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Graphic Arts Tutorials, Textures, Resources Thread

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    Fainne I hope so.
    Wasn't easy to make.

    you're too kind.
    Thanks and again. Awesome!


      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
      Fainne I hope so.
      Wasn't easy to make.
      i will, as soon as i found the perfect pictures


        Here's what I came up with for Luci's wing siggy tut...

        Sig made by me


          *swoons* Very awesome.

          Your results look even better than mine.


            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
            *swoons* Very awesome.

            Your results look even better than mine.
            Thank you. That's very sweet of you to say, but I think yours are far better than mine.
            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
              SARAI!!!!!! *glomp* glad you found us here everything is snurchable here

              that's aweseome. great choice of pics!
              Thanks Fainne *huggles* twas only a matter of time before I wound up over here

              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
              Here's what I came up with for Luci's wing siggy tut...

              Fabulous DJGirl, almost enough to make be a BB thunker .

              Thanks again for this tut Luciana !


                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                A tutorial how to make something like that.

                Dedicated to Fainne and Camy (she asked me for a tut some time ago).


                Okay. Take a deep breath first.
                I think you should have some basic PS knowledge.

                It's not that easy as the thing I usually do cause it's pretty imageheavy.
                See the wonders of "lighten"! ;D


                Open a new document (mine is 1024x768) and fill with black.

                Pics used:

                #1, #2, #3, #4, #5

                I took every single one and put it on my canvas. resized them, moved them around.
                You should use pics with a dark background. It's easier to blend them.
                Make sure there's some space around the person or object. Just look at my pics to see what I mean.

                I set them all to lighten and erased everything I didn't want to have.
                That means you may have to earse things form all the pics.
                Not just the one you're just working with. You know? It's lighten. ;D
                Makes things visible you don't want to have. It doesn't have to be perfect.
                You can keep some parts like I did.

                My base looks like that.


                Take CLOCK STOCK.
                Desaturate. Resize to about 472x448.
                Put it onto your canvas and set (guess what! ) to lighten 50%.
                Erase they way you like.

                Take THAT ROSE stock.
                Resize it to about 375x500.
                Put it above the clock and set to soft light 70%.
                Erase once again to your liking.

                Open that LIGHT BLUR.
                Put it onto your canvas and set to lighten about 20%.
                Once again...erase. ;D

                Take that WINDOW LIGHT THING.
                Put it onto your canvas as well. Set to lighten 30%.
                Erase again. I didn't keep much.

                Take that MOON TEXTURE.
                I desaturated it -50.
                Set to lighten 20%.
                I reased almost everything in the middle. I mainly wanted to keep that outer stripes things.

                You can merge everything now.

                COLOR (no selective color ^^)

                Dublicate base and set to screen 30%.


                point 1 input 101; output 140
                point 2 input 132; output 183


                #d5c859 set to multiply.
                Oppacity 100%; area 35%.

                *Duplicate filllayer.

                *New filllayer set to soft light #912326.
                Oppacity 100%; area 31%.

                *Merge Layers.


                point 1 input 90; output 101
                point 2 input 121; output 148

                *New adjusment layer > hue/stauration > saturation +15

                *Merge layers.

                *Image > adjust > auto levels

                *New adjusment layer > hue/stauration > saturation -41

                *And last curves layer!

                point 1 input 134; output 103


                Dublicate again, set to exclusion between 10% - 20%.
                I used 20%. You can also skip that step.


                I used a quote from that scene (I almost broke my heart I tell ya!).

                "What am I supposed to do?" in Felix Titling 30pt. Picked a color from the piece. (#A5937F)
                Looked a bit empty so I used more from the quote. ^^

                "I let down the people I love.
                I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too.
                How can I? How am I supposed to live with that?"

                In Minion. Different sizes. Color #7F4F46.

                And I gave all the text an outer glow. (layer > layer style > outer glow.)
                In black. Normal 75%.

                And because it looked empty I dublicated "What am I supposed to do?".
                Rotated it 180°. And rotatet it again horizontal.

                Merge layers and sharpen once.
                I used an artistic filter > paint daubs > both settings to 1.
                I think it looks better than sharpen.


                Any questions please ask. It's actually not that difficult. Just very hard to explain. O_o

                Thank you for paying attention. ^^

                All righty... here's a Sheppard walli that I made with your tut Luci

                Last edited by spork67; 28 March 2009, 01:50 PM.


                  It works. Looks awesome. the color is great. And I love that you used some fitting pics.
                  Very very very well done.


                    Originally posted by LiliJ View Post

                    My first texture! ^^
                    Love the texture Lili!!!


                      beautiful Spork and DJ!
                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                      Thanks Fainne *huggles* twas only a matter of time before I wound up over here
                      hihi, sooner or later they find us all.

                      One thread to find them, One thread to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. *muahahahaaaa*


                        DJgirl and Spork great works!!! I snurched the wallie spork, I hope you don't mind.
                        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                        Sig and avi by me


                          Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                          DJgirl and Spork great works!!! I snurched the wallie spork, I hope you don't mind.

                          Oh I don't mind at all I'm glad you liked it.

                          oh and here are two Michael siggies I made from Cazz's tut:


                            Oh wow.
                            I think it is worth saving him. It SO is.
                            Could you do one of Todd as well?


                              Originally posted by luciana View Post
                              oh wow.
                              I think it is worth saving him. It so is.
                              Could you do one of todd as well? :d
                              oh i should!!!! :d


                                Love all the new artwork from the new tutorials. Hopefully after next week I will have more time to play with the tutorials, as I finish my course tomorrow!! I love the new textures aswell, thanks for sharing them!!
                                Last edited by Stargate78fan; 28 March 2009, 06:04 PM.
                                Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                                My My Own Website

