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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Oh, it looks like Jumble has returned from her BBQ. Have a good time I hope?


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      LOL, yes. In the US, midwives do well-woman gynecology and family planning, as well as the childbearing year. So, yes, I have my fair share of post-menopausal ladies. This one was particularly awesome. Though I did have a 20 year old come in for an annual today who told me "I LOVE my body." How awesome is that? You know how often young women say that to me? Never.

      Oooh. My 169th post.
      COngrats on your 69 post!

      What a great thing for a young lady to say. I can't say I was ever that confident in my body, even when I was a skinny teenager.

      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

      I have to say, I did think midwifes just dealt with expectant mothers and such. D'oh

      They don't in the UK; midwives do ante-natal, post-natal (up to about 2 weeks) and labour only. Everything else is done by specialists, consultants and registrars, except the 3 yearly MOT, which is normally just done by a nurse. It's funny how things differ over there to here.

      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Oh, that is so cool! Potty encouragement! *fistpump*
      I think I shared this story, but my mom always did that manually. Whenever I was done doing what kid...

      Wow! I left that site open and the sound randomly goes off!

      Anyway, whenever I was done and it was time to flush, she wood point up and I would mimick that action and we'd listen to the flushing together. When the water was gone, she cheered and did a happy dance and I laughed and felt proud.

      ...and I still do that.

      Ok, I don't really.
      Mom messed me up though. *nods*

      Yeah you shared that before. You're mum's soo cool! I don't remember being potty trained myself; all I rememebr is having 4 bothers, none of whom knew how to close the door when they were peeing, and my mum calling number 2s a "jobbie" as in "Do you need to do jobbies?"

      *grins at guests* nah, not putting them off.

      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      *grabs guest, SMOOOCHES* Hope it was Joe., Di.
      I bet she'd appreciate it anyway.

      Loving the JoeSpam. Well it is TJD and we haven't done that for a couple of weeks so about time we did so again pst, post RDA pics

      Joe is such a sweetie isn't he? Bless, but he always looks so happy.

      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      D'oh! I keep forgetting to be paranoid!
      *waves to guest and denies ever having talked about toilets and flushing*
      ...Although I must point out that flushing is a must!

      And poor Joe!
      What if he feels used?
      ...What if he likes it?
      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      Joe does not feel used. He feels...loved. Adored. A little bit scared. But not USED.
      Oh I bet he does too feel used and I bet he likes it.

      Hmm, Joe...

      (EDIT That was LJ's Secret santa in case you're wondering)


        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

        Best advice? Don't for anything that's thrust at you like that. But hey, take it as a compliment
        I don't trust it, plus I'm not allowed to work in here...but hey I took it as a compliment and just laughed about it with my friends.(was the only one who got one)

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Great major, I studied the same but not International (just the US). World History - if you have a good instructor it can be a great subject; Accounting - going to have a lot of homework; Advertising - loads of fun (for me) and Media writing - my favorite. I love to write. Great subjects - interesting balance.
        Thank you...I'm really balanced indeed J/K

        *smooshes Joe really quickly*

        And of to dinner I go


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Guess you scared one away. Only 3 now. Hmmmm where is Jumble? Do you think she is looking to see what we're up to.
          As it happens.........

          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Hey Sarai - the package is on its way. They said it won't get there until the middle or end of next week. Donkeys can't fly and I guess they don't swim quickly either.

          I decided to try the Vietnamese restaurant that is down the street from me. Going to have some chicken PHO. It was great in Vancouver, hopefully the same here. I have all these restaurants within a block or two at the most from me and I never try them....It is about time!

          Hey Jumble - there is also a wine/liquor store within two blocks of me.....lots of wine! Hint, hint! :
          Well that's a good incentive to come visit you

          LJ - what's in the red bag? Hmmmmm!
          That's where he keeps all his special notebooks, along with all of LJ's artwork

          I feel like having some broccoli - anyone want to share? Trade you for a bottle of Sanctuary wine
          Just how many bottles of that did you buy?

          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Oh, it looks like Jumble has returned from her BBQ. Have a good time I hope?
          I did indeed And be glad I didn't answer you on skype. I'd just got home, turned on the computer, then stripped off my clothes because my bra was.. er... uncomfortable But I'm in my pj's now, so I'll call you back in a minute......... assuming I can figure out how to do that
          Last edited by Jumble; 19 August 2010, 03:48 AM.


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Joe is such a sweetie isn't he? Bless, but he always looks so happy.
            Oh I bet he does too feel used and I bet he likes it.
            Hmm, Joe...

            (EDIT That was LJ's Secret santa in case you're wondering)
            Loved the video.....really great. Looks like it made a great Xmas gift.

            Uhhhhhhh...........all are guest have left.


              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
              COngrats on your 69 post!

              Loving the JoeSpam. Well it is TJD and we haven't done that for a couple of weeks so about time we did so again pst, post RDA pics

              Joe is such a sweetie isn't he? Bless, but he always looks so happy.

              Oh I bet he does too feel used and I bet he likes it.
              Hmm, Joe...

              (EDIT That was LJ's Secret santa in case you're wondering)
              *rewatches* *happy siiiiiigh*


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                Loved the video.....really great. Looks like it made a great Xmas gift.

                Uhhhhhhh...........all are guest have left.
                I hope my video didn't scare them off.

                Oh no, look two are back now. They were just getting some friends to come see how awesome we are.


                  I can see it now....

                  Carl walk into Joe's office. Joe quickly closes his internet window so it looks like he's working on his latest script...


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    I can see it now....

