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Carson Beckett Challenges and Fun

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    LOL lg. Wonderful pic-run.

    Coming January 2017


      I told you I'm in fangirl mode today! And I have NO idea why!


      Working on Winter Wonderland now.


        Fangirl mode is always fun. Pic away my friend, pic away. I'm currently writing on RB right now. Btw - What do you think the new name should be since it isn't so much about repairing bridges anymore?

        Coming January 2017


          Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
          Fangirl mode is always fun. Pic away my friend, pic away. I'm currently writing on RB right now. Btw - What do you think the new name should be since it isn't so much about repairing bridges anymore?

          What will the main theme be? Besides Carson and John recovering.

          Oh, and, when I'm done with Winter Wonderland, I was thinking I might brainstorm a bit on Those Who Survive since I'm anxious to introduce Sarah.


            Originally posted by ladygris View Post

            What will the main theme be? Besides Carson and John recovering.

            Oh, and, when I'm done with Winter Wonderland, I was thinking I might brainstorm a bit on Those Who Survive since I'm anxious to introduce Sarah.
            I'm more than okay with brainstorming. I might change the title of WW to Snow Day.

            The main focus..
            Well besides them both recovering I guess it would be the bond of friendship between them finally coming through. I mean you always know that John and Carson are friends but you don't truly see evidence of it until Carson's death and you see how deeply affected John is by it. So I guess it would focus on John being there for his friend while feeling like he hadn't done enough to get to him sooner on the planet. And I think for Carson the focus will be on him realizing just how many friends he actually has that are willing to do almost anything for him.

            I see Carson as a very humble man and though he calls them all friends he doesn't expect them to do the same for him. So I see him blushing with surprise when he discovers that every single member of the main cast considers him as good a friend as he does them..

            Did that make sense?

            Coming January 2017


              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
              I'm more than okay with brainstorming. I might change the title of WW to Snow Day.

              The main focus..
              Well besides them both recovering I guess it would be the bond of friendship between them finally coming through. I mean you always know that John and Carson are friends but you don't truly see evidence of it until Carson's death and you see how deeply affected John is by it. So I guess it would focus on John being there for his friend while feeling like he hadn't done enough to get to him sooner on the planet. And I think for Carson the focus will be on him realizing just how many friends he actually has that are willing to do almost anything for him.

              I see Carson as a very humble man and though he calls them all friends he doesn't expect them to do the same for him. So I see him blushing with surprise when he discovers that every single member of the main cast considers him as good a friend as he does them..

              Did that make sense?
              It does make sense.

              You could go with Bonds of Friendship. Friendship's Bond. OR, you could have a scene where they're all watching LOTR, highlight the scene in Return of the King where Aragorn says, "A day may come. . . .when we forsake all bonds of fellowship. . .But it is not this day." Whatever that speech was. And use Bonds of Fellowship as your title. That's what came to mind.

              I would personally go with Snow Day for WW, given what happens. It's not really a WW in this one.


                New Fic!

                Snow Day

                Coming January 2017


                  Another snippet.

                  Walking lightly upon the ground, John finally caught up with Carson and Major Leonard. He could feel his energy fading fast the longer he was moving and knew that he needed to get the doctor sooner rather than later before he dropped from blood loss. He hovered behind a tree, aiming his P90 at the soldier who stood out in the open aiming his own gun in every direction his torso could manage. When John finally got a clear shot he understood why the Major wasn’t making an effort to protect himself with bushes, trees or cover – he had all the protection he needed while he held a gun to Carson’s head.

                  Knowing that the jig was up and it was probably best to show himself, the Colonel stepped out from behind his cover and came to stand thirty feet in front of Carson with his gun aimed at the Major. Holding the gun was excruciating but he used that pain to flood his system with adrenaline and force his weakening body to stay upright.

                  “Major stand down!” he commanded sharply, never wavering in his aim.

                  Major Leonard cocked his gun while giving John a malicious sneer and there was no doubt in the Colonel’s mind what the soldier was about to do. Without hesitation the pilot pulled the trigger and everything went into fast forward.

                  Coming January 2017


                    Okay, so, brainstorming.....

                    Sorry. My poor little brain was distracted by thoughts of Carson skiing!


                      Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                      Another snippet.

