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Gatecon 2005

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    I'm really not happy about all of this. SG-1 and SG:A are the only sci-fi shows I watch, therefore the guests that have been announced by Gatecon so far don't hold much appeal for me. I'm not giving up hope yet, despite having learned today that the friend I was planning on going with is not going. I'll buy a ticket for Gatecon when they go on sale and then wait and see what happens over the next couple of months.


      even knowing that it'll be stargate slim, if i could have the time, i'd still seriously consider going to gatecon.

      I will NEVER go to a creation con. I was kinda thinking about it...sort of in the 'if they ever admit that the midwest exists and have one within a couple hours' drive i might' kind of thinking. but after seeing how they've treated gatecon, heck no.

      this isn't like gatecon is some new little thing, it's a long running event that was started back when stargate wasn't worth it to mgm and creation to do anything. it wasn't good enough for them then, but now that they've realized there are millions to be made, they swoop in and just shove everyone aside so they can take the money.

      as to exclusive contracts, i don't think anything is beneath them. it's not unheard of for studios to put actors in such a tight contract that they're literally not permitted to go to another con unless they want to be fired and -unofficially - black listed. (ie you break contract, you'll never work for us again)

      nothing is beneath them and they will stick it to anyone anyhow to make a buck. They make scrooge look like a philantrophist.

      And while they may seem nice now, just wait. Once all the fan cons have been crushed and creation is literally the only show in town, 'monopoly syndrome' will set in. they'll know that folks can go nowhere else and won't give a dang about how they treat them

      To me, even worse than how the fans are getting screwed (and i didn't even get dinner first) is that Make a Wish is going to lose out. In the past 5 years, gatecon has given that charity over 100,000 dollars. while i'm sure creation will make some token donation to charity, you can bet your bottom dollar that they won't make that kind of donation.

      The charity is the biggest loser in all this.

      they're getting royally, totally and massively screwed...all in the name of greed
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
        The exclusivity contracts could be city-specific or time-specific and that would still kill a lot of fan cons. Especially if Creation continues to schedule their cons "close" to the fan cons.

        It would be interesting to know exactly what the terms are regarding Creation's contract. Somehow, I doubt they advertise that sort of information.

        no because then we'd get to see precisely how mercenary they are. you can bet that every single move they make is 100% calculated, no matter how much they white wash it with 'we're in it for the fans'.

        bleh, if they really were in it for the fans, then they'd be striving to make their con BETTER adn winning folks over that way rather than throwing their weight around and crushing the competition.

        they'd be offering more for less rather than the other way around
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Feli
          So even though it might seem to us here that Creation will not have much success with their plans I'm afraid that reality will look different.

          it will most likely end like that. Peopel will come. some won't know how creation acts, some will go regardless, some just won't care. How do you think they've gotten away with treating fandoms like this for thirty years?????

          everyone has to do what works for them, but you can be sure that plenty will go to this con, as will with others and will, no matter how inadvertantly, will contribute to the monopoly.

          Now, i am NOT picking on anyone. Like i said, everyone has to make thier own decision and do what's right for them. And i'm sure, that to some, creation is a wonderful thing giving them access to actors they'd normally never have access to.

          but from the point of view of a person who's been to gatecon and knows just how fun adn friendly fan cons can be, i don't like creation and won't support them. that's my choice. You each make your own
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            everyone has to do what works for them, but you can be sure that plenty will go to this con, as will with others and will, no matter how inadvertantly, will contribute to the monopoly.

            Now, i am NOT picking on anyone. Like i said, everyone has to make thier own decision and do what's right for them. And i'm sure, that to some, creation is a wonderful thing giving them access to actors they'd normally never have access to.

            but from the point of view of a person who's been to gatecon and knows just how fun adn friendly fan cons can be, i don't like creation and won't support them. that's my choice. You each make your own
            The more I read about the politics and rivalries between ALL the cons the less inclined I am to attend one.

            However, this particular announcement by MGM/Creation of their Vancouver con has really perturbed me. I don't mind that they want to make money - that's their business.

            What I do mind is that they are basically plagiarizing Gatecon's concept (and acting like it's available for the first time) AND seemingly trying to stamp out Gatecon in the process. Gatecon paved the way for Stargate-only cons on this side of the ocean.

            If MGM/Creation truly wanted Gatecon to continue they would allow the Stargate actors to attend Gatecon - just as they always have. It would be a good PR gesture and a show of support for Gatecon's charity work.

            The cons are at different times of the year and fans who could attend one might not be able to attend the other. MGM/Creation could keep the set visits for their con - that's a big draw for a lot of folks.
            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


              MGM/Creation could keep the set visits for their con - that's a big draw for a lot of folks.
              Which is precisely why we want them at Gatecon. Let's have them where pictures will be allowed, there will be more time for them, and the money will be going to charity.
              My 100 Mile Challenge!


