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Stargate Rewatch!

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    In the Stargate Rewatch Strength Challenge, this first week, we're adding 1 repitition of a strength training exercise for each time Teal'c speaks. I have the Teal'c-speak count for 2 more episodes here:

    The First Commandment: 25

    The Broca Divide: 40

    Post here to tell everyone what training you're doing to participate, or come on over to to check out the Stargate Rewatch Fitness Challenge.

    (To post at you will have to join, but it's FREE and everyone is welcome!)

    Last edited by Bagpuss; 04 August 2011, 10:22 AM. Reason: Please don't edit the thread post sub-header.


      Off today and tomorrow!!! Gonna start a marathon of watching season 1 episodes (im up to brief candle so far) after i catch up on #through the wormhole. Got a few bottles of wine, so i'm going to sit back and relax n enjoy!!!


        I watched Broca Divide and First Commandment today. I didn't remember Captain Carter being right in the thick of it. This was following Emancipation where she championed Nyla and Abu, then Molesha in the Land of Light with Jonas Hansen being her former fiance-Sam was right in the thick of everything. I didn't remember her being as being that strong to start with. So it was interesting to see that in her character from the start.


        The team aspect was definitely there of course, but I see the different couple dynamics too. Moreso with Carter, Jackson and O'Neill, but Teal'c is just beginning his education with the Taur'i.


          Originally posted by neoncrazy101 View Post
          I'm slightly confused where or how to post about what episode I'm watching... I'm on Facebook and have "liked" Gateworld. Do I just say something on there or what? A little confused.
          I've been using Glue, which I have tied to my Facebook and Twitter accounts for posting, and just add the season and episode in the Comments box for announcing. I actually do this with all my series now.


            Well I picked up my complete SG-1 box set yesterday, to time to start making my way through 61 discs of goodness with you guys!


              Currently completing Stargate Atlantis so im not participating , happy hours to you tho !


                Hey everyone!! I'm having so much fun rewatching season 1 right now!! I love seeing the team in the early days again. Still not sure of each other. Still look at Teal'c like he's an alien....oh wait, he is!!!
                Just wondering if this is the only thread? Or are there threads for each episode. I'm new to GW and am unsure of how to find things here. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks


                  Originally posted by Niss Trah View Post
                  Hey everyone!! I'm having so much fun rewatching season 1 right now!! I love seeing the team in the early days again. Still not sure of each other. Still look at Teal'c like he's an alien....oh wait, he is!!!
                  Just wondering if this is the only thread? Or are there threads for each episode. I'm new to GW and am unsure of how to find things here. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
                  You can find all the season 1 folders here, where you can comment on all the episodes.


                    This is an awsome ide of rewatch, to get alot of fans involved.
                    And I am in a rewatch phace right now (was'nt going to watch SG now but now i must)
                    So i bought the whole DVD collection and now Stargate is on my TV all the time

                    THX GateWorld for making rewatching even more awsome!!


                      Surely your rewatch should include some wiki editing


                        I am already finished with season 1, it took be 4 days longer than usual but still too fast -_- :/
                        RIP Don S. Davis 1942-2008


                          I'm going to wrap up The First Commandment today. Five episodes a week is a pretty good pace, I probably could have wrapped up the first five in two days but, as most of us know, 'busy' happens lol.

                          Five a week is a good fit, those times that I am busy I can squeeze everything in and still keep up and those times where I'm able to watch more I can move a bit forward or even give an episode another look.

                          Can't believe the first week is about to wrap, and, really, can't believe how much further we have to go! Loving the journey though


                            Already at 2x6... and the better stuff is still ahead..
                            RIP Don S. Davis 1942-2008


                              In the Stargate Rewatch Strength Challenge, this second week, we're adding 1 repitition of a strength training exercise for each time Daniel asks a question. I have the Daniel-question count for 2 episodes here:

                              Brief Candle: 13
                              Cold Lazarus: 14

                              Post here to tell everyone what training you're doing to participate, or come on over to to check out the Stargate Rewatch Fitness Challenge.

                              (To post at you will have to join, but it's FREE and everyone is welcome!)



                                I started a Stargate re-watch blog! I want to spread the word about Stargate! In a non-creepy, non-Ori, kind of way.

                                Although ... if I trade my cane for a staff, wear robes, and heavy pancake make-up ... hmm. "Hallowed are the Stargate Re-watchers." It could work ...
                                My Stargate Re-Watch Blog: Wormhole!