                    Carl walk into Joe's office. Joe quickly closes his internet window so it looks like he's working on his latest script...
                    That's wishful thinking if ever I heard it

                    Why are you all so paranoid about our guests? As long as none of them is Martin..............


                      Congrats on the '69 post MOB!!!

                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      Communications...or to be exact International Communications and Media but I'm doing a minor in General studies in the USA(for one semester). I chose the subjects: World History, Accounting, Advertising and Media writing So far so good...

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      *grabs guest, SMOOOCHES* Hope it was Joe., Di.
                      I'm sure whoever it was, they liked it

                      Loving all the Joe pics especially that one ^^

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                      Yeah you shared that before. You're mum's soo cool! I don't remember being potty trained myself; all I rememebr is having 4 bothers, none of whom knew how to close the door when they were peeing, and my mum calling number 2s a "jobbie" as in "Do you need to do jobbies?"

                      *grins at guests* nah, not putting them off.

                      I do not remember anything about my potty training

                      I bet she'd appreciate it anyway.

                      Loving the JoeSpam. Well it is TJD and we haven't done that for a couple of weeks so about time we did so again pst, post RDA pics


                      Great vid Cags!! I can't believe I hadn't seen it before

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      I can see it now....

                      Carl walk into Joe's office. Joe quickly closes his internet window so it looks like he's working on his latest script...
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        Yessika, well done for posting those RDA pics in the tiny size that they deserve

                        I've just noticed something. This pic....

                        was obviously taken during the same interview as this one...........

                        yet I've never seen it full size anywhere or seen the interview

                        Anyone got a clue where it's from?

                        I seem to remember that Martin said he hadn't seen it before either

                        Any of you guests know?

                        Well it's got to be worth asking, right?

                        Edit: And it's interesting to note how close Estrela managed to get the colouring to what it should have been


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Yessika, well done for posting those RDA pics in the tiny size that they deserve


                          Actually, they were too big for the forum
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            Originally posted by yessika View Post

                            Actually, they were too big for the forum
                            Yep, that's what I've always thought


                              Aw, now look - you've upset him posting all those other pics

                              You've made him look all glum

                              ... and confused.......

                              I guess I'll just have to put that right and cheer him up....

                              Do I see a smile starting?


                              There! That's better

                              And that one just because I like it
                              *snuggles in the jacket*


                                Hi Woohoos!

                                All the across-the-ponders are probably all snug in their beds, but my rommie/sis isn't home and I need to squee about my day for a bit.

                                I had an awesome clinic day. A whole bunch of the gyns didn't show up so I only saw about 8 pts today (along with the other mw who saw around the same number). So nice after yesterday! Then I had a fabulous voice lesson. Something just clicked into place today and it had me grinning like a fool. AND I had the most amazing hair day. Srsly. Good hair makes me really happy.

                                Since Andi isn't home for me to squee with, I'm going to share a clip of my lesson. Under the spoilers:
                                So, it's a little lessony, recorded with my iPhone's crappy internal mic, but I found something new in an old piece of music. Listen if you feel like it, don't if you don't. I don't know what program to use to trim it down, but it's relatively short anyhow (~11mins) I just felt like sharing my creative mojo. I have to lol at my voice teacher's very soft "that's quite good, lets..." 's like she doesn't want to scare me away.

                                Anyhow, here's the link if you care to have a little listen.

                                YAY for good days! I'm having some wine & cheese & crackers to try to chill out so I can sleep

                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                1. As a young woman, I have to say, I'm not in the cool group that says what she said to you today. But I'd like to.

                                2. I have to say, I did think midwifes just dealt with expectant mothers and such. D'oh
                                1. Very few do. Most of us suffer from some kind of body-image insecurity thanks to the very visual, airbrushed culture we live in, alas. It was refreshing to hear that from a patient. I thought I could learn a lesson from her!

                                2. In most places they do. Midwifery in the US is kind of weird. We have a much broader scope of practice than in most countries. In my I-hope-to-be-adoptive country, I would be mostly confined to the childbearing year.

                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                Communications...or to be exact International Communications and Media but I'm doing a minor in General studies in the USA(for one semester). I chose the subjects: World History, Accounting, Advertising and Media writing So far so good...
                                Cool! Where will you be going after this semester?

                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                                1. That's good!

                                2. And WooHood on the Big '69!

                                2. Gracias!

                                Originally posted by starlover View Post

                                *giggles some more* I'm so not the model I was walking around in my lazy student clothes with a ponytail
                                They are not exactly looking for models for savory causes. Just sayin.

                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                1. COngrats on your 69 post!

                                2. What a great thing for a young lady to say. I can't say I was ever that confident in my body, even when I was a skinny teenager.

                                3. They don't in the UK; midwives do ante-natal, post-natal (up to about 2 weeks) and labour only. Everything else is done by specialists, consultants and registrars, except the 3 yearly MOT, which is normally just done by a nurse. It's funny how things differ over there to here.
                                1. Tx!

                                2. Me neither. Still have struggles. But we should all take a page out of her book!

                                3. You guys don't do your 6 week post-partum check with a midwife? That seems to be standard around the world as far as I can tell. One of the benefits of doing gyn care and family planning is that you can really care for women throughout their lifespan, which is awesome. I have a lot of GYN patients who come to me for that aspect of their care only. They've either finished childbearing or (like today's young lady) are not ready for children. The hardest part about leaving this job (after leaving my awesome MW colleagues) is going to be leaving my regulars.

                                Originally posted by yessika View Post
                                Congrats on the '69 post MOB!!!

                                *flails some more*

                                *has some wine*
                                Last edited by MidwifeOnBoard; 18 August 2010, 07:09 PM. Reason: to a link that would actually work

                                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends

