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    Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
    MMM Mt. Dew...

    I sang three different parts in three different years.. At first she put me as a second soprano then she moved me to a first alto, then she moved me to a second alto. I guess she couldn't decide. I'm definitely more comfortable in the alto range though.
    Mmm indeed....
    Wow. You must a pretty good range then.
    I can sing soprano, I just prefer alto. High school I sang alto and second soprano. Now at college I've been singing alto 2. I absolutely love the low notes.


      Originally posted by Grace View Post
      Mmm indeed....
      Wow. You must a pretty good range then.
      I can sing soprano, I just prefer alto. High school I sang alto and second soprano. Now at college I've been singing alto 2. I absolutely love the low notes.
      LOL I prefer first alto I think. I couldn't hit some of the really low notes but I can hit some high-ish ones..

      Coming January 2017


        Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
        LOL I prefer first alto I think. I couldn't hit some of the really low notes but I can hit some high-ish ones..
        We sang a song last year that had us dropping to an E-flat. Yeah...I was excited.


          Coming January 2017


            Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
            Well I was.

            Ok, this is ridiculous...I need some Mt Dew now. *shuffles off*


              Drink some for me when you find it.. So what does your apt look like if you don't mind my asking..

              Coming January 2017


                Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                Drink some for me when you find it.. So what does your apt look like if you don't mind my asking..
                I did...and its yummy. Hopefully it works.
                My apartment...well. Its hard to explain with photos or drawing it out. You walk in the door into the big main room, which conisits of the smallish kitchen (with a stove and fridge as well as a 6 person table) and a living room side. We have two couches and a tv. The bathroom, with a door that separates the sinks from the toilet and shower, is just off of the kitchen.
                If you keep walking straight through the room you reach the two bedrooms, which are both smaller than your standard dorm room, but that's not a problem. The rooms have a closet with no doors and a window. Each person in the apartment has their own desk, bookcase, dresser and bed.
                The walls are all a creamy white, except for the one wall in the living room that is a cheery yellow.
                Does that make sense?


                  Yeah it does. For some reason I'm imagining it to be a loft like thing..

                  Coming January 2017


                    Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                    Yeah it does. For some reason I'm imagining it to be a loft like thing..
                    Hmmm that would be kinda nice.
                    Actually, I live in the oldest apartments on campus...but they did some renovations this summer, so they aren't that bad. Plus I only have 3 roommates, so its not crowded at all.


                      I thought you said there was only two rooms?

                      Coming January 2017


                        Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                        I thought you said there was only two rooms?
                        Yep, two rooms, four people. Two in one room and two in the other.


                          Oh. I thought each room only held one. Sorry about that, I'm caught up now.

                          Coming January 2017


                            Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                            Oh. I thought each room only held one. Sorry about that, I'm caught up now.
                            Lol! Its ok. We are actually lucky (if that's the word you want to use) some rooms have 6 or 7 people.


                              Originally posted by Grace View Post
                              Lol! Its ok. We are actually lucky (if that's the word you want to use) some rooms have 6 or 7 people.
                              Wow that is a lot. Okay Gracie. I'm going to go take a nap and see if I feel better after it. I've started the winter fic and I have a couple others I need to update - none of which will get done if I don't start feeling better... I hope you have a great day dear.

                              Coming January 2017


                                Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                                Wow that is a lot. Okay Gracie. I'm going to go take a nap and see if I feel better after it. I've started the winter fic and I have a couple others I need to update - none of which will get done if I don't start feeling better... I hope you have a great day dear.
                                Sleep well, M! I hope you feel better! *hugs*

