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2016 Creation Entertainment Stargate Convention - Chicago September 23-25

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    Originally posted by ComtessedeBussy View Post
    Sorry to scare you. I'm sure you can still manage to have lots of fun, but I did want to warn you because I think it's more likely you'll have more fun if you don't bring up possibly "contentious" topics with fans you might not know too well - nothing spoils a con like getting into an argument while in an autograph line (it reminds me of that time I was in a Stargate autograph line and I said David Hewlett was hotter than Michael Shanks and got a really outraged "WHAT???"' from the person in front of me in line, but it all ended in good fun). I'm going to an SPN con at the end of this month myself (in New Jersey) and I'm a bit nervous about it for precisely the same reasons, which is why I'm going to focus on the panels and the stars and asking interesting questions and less on interacting with fans (which is not how cons are supposed to go, but alas...better safe than sorry). Which con are you going to, out of curiosity?
    It's good to know what we will be walking into at this con, apart from the screaming fangirls. LOL We are just going to see the actors and ogle the vendor's room.
    It's the SPN con in Denver, CO.


      Originally posted by Dr. Carson Beckett View Post
      Before going into the airport, look at it defiantly and shout in your best impression of Gandalf "YOU SHALL NOT INTIMIDATE ME!"

      Or, you can do so in your imagination so people don't stare at you like you're crazy.
      This was so funny. I loved it.

      Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. I guess I've just found a lot of difference in various airports and I find it helpful to pass along what info I find. I know the first year I fly to Miami for the research project I came back and emailed my cousin and sister with information I thought would be helpful. I hate Miami's airport and I honestly thought I somehow left the country it was so crazy and it appeared almost no one spoke English, well most didn't even appear to be the same language so it was crazy. I remember wondering how to even get the hotel shuttle in Miami because you basically walk out in like 3 lanes of traffic and hail the thing like a cab in NYC. Crazy. Atlanta on the other hand has this amazing little area where you go and wait for your hotel shuttle which is super nice. So, I guess that's why I asked for any info others wanted to share. I live so close to ORD, but I've never been there, never flown from there.

      I've also found that airport security really depends on the airport. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and other times been shocked at how many people needed to move through airport security and were in line. I think some airports do it better than others.

      thanks again anyone for sharing. I do appreciate it.


        It looks like I may have to change my "maybe" for this con into a definitive "no" as Gatecon has sent out a teaser in advance of a bit announcement tomorrow. In the form of a word jumble, the most promising clues include "Vangroovy," "Anderson," "Richard" and "Dean."

        I missed the last opportunity to see THE Richard Dean Anderson in Vancouver because I had spent all my money on my first Creation con, if he is coming back then I will have to allocate funds which would have gone for this apparently final Creation Stargate con.


          Just announced!!!..Gatecon 2016 - 8th-12th September, Vancouver....RDA, AT AND MS announced as guests already!...

          Sorry Chicon, no chance of me going, if I save for anything it'll be back in Vancouver...

          Deeds xx
          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


            I sort love my hubby...

            He just said "Oh well, you'd better go ahead and buy some tickets when they go on sale then"....looks like I'm heading back to Vancouver next year!!!

            Hey Krisz!! ...Gatecon 08 Reunion Party then??

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              So I have to ask. Is there any place other than FB that the Gatecon appears? Not sure that I will be going but it would be nice to watch what information they put out. I have a FB account but I really don't want to reactive it.


                Will be setting up a thread here for the event shortly. Just about to post a message on the Gatecon London thread too so as not to encroach on the Creation thread


         the hell did they get all three of those stars to come? and why does it have to be in september? I can't make it in September, I can only make it in August! Also, my impression was that Gatecon hadn't been happening for several did they get the money to start it up again??
                  Help me save the Stargate convention! Creation announced that the 2016 Con will be the last one, but I'm trying to keep them going. Read more about the campaign HERE and join me to make it happen by liking THIS page and spreading the word!

                  "My mind rebels at stagnation." - Sherlock Holmes

                  My Blog: Monitoring Broadcast Signals


                    Well I can't answer for Gatecon but my own personal opinion is that a) they've all worked with Gatecon before and I believe had very happy times at these Cons, b) the emphasis on the Charity stuff is a no-brainer for both Rick and Amanda who do everything they can to make sure Sea Shepherd and S4K get good support and c) Gatecon probably decided that holding it in September and giving a year's notice for saving up was a good thing, especially as their UK one didn't take off and many fans said that a) they wanted a bigger line up and b) more time to save money..

                    As for the money side of things, well as a fan I have NO idea what part that plays, but not all Cons run for profit but more for the fans to keep a family atmosphere...

