and Richard con in the UK the next weekend (it'll be a thanksgiving to remember, i get to spend it with macgyver )
            Heh! I remember McGuyver from his Dr. Webber days--my best friend was madly in love with him. I was so obstinate, I had a crush on the other Dr. Webber (his brother, not his sister in law). This is all from the 70s General Hospital.

            Well a side trip to London for a con is always a good thing. "Spend the holiday with McGuyver, come to the con!" That should be an advertising slogan.

            Will AT and RDA be on stage at the same time? I take it they get along very well.

            I hope all the con-goers remind AT that some people (some of whom are Claudia fans which pains me to no end) are idiots and she should not take their stupidity personally. I saw an interview with Claudia at the Saturns in 2005 where she said that she'd read online that there were people who said she should wear a bag over her head--essentially, they wouldn't kick her out of bed but she needed to wear a bag over her head. she went onto say that in Australia they have a saying--you're a prawn if the head has to go but the body stays. She went onto say "you guys are mean" (meaning those who said it) and then said, "if you're gonna call me something, call me a prawn!"

            My point being, being an actress sucks some of the time, doesn't it. Ah,'s too bad the actors have to take it up front when it's usually the fault of the writers. (Farscape's David Kemper doesn't make me too happy with all his season 4 dumb stuff).

            Okay, I have a techie question. Does Carter wear her on-base gun (a beretta?) on her thigh or on her waist? I think I've seen them with thigh holsters but I can't remember. And Jaffa are human, right? Vala and Teal'c are both humans from alien worlds, right?

            LOL. Really, this all started out as a Farscape story with John and Aeryn trapped on Earth and trying to elude the authorities and all of a sudden they're at the SGC being interrogated with Vala refusing to play (I am SO not that girl!), Mitchell trying not to wig, and Carter thinking it really sucks when you have a duplicate that's not really you.

            this is the marvel and crap of writing without thinking...only I'm not getting paid to do it


              Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
              Okay, I have a techie question. Does Carter wear her on-base gun (a beretta?) on her thigh or on her waist? I think I've seen them with thigh holsters but I can't remember. And Jaffa are human, right? Vala and Teal'c are both humans from alien worlds, right?

              LOL. Really, this all started out as a Farscape story with John and Aeryn trapped on Earth and trying to elude the authorities and all of a sudden they're at the SGC being interrogated with Vala refusing to play (I am SO not that girl!), Mitchell trying not to wig, and Carter thinking it really sucks when you have a duplicate that's not really you.

              this is the marvel and crap of writing without thinking...only I'm not getting paid to do it
              normal, well i guess it's a thigh holster. it's usually pretty low. check out lockdown, i think she was wearing her sidearm then

              adn yes, jaffa are technically human but are genetically engineered to need the symbiotes. jaffa children are born with a pouch that has to be opened by the ceremony of getting thier primta - jaffa for snake.

              teal'c thought that he could keep ryac - his son - from being implanted, but when he tried to stop it, he found ryac sick and had to give ryac his snake, then teal'c's was replaced. so teal'c at least believes that it's a choice for jaffa to take a snake

              however in later seasons - the name escapes me at the moment, it was one of ishta's episodes, canon was changed that jaffa - when they hit puberty - have to take a snake or they die as their immune system shuts down (revisionist canon to facilitate the plot of the episode)

              jaffa may genetically be really close to being human, but don't tell a jaffa that.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Also they all carry Zat's as standard issue weapons in a thigh holster now when they are off world. Zats are Goa'uld weapons shaped like an S that issue a ray of blue 'electricity'. One shot from the Zat stuns someone, a rapid second shot will kill them (a second shot would only stun again if enough time has passed for the first to wear off) and a third shot completely disintegrates.


                  thanks, guys!

                  BTW, Sha're was human, right? I know I could look that up but it's easier to ask.


                    yes, she's human. human from antoehr planet, but she was human
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      yes, she's human. human from antoehr planet, but she was human

                      Is it safe to say that most of the "aliens" are humans from other planets?



                        all but a very few are human, if not totally genetically human, biologically human
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                          all but a very few are human, if not totally genetically human, biologically human
                          Thank you. Now, when you say "not totally genetically human", do you mean those altered to accomodate a "gou'ald"? Or are there other alterations?

                          I may start posting some of this stuff on my LJ...we shall see.

                          Thank you for your continued help I do appreciate it.

                          ............and, either, hope you had fun at your con, or have fun at your con if you're not already there.


                            The obvious ones I can think of are Jonas Quinn's race - they are human but a bit different to us, as Nirrti pointed out in Metamorphosis. Then there is the people from "Space Race" one is human one is humanoid but they are interbreeding and then there are people like O'neill who have the Ancient gene.


                              for the most part, they are just genetically different. they've evolved apart for thousands and thousands of years so there are little differences.

                              there have been a few really alien races, most notibly in fifth man or space race - and vala's run into a few, but most are human looking

                              the jaffa are mostly human, the biggie being their pouch and the ending of thier immune system to make them take goaulds

                              and then, probably because of the goa'ulds, they have really long lives. bratac is pushing 140, teal'c is about 110. bra'tac says he's on his last primta, or was before he went on the tretonin, so carrying the snake pretty much doubles their life span (ignoring the fact that the goauld pretty much treat jaffa like cannon fodder and they h ave to have a high mortality rate in battle)
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?