                      Walking lightly upon the ground, John finally caught up with Carson and Major Leonard. He could feel his energy fading fast the longer he was moving and knew that he needed to get the doctor sooner rather than later before he dropped from blood loss. He hovered behind a tree, aiming his P90 at the soldier who stood out in the open aiming his own gun in every direction his torso could manage. When John finally got a clear shot he understood why the Major wasn’t making an effort to protect himself with bushes, trees or cover – he had all the protection he needed while he held a gun to Carson’s head.

                      Knowing that the jig was up and it was probably best to show himself, the Colonel stepped out from behind his cover and came to stand thirty feet in front of Carson with his gun aimed at the Major. Holding the gun was excruciating but he used that pain to flood his system with adrenaline and force his weakening body to stay upright.

                      “Major stand down!” he commanded sharply, never wavering in his aim.

                      Major Leonard cocked his gun while giving John a malicious sneer and there was no doubt in the Colonel’s mind what the soldier was about to do. Without hesitation the pilot pulled the trigger and everything went into fast forward.
                      Very nice!


                        Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                        Okay, so, brainstorming.....

                        Sorry. My poor little brain was distracted by thoughts of Carson skiing!
                        LOL that happens.. So what were your thoughts, ideas, and/or questions??

                        Coming January 2017


                          Okay, for brainstorming.

                          I'm stuck in Ch 2, honestly. I'm thinking several ways for the remainder of Ch 2, but I'm not sure. Should I just post what I have and we can talk from there?


                            Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                            Okay, for brainstorming.

                            I'm stuck in Ch 2, honestly. I'm thinking several ways for the remainder of Ch 2, but I'm not sure. Should I just post what I have and we can talk from there?
                            Yeah that way we have an idea of what's going on.

                            Coming January 2017


                              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                              Yeah that way we have an idea of what's going on.
                              Okay, here's the first bit of Ch 2.

                              Basically, in Ch 1, he wakes up from a three week coma, we get filled in on episodes, etc. He also starts remembering, but not everything.

                              Now, for the snippet
                              Carson woke to Rodney sitting at his bedside. He blinked, feeling the residual grogginess of the medications Jennifer had given him. Not that he wouldn't have willingly taken them. Yesterday, while Jennifer and Marie changed his bandages, he'd nearly cried at the pain. He'd been able to keep his wits about him, but the welcome shot of morphine through his IV was enough to make him smile.

                              Now, Rodney sat with his computer on a table, munching on a sandwich as he worked. Carson eyed his friend, not really hungry and amazed the man could eat like that. “ 'ello, Rodney.”

                              Rodney startled at his soft greeting, dropping the sandwich on the edge of the keyboard. Rather than fussing, like normal, he simply swallowed the too-large bite he had in his mouth and tried to smile at his friend. “Hey. How are you?”

                              “Oh, you know.” Carson glanced around as much as he dared. Being in a coma left his mind completely blank. “Just peachy.”

                              Rodney snorted.

                              Carson moved a hand to point at the computer. “What are you doing?”

                              “Just. . .working.” Rodney's eyes shifted just enough that Carson smiled. Or, rather, tried to. The burns along his neck stretched painfully. Rodney caught the smile-turned-grimace and rushed to explain. “Just something to make things right.”

                              “Make what right, Rodney?”

                              “This.” Rodney motioned to the infirmary in general and Carson's bed in particular. “You. I'm really, really sorry. I should have just. . . . .”

                              “Hey. This isn't your fault.” Carson shifted again on the bed, biting back the groan and trying to hide the grimace just so he could face his friend a little better.

                              “You're just tellin' me what I want to hear.”

                              “Well, that's what best friends do sometimes.” Carson saw Jennifer headed his way. “And in this case it also happens to be true.” He turned to face Keller. “Hello, love.”

                              “Hey, Carson, how are you?”

                              Carson exchanged a glance with Rodney after hearing the similar question from the doctor. “In a wee bit of pain, but otherwise. . . .”

                              “Just peachy,” Rodney said irritably. “How do you think he's feeling?”

                              Jennifer ignored the physicist. “Carson, we wanted to talk to you when you woke up.”

                              “You're sendin' me back to Earth,” Carson guessed.

                              “Well. . . .” Rodney looked guilty.