                    Either way, I'm thrilled as this is the culmination of a 10 year wait for me to see my heroes on stage in their "Spiritual Home" ....SG1 = Vancouver to me

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      I wish I felt the same way about Vancouver that so many seem to. I do love the city, and when I was there I even visited some of the locations where SG-1 was filmed, but Chicago is always the special Stargate city for me, because it's where I attended my first Stargate con (and my first-ever con, period)...which, I suppose is why I'm failing to get excited about the Vancouver one. As a city, Chicago is more of a draw for me even if Vancouver is where the show was is probably a good thing that they're giving so much notice to fans, that does give them the chance to save up, especially since for a lot flying to Canada is more expensive than flying to the U.S.

                      I will say this, though, if they do another Gatecon in 2017 and Creation isn't doing a Stargate con, I will do my best to attend - I've been meaning to go to Vancouver for a convention for a while anyway.
                      Help me save the Stargate convention! Creation announced that the 2016 Con will be the last one, but I'm trying to keep them going. Read more about the campaign HERE and join me to make it happen by liking THIS page and spreading the word!

                      "My mind rebels at stagnation." - Sherlock Holmes

                      My Blog: Monitoring Broadcast Signals


                        I fell in love with Vancouver on my first visit in July was to reconnect with family who had emigrated there in the late 40's but within a month of returning I had bought tickets to the 2006 Creation Vancouver Convention...I attended 06,07,08,09 & 10 and toured the Set three times, but I've visited Vancouver more times than I can remember in the past 9 years..I think we're up to 14 year would round it up to a nice 15 for me and 10 years of Convention Going...I have visited Chicago once, in 2009 - it was a lovely city but my heart belongs to Vancouver and Canada...being a Brit I find BC a home from home....

                        Deeds xx
                        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                          Well, to each their own city..I lived in Chicago for several years, hence my heart belongs to it. I think I would also be fonder of Vancouver if I had had the chance to visit the set, but alas, I became a fan of Stargate only after it was cancelled, so Vancouver is tinged with bitterness for me for those reasons. However, if Gatecon did include tours of filming locations (like the Creation cons in Vancouver do) then I would definitely be a lot more eager to attend - it would be a really amazing experience to visit filming locations with other fans of Stargate. It would be much more special than just having the con there (I believe the con is by the airport anyway, so not actually in the city?)
                          Help me save the Stargate convention! Creation announced that the 2016 Con will be the last one, but I'm trying to keep them going. Read more about the campaign HERE and join me to make it happen by liking THIS page and spreading the word!

                          "My mind rebels at stagnation." - Sherlock Holmes

                          My Blog: Monitoring Broadcast Signals


                            Gatecon are doing a full day Location Tour on the Monday 12th September I will be an extra to add on to the cost but they used to do them before so I'd imagine they will be very good...I haven't done the location tours with Creation but a couple of my friends did and they enjoyed them....I know a few locations purely by having been to most places in the city twice over, although I've never actually got round to a proper visit to Jack's Cabin...the only time we tried to see it there was some "ultra secret" filming going on and we weren't allowed near it...but friends have actually been there when SG1 was still filming in S.10 and saw the actors on location
                            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                              Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                              Gatecon are doing a full day Location Tour on the Monday 12th September I will be an extra to add on to the cost but they used to do them before so I'd imagine they will be very good...I haven't done the location tours with Creation but a couple of my friends did and they enjoyed them....I know a few locations purely by having been to most places in the city twice over, although I've never actually got round to a proper visit to Jack's Cabin...the only time we tried to see it there was some "ultra secret" filming going on and we weren't allowed near it...but friends have actually been there when SG1 was still filming in S.10 and saw the actors on location
                              Ooh, awesome. Well, I can't make it in 2016 anyway because I already bought my gold pass for Chicago, and because I have school in September - but hopefully if they do it the following year I'll be on dissertation (fingers crossed!) and could make it. In which case it would be awesome if they did one in 2017...the location tour would definitely be a huge draw for me. (and it would be awesome if I could run into some other shows that are filming these days with Stargate stars...if only I had someone who could tip me off as to what's filming where, heh).
                              Help me save the Stargate convention! Creation announced that the 2016 Con will be the last one, but I'm trying to keep them going. Read more about the campaign HERE and join me to make it happen by liking THIS page and spreading the word!

                              "My mind rebels at stagnation." - Sherlock Holmes

                              My Blog: Monitoring Broadcast Signals


                                Try YVR Shoots on twitter and I think they have a blog...

                                They usually have all the news on locations being used on a day-to-day basis
                                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks

