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New Fan Fiction Awards - The Isis Awards

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    Originally posted by graculus
    I agree about the four categories - and I'd also argue that the femslash writers are energetic whatever the size of their population. Hurrah for the attempt to expand fic horizons! Maybe someone will write Daniel/Vala.


    femslash is a much smaller group, and is almost entirely sam/janet

    but they can be very energetic when they set thier minds to it
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Doing_the_impossible
      Actually i made up the 70% thing, but you've gotta admit there is a LOT of sam/jack stuff out there, more than any other ship. And actually i find it quite surprising that Jack/Daniel fic is that popular, i assumed that slash fic in general is more of a niche market but, hey, you learn something every day i guess.

      Oh and Revet dude, read the first post ...

      I think J/D being popular is an off shoot of the two male characters being the most popular among fic writers, and so slash fic is an extension of that

      The predominance of Daniel or Jack fic is why i started to write. I like sam fic. And since there wasn't much out there(and still isn't) i started to write some

      that's one reason i like to read sam/jack...not only for the ship but because the shippers are the only ones who write sam. and if the only way to get her is as half of jack, so be it
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        you've gotta admit there is a LOT of sam/jack stuff out there, more than any other ship.
        Actually, I'm under the impression that there's more J/D slash than anything else. But I'm open to being proven wrong: maybe this impression comes from what a great job the various slash archives did in consolidating. Trust me, though, it's vast, vast territory.

        nice if someone did the same thing for the other pairings in slash. over there, it's a j/d game
        There've been a lot of complaints about the dearth of Teal'c pairings.

        femslash is a much smaller group, and is almost entirely sam/janet

        but they can be very energetic when they set thier minds to it
        I'm awed by their output!



          Originally posted by graculus
          Actually, I'm under the impression that there's more J/D slash than anything else. But I'm open to being proven wrong: maybe this impression comes from what a great job the various slash archives did in consolidating. Trust me, though, it's vast, vast territory.
          for the longest time, the only real fan groups out there were daniel and daniel and jack fans....and those ladies were, and still are, prolific.

          I would hazard that a good 60% of area 52 is j/d fic

          Originally posted by graculus
          There've been a lot of complaints about the dearth of Teal'c pairings.
          poor teal'c gets totally left out of fic. in a lot of j/d fic, daniel fic, sam and teal'c get sent to the gate for help....and teal'c ends up carrying daniel back a lot

          ship wise? there are a handful of janet/teal'c shippers, a few sam/teal'c ones...and that's about it.

          there are probably less than half a dozen teal'c fic published a year. and, anymore, about that amount of gen sam fic
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            and teal'c ends up carrying daniel back a lot
            ROTFLMAO! Shouldn't some sort of sap fic come out of that?

            I think there's probably quite a bit of Sam/Daniel out there, but it's so scattered that it's largely invisible. Any ship without Jack or Daniel as the significant other seems to be marginalized.




              I should nominate this one Jack/Janet fic of mine. It's a little... meh at some parts, but overall good (I'm biased though). It's really long too... Really... Long...

              It's also a bit Sam/Daniel and Evil-Goa'uld/Other-Evil-Goa'uld too...

              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                i'm going to nominate some of mine. I think of it this way, if i nominate one of my sam/teal'c fic, then if someone finds two more, it makes that category go forth

                In the end, it's the voters who decide the winner, all you're doing is helping out folks who also like that pairing get a chance

                I've got sam/teal'c, sam/other, daniel/other and if i go for the friendship angle, there's a sam/dan one

                question, or clarification, these fic don't necessarily have to be relationship as in sexual relationship right? Friendship relationship works too?
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  A related question would be: is NC-17 okay?

                  I'd also recommend a strong campaign to encourage self-nominations. I think some fic writers hesitate to do this.



                    Originally posted by graculus
                    A related question would be: is NC-17 okay?

                    I'd also recommend a strong campaign to encourage self-nominations. I think some fic writers hesitate to do this.


                    some do, and they think it's wrong to promote yourself.

                    IMHO, as long as you're honest about what you're doing, and don't spam, i don't see the harm

                    especially in this case where the non-popular pairings may not have as many readers, if only 10 people read your fic because it wasn't sam and really think those 10 folks will nominate your story?

                    Be honest and responsible about what you're doing, but dn't hesitate to bring up your own fic. in the end, presuming no one cheats and campaigns, the cream will usually rise to the top
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      I think there's a psychological bar, perhaps more prevalent in women. From talks with fic writers, I think for some nominating themselves feels self-centered and arrogant. I don't have any suggestions for what to do about this - just making a note that this could be in issue in gathering in the fic.



                        I don't nominate my own fic, because I just think it's impolite. Yes, I'm British, of course!!

                        But I'm happy to see people nominate their own fic - basically who cares who nominates, as Skydiver said, it is the readers who decide.

                        I'm all for a reduction in the total number of nominations which go forward for voting though. I love the fic awards, but it's too much reading. I think 6 per category is more than enough.

                        Of course, then there are other problems and accusations.

                        But non-regular fic parings will get my vote.
                        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                          it is hard to thin stuff down. how do you decide? who ever gets the most nominations? that's not fair because i've seen groups of friends nominating themselves and their friends....basically it's not the same if a fic gets 14 nominations if 13 of those come from the same 3 people as opposed to a fic that gets 14 nominations from 14 different people

                          I have a funny feeling though, with the exception of dan and jan and dan and sam, having too many nominations won't be the issue with these.

                          I think there are maybe 4 people who even write sam/teal'c, and i know 3 of them
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Is there a way to make the nominations anonymous? Won't help where notions of politeness are involved, but that might help with shyness.



                              the only bad thing about making them anonymous, and i'm not talking as a rep from the isis awards but about awards in general....there is no shortage of folks who will do anything to get an award

                              doing a different online award, i witness a lot of spammage and outright cheating. Folks stuffing the ballot box, folks misrepresenting thier fic to keep it in one category or another.

                              Course, it is anonymous in a way. No one but those counting nominations should know who nominates what.

                              Since fan fic writers dont get paid in anyway, nominating them for an award is a nice way to thank them for thier hard work
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Very true. I hope there's enough awards experience out there to minimize the award-mongering and popularity contests. I'm only trying to think of ways of finding the forgotten fics. I don't have anymore ideas, though.