                              Carson shrugged ever so slightly. “I'm surprised you didn't before now, Rodney. I should have returned once I was stable.” He saw the glances between Rodney and Jennifer and realized the decision had been taken out of their hands. “Never mind. What's been goin' on?”

                              “I found something,” Rodney said. He held up a device that looked somewhat like one of the handheld Ancient scanners Carson had used time and time again in the infirmary. “From what I can tell from the database, it's some sort of. . . . I don't know what you'd call it. . . . dermal regenerator.”

                              Carson frowned at him. He still had a lot of medications flowing through his bloodstream, but even he knew it was highly unlikely. “Excuse me?”

                              “What? We've found life-sucking space vampires, people who can heal themselves because they're machines, devices that make explosive tumors. Why can't we find something good for a change?” Rodney's glare turned from Jennifer to Carson. “Anyway, we think it can help you.”

                              Carson regarded Rodney skeptically for a few more moments before looking at Jennifer. “An' what do you say about this?”

                              “I think it's an incredible opportunity.” Jennifer glanced at Rodney one more time. “From everything I can tell, it should work. Maybe not on the severe burns, but. . . .”

                              “It'll take the scarring from your face, at least,” Rodney said tactlessly. For once, Carson couldn't blame him even though he knew Rodney could have used a little discretion with that statement.

                              “And you want me to be the first to use it?”

                              “Of course.” Rodney rolled his eyes. “Carson, look, you're not going to be hurt by it. I've already tried it myself.”

                              “You what?!” Jennifer asked.

                              “Excuse me?!” Carson said at the same time.

                              “What? Just on a little cut, nothing really.” Rodney wiped his hand on his trousers like he was trying to wipe away blood and turned to pick up the device. “So?”

                              Carson let out a sigh and nodded. It might not have been the best thing for him to agree to, but it would help his friends. And, if he ever did get the chance to return to Atlantis, the scarring on his face wouldn't distract from his duties. “Fine.” He turned his head toward Jennifer when Rodney activated the device.

                              At first, it felt like something itched as the device hummed next to his ear. Then the itch turned to a burn and tug. He closed his eyes, grimacing but allowing Rodney to continue. Just when the pain got to where he was ready to call a halt—though it in no wise compared to the unmedicated pain of the burns on the rest of his body—the device stopped humming. Rodney sat back, and Carson turned his head gingerly, realizing that area of his neck no longer hurt. Jennifer rushed around the bed to look and then stared at Rodney in shock.

                              “Well?” Carson asked impatiently, though he felt the effects of the pain medications still in his system.

                              “I'll be. . .” Rodney cut off the curse when Jennifer nudged him. “Let's get the rest of this done!”

                              “Did it work or not?”

                              “It worked, Carson.” Jennifer touched his shoulder. “It worked better than I though. Looks like you weren't even burned in that area.”

                              Carson blinked at her. “You're sayin'. . . .”

                              Rodney blinked himself back to practical matters. “Just let us—me—work on the rest of your face, and you'll be fine.”

                              Jennifer touched the physicist's shoulder. “Rodney, you're sure this only works on. . . .”

                              “Yes, I'm sure!” Rodney frowned. “At least, relatively. I mean, you could try it on some of his more severe burns, but I don't know how effective it'll be. Or what the side effects are.”

                              “Side effects?” Carson frowned. “You just said it's harmless!”

                              “It is harmless.” Rodney waved the device in his face. “Ready?”

                              “No, not if—Ow!” Carson squeezed his eyes shut as Rodney unceremoniously started the device again, this time over a portion of his face. He lay there, letting the physicist roughly treat his wounds, blinking away the strange burning/itching sensation every time Rodney stopped. They got through his entire face and shoulders before Jennifer called a halt to the session.

                              Rodney handed the device to Jennifer. “You'll have to get one of your nurses to use this thing on the rest of him, because I am not seeing that much of him. Ever!”

                              For the first time since he woke, Carson smiled without pain. “Well, thank you, Rodney.” Though he said it sarcastically, he meant it. Every word.

                              Rodney turned and caught the expression on his face. “You're welcome.” He escaped the infirmary before anyone else could say a word.


                                Wow!! I loved the snippet. So what's your question again?

                                Coming January 2017