                I'm really disturbed by all of this. I was planning on going to Gatecon this year and may still go but, seeing as how hubby is the only one working while I finish up school, I just don't know if I can justify the money I'd have to spend to go to Gatecon when it sounds as though it won't even be GATECON. I'd love to support Gatecon and show MGM that fan run cons are still contenders but, as seems to be the case with everything, money is a big priority. Even though I've never been to a con before and am dying to meet the actors I will not be forking over the big bucks to go to the Creation event. I have plans to go the the Creation Sci-Fi Summitt in March but now I'm not sure about that either.

                It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                  Originally posted by Kes

                  If MGM/Creation truly wanted Gatecon to continue they would allow the Stargate actors to attend Gatecon - just as they always have. It would be a good PR gesture and a show of support for Gatecon's charity work.

                  yes they could.

                  this can't be a recent thing. by that i mean, you can't just call up a hotel and book all the rooms and things for a con at the last moment. When gatecon moved from sept to july, they chose the weekend they had because it was literally the only weekend the BW had left. Things like this are booked MONTHS to years in advance.

                  I'm willing to bet that creation had this in mind last year when they signed the contract. they knew gatecon was competition, they didn't care. every single move has been calculated to do as much bashage as possible to gatecon, from the late announcement, to the run around gatecon has been getting to sell tickets, to creation's high pressure 'buy now' tactics.

                  Creation has likely set out from day one to destroy gatecon and do what amounts to stealing of gatecon's ideas, to pass them off as thier own.

                  Thier announcement is nothing but spin-doctoring. The access isn't new. the tours aren't new, the studio participation isn't new. It's what gatecon has been doing for the past five years and yes, creation is doing the equivalent of plagarizing gatecon's concept and ideas

                  Anyone want to take bets on gatecon not being allowed to start selling tickets until after the January 15th deadline for creation's 'gold tickets'???
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Rowan Green
                    Which is precisely why we want them at Gatecon. Let's have them where pictures will be allowed, there will be more time for them, and the money will be going to charity.
                    LOL! Well I was willing to let Creation have something that's not of much interest to me personally. I'd love a set visit if I got to see scenes being shot, etc. But visiting an empty set and seeing the gate doesn't do much for me. I'd probably enjoy the tours to see the various shooting locations more. And Gatecon can still do that - right?

                    Actually - you know the thing that could save Gatecon (this year at least) and be a real neener-neener to MGM/Creation? Is if a big-name Stargate actor, charity-supporter, not under contract to Creation, guy were to appear. I wonder if RDA could finally be persuaded to attend a con. Didn't Gatecon try very hard to get him last year?

                    I doubt RDA cares whether MGM would object or not - not like he needs their approval at this point. Of course, RDA is a notorious con-avoider and I'm sure it's not going to happen but if Gatecon could snag him it would be a HUGE win for them.
                    Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                      Originally posted by Kes
                      I'd probably enjoy the tours to see the various shooting locations more. And Gatecon can still do that - right?

                      the loctions tour is fun, and i doubt creation can control that, seeing as the locations are public property and they can't do much to prevent folks from driving down the streets of vancouver

                      Originally posted by Kes
                      Actually - you know the thing that could save Gatecon (this year at least) and be a real neener-neener to MGM/Creation? Is if a big-name Stargate actor, charity-supporter, not under contract to Creation, guy were to appear. I wonder if RDA could finally be persuaded to attend a con. Didn't Gatecon try very hard to get him last year?

                      I doubt RDA cares whether MGM would object or not - not like he needs their approval at this point. Of course, RDA is a notorious con-avoider and I'm sure it's not going to happen but if Gatecon could snag him it would be a HUGE win for them.

                      that would be just FRELLING precious. I'd love to see that.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Word from Gatecon honch Richard Pasco is that ticket prices will be US$225, which isn't a bad price, all things considered, and it's significantly less than the $500 pricetag on the Cretin event.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                          Word from Gatecon honch Richard Pasco is that ticket prices will be US$225, which isn't a bad price, all things considered, and it's significantly less than the $500 pricetag on the Cretin event.
                          Is it a similar package, though? I'm probably not going to go this year, but I will definitely make plans for going next year.


                            All of this is really pulling me below my happy place. I think I'm going to call Allan tonight (In my journalist capacity on GW) and get intel directly from the horsey's mouth. If I get through to him, I'll share what I can.


                              Originally posted by David
                              All of this is really pulling me below my happy place. I think I'm going to call Allan tonight (In my journalist capacity on GW) and get intel directly from the horsey's mouth. If I get through to him, I'll share what I can.
                              Thanks David. I'm assuming Allan is a Gatecon organiser person? Please be sure to convey how aghast we are at MGM/Creation's treatment of them, I think it sucks (that's the most PG-forum friendly thing I can think of to say).


                                Originally posted by kiwigater
                                Thanks David. I'm assuming Allan is a Gatecon organiser person? Please be sure to convey how aghast we are at MGM/Creation's treatment of them, I think it sucks (that's the most PG-forum friendly thing I can think of to say).
                                Allan is one of the five who now run Gatecon, and is a personal friend of mine. I will express the concerns of GateWorld Forum, voice our support, and ask what we, as an on-line Stargate family, can do to help.

